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Tricked & Treated Ch. 01

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Heather goes to Frat house Scavenger Hunt.
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Disclaimer: This story is woven out of whole cloth Places are factual Characters are fictional. Furthermore any resemblance to any body in the real world is coincidental not intentional. Grins wickedly just the product of an overactive creative country chick with more time than sense sometimes Thank you.


Part 1: Two Down Two to Go

What the Hell is this? Heather said upon returning to the dorm room and discovering the revealing little red riding hood costume propped up by the wicker picnic basket on her double bed.

As she glanced around the dorm room nervously, she wrapped her white fluffy bathrobe tighter around her slightly chubby body. Her hazel eyes skimmed over the rest of the room making sure nothing else was amiss.

Nope Heather's Dell laptop was still there on the desk next to her purse. Glancing over to her room mate's side of the room Heather seen that Debbie's expensive Nikon camera and case was still next to her bed

Chuckling this must be for Debbie, Heather realized since Debbie was the more outgoing of the two roommates; always invited to the fraternity parties and going out with a new guy every week.

Heather was more of a homebody. When she wasn't studying for exams, you could find her curled up on the sofa with big bowl of popcorn watching a sappy chick flicks like Casablanca.

The two roommates were total opposites. Heather was on the shorter side with long brunette hair and hypnotic hazel eyes while Debbie was a statuesque blonde with piercing deep blue eyes.

Hmmm Heather looked at the outfit with renewed curiosity, she fondled the cape's braided black tie.

Puzzled Heather realized it would be much too short for Debbie's tall slender frame.

Leaning forward Heather's fingers caressed the silky crimson cape with her left hand as she picked up the white low-cut peasant shirt.

A plain white envelope with HEATHER boldly typed across the front fell out of the neatly folded up shirt landing on the hardwood floor at her bare feet.

Heather opened the envelope and found two typed pages. The first being a scavenger list that she stared at for a second before putting it aside to read the accompanying note.

Her blood went icy as she read the typed out demands.







You must use the items in the wicker picnic basket

The sinister note fell from her trembling fingertips floating in slow spirals to the floor landing under Heather's bed.

Frozen with fear, her mind raced with thoughts of what she should do next. Calling the cops wasn't her only option; she would just get to Debbie before them.

Quickly glancing at her wristwatch maybe she could catch Debbie at her job in the campus library. Grabbing her phone Heather rapidly punched the library's main number, hoping she could stop Debbie from leaving the relative safety of the library

"Hello campus library Mrs. Ferris speaking. How may I help you?" an elderly voice said on the other end.

Biting her lip in frustration, Heather replied. "Mrs. Ferris is Debbie still there? It's really important that I speak to her."

"Debbie? Well she was here a little while ago," Mrs. Ferris said pausing for a second, "but she had to leave work early her boyfriend James came by and picked her up. He said that Debbie's mother had been in a wreck."

Confused Heather thought to herself since when did Debbie have a boyfriend? Debbie was her best friend and had never mentioned any steady boyfriend and definitely, no one named James to Heather.

"Oh my god, they've got her already!" I realized almost dropping the phone, I faintly heard Mrs. Ferris inquire, "Is everything alright dear?" concern resonating in her frail voice.

Trying to cover up what I blurted out. "Oh everything's fine I just didn't know that her boyfriend had already picked her up."

"Okay dear, please remind Debbie that she needs to come in early to work to make up for leaving early today and I hope her mother is not badly hurt."

Hanging up the phone, Heather glanced at the strange scavenger list.

Items to find before Midnight

1. Pitchfork

2. Clothespins

3. Bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey

4. Black cat

5. Playboy Magazine

6. Teddy bear

7. Jar of Honey

8. Pair of Silk Boxers

9. Lock of Tan Fur

10. Fraternity Paddle

11. 5 lb Bag of sugar

12. Black Cowboy Hat

Wow, how the hell was she supposed to get all of these things before midnight? Looking at the rest of the outfit, the short black skirt, cream colored lace-topped thigh high stockings, black leather stilettos and the black lace bra.

"Hmmm, damn guess matching panties weren't included," Heather said sarcastically.

Growling softly fine if it got Debbie back safely, she could go commando for the night. Hell Debbie certainly went without panties plenty of times coming back from her late night rendezvous.

Remembering the last part of the note, Heather cautiously opened the wicker basket finding inside: a twelve pack box of Trojans, various keys on a metallic key chain engraved YOU'VE BEEN NAUGHTY GO TO MY ROOM NOW, a metal butt plug still in its wrapper, a tube of edible strawberry flavored lube, a disposable camera and a list of names.

Picking up each item in turn and examined them, Heather snorted with laughter as she read the condoms RIBBED For HER PLEASURE at least they were thinking bout her pleasure as well in this kid napping scheme.

Your Targets

Johnny El Capitan

Tyler Mr. Chef Boyardee

Kyle the Bad Cowboy

Andrew the Gentle Beast

The muffled Crazy Bitch ring tone startled Heather. Even as she dug frantically in her purse for her cell phone, she hoped it was Debbie calling to laugh at Heather for taking her joke so seriously.

As she flipped her phone open, she heard the unmistakable sound of Debbie getting smacked and crying out in pain on the other end of the phone line. An angry masculine voice was screaming," SHUT UP BITCH!! Or I'll give you a real reason to cry."

"LEAVE HER THE HELL ALONE!" Heather screamed into the phone as she sank onto her knees in the dorm room sickened by what she had just heard. The reality of the situation sinking in, her knuckles turning white as her grip on the cell phone tightened.

"Good, now that we have your attention Heather. WHY the HELL aren't You Dressed yet?" the voice paused questioning Heather like a mother talking to a disobedient child late to dinner. "It's been over 30 minutes since you've received your care package Don't even ask how WE know Heather, Like the note says We're watching you. Get dressed in your sexy outfit, put your new toy in and sashay your sweet ass down to the Farm House at exactly 7 PM for the games to begin."

Wait!! Heather cried out but Debbie's kidnappers had already hung up the phone.

Looking at her watch, Heather was glad she had already showered or she would be late. Standing up she shook her head slowly determinedly, fine but she was going to play by HER rules not theirs.

Stalking over towards her nightstand, Heather opened the second drawer and pulled out her thickest toy. Tossing it along with a tube of icy hot cream, super glue, and her bottle of Visine; all these items she carefully stashed under the red checked picnic basket liner. Making sure her cell phone had a fully charged battery; she dropped it into the basket.

Pulling off her bathrobe, Heather hurriedly dried her womanly curves. Bending over she flung her head upside down toweling her extremely long brunette hair mostly dry. Combing her damp tresses up into a long ponytail, she rolled her neck to get rid of some of the tension in her neck.

Turning her attention to the outfit, she sat down on edge of her bed rolling the stocking s up in her hands and than stepping into and pulling the cream colored stockings up over her well defined legs up to her thicker thighs.

The lacey tops stopping within finger widths of her neatly trimmed mound. Heather felt a little chill go thru her as her fingers accidentally brushed over her womanhood.

She shook her head as she grabbed the other thigh high and thrust her foot impatiently into it. Pulling it steadily up her leg, she was already thinking ahead to where the items on the list might be in the house.

Reaching over and snagging the ultra feminine bra by its straps, pausing Heather couldn't remember the last time she had worn something so sinfully delicious. The black on black lace cups held her teardrop breast like a lover's caress the inner silk lining causing her nipples to harden as her breasts strained against their fabric prison.

Standing up, she stepped into the short black skirt and eased it over her full hips. As she was zipping the side zipper up and smoothing the silken fabric down, damn I've still have to put in that freaking butt plug. Wrinkling up her noise with disdain, she grabbed the white sweetheart neckline shirt instead and pulled it over her head.

Pulling her thick brunette ponytail out of the back of her shirt, she sighed and resigned herself to the intrusion of the butt plug. Reaching into the basket, she opened the package with her pocketknife and than slid the knife under the liner with the other contraband.

Taking the metal tear shaped plug, coating it with the edible lube; Heather took a deep breath as she bent over the bed. Using her left hand, she flipped the skirt up and began to press the cold steel against her tight sphincter. Just to get it over with, Heather bit into the sheets, groaning and shoved it in her tight hole.

Screaming as it sank in to the hilt Heather felt moistness on her cheeks, standing up she flipped her skirt back down. Wiping her face of the few tears that had escaped from her hazel eyes, she stepped into the black leather stilettos.

Wrapping herself in the silken cocoon of the crimson cape, she paused only long enough to sprits her favorite perfume in her hair, on her cleavage, behind her knees, and on her wrists. Grabbing the basket she hurried out the door down to her cobalt blue Ford F150 truck.

Slipping behind the wheel, she dropped the basket next to her as she cranked the truck and shift in to reverse out of the parking spot. Going down Tarboro Road, she than turned left onto Harrgett Street. Thinking of the scavenger list, she mentally planned her attack on the frat house.

Loosening the cape's black braided tie, she took the next right onto St. Mary's Street than the next left onto Hillsborough Street. She would head to the kitchen first for the honey and sugar and possibly be able to find the Jack Daniels there also. The boxers, clothespins she should be able find in the laundry room maybe the black tie also.

Thinking of her mission for the night, Heather almost missed the left turn onto Park Avenue. Chuckling Heather was sure a search of one of the many bedrooms in the fraternity house would yield at least a couple of well-used Playboy mags. Crossing her fingers, she hoped she was lucky enough to find someone's personal stash of Jack Daniels also.

Heather was less certain of finding a stuffed teddy bear or shaking her head a pitchfork at the house. As she passed the IHOP on her left, she decided that's where she and Debbie would have their celebratory breakfast once this crazy night was over.

Turning into the fraternity's parking lot, Heather backed into the parking space closest to the exit. If things went south in the house, she wanted to be able to have a quick escape.

Observing the fraternity house, Heather admired the three story high building with wraparound porches on both first and second floors. It was reminiscent of a late 19th century farmhouses full of the charm and comforts of home but built in 2004 it had all the latest conveniences including an elevator and fire sprinklers.

Her clock in the truck showed 7:10 but Heather had never set it to the right time on purpose. For once in her life, she would show up right on time. Hooking her arm thru the basket handle, she slid out of the cab gingerly because of the toy wedged tightly in her bum.

Shuffling towards the main door, Heather was subconsciously adjusting her walk for the toy by walking in more of a hobbled gait rather than her usual longer strides.

Pausing a moment, Heather remembered Debbie saying that she'd snuck out of the side kitchen door on previous occasions. Going along the wooden fence line, she found the heavy metal kitchen door propped open with a cinderblock. Apparently, someone planned a smoke break later; Heather silently blessed him or her for their carelessness. Slowly Heather poked her head into the kitchen making sure the coast was clear.

She started methodically opening the kitchen cabinets, looking for the sugar and jar of honey. Softly groaning, all she found were copper-bottomed pots and pans than plain white mugs and dishes.

Seeing a pantry at the other end of the kitchen, she hurried to the door her boots clicking on the granite-tiled floor. The walk-in pantry locked up tighter than a virgin's chastity belt.

Kicking the door in frustration, she remembered the keys left in her basket. Squatting down she searched for them in her basket, grinning triumphantly as she clutched the keys in her right hand. Looking at the different types and sizes of keys, she noticed different letters etched into them.

K, D, A, K, B, J, N, W, G, C, T, B, K, M. Hmmm the larger keys looked like door keys but there were a couple of small Master lock keys and at least a couple that looked like maybe handcuff keys. Going on a hunch, Heather tried each of the three K keys until the doorknob turned freely in her hand.

Picking up her basket and stepping into the dark pantry, she opened her cell phone to look for the sugar and jar of honey. From past experience, Heather knew the glow from the cell phone screen would shine brightly. Finding the bag of sugar, she slipped it into her basket, shutting the lid and turning to look for the honey.

The brightness of the pantry light suddenly turned on and the tall dark haired Italian blocking the pantry door startled her.

"Exactly what are YOU doing in OUR PANTRY?" the sexy guy said as he leaned lazily against the doorframe.

Smiling confidently and reacting quickly to this unexpected wrinkle in her plans Heather said," You're Tyler right?"

Looking at her puzzled Tyler nodded his head yes

"Great! Welcome to my scavenger hunt search team!" she said as she pulled Tyler into the pantry while trying to turn off the light again

Tyler looked very confused as he blocked Heather's attempts to turn off the pantry lights.

"What Scavenger Hunt are you talking about?" Tyler asked.

Giggling to throw off any suspicions Tyler had about why she was here.

Heather replied," The invitation said to look for the Italian stud in the chef's outfit that you were my partner in crime for the scavenger hunt."

Looking Tyler up and down appreciatively openly flirting with him, Heather purred," Hmmm Damn they weren't lying either. You are sexy that's a fact but are you resourceful? This is a covert ops type of scavenger hunt, which is probably why your house brothers haven't told you about it."

Glancing sideways; Heather tried to see if Tyler was buying the bunch of bull spit, she was trying to pass off as the truth.

Heather explained, "It's simple actually; if you don't know bout the hunt than there is less competition for the five hundred bucks grand prize."

Tyler asked with a shit-eating grin, "So what are you going to buy with your $250, partner?"

Chuckling to herself, Heather remembered her last sales manager saying if she wanted to that she could sell ice to Eskimos

"I'm thinking something red, lacey, and that will only be on me for a very short time," grinning devilishly Heather said flirtatiously.

"But enough bout our next date." Heather winked at Tyler," let us win this contest first. Okay we've gotten the bag of sugar so far."

Turning around her hazel eyes scanning the crowded shelves, she spotted the jar of honey. Twisting back to tell Tyler the good news, she caught him staring at her backside.

She opened the honey and dipped her finger With a wicked smile dancing on her full lips; she teasingly offered her honey covered digit for him to taste As he leaned in to capture her finger between his lips, she used her finger to coat her luscious lips with the nectar instead and leaned in to kiss Tyler.

He eagerly kissed and nibbled her honeyed lips as his hands pulled her womanly body against the hardness of his body. Heather moaned softly and gently pushed Tyler away as she winked at him.

"There's plenty of time for us to enjoy ourselves, once we win this contest! We've got till eleven tonight to gather all of our treasures and get them officially checked in."

Checking off the sugar and honey, she tore the list in half handing Tyler the top portion.

"It'll go faster if we split up and meet back hmmm say in your room. Where is your room anyways, Tyler?" Heather asked as she licked her lips of the remaining amber colored sweetness.

His vibrant green eyes watching her tongue's progress Tyler answered distractedly, "Third floor second bedroom on your left with Italian flag on the door, you can't miss it. Meet you there say 10:30 to make sure we've gotten everything on the list?"

Smiling huge Heather nodded in agreement. "Just remember not to tell anyone you know about the scavenger hunt. They will just deny that there even is a hunt going on, you know your house brothers are very competitive. Meet you at your room at 10:30 partner."

With that, she slid past Tyler's muscular frame, her hands trailing over his chest as she squeezed by carrying her basket.

As Heather was going down the wide hallway with study and meeting rooms on either side of the hall, one of the room doors was wide open and had a beautiful polished oak and glass display cabinet against the far wall.

Entering the room, Heather shut the door most of the way and made her way around the honey oak conference table to get to the cabinet. Inside was a collection of Farm House Fraternity Paddles ranging in sizes and thickness as well as The R.E.D. P.I.G. Award and framed plaque behind the award that the fraternity won in May of this year.

As she was admiring the intricately carved and decorated paddles, she realized that the cabinet was open. Reaching in she chose the paddle that was about two inches thick and a good fourteen inches long and as wide as a man's hand. As she hefted the thick paddle to her other hand to close the display case, she heard the metallic click of the trophy room door shutting.

"So, Red Riding Hood is a thief. My mom must have skipped over that part of the story when she read it to me," Johnny stated with his normal dry humor as he observed the crimson caped sticky fingered brunette by the display case.

Looking over Heather saw the tall blond haired amber eyed athletic fraternity president in his Captain Morgan costume.

Flustered at being caught for the second time within an hour of entering the fraternity Heather blurted out, "I'm not a thief, I was going to mail it back to the fraternity after my sorority's scavenger hunt was over. I'm just borrowing it till tomorrow." she said as she slid the paddle into her basket.

"Oh? What are you willing to do to be allowed to leave with that paddle?" Johnny asked striding towards her with the athletic grace of a panther on the prowl.

Trailing her manicured nails down the front of Johnny's open white pirate shirt as she purred huskily, "I've always enjoyed Captain Morgan. Well the liquor but I think you would taste great also."


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