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Unicorn Mom and her Golden Boy


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Then I couldn't hold it back anymore. I thrust my hips up high as my release came and I practically screamed. Hot semen hit the side of my cheek and I could feel it land in my hair. I had never shot that hard before. Then more splattered my chest and still it just kept shooting in spurts until there was a hot pool of the stuff on my flat little tummy.

My body was convulsing and spasms rocked my frame as I instinctively tried to scoop the semen off my body and put it in my mouth like I did at home. At home there was usually much less and I could do that to hide the evidence, here it was an impossible task and it just got all over me. A small river of it slid off my tummy, down my side and on to the cushion and I was mortified.

"Wow" I heard someone, I think Stanley say.

"Can I get a paper towel or something?" I asked to no one in particular.

Marla appeared at my side. In her hand was a soft warm cloth. She wiped the semen off my tummy and my chest and was working up to get the rest from my neck, face and hair.

"Did I do OK?" I asked her.

"Oh Honey, you have no idea..." she said her voice in awe, and then she smiled "yes you did incredible!"

After the shoot Matt and Marla headed home. They both said I did great and would get me my portfolio as soon as they could.

I took a rinse off shower and joined my Mom and Stanley at a table. He set out a tape recorder and then he asked me a bunch of questions for the article that was going to accompany the pictures. They would be published in Sissy magazine, the sister publication of Bear. I could probably look for it next month.

Turning to my Mom again, Stanley asked, "What should his porn name be?"

"Golden Boy" Mom said without hesitation.

Stanley smiled, "Yes, I think that will work."

"I'm so proud of you my sweet baby!" Mom said with her hand on my bare thigh. Once again I could feel myself getting exited.

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NellaBarely2NellaBarely2almost 8 years ago
Not your usual family ...

This definitely NOT you typical family relationship! But the foundation of managing better communications should be practiced more often ... regarding everything. From my hippy generation it reads very well, and the theme moving toward becoming a 'model' is fun and gets a more interesting when it turned to different kind of "professional" setting. Very hot setup and well developed ... for more to look forward to. I love it. New Readers? You will not regret reading this series.

Thank you Tammy from N TX.

BambifemboiBambifemboialmost 8 years ago
More Please?

Please let there be more adventures of the Golden Boy and his Mom, pretty please?

pinktickalerpinktickaleralmost 8 years ago

I'd love to do something like this, but i would've wanted Stanley or Matt involved.. .

AlwaystabooAlwaystabooalmost 8 years ago
Beautiful story of love

All mothers and sons should experience such beautiful uninhibited love. The beauty of a son can be in many different forms. Nice to read a story the doesn't involve a macho son. Simply a beautiful story.


SWIM21SWIM21almost 8 years ago

That was so damn hot! While I wouldn't want to actually do anything sexual with my own mom, the reason I am into mom/son incest is partially because of how she has always gone out of her way to make me feel attractive, and the way she does it leaves no doubt in my mind that she really means it. She's very physically affectionate, and even a bit handsy, to the point that I've even had to swat my own mother's hands away! I would always pretend to get mad when she would do stuff like pop me on the butt (especially in public or around my friends) or sneak a kiss on the lips, but I'm pretty sure she can tell I sort of like it. I like knowing my mom thinks I look good, and it kind of turns me on to imagine her watching me have sex with a girl or especially a transwoman. I often wonder what she'd really think of me if she knew how much I love girl-cock.

By the way, this story reminds of something that the infamous Rachel Ross (RIP) wrote, except in her story it was his father that took him to the photo shoot. If you haven't read any of Rachel's TS stories, you should definitely seek them out on ASSTR.

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