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Under the Table

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First time swinging experience for two young couples.
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They had a wonderful weekend booked at a grand and fancy historical hotel in the big city.

Tony was 35 years old. He was 6'1" tall and weighed 195 pounds. Tony was athletic, and he had excellent poise and posture. He was bald by choice, and he had a neatly trimmed goatee. He was the tall dark and handsome type. He looked like "a long and lean Vin Diesel" He had long legs, broad shoulders, and was always admired by others because of his appearance, his posture and his confidence. He was well dressed, well spoken, well respected and very well liked.

Tony and Di were married, and had been for 8 years. They had a beautiful new home in the suburbs and they were very proud of their family and their accomplishments both personally and professionally. Di gave Tony a son 5 years before and their little boy was Tony's pride and joy.

Di was 5'11" tall and she weighed 140 pounds. She was a natural brunette with shoulder length straight hair and she had the most beautiful green eyes. She had very long legs, a beautiful set of medium/small breasts and frankly, she looked like a fashion model.(just not quite as terribly skinny) She was a knock-out and it was just as common for women to comment on her beauty as it was for men. She was a natural. She never took to wearing makeup for that it just wasn't necessary. She could walk in to a room and turn heads even if she had just crawled out of bed after a deep sleep at 6am after a night of partying. Women were envious of her beauty, but you couldn't sense a bit of conceit in Di. She was modest, and perhaps that was a large part of what it was that made her seem so beautiful to others around her.

Tony and Di were off to the big city hotel to attend a wedding for a young couple that they knew. Tony was asked to perform classical guitar at the ceremony, and he had waived his $400/hour fee in exchange for their stay in a luxurious king size suite for he and Di, along with dinner, drinks and room service. It was fair compensation for sharing his talent and beautiful music with the wedding party and all of the guests.

They arrived at the hotel front entrance, and had the valet park their car, and the bus-boy attend to their bags. She wore a beautiful white summer dress and heels, and he wore his finest Italian pin-striped navy blue suit. They looked absolutely spectacular together walking up the grand front stairs, being treated like royalty.

They proceeded to the front desk, got their room key and made their way up to their room. Di was holding his arm and kind of leaning into him with all of her interest and her love as they walked together. Clearly they were in love and were the hottest looking couple in the place.

They were running right on time, and Tony had to make his way to the ceremony room to ensure that all was in order for the afternoon wedding. Di decided to kick off her shoes, have a delicious strawberry vodka cooler and enjoy the air conditioning and king size suite in his absence.

Tony gave her a kiss and said "Sweety, you're going to make the bride jealous that she is not the most beautiful woman in the room today! You're just so beautiful to me, and it has taken years for me to get used to all the men looking at you everywhere we go."

Di replied: "You are the sweetest man, and I always look beautiful because of how beautiful you make me feel, by how you treat me and by what you say to me. You owe much of my beauty to yourself, as do I. You are my man, and I love and lust for you from the time I wake up until the time I fall asleep"

Di leaned over to him to kiss him, and as she did, she gave his groin a little squeeze and said: "Now go and delight us with your beautiful romantic guitar playing, and make all of the other women there envious of me"

Smiling, he winked at her and made his way out the door.

The wedding ceremony was elegant and perfect. His beautiful playing complimented the setting and promoted the atmosphere of beauty. During the signing of the marriage license, Tony looked up to see Di watching him and smiling. He winked at her and saw that she glanced down at her lap, so as to bring his attention to it. She parted her legs slightly, and brought her dress over her knees. She wasn't wearing any panties! Tony was so impressed at her outlandishness and he had a hard time keeping his mind on what he was doing. She winked back at him.

The recessional was now over and the guests followed the wedding party out of the grand room. Di met Tony at the front and she took his arm, them being the last two to leave the room.

The room was quite warm. It was the dead of summer and there were two hundred or so guests inside of it for a half hour. The air conditioning just couldn't keep up.

"How about we head back to our room to cool off before we go to the reception Tony?" she suggested

"Of course, that sounds like a great idea" he said

They got in the elevator together. There were a few other people inside. An elderly couple and a housekeeping maid. Di stood in front of Tony, and to his surprise, she reached behind her, and grabbed at his groin again! She gave his cock a couple of squeezes through his pants, and then "bling" (it was their floor)

They got out of the elevator and walked to their room together. Di swiped the card lock on the room door and stepped inside just ahead of him. When inside, to Tony's surprise, Di got straight down on her knees and unzipped his fly. She brought out his big long cock, looking up at him and smiling. (Tony's cock was ten full inches long, quite thick and uncircumcised) Clearly she was very horny, but it also seemed that she was trying to impress or delight him with her forthcoming vigour.

Tony's pants fell to the floor, as he stood before her. He was proud of his giant cock and big heavy balls. He kept them smoothly shaved for Di. (at her request) She always had a bit of a hard time taking in all of his girth and length. He didn't mind, in fact seeing just how wide she had to open her mouth to take him inside made him feel like a great big well hung stud.

As Di fluttered her tongue on the underside of his cock head, and stroked his cock furiously while cupping and pulling at his balls she paused to say: "You gonna cum for me baby? Going to give me your juice?"

"You want it Di?" he asked

"You know I do. I want to drink the cum from the cock of my big stallion" she exclaimed while panting and speaking in a loud whisper.

Then all of a sudden, "knock knock knock" Someone was at the door!

Tony quickly pulled up his pants and quickly made his way to the bathroom.

"Who is it?" Di asked

"It's Derick and Berley"

Derick and Berley were their best friends. They were newlyweds, and were also attending the wedding. This might have been an untimely interruption, but it was a delight none the less. They were their closest friends.

Di opened the door (with a very guilty look on her face)as Tony came out of the bathroom (with an equally guilty look on his face)

"Hi guys!" Di said, giving Berley a big hug, and then one to Derick. "We're so glad you're here and that you found our room! Are you staying here at the hotel also?"

"We sure are" Berley exclaimed "We're one door down, right across the hall!"

The girls seemed girlishly excited about being reunited at this fancy event.

Derick and Tony were school buddies. They were easily the most chased guys in school. They were both athletic, tall and good looking. Derick was a natural blond, around the same height as Tony and same build. He had blue eyes and naturally curly blond hair. (The chicks always thought Derick was a total hotty)

Berley however, was much different than Di. Berley was about five foot seven inches tall, around a hundred and twenty pounds. She was voluptuous, to say the least. She had large heaving D-cup breasts, and a curvy figure to match. She had a slim waist, but also had an ass to match her tits. She was naturally blond with beautiful big blue eyes. Her hair was past shoulder length, thin and straight. Berley wore a black dress, exposing her cleavage. It was just above the knee, and she also wore black heels to match. She had a tight black leather choker on with a silver heart at its centre that shone to match her smile.

Derick was wearing a black suit and he was totally "GQ". He always had the finest wristwatch, and was always smiling and looking good. (They had always wondered if Derick had a "wristwatch fetish")

After exchanging pleasantries and having a fast refreshment, they decided to make their way to the reception.

The ballroom was grand and antique. The artistry of the sculptures and painted ceiling was magnificent. The ceiling had to be at least 18 feet high. The tables were all round and elegantly appointed with draping cream tone linen table cloths. The chairs were high back, the glassware was crystal and the dinnerware was made of real silver! They sat at a round table for four nicely tucked near a champagne fountain in a far corner of the grand room.

The evening went on quite nicely. There was a five course meal, and there was waiter/waitress service for each individual table. (This event was clearly high ticket and very high profile) The room smelled of delicious fresh baked bread, and steaming vegetables. The air was filled with jazz music from the live 4 piece ensemble, the clanking of glasses, laughter and conversation. The lights were dimmed perfectly to allow the candle light to perfectly complete the illumination of the room.

After the speeches and presentations, Berley and Di excused themselves from the table and went to the ladies room. Derick and Tony stayed behind at their table.

Derick commented " Wow, Di looks amazing tonight Tony! You lucky dog!"

Tony replied " I was about to say the same thing about Berley! How long have you two been together now?"

"About 6 years. I've enjoyed being with her for sure.. it's just that.." Derick replied

"It's just that what?" Tony asked

Derick replied: "It's just that, well, she is a bit conservative in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. And I've been with her for quite a long time now. I just think that it would be awesome if we could have a little more, um, variety"

Tony said: "Hey buddy I know exactly what you mean. I've been with Di for eighteen years. She's so gorgeous and she's a good lay too. But I'm with you on the variety thing. I would love to have a change of pace, just once in a while. Or at least get a bit more excitement on the go somehow."

"So what do we do about this. Like, would you condone Di being with another person?" Derick asked

"I think so. In fact I find the idea to be exciting as hell! I'm the only man she's ever been with. That's honourable and all, but I think the gal needs to experience some variety, herself. How about you, how are you on that one?" Tony asked.

"You mean" Derick cleared his throat "a'hem, swinging?"

"Well maybe not full blown swinging, but to enhance your bedroom life by adding another person or two to the mix. Hey we talk big, but lets lay it on the line. You're my best friend, and I trust you as much as I trust anyone. But I don't know if I'm prepared to witness you fucking my wife. Whether I'd be fucking your wife at the same time or not. Know what I mean?" Tony responded

"Man, I know exactly what you mean, although I'm still interested" Derick exclaimed

"Yeah, all in all, Curiosity may have killed the cat, but at least in the end, the cat knew that which it wanted to know. So do you suppose tonight is a good night? The girls are drinking. Lets get their blood flowing and dance em up a bit, and see if we can change the topic at our table to something sexy. Just to put the suggestion of sex in their heads. We'll see how that goes, and then we'll meet in the men's room in two hours and see what we think"

Derick replied: "That sounds great man!"

The girls were headed toward the table, and the guys clanked their glasses and smiled deviously at each other.

"What were you guys talking about?" Berley asked suspiciously but playfully

Tony and Derick rose from their seats to seat their wives.

"We were just commenting to one another how hot our wives looked tonight" Tony said.

"Well thanks Derick!" Berley said, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Actually I commented on how hot Di looked tonight, Tony was the one who said that you looked gorgeous" he replied to her.

To Tony and Derick's surprise, Berley said "well I guess this kiss belongs to you then, Tony." as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, and giggled.

"Hey, that's not fair! Where's mine?" Derick exclaimed in playful laughter.

"Right here Derick" Di said, as she leaned over, smiling, to give him his kiss.

The couples laughed it off. Derick and Tony looked at each other briefly, acknowledging their momentary success.

The music changed from an up beat jazzy song to a more subdued and romantic number.

"Would you like to dance Sweetheart?" Tony asked Di

"I thought you would never ask!" she replied back

Tony rose to unseat his beautiful wife, took her hand and led her to the dance floor. Berley and Derick followed them up and the couples shared a wonderful dance in the candle light together in the amazing grand ballroom. As the song approached its conclusion, Tony looked over at Derick and gave him a little wink. Derick caught on immediately, and he and Berley approached Tony and Di.

"May I have this dance?" Derick asked of Di

"Why, certainly." Di answered a bit surprised, but delighted none the less.

"And may I have a dance with the lovely Berley?" Tony asked

"Of course!" Berley exclaimed cheerfully.

The couples exchanged partners and began the next dance.

"Wow you girls look great tonight!" Derick said to Di, holding her hand and also feeling the curves of her waist at her hips with the other.

"Thanks,Der! I'd have to say that Berley and I have the two hottest gentlemen in the room too. You two look very handsome! Like salt and pepper!"

They laughed together at her joking about Derick being blond and Tony being dark haired.

Berley and Tony were also enjoying themselves. Tony was tall like Derick, but he was different. He smelled different, he spoke differently and he moved differently. Tony was very confident and very well spoken. Not to say that Derick was not, however truth be told, Tony was much different than Derick. Berley and Tony were enjoying the dance and lightly commented on the food, the ambiance and the jazz band.

Tony had noticed that Derick's hand had lowered just a wee bit from its previous position. It was still appropriate and respectful, of course. But it was an inch lower than before. And Derick had huge hands! Big strong hands, likely the largest and strongest looking hands you might ever see. To his surprise, Tony was very excited by seeing Derick touch his wife. He couldn't explain exactly why, but he knew that it was invigorating for him.

"Look at Derick's hand Berley!" Tony jokingly exclaimed in a loud whisper

"Hey! no kidding Tony!" Berley said, as she released her hold on Tony's hand to grasp his other that was around her waist, and lower it, just a bit.

"That's the spirit" Tony exclaimed. The four of them continued dancing. And each of them shared a direct look at their spouse dancing with another. It was exciting for everyone. It was not inappropriate at all. They were just a group of grown-ups enjoying one another.

When the dance concluded, the guys walked the girls back to their perfect table for four, seated them and then sat down, themselves. The waiter asked if they would like another round of drinks, and they ordered them.

"Oh, waiter, would you bring us each a shooter too please?" Di asked of him

"Of course madam, and what shall I bring" he asked

"Tequila for me please" Tony said

"Make that two" Derick followed

"Ummm I would really like to have a blow job!" They all laughed at Di's request

"And I would like to have..... sex on the beach!" Once again they all laughed together at Berley's order

"Ok, two shots of tequila, a blow-job and sex on the beach? Sounds perfect to me!" The waiter enjoyed a laugh with them.

They finished the little joke, and were all feeling light-hearted and ready for a fun evening. The girls cheeks were a bit flushed from the slightly naughty joke, but they were titillated none the less.

"I noticed your hand wandering down my wife's backside there Derick. How did it feel?" Tony asked Derick with a grin on his face.

"It felt great!" Di exclaimed, cutting in and laughing.

They all enjoyed the laugh together, and the waiter returned with their drinks. They all raised their shot glasses and Tony said in his toast "to friends"

"To friends!" they all toasted one another together.

"How was your blow-job, Di?" Berley asked, being naughty and playful

"It was good, not as good as I'm used to, but it was good, thanks. How was your sex on the beach?" Di asked her back

"It was ok... but I don't like sand in my butt!" She laughingly said back

They all enjoyed the joke, and carried on for a bit longer. The guys were surprised at how well the night was going. Both Tony and Derick had the same feelings now. They were both enticed by watching their good friend dance with their wife. If it were to come down to swinging, they would probably go through with it. The question was: Could the girls?

The girls excused themselves again, and went to the ladies room.

Derick and Tony were so impressed! The girls were definitely in the mood, and were definitely 8 drinks or more into the fun. This just might work out!

"So we're totally ok buddy, we're good to go? Like I am if you are." Tony said

"Yes, definitely! Lets not spook them though man. Lets just keep this going, and try and get it back to one of our rooms. But what are we going to do when we get there?" Derick questioned

"Well there's the old favourite "truth or dare" that one is always good, how about it?" Tony said

"Perfect" said Derick

The girls were on their way back from the ladies room now, laughing a bit as they walked together, but it was clear that they looked a bit guilty. Both Derick and Tony picked up on this, but left it alone.

They seated the girls, and for once, the chatty girls were giggling at each other, but not saying really anything. It was like they had something to say, but weren't saying it.

Then suddenly, the girls looked at each other and said together "1...2...3"

And then the guys felt it. There was a hand on their lap, squeezing at their crotch, at their cocks. BUT IT WASN'T THEIR WIFE'S!

The girls giggled, and both made their way into each guy's dress pants. Their table was nicely corner situated, and the tablecloth was hung low, therefore no one around them would have a clue as to what was going on. Obviously the girls had considered this in their little bathroom conversation when they planned this.

Derick and Tony were instantly hard. They were both thrilled at the outlandishness of the girls, and also at the fact that their wives were stroking the hard cock of another man.

"oooh, neat!" Berley exclaimed

"what Berley" Di said

"I've never touched an uncircumcised penis before, and this one is a big one too!" She replied

They all laughed, and the guys shared a "bros" handshake together.

"And I've never touched a circumcised one myself! Very smooth and sleek!" Di said

They laughed again together, and were enjoying the moment.

"So are you girls going to finish us, or are you going to leave us, um, hanging?" Tony said, joking

The girls looked at each other and smiled. They both picked up the pace, looking around them, but nobody had a clue what they were up to. Derick was showing signs that he was nearing climax. Berley looked at him and smiled.


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