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Unwanted Assistance


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Helen laughed when Dale told her what he had done. She then confessed to him, "I'm sorry I betrayed you. I can't say that I just did it for your promotion. I yielded to temptation. Greg tempted me, but submitting to it was my fault. I won't fight a divorce if that's what you want to do. I would appreciate if you write to me while I'm in prison, just to let me know how you are and how you like in your new job. I know it's hard for you to believe me, but I never stopped loving you. You deserved a better wife than me. Now, I hope you can move on, find a better wife and have a happy life."

"Helen, I hated you more than I have anyone in my life for almost 24 hours. That's probably because I loved you more than anyone in my life. When I heard what you had done to Greg, I realized that you had done something like what I should have done. Greg was the real villain in your situation. I realized that I should have done something to Greg that night. My anger was too focused on you because you mattered more to me.

When I heard what you had done, I must admit I admired your choice of actions. If I had done what I should have, we might be in opposite places right now. I do feel a debt of gratitude towards you. Helen, I promise that I will keep in touch. I'm not sure what I will do about our marriage or future relationship. I know we will always be connected because of the children, so I want it to be as positive as possible. I promise I will be there at your trial and will pay for your lawyer out of our funds."

"There won't be a trial, Dale. I am pleading guilty. I did it. Don't waste your money on my account. And there is no reason for me to cost taxpayers even more. After all, they will be paying for my room and board and clothing for a few years. Good thing I look good in orange."

"Helen, I'm sure the judge will take into account the motive for your action. That should reduce the sentence some."

"I'm afraid it will probably depend quite a bit on how severe the damage was to his genitals. If that's the case, then I hope my sentence is the maximum." She grinned.

The damage to Greg's penis proved to be pretty severe. His best news was that he would be still able to pee out his shortened penis. His eight inches became four and made erections painful. His trophy wife decided it was a good time to leave him. Of course, she took a lot of his money with him along with a considerable amount of jewelry that soon showed up in several pawn shops. Worst of all for Greg was that J.R. Collins, Inc. took more and more market share from Greg's business. Dale's absence from his team really hurt his bottom line. Within three years, Greg was bought out by them.

The correspondence between Dale and Helen during her incarceration was not frequent, but it was steady. It seldom contained any remembrance from their past or any projection of their future, together or separately. They kept their topics to daily life and their kids and grandkids. There were no references to divorce or current girlfriends from Dale, but the kids had told her that he was dating. So far, he had not mentioned anyone special. Helen was dying to know more about how he was doing but knew better than to ask for fear of a negative response.

With her sentence shortened for good behavior, Helen tried to mentally and emotionally prepare herself to whatever life had in store for her. She was met by a limo when she was released from prison. The driver's instructions were to take her to an apartment in the city. Once there, she found an envelope that outlined the head start on a new life she was being offered: an apartment, a car, and a job. She was to report to J.R. Collins, Inc. for a job orientation the next day. The stationery showed that Dale was now the CEO of J.R. Collins. The offer was a paradox to Helen. On one hand it showed compassion on Dale's part, but on the other, there was no indication what, if anything, her relationship with Dale was to be.

At the job orientation, she was given a choice of jobs to be trained to do. She would be paid during the training. After six months, the car and apartment would become her responsibility. Helen told the human resource person which job she preferred but asked few questions. At the end of the orientation, she was told the CEO wanted to meet with her. She figured the relationship question would be answered soon.

Still, Helen was puzzled about what to expect from the meeting with Dale. She counseled herself to be ready to accept whatever he wanted. She was a beggar. She could not be choosy. So far things had gone well since her release.

Dale sat behind his desk and Helen took a seat in the chair in front. Dale looked like he wanted to say something but couldn't. He was starting to cry. That caused Helen to start to cry. Both were soon crying. Dale came from behind his desk and soon there was a hugging, crying couple. Eventually, the tears stopped, and they resumed their seats.

Dale spoke, "Before I forget it, there will be travel involved in your new job. In fact, the next three-day Memorial Day holiday, I am requiring you to go on a trip to see your kids and grandkids."

Helen's tears returned. "Thank you. You don't know how much that means to me." There was a break while Helen got herself together.

Helen spoke first, "Dale, thanks for the head start on my new life. I won't let you down." After hearing what she had said, she added, "this time."

"Helen, a lot of people thought and told me, loudly, I should just forgive you for your one slipup. Spending almost five years in prison seems more than adequate punishment to most people."

"Dale, my punishment in jail was for what I did to Greg. I don't regret it. I did the crime. I did the time. But, in my mind, I still haven't been punished for what I did to you. I deserve punishment. Are you going to tell me what my punishment from you will be?"

"If I knew anything I could do to you that would destroy the memory of what you and Greg did to me, believe me, I would have already done it. The truth is, I can't think of any punishment that wouldn't punish me at the same time."

"But Dale, doesn't my betrayal still hurt you?"

"Yes. And for a long time, I used to be able to get all worked up about it. I was able to conjure up an image of a naked Greg sticking his penis in you and it would get me very upset. But then I would remember what you did to his penis and I would start laughing. So, yes it still hurts, but no, not anything like it used to."

"So, are we still married and, if so, why?"

"Helen, I just couldn't pull the trigger on filing for a divorce. I kept thinking that if it were meant to be, I would find someone else to marry and then that would lead me to divorce you. You probably heard from the kids that I have dated several women. Mostly they were nice, attractive, intelligent and caring women. But I never found THE one that I could see spending the rest of my life with. Then, the last couple of years, I, with a few exceptions, pretty much gave up, I thought it was best to wait and talk to you."

Helen started getting her hopes up. "Are you wanting to talk to me about us now?"

"I don't think this is the proper place and time. I thought we might want to pick a day and time and discuss it at home. I figured you might want some time to acclimate back first."

"Not really. I had plenty of time to think about what I wanted while staying at the Grey Resort. I'm ready to talk whenever you are."

They set Friday night at 7:00. Helen arrived there on the dot in one of her old dresses that now was too big for her reduced frame.

Dale complimented her appearance and offered wine. Helen joked, "You know that wine makes me want to cheat on my husband, don't you?" She looked to see at Dale reaction at her attempt at humor.

He poured two glasses and handed one to Helen saying, "I guess I'll just have to take the chance."

After momentary silence, Dale said, "You said you knew what you wanted to say, please go ahead."

"Dale, I love you. That's the most important thing I can say, and that love has never changed. My actions, however, betrayed your love and trust, and I know that can never un-happen. Neither of us will, or ever can, forget what I did. You also have reason to never forgive me although I pray you will. If, after we talk, you want me to leave you alone, I'm gone. You deserve another chance at happiness.

"Since you have not divorced me and since you have obviously taken steps to give me a chance to support myself, I'm thinking you aren't exactly sure what to do about me. I'm hoping that the apartment, car and job was a contingency plan in case you or I decided to divorce. That supportive action on your part does not make me feel bad about my chances with you. In fact, it gives me hope.

"You can break my life down into several distinct stages: childhood, high school, college, marriage, motherhood, betrayal, and prison. I'm ready to get on to my next stage of my life whatever it may be. Although I have no right to ask or expect it, I want you to be part of the next stage of my life: husband, friend with benefit, or just friend. I do have one condition. I can't accept you being my husband in name only. If you stay my husband, you have to be a real husband. That means you will have to take the chance and trust me to be a faithful wife despite what . . . " She was too choked up to continue.

"Okay, my turn. Helen, I never stopped loving you even when I hated you. I should have told you what Greg said to me about having sex with you for a promotion. I didn't because I was afraid it would make you feel bad. What you and Greg did, however, was wrong and the consequences have been severe to both of you. I can't help but feel guilty for not being the one behind bars. I failed you in that regard. I don't know what our future relationship should be, but I have not been able to imagine a future without you in it in some form or fashion."

"Dale, I would like any or all of the choices I mentioned before."

"Damn Helen, you drive a hard bargain." He smiled. "How about this? Can we date again for a while?"

Helen perked up. "I don't know Dale, will it mean you would be expecting us to have sex?"

"Maybe, I would think by the third date at least."

"How about the first?"


"Wait a minute, Dale. Do you consider this to be our first date?"


Author's Note: Rather than have two possible endings, I chose to warn my BTB fans to not continue beyond the one point in the story. Personally, I like stopping at BTB and on reconciliation both. Whichever you prefer, I hope you enjoyed.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Nope! She didn’t get revenge for her husband. She got revenge for herself because the other man lied to her.


Also, the other guy is the real villain?!? Sexist much? One reason why I HATE reconciliation stories is because so many times the author justifies the forgiveness by declaring that the woman wasn’t accountable for her choices. When authors write adult women as if they had the moral agency of a four year old, it’s pathetic. Oh, the seducer complimented me, so I lost my mind. It’s absurd.


If that’s how women actually are, unable to resist what a man, or in some cases a woman, tells them to do, then why are they allowed outside the home?!? We don’t allow children to work, own property, or vote. If a woman has the mental and emotional capacity of a male child, then they should be controlled by an adult male all of their lives.


Maybe the ancient ways are right. A woman goes from obeying her father, directly to obeying her husband, and is never allowed to make any decisions on her own.



ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 2 months ago

Typical Skippy, all fluff and no skill.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story. A BTB ending for the wife made no sense here. After her betrayal and the confrontation with Dale, she did and said basically everything right. If as a reader you feel need to still crispy fry her then that is just sad.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Helen was tempted by the big dick and "doing it for her husband's promotion" was a good enough excuse to justify it. She paid her dues mind you and got good revenge on the bastard for tricking her. Given that he's already tried dating for all those years she was imprisoned and came up short, taking her back and giving it a go seems like the best move for him. It's very unlikely she'll ever pull anything like that again and they're very compatible together, so they've got that going for them. I personally couldn't take back a cheater, no matter the circumstances (excluding something like rape). But that's just me.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hey man, if wifey was willing to stab a dude in the dick for me, get my revenge, (as a male Greg 'won' by taking another man's woman, but that victory is pretty negated if the woman then literally makes him less of a man) then I think she deserves another chance. If she willingly sacrificed 5 years of her life...shows great remorse, and that extreme reaction to her cheating pretty much assures she won't do it again. I think lol.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103x6 months ago

"Greg was the real villain in your situation." - No, he didn't cheat, Helen did.


I'm still hung up on the compliment thing. Her husband's don't mean anything because he has to say them. OTHER men's don't mean anything because they're just being polite. But GREG'S are the real thing?

GeorgeGaleGeorgeGale6 months ago

In this case you were right in the reconciliation. Very well written and told story...........():\

NallusNallus7 months ago

A fun, light story. Enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I liked this story. Greg was probably extremely proud of himself for being able to seduce Dale's woman. If he could take another man's wife that meant he was on top...but then said wife cut his dick off so he's no longer even a man much less the best one.

Dale got to have sex with different women for five years will his cheating betrayer wife rotted in prison. So to sum up: Dave ended up taking Greg's dick vicariously, took his company, got his wife to divorce him, became the big boss CEO, had sex with multiple different women all while his wife paid for her misdeeds in prison. Dale won.

Because of all that I think Helen deserves a second chance. Cutting off Greg's dick, therefore showing Greg that Dale is superior, is a good indicator that reconciliation should at least be considered.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Why do the women in these stories always have the emotional maturity of a pubescent girl? Yes, I get that it's a big ego stroke to be appreciated by someone other than the person you are married to but it shouldn't become a need and it's in the worst possible taste to go fishing/phishing for it.

"Greg was the major sinner in all this." Really? I was under the impression that Helen, not Greg was Dale's wife. I don't recall reading about a gun being put to Helen's head, forcing her to prostitute herself in exchange for her husband's promotion. So Greg lied to get into her panties, well who ever heard of a man doing something like that?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nope! She didn’t get revenge for her husband. She got revenge for herself because the other man lied to her. Also, the other guy is the real villain?!? Sexist much? One reason why I HATE reconciliation stories is because so many times the author justifies the forgiveness by declaring that the woman wasn’t accountable for her choices. When authors write adult women as if they had the moral agency of a four year old, it’s pathetic. Oh, the seducer complimented me, so I lost my mind. It’s absurd.

If that’s how women actually are, unable to resist what a man, or in some cases a woman, tells them to do, then why are they allowed outside the home?!? We don’t allow children to work, own property, or vote. If a woman has the mental and emotional capacity of a male child, then they should be controlled by an adult male all of their lives. Maybe the ancient ways are right. A woman goes from obeying her father directly to obeying her husband, and is never allowed to make any decisions on her own.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well balanced tale. Five stars!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A nicely paced and well written tale. Thank you for your time and talent. DMW

rn2711rn2711about 1 year ago

The story is too unemotional for me. It's like a report without detached emotions.

Why did she blame Greg? She decided she wanted an affair. She used the promotion as an excuse. So, why harm Greg? I feel ahe robbed her husband hia revenge. It wasn't her revenge to make!

I do understand why he took her back. She showed real remorse for a one time fling and after 20 years she deserves some slack.

4 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very telling that she gave Greg a blowjob after having vaginal sex. Ig she really believed it was for the promotion, it should have stopped after one rep. She just didn't want to get caught. Her punishment of Greg was over the top. She deserved prison. Husband should have told her about what Greg said and how he never gets the promotion. Their earlier conversation on the drive to the party is nonsensical in light of what the husband knows. And then after her being in prison for 5 years with violent offenders, they reconcile. Yes she owns up to it, us resolute in her being to blame, and is contrite but what about years of lesbuan rape in prison? She isn't the same person after 5 years in jail. At least divorce her while she starts prison, then decide what to do when she gets out and what relationship (if any) is desired.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

After Greg's 8 inches and 5 years of level rape with mop handles, poor old Dale won't know if he's in. Strange tale.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

"I am telling you that I think you are the prettiest, sexiest woman here." - She doubts her own looks, discounts praise from others, but completely buys this line from the guy with a trophy wife? He obviously just wants to get into her pants.


"It would take years of scrimping and saving to have a nice retirement" - They've got years, that's the way it works. Few people have enough saved for a nice retirement very early.


While he does share SOME blame for not telling her about Greg's offer, she still should have refused. I would have divorced her, kept her around as slut-in-residence, with the understanding that while he might see other women, she couldn't see other men. If that didn't work for her, she could always set out on her own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The author did warn us but ........... WHAT THE FUCK??? BURN THAT BITC ...... I'm only kidding, after all I was warned. : )

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A charming story. Still, she really, really, wanted fuck Greg and "helping hee husband" was shallow self deceived excuse.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Probably the silliest thing this author has ever written. Any self respecting woman would have reacted to Greg's proposition with a slap to his face, a curt "fuck off" and a word in his wife's ear. Dale 'feels guilty' about not having been sent to jail. Simple remedy; go see Greg and do him some more harm. Behind bars before his butt hits the ground. I could go on but I'm sure you all get my drift by now.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Read it all. Hard to believe I gave a 5 for this, but despite, ultimately, a chopped off abrupt ending, you made some effort. But you really should try more to finish what you start. If you like writing stories, compleeeete them properly. It's like raising a kid and at 18 they get kicked out unceremoneouly, with, Goid luck, I guess " You just don't SEEM to care to finish things. This might be evidence of some personal quirk, which evolved from some incident of which you are unaware thereof, the subconscious connection... It is NOT a "recognized legitimate writing style," per se.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I'm a BTB guy, but this was reasonable and nice. She made a single huge mistake but is basically a good woman. I'd take her back too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I think the husband should get a whole lot of "make-up/forgive me" sex with frequent visits to her derriere as a bonus. I also think there's no reason Dale couldn't have wreaked vengeance of his own on predator Greg.

A well-written variation on a well-known trope. Not exactly RAAC or BTB (she did that to herself) so it's not surprising that you'd get hit by both groups. More please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nope how about the hubby going to HR and to a lawyer for sex for promo deal.......then the story never happens which os for the better

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazieralmost 2 years ago

⭐⭐⭐ 👎🏿 Nope! Total bullshit. Dale dumped Helen's dumb, cheating ass. She went to jail. Not his problem. She had no confidence in his ability at his job. She honestly thought one time in her pussy would buy him a better job? Dumb. Why not tell Gregg to promote him first?

This story was ill-concieved, and poorly edited.

Grant_GlapsvidhrsonGrant_Glapsvidhrsonalmost 2 years ago

While I normally hate RAAC tales, her stabbing Greg and willingness to go to prison was pretty cool. Redemption and reconciliation approved!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Nice job with the options

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownabout 2 years ago

Although you did put in a warning that this would end in wimpy, spineless husband deserves a cheating wife. Still one ⭐ for being so ridiculous.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Weak little cuck tale. Simplistic, and done in a way every little dicked closeted gay man writes these.

Im more impressed by anal warts.

DrgwngDrgwngover 2 years ago

Would have been terrible without the tired trope of it being hubbies fault. We know it is always hubbies fault. No matter what happens, or how bad, hubby needs to apologize, so yes, this fits .

Yeah right.

kdad9010kdad9010over 2 years ago

I’m a reconciliation kind of guy when there’s some solid consequences getting there. This more than fits the bill IMO. Very nice work!

Thank you for sharing this!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A character as smart as Dale must be pretty dense to blame himself. Maybe it's a coping mechanism?

Maybe if he accepts partial blame, he can stomach taking his wife back? He did more than was required to deal with a slime-ball like Gregg. He told Gregg to stfu, he told Gregg he was quitting, he had a better job lined up. Not much more to do there. Maybe not going to the party? But that's a small thing. Very small. Dale can't beat another grown man up for being a pig without some police involvement. He stood up to the man, and started to divorce the man outta his life.

The wife on the other-hand took her blame, even when Dale argued with nonsense. She 'yielded to temptation". I think if she had said more, they would be divorced. That she had been TRYING to find another man for a while now...because she wanted compliments. Dale could have done nothing to stop her short of tying her up to a bedpost after reading her mind.

At least he got to bang other women while his wife was sitting behind bars realizing what an utter moron she is. That takes some of the sting outta it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I say stabbing destroying Greg's penis with a knife and then spending 5 years in prison without a complaint sounds like pretty good penance. She has earned another chance if that's what she wants.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a weak little cuck .

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyalmost 3 years ago

“Now that had something everyone can enjoy”

The Offspring

secretsalsecretsalabout 3 years ago

Didn't need to be a BTB, but you had to really stretch credibility to justify reconciliation. Dale was really spinning some horseshit about how if he had been the one who assaulted Greg, things would be better. Doesn't wash. Would've been more natural if they both just went their separate ways.

LetthatsinkinLetthatsinkinover 3 years ago

I enjoy RAAC stories as much as I enjoy BTB stories, but this one was awful. There's simply not enough of a proper reconciliation, he was basically a cuck the whole time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Sorry... Just a damned RAAC story. Just divorce the whore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Having it both ways.

Dale got the revenge on the cheaters and still got Helen back in the end. She will stay on the reservation without a doubt. Liked the story as pure entertaining fiction. Real life is so much more messy.

NitpicNitpicover 3 years ago
How long

How long was Helen sentenced to.The story doesnt say apart from five years with time off for good behaviour.Also why did he just write instead of visiting her?.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Helen, I may want a burrito, could you fuck the whole crew from the Taco Bell for one?!

Sure you can you genius slut and me the supercuckman will suck the sauce from your twat afterwards. They be stunned about our super powers.


silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago


Sorry. This one stinks.

I liked your plot but your characters just weren't sympathetic or even close to fleshed out enough.

jazzharpjazzharpover 3 years ago
Fun story, I liked it.

I'm not sure if I've ever rated any of your stories, but I am sure I've never commented on any. I was entertained enough to give you my thanks.

UltimateHomeBodyUltimateHomeBodyover 3 years ago

Bit lost, where was the BTB? Certainly not before the warning. Bit weak if you consider kicking wife out if the house and threatening divorce as BTB.

maninconnmaninconnover 3 years ago

Word “Ok, just kill him”. Roflnao

, nice neat tale. I would have liked to see a little more development to your ending(s). They were both a little abrupt for me. But I’m with Mainefiddleheads, 5* for the BTB warning in your prologue.

njlaurennjlaurenover 3 years ago
Dale has blame in this

Greg tells him he will get the promotion if he gets to sleep with Helen,and he doesn't tell her. Worse,he knows that he has been denied promotion bc Greg wants his wife, and he doesn't file a massive lawsuit against the company, doesn't think of recording Greg, especially if he already has another job offer...and he doesn't tell Helen about the new job,that he is quitting? Helen of course has guilt, but he could of piled on Greg by suing him and the company for sexual harassment and coercion, the company would have no defense and would have the new job too..he never mentions that afterword,that he brought this on himself partially by letting helen get seduced.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

, your recap of the story means so much to me. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Rescinding the job offer could leave the new company open to suits, until the dump... sorry while it may be giggle worthy word of it would travel fast.

In the UK, if a job offer is made (verbal contracts count) you have to complete them or possibly pay compensation, unless there is good reason not to. His wife being a slut is not automatically a reason to not employ him. Shitting in someone's office, probably is. That said up to 2 years employment an employer can sack with no valid reason so long as it is not against the law (racism, sexism).

That aside, he would have probably been advised to divorce her to maintain her actions were her own and not endorsed by him.

Overall a bit of a mishmash that didn't sit together properly.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

I thought deeply about this one. Part of this is Dale's fault. Dale should have told Helen his problems with Greg way back at the beginning before she got involved. Helen doesn't know the score. Seriously, they both agreed that Greg was the culprit and him getting stabbed was a just result of his nefarious plot to seduce Helen and to cuckold Dale. The fact that Helen stabbed him was almost justifiable as temporary insanity.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago

Should have named her Wren. Would have been a story involving Wren and Stumpy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The ending though

Only validates why I hate reconciliation stories. There is something called free will and she exercised hers well enough, for that there’s always consequences too... Who wants a husband that lacks backbone, anyway?

OvercriticalOvercriticalover 3 years ago
Dumb Story

'Nuf said. 2*

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

Re: "The answer to any of these is, if the man can't handle it, get a divorce and go on." - I'll turn that around on you: If the woman needs something that her man can't/won't give her, get a divorce and go on.

nestorb30nestorb30over 3 years ago

Probably one of the more interesting stories written in a while. Thank you for sharing

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A thought provoking story. Well done.

So the wife became the slut, then became the avenger, and in the process burned herself. She doesn't even need a fucking husband anymore. But she wants one, a particular one.

Divorce is a great way to end a toxic relationship, but a stupid way to punish someone you still love. The only problem with reconciliation is that the betraying spouse might repeat his or her betrayal. And isn't it a kick in the head that the spouse who suffers the betrayal cuts the sinning wife loose as punishment, and she then marries another man to whom she is now forever faithful after rehabilitating herself.

In the end, most marriages survive or fail based on alternative opportunities. If he had met the perfect woman to replace Helen he should and would have. She had her chance and fucked it up. But here neither spouse has a better opportunity in sight despite 5 years to explore alternatives. So why not? If Helen is still Dale's best option for a happy relationship, why not explore that option? After 5 years apart they have a lot to explore and learn about each other, and they appear to still love and care for each other. Sounds like a worthy investment. Who knows what the outcome will be? Good for them, whatever they discover and decide.

So yeah, a very thought provoking story. Well done, and thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

....stupid story from this guy. I forgot to look at the name of the author...

ragnarok1ragnarok1over 3 years ago
To anon.

Burn The Bitch

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

There just wasn't enough effort put into this. There was no emotion and not much of a seduction. If the author had put some real effort into the story and had given us something to sink our teeth into, it would have been much better. I gave it a 3, although I think it's 1 too many.

baulloyder68baulloyder68over 3 years ago
Mostly I am a BTB kind of person

But in this case I'm going with RAAC. I think that 5 years in the slammer and the perpetrator ending up with a 4" penis that is painful when hard instead of an 8" cock is punishment enough. Good story. FIVE*****

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
are you kidding?

Divorce her or not but let her rot away. Who cares that she cut off the losers dick? She still was a cheating bitch of a wife. Get sone girl friends and party on Mr CEO of a wealthy company. Let her start all over alone like she deserves.

If , and a big if, you want sex with her then get condos and fuck her like the slut she is and have her go back to her apartment when you are done,

Rocky62Rocky62over 3 years ago

She should be his P.A. , a very personal PA yeehaa

COYSCOYSover 3 years ago

Good stuff Skippy. Liked the story, liked the characters, liked two endings. Everyone makes a mistake, she certainly made amends. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Only two stars, for Dale not tipping the Janitor for his extra work in Greg's office.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 3 years ago
to damn stupid to be a RAAC or BTB

so he's willing to wait 5 years for a cheating slut that's violent. But when any man on this website goes for a violent revenge its a horrible story. Hummmmm. Its a 3 in my book because the wife at least had some balls.

enderlocke27enderlocke27over 3 years ago

the story but i dont think u know what a EPILOGUE is

AbctoyAbctoyover 3 years ago
Good read.

I enjoyed the whole story and the ending was a plus.

mattenwmattenwover 3 years ago

Either she was a whore who wanted to satisfy her own lust or she was an idiot who believed that with sex you could buy something other than illusions! Neither was to be tolerated - as was your end!

Njones53Njones53over 3 years ago

This is the Loving Wives Forum. BTB in some works, multiple choice in some (including BTB results), cotton candy, and just a loving wife in others. I don't see this as a forum revolving around BTB scenarios, but do see BTB as revolving around the nucleus of the forum, IMHFO.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Would Dale still hav the new job?

What Helen did to Greg was part of the public record. The same would apply to why she did it. That alone would be bad publicity for the company regarding their mew Vice-President. It's highly doubtful it would be a secret that Dale took a dump in Greg's office when he left. Even considering the circumstances, that's infantile and hardly what a company wants in their new VP and future CEO.


You're trying to be somewhat realistic here, and realistic is that Dale's offer would most likely have been taken back.

kuroneko_dkkuroneko_dkover 3 years ago
Trigger warnings...

“ WARNING: BTB FANS SHOULD STOP READING NOW” what the fuck it this, this is not a SJW high school, but a porn site

MainefiddleheadsMainefiddleheadsover 3 years ago


I'm giving you top marks just for that.


luedonluedonover 3 years ago
Re: 'What's wrong with me?': 0123Say Comment

If everybody was like you, 0123Say, the LW comments would be far less fascinating. There is too much logical thinking in your approach to a story.

You say "I don’t rate on whether the story made me feel better, but on how well it achieves what the author sought."

That's the way a proper critic looks at a story, not the way a LW reader judges it. Here, the judgement is made on whether the characters are doing what the reader wants them to do. If they're not, instead of simply moving on and reading a different story, the commenters will complain about it.

For that reason, the comments are often much more interesting than the story.

And then we have the comments on the comments as well.


26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago

Great story Skip. When she did the nasty with the asshole I wanted her burned. But after she came to her senses and made a shorthorn out of Greg I started to change my mind. When she was contrite and accepted her prison sentence, I was pulling for the reconciliation. Dale should have warned her about Greg, and then noticed his unusual attention to her at the dinner. He could have nipped it in the bud, but was too busy networking to pay attention to his wife. The story worked out for everyone, so good job Skippy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What the hell is it?

012Say012Sayover 3 years ago
What’s wrong with me?

While I definitely prefer RAAC, I rate only a few of the stories I read, read only a half of the stories I start, and start only a portion of the stories in only a couple Lit categories. For that reason, every story I do rate gets 5 stars. It seems harsh to me to rate something I don’t have to read.

As to what’s wrong with me, unlike most, I don’t rate on whether the story made me feel better, but on how well it achieves what the author sought. This story cares about the reader and provides alternate endings - clever, (but truthfully, either ending would have gotten the 5. Disappointed readers need to become writers,)

OPrimeOPrimeover 3 years ago

Please get an editor and clean some of the small annoying grammatical errors up.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago
Good man! 5*****

When I read a story and the cheating wife says, "I'll do anything to make it up to you." I want him to say, "Okay, kill him." Your solution was better because she did it on her own. Even a good wife screws up from time to time, although the marriage does not always survive. Good story.

SwordWielderSwordWielderover 3 years ago

Good story. I can understand the reconciliation in this case - it was a one time slip and she was played. What happened to Greg is what should happen to anyone that goes after a married person (there are a few exceptions, but this should apply to 97%+) - permanent damage to their genitals so that sex is either not possible or extremely painful and a significant loss of their wealth (50%+).

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The ending was a little long winded. She was dumb to not use a good lawyer and shorten her sentence but she felt she deserved it but then contradicted herself by saying her sentence was only punishment for hurting Greg.

still 5 stars.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nobody to blame but herself.

Good story, thanks for the read.

The catalyst for the story is pretty much summed up in the following three lines"

"You look fabulous! It's hard to believe a body this gorgeous produced two kids who are now in college. Helen, I think you're more beautiful than when I first met you."

There was another part of Helen that wondered how much of her husband's admiration was just because she was his wife and he felt obligated to be nice.

Helen began to crave signs that other men appreciated her good looks also. See, the idea that she was doing it for her husband s promotion was just her just trying to justify her actions. Her main goal was to try on some strange.

Women and their bizarre need to constantly test their sexual market value in order to feel good and confident with themselves. She had a faithful and devoted husband who consistently loved and admired her and was demonstrative with his compliments of her beauty and desirability and yet she didn't respect him and her opinion of her. No, she's rather seek out a stranger who'd ply her with and endless supply of empty compliments with the sole goal of getting into her panties.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 3 years ago

Skippy, what can I say.

Anonymous about 3 hours ago

A solid, if not spectacular, 4 star story

Reduced to 3 stars for the multiple endings, reduced to 2 stars for not divorcing her. He should have paid more attention to her. He should have gotten a good lawyer and gotten her off with maybe 1 year in jail. He should have beaten the crap out of Greg. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. The possibilities were endless.

I can see you were never a fan of the 'Chose Your Own Way' stories. If more stories were written with different endings it would give a better insight to a writers mind (Thanks Van with your multi ending story).

vickitvohio about 3 hours ago

1*. This story has been told before.

Of course it's been told before, in some cases daily. Having a choice of endings just made it better, if you're a BTB fan you can stop and vote on just that. If you're a RACC fan you can finish it and live happily ever after.

Powersworder about 3 hours ago

A better ending would've been Dale trading Helen in for his own trophy wife now that he's wealthy and successful.

Why bother waiting years for the middle-aged slut to get out of prison? Helen betrayed him for a big cock... fucking Greg had nothing to do with him getting a promotion.

PS, what good is a trophy wife. Greg had one and still he wanted more. Let's see what that one time fuck cost. Greg - 4 inches, his company and loss of his fortune. Helen - 5 years in prison, not being there when her kids got married or when her grand kids were born. Dale - New job, CEO, the chance to fuck several different women, be there for his kids and grand kids. Does he really need the trophy wife or just the love of his life?

Skip, I give you full marks.

Renobaby1Renobaby1over 3 years ago
I understand what BTB is now

I wish they a separate section for BTB. I hate the genre. It seems to be written by bitter men, who may have never had a woman or who had been cheated on and let that define their lives. The women who have sex with other men fall into several categories:

1- Women who have always cheated (husband would have known)

2- Women who cheat for excitement, even if marriage isn't dull.

3- Women who have sex with other to please their husbands.

4- Women who give in under pressure

5- Women who are looking for love

The answer to any of these is, if the man can't handle it, get a divorce and go on.

These guys who destroy their wives in the story are sick f*cks.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

Scores 3/5, why??

Because you could not make a choice. She does need to be punished, even under her own rationale.

His failure to do so shows what his character is like. No respect for himself or indeed her.

I’ll leave it there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Normal yippee skippy crap

1 I'm not sure why I keep hoping you'll write something worth reading.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyover 3 years ago

Jeez - I would think a prison sentence is enough punishment, and immasculating Greg is enough redemption for one (albeit extremely bonehead) mistake! I’m sure this won’t appease the self righteous out there, but I’m glad you gave Helen a happy ending. Thanks for the entertaining story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Not bad story telling. One mistake is forgivable

So she was weak and succumbed to his power to promote her husband. A big mistake but she more than made up for it damage his precious jewels. 5 years in prison, that’s a lot of time for a person with resources to fight the system. Anyway I’m glad you had them work it out. They did have a good life together till the damage was done. Those blood seekers who always want a burn the bitch story, these males definite are women haters .

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Lord Slam Dawg put it best if overdramatically. Haha. I feel like one time is a possibly forgivable fuck up, more than once? Not a chance in hell. Half of y'all BTB babies are the kind of guys who'd cheat on his wife on a daily basis just to turn around and try ruining her for the once she cheats

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 3 years ago
Sorry Skippy but this is just ridiculous

Yes, his stupid, misguided wife allowed his Boss to fuck her, thinking she was doing it to secure a promotion for her husband. BUT... the dickhead, arsehole husband had lied to her (by omission) by not telling/warning her about Greg's plans to fuck her. He left her unguarded and alone while he "circulated" at the function. Then he went ahead and told his boss Greg he was going to resign. Again, without telling his BBF, his lover, his WIFE what he was going to do. Plus, as the discussions were taking place with a potential employer he again failed to mention the possibility of a new job on offer. IS HE A COMPLETE FUCKWIT?

Then he places all the blame on his wife and accepts no responsibility himself. He is meant to be reasonably intelligent, as management and potential CEO so why does he treat his wife as a doormat? Her action was wrong but if the fucktard had told her what was going on, she would never have done what she did. Unbelievable.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

"There was another part of Helen that wondered how much of her husband's admiration was just because she was his wife and he felt obligated to be nice" - No, not another, "the husband's compliments don't mean as much" story!

"As her speculations about being with another man increased, no punishment came to her for her fantasy thoughts." - Duh! You're not going to be punished for thoughts. We all have them.

"Those comments were okay, but probably only meant the men were being polite rather than them really being impressed." - So her husband's compliments don't mean anything, other compliments are "just being polite," but somehow she believes the pussyhound?

"Again, she wondered if he was trying to sooth her feathers or if he really was the only man with that opinion." - She already said that other men complimented her, she just discounted their compliments.

Greg has a trophy wife, she herself discounts her own looks, yet IMMEDIATELY buys Greg's compliments.

I should have heeded the warning. Lost a star, you should have picked an ending and lived with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Lol. Okay.

PowersworderPowersworderover 3 years ago

A better ending would've been Dale trading Helen in for his own trophy wife now that he's wealthy and successful.

Why bother waiting years for the middle-aged slut to get out of prison? Helen betrayed him for a big cock... fucking Greg had nothing to do with him getting a promotion.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 3 years ago
Author Concocts a Surprisingly Sherzando Story with Betrayal and Deception, Complete with Custom 'Cutoffs' for Libertine Boss, BTBers & RAAC Fans Alike

I enjoyed the story. A wrong was done. The cheater paid with their liberty and was sincerely penitent even after their release . Skippy47 has a playful and sprightly way to relate downbeat events and often try to salvage the half meandering marital couple in a way that's palatable to a fair minded reader aka myself.

Ergo the obvious score

Full marks *****

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyover 3 years ago

Great story! I did like the revenge that both the husband and wife pulled on the boss. Write the ending you favor the most and let the chips fall where they may!


vickitvohiovickitvohioover 3 years ago

1*. This story has been told before.

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