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The Weekend Retreat

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Married couple switch off and reconnect.
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The rain dampened the green fields as they drove through the countryside. It had been a long drive, but as the rolling countryside passed them, they felt increasingly at ease.

His phone beeped with an incoming message. She unlocked his phone and checked the email.

"Maybe just silence it," he suggested.

"I can do one better," she said and turned his phone off, placed it in the glove box and closed it before smiling back at him.

As he laughed, he added, "Maybe yours too?"

She did the same.

The road became narrower and the corners sharper as the green rolling hills were replaced by tall trees. It was peaceful and tranquil. A mist started to gather on the road in front and he slowed down. With the rain now stopped they opened their windows. The cool mountain air filled the car with the rich aroma of the wilderness.

He placed his hand in hers as they sang along to their music, breathed in the forest smells and felt the stresses of the world wash away from them.

"How much further?" she asked.

"Can't be too long, at least 20 minutes," he replied. "it's a lovely surprise, and it is very remote," she said.

"That was the idea," he said, "remote, quiet, and only us, a perfect place to just chill and reconnect."

"It sounds perfect," she replied.

As the road wore on they grew closer to their destination. A single sign pointed down a dirt road. They turned and followed the windy road before arriving at a small building.

Following the map that was given to him earlier, he turned onto a smaller road. The trees towered above the car until suddenly the dim lights of the cabin guided the way. They parked out the front and walked inside. It was very private, remote and breathtakingly picturesque.

The cabin was built like a studio apartment. A small kitchen and living space on the ground floor was framed by giant glass windows that raised to the second floor with a small staircase leading the way upstairs to a mezzanine.

As they walked upstairs to the mezzanine, they were greeted by a four-poster bed facing the giant windows out to the deck on the bottom level. The cloak of nightfall had shaded the view outside, but what they could see was the water of the river slowly lapping the rocks, the sound soothing and beautiful.

It was stunningly remote, and they felt a million miles away from anywhere.

"I'll go and unload the car," he said, kissing her on the forehead and lingering for a moment.

"Did you want me to make you a drink?" she asked.

"That would be perfect," he replied.

She walked downstairs and into the kitchen. The fridge had been stocked as requested. She took a bottle of gin and some raspberry juice. She placed two glasses on the kitchen bench and opened a bottle of Scotch. The smokey and peaty smell lingered as she poured it and then poured her drink.

She stopped and looked outside, spying a light switch. She flicked it and the lights on the deck came on, flooding the deep timber deck. She took the drinks and walked outside. The deck was still slick from the afternoon's rain and the air was fresh. She stepped out and placed her drinks on the handrail and breathed deeply, soaking in the peace and tranquillity of the moment.

"Did you see the tub?" he asked as he came up behind her placing his arms around her and holding her tightly.

"No," she responded.

He turned her around and on the corner of the deck was a copper hot tub and next to it a small furnace for timber.

"That's nice and old-fashioned," she remarked.

"I'll have to find some wood tomorrow, maybe that's the plan tomorrow afternoon, we just soak in the tub," he said.

"Given its winter and I didn't know, I didn't bring my swimming costume," she said.

"We're a million miles from anywhere, I don't think it matters do you?" he replied.

"Exactly!" she laughed, "a million miles from anywhere and anyone".

They drank their drinks on the deck as the soft mist cloaked the river. A soft rain was falling and they didn't care. They held each other close and the world felt for a brief moment to belong to them and only them. Time had stopped and they were alone except for each other.

The morning light woke them as it filled the room. The giant double windows framed the morning.

"It's beautiful," she said, standing in front of the window wrapped in a blanket.

He stood up and walked over to her. It was beautiful.

The two-story cabin was perched atop a small ridgeline with a fast-flowing river beneath them. The low cloud was starting to lift from the towering timbered mountains soaring above them. The sound of the river was almost hypnotic and despite the cold, they slept with the window open overnight, just to hear the gentle flowing rhythm of it.

"I'll make you breakfast," he said kissing her on the cheek and walking downstairs. She hopped back into bed and snuggled under the covers. The smell of toast and coffee wafted upstairs.

"What did you want to do today?" he asked.

"Well, the weather looks like it's clearing up," she replied, "maybe we go for a walk?"

"I'd love that!" he replied, "let's not rush though, we have nothing to do today."

"No, we don't," she said, stretching out under the warm blankets.

"All we have to do is be with each other," he said.

They held each other under the cold blankets, their hungry skin entwined and feeling close and connected as they ate breakfast together. The cloud lifted from the mountains outside.

"Do you think we will need raincoats?" she asked as she tied up her shoelaces.

"it's supposed to clear up, but might be a good idea," he said peering out the window. "I'm very much looking forward to the walk."

"Me too!" she exclaimed, bounding over and kissing him. She did look playful.

Her face was fresh and free, pigtails under her cap, a loose hoodie and sweatpants that hugged her legs.

"What was that?" she asked.

"You look adorable," he smiled as he said it to her. She blushed trying to deflect the compliment.

"I'm wearing casual clothes and have put zero effort into them!" she laughed.

"Yep," he said, "and you're adorable".

"Ok, she said blushing again, we better head out."

"Before we do, I'm planning to heat the tub," he said.

"That's a lovely idea".

He stepped outside and found the timber pile. He took the top off the tub and the water was clean and clear but freezing. He carefully placed the timber in the furnace and lit the fire, being careful to leave enough so it would be hot and relaxing when they returned.

She took his hand and they walked down the steps and into the bush together. As they walked in deeper, the last remaining moisture could be heard dripping from the forest canopy. The aroma of wet eucalypt filled the air.

The fast-flowing river could be heard to the left of them as they laughed, joked and reconnected. They both talked about how hard it had been to find time to just be present, alone and with each other.

"I wish we could do this every day, just walk into the bush and be us for a few hours," she said.

"That would be bliss," he replied, "you are the only person I want to spend time with".

"Me too," she replied, "which is why this has been so pleasant, just you and me, no distractions, email, texts, calls or mental clutter, we can just be present and with each other".

They made their way carefully down to the river and stood at its edge. The water flowed quickly over rocks in relentless and roaring torrents, before gently easing into calmer pools of almost still water. The smooth river pebbles painted a mosaic beneath the surface. The contrast between the forceful flow and the tranquil calmness felt like a shower to them. It washed away their stress, awakening their senses and making them feel present, connected and human again. Time passed, but it had no control over them.

A soft rain started to fall over them.

"We should probably start heading back," he said as he started threading his hands into his raincoat.

"It's just rain," she said, "we are here now, let's keep walking".

She took his hand and they walked deeper into the bush, letting the rain soak them. it was invigorating, the sound of the water, the slow drip of rain against the ribbon bark hanging from the trees above the river. The birdsong rang out like a symphony between towering ghost gums and the smell, the intoxicating smell of the bush, wet and fragrant with nature's perfume. This smell surrounded them as they bathed in nature.

When they were saturated, they made their way back to the cabin. It was cold, but not so cold that it was uncomfortable. They stepped inside the front door and peeled off their raincoats and soaked shoes. They had been walking for hours, skipping lunch completely and the sun was rapidly setting.

"Early dinner?" he asked.

"I think so, why don't you make me a drink". She replied, "and perhaps a little platter".

"I can do that," he replied, "why don't you dry off and I'll bring it to you."

She kissed him and walked back upstairs to get changed. He glanced outside and noticed steam rising from the hot tub. It had been a while since he had lit the fire, so he quickly ran outside and threw some more logs in the furnace. He felt the water, it was still quite warm, and it would be pleasant after dinner to jump into and watch the stars. He looked up and the clouds were starting to clear. He smiled. This was turning into a perfect night.

He opened the fridge and started assembling a platter of food, making sure all her favourites were there. The plan was simple, no distractions, just a selection of delicious food to eat, some cocktails and each other. A night of giving his wife his undivided attention.

He finished assembling the spread and placed it on the table and returned to the kitchen to make her favourite cocktail. By no means an expert barman, he was an expert at mixing her favourite drink and made sure it was mixed just the way she liked it. The subtle small and often inconsequential gestures were small ways of demonstrating how much he cared.

He heard his wife make her way down the stairs. She had just showered and was wrapped in a towel.

"Help yourself," he said placing the drink in front of her. She took a sip.

"Perfect," she said as she licked her top lip. "why don't you jump in the shower and warm up too?"

As she closed the bathroom door, she walked into the kitchen and made him a drink. An old-fashioned, classic cocktail just the way he liked it and perfect for a cold night in the mountains. She looked outside at the deck and watched the steam rising slowly from the hot tub.

She walked over to the door, the cool air touching her warm face. It wasn't quite cold, but it was fresh, invigorating. She looked up and saw the clear sky which was now a tapestry of stars overhead. She stepped back inside and grabbed the platter, and the drinks. She made her way to the hot tub, placing the towels nearby and placing her hand into the steaming water.

As she stepped up to climb in, she dropped her towel to get in, but the sudden feeling of the cool air against her bare skin. She stood for a moment, feeling the soft cool air caress her naked body. Her skin awoke in a sea of goosebumps, she was free, exposed and completely liberated. She stood naked and slowly sipped from her cocktail, feeling the warmth of the alcohol and the sweetness of the mixer and slowly eased herself into the hot tub.

He walked downstairs, she wasn't at the table or couch.

"Hey baby!" he called out.

"I'm out here," she replied.

He walked outside and saw her in the hot tub. As the steam rose around her he stopped and looked at her. Her soft brown hair, wet from the steam, her hazel eyes, her full lips, her soft pale skin flushed from the heat of the tub. On her soft stomach, just below the surface of the water, her breasts are full and exquisite. Her body was beautiful, a stunning display of raw femininity and the perfect object of his desire.

"The water looks amazing," he said as he held her gaze.

"Come in then," she said.

He walked over and took off his towel. The cool air also hit his naked body. He slowly eased in and she shifted over next to him and handed him his drink.

"This is perfect," he sighed.

They both eased back and looked up, the stars bright above them. They drank and ate, sharing laughs and relaxing into the night. A perfect bubble of intimacy. As their hands caressed and explored their lovers' bodies, they felt complete, intertwined and connected as their skin hunger for each other was satisfied.

Suddenly, she stood up in front of him. The water streamed from her body, from her shoulders, down over her full breasts, her nipples suddenly erect as the cold air hit them, then down over her soft stomach, the hair between her legs, down her thighs and legs. As she turned around slowly he sat transfixed, again watching the water stream down her back, over her hips, the small curvature of her back and her shapely behind and down her thighs.

"Meet me upstairs in about ten minutes," she said softly before stepping out and making her way inside.

He watched her curvaceous silhouette make its way up the staircase, and the lights went off inside. As he sipped his drink, he took a moment to recount in his mind the perfect day. From sleep to playfulness. They laughed all day together. And he smiled as soft music began to play in the bedroom and he took a moment to think about how much he loved her.

With the lights off, he noticed the soft glow of candlelight flickering against the reflection in the window. He stood up, towelled himself off and walked inside. As he made his way upstairs, the soft music became louder and as he reached the top, he stopped and took a moment to take in the visual feast.

Candlelight flickered and danced across the room, while soft music played quietly and sensually in the background. Scented candles filled the room with an intoxicating aroma. On a towel laid out on the bed was a collection of massage oils. But his gaze was fixed. His wife, lying naked on the crisp sheets as the soft light and shadows danced across her body.

As he lay down next to her, he traced what he had across her naked body, feeling its gentle curve.

"Can you lie on your stomach?" he asked.

"Yes," she breathed back at him.

She rolled over and placed her head on her folded arms. He took the massage oil and placed himself between her legs, taking a liberal amount and rubbing it between his hands to warm it. It was scented of raspberry and felt warm between his hands.

Taking care to ensure it was warm he placed his hands softly on the back of her neck. She moaned as he started rubbing softly, deeply and strongly, alternating between the firm touch and the soft caress. She sank into it, surrendering herself to the feeling. He made his way down her back, always making sure to use more oil warmed between his hands.

He stopped for a moment and leant against her, placing his mouth in the small of her back and kissing it softly before breathing the scent in and continuing to softly trace his fingers down the length of her back, attentively responding to each subtle sign, each breath, each moan and arch demanding more touch and pleasure.

Softly pressing himself against her back, he needed her. She smelt warm and inviting, and he stirred and felt himself full against her. When she felt his fullness against her, she wanted to be closer to him. He pulled away and took the massage bottle pouring it down her body again.

As the bottle poured, it trickled slowly down the small of her back. She moaned as the sensation invaded her soft cheeks. He responded by gently operating them and pouring more between her cheeks, letting it trickle slowly down and pool around her labia. He took his hand and firmly pressed it against her feeling the slickness between her legs but teasing her.

As he placed either hand between her thighs, he slowly caressed her, teasing her slowly and lovingly with intent. As he placed himself between her legs from behind he stopped and breathed in her musk. He could smell how much she wanted to be brought to pleasure.

As he placed his face between her, he breathed in and tasted her, slowly and deliberately. He then searched with his tongue until it rested softly on her clit. He felt it respond to his touch and then replaced his tongue with his lips and kissed it. He slowly sucked it and as he did stroke it with his firm tongue.

She moaned and pushed herself closer as he used his mouth to take control of her. He slowly traced his way between her soft cheeks and caressed her thigh with one hand, while the other ran over her behind.

She felt every nerve ending come alive as he teased her inner thigh, between her cheeks and expertly licked, sucked and teased her clit. However, suddenly he moved his hand from her thigh and made his way between her soft lips and slipped his finger inside of her.

Surrendering herself to the pleasure of her lover, he guided his finger inside and started to gently stroke the inside of her.

"More," she said halfway between a gasp and a whisper.

He quickened his pace, firmed his tongue and breathed deeper and faster as she panted and moaned. He breathed faster again when she started to push deeper in and then suddenly tensed then released. She screamed as she gripped his finger with her womanhood. She pulsed against his tongue as wave upon wave of pleasure overtook her body and she let herself succumb to it and then collapsed back down on the bed.

As she caught her breath, she rolled over and he lay on top of her. He kissed her deeply and she grabbed the back of his head, holding him closer and tasting herself on his lips.

She had waited long enough, she pushed him down and placed herself on top of him.

She leaned into him slowly and demanded, "I want you inside of me!".

He felt her warm, silky wetness envelop him as she took him in. He placed his hand on her beautiful face, and smiled. Playfully, she bit his thumb after kissing his hand. She then began grinding into him, guiding his hand across her soft, full and heavy breasts.

The two of them fucked like they were first-time lovers, like the world had stopped and the only thing that mattered was to be with each other, completely intimate and connected. He ran his hands over to her hips, willing to sink deep into her so he could feel every single stroke of pleasure. He wanted to unload deeply inside of her, holding her deeply, wanting every drop of pleasure to draw out as he held her close and he moaned as he did as he was overcome with pleasure.

Taking a deep breath, he gasped, "That was amazing".

"It was so nice to just feel connected like that with you," she said.

He blew the candles out, wanting to sleep deeply with his wife and lover, but as the candle faded out, a light was still on the outside.

Inquisitively, she said, "I thought we were the only ones here?" she queried.

"They said another couple was coming later, but I think they are in another cabin far away," he said.

Standing up, she walked to the window and laughed.

"They're not that far away!" she laughed, "I can see them on the other side of the river and I'm pretty sure they just noticed us".

"I don't care, I would have enjoyed watching that as well," he laughed.

"Yeah, me too", she said as she made her way back to the bed, lay next to him, kissed him and pulled the covers over them both. She said, "Goodnight, my husband".

His beautiful wife's loving arms embraced him, and he drifted off to sleep.

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stan234499stan23449910 months ago

Should be in romance

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Good effort; wrong category. 3*s

waltdeewaltdeealmost 2 years ago

Beautifully written, but I get the impression that the other couple is going to throw a wrench in the works if the author continues. I kind of hope not.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

The most amazing loving story I’ve ever read. I wish that the love between my wife and myself was as dear as this. Now there’s no way to make our love better because she is gone.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Five stars. Don't listen to the nay sayers, loving wives can be just that, loving wives. Extremely good, well written and tasteful. Looking forward to your future work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nicely written story. Small mechanical errors, but didn't distract. Agreed the story would be better suited in the Romance or Erotic Couplings category. Recommended reposting there.

Unfortunately, the story flowed like a woman's romance which doesn't keep my interest. I scored it 4* as a good story. Continue writing.

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Another real LW story to enjoy, and have a laugh at those who think a cuckold story belongs in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Couldn’t have said it better myself , and I doubt very many could ! Nice erotic adventure full of romance and passion . Makes me wish I had the means to treat my lovely wife to such a place !

lc69hunterlc69hunteralmost 2 years ago

Loving and romantic

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