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Virtual Reality, Taboo Surprises

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Mom, Son & Daughter Mix Mischief, Sex & Virtual Reality.
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Author's Note: This is my April Fools Day Story Contest 2024 entry. I appreciate your taking time to vote and leave your ratings and comments at the end. Although this story features virtual reality technology, it is, at its core, a story of incest between son, daughter, and mother—with tricks and surprises, of course.

Friendly Disclaimers: My knowledge of virtual reality systems is limited, and I do not profess that my technological, logistical, and practical descriptions here are accurate or realistic. Think of these aspects as employing artistic license for purposes of framing and advancing my story. I ask that you forgive any technological mistakes or inaccuracies and enjoy the story in the spirit intended. Finally, this is a work of fiction; any resemblance to any event or person, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental. All characters are over 18.


Lily and Alex were both home from University for spring break. Lily had just turned 19 and was in the spring of her first year, and her older brother Alex was nearing the end of his junior year. Both were majoring in computer science, focusing on augmented and virtual reality, loosely following in their father's footsteps. 

Their father was an optical engineer and virtual reality specialist who worked with a company that creates the most cutting-edge VR systems. Dad would regularly bring developing model systems home to beta-test them. Naturally, the two kids were always keen on trying them out. Thus, the kids and Dad had significant experience with all popular VR systems.

On the other hand, Mom's one and only experience with VR did not bode well for any future involvement with the technology. She briefly tried basic VR visor/hand controls in a neutral setting (walking around a VR space) to see what it was like. But when she first activated the system, she walked briskly into a kitchen wall, thinking she was outdoors. 

Embarrassed more than hurt, Mom decided to leave "that stuff" to the younger generation. She never played any games or set-up or experienced role-play or active simulated scenarios. So, while she had a general idea of VR's concepts and capabilities, she did not understand the limitations of the physical sensations. 

Virtual reality technology had advanced dramatically, creating more immersive and realistic simulations. Popular commercial systems used eye visors, hand controls, nerve sensors, and transmitters on critical points on the body to simulate sensations such as touch, wind, earthquake/tremors, smell/odors, and temperatures.

Sensors were placed individually throughout the body (head, neck, throat, joints of arms and legs, chest, back, pelvis, glutes, etc.) or incorporated into mesh units that slipped on like pieces of clothing. Most systems were effective but bulky, noticeable, and complicated. Digitally generated 3D images were realistic, immersive, and capable of producing authentic-feeling locations and objects.

Shooting games felt realistic, with sounds and sights augmented with vibrations, pressure points, and smells. VR users could feel a "slap" or "sting" when hit by bullets or grabbed/punched/struck (without actually being hurt). Romance simulations were popular, particularly with couples. Typical simulations included intimate dinners with sounds, smells, and stunning visuals.

But it was Sex—not surprisingly—that caused the sex-oriented systems to skyrocket in sales, soon equaling (but not surpassing) war and shooting VR games. Unlike older masturbation-assisting devices such as vibrators, rabbits, portable pussies, or Fleshlights, the VR experience provided a more immersive sensory experience for all genders. But it was not a substitution for the real thing—at least not yet.


Lily and Alex were intrigued and excited when Dad brought home a groundbreaking new VR model to beta-test that had cutting-edge sensory capabilities. The beta system had proprietary integrated feedback and stimulation modules miniaturized and integrated into the user's nervous system through only a few points. The old-school haptic gloves, large visors, body suits, and multiple sensor points had been rendered unnecessary.

The bulky visor/screen was reduced to a comfortable narrow band covering the eyes but leaving most of the face open. Other than the small visor, the rest of the system was almost undetectable on a user unless someone was intentionally looking for it.

As expected, the beta system was loaded with games—war, shooting, ambush—some exploration/environmental simulations, and yes, some basic "Physical Experiences" (read, "sex"). Dad and the two kids spent a couple of hours setting up and learning about the new beta system, but Dad didn't really have much interest in playing the games, just creating them.

Lily and Alex set up and tested the new beta system, taking turns exploring the cities, battles, and even some of the included "pleasure" features. They laughed about those, mostly trying to get the other to use a "naughty" feature. Since the base model didn't include much in the way of sexually focused sensations, they didn't focus much on that function. For them, it was more of a silly novelty.


In a moment of boldness, Lily got up the nerve to ask her father if he could get a sex-specific add-on package for the beta system to try, "just to see what it was like." Although Dad felt somewhat uncomfortable with the request, being from his daughter and all, he was at heart an engineer, and his analytical mind guided most of his life's decisions. He figured she was an adult, capable of choosing such activities—and would do so regardless of his cooperation. 

Dad procured the add-on program and told Lily to "be responsible," whatever that meant. He declined the unstated offer to try it out, although no one knew if he secretly ever did.

Mom knew her daughter had ordered a special sex package. Although curious, she was not interested enough to try it. Her previous mishap with VR, coupled with embarrassment about discussing the nature of the sexual activities with her children, trumped her natural curiosity.

Alex, unsurprisingly, was keen to try the sex program. As a horny 21-year-old, he was the prime target market for the system.

Alex and Lily spend a couple hours experimenting with the sex package's controls, intensity, and sensations before activating the whole program. They initially felt some awkwardness talking with each other about erogenous zones, sexual stimulation levels, and other program-related features and settings. But as time passed, their conversations became more clinical, procedural, and comfortable. Before long, they easily discussed sexual actions, anatomical areas of the body, and what sort of sexual stimulations aroused them the most.

Neither mentioned nor admitted that they found their sexual-related discussions not only comfortable but somewhat titillating. Each wondered about the other's sexual experiences, skills, and interests, but they kept the conversations focused on and related to the VR system.

When Alex and Lily were ready to load up and more actively test the VR program's sex features, their natural discomfort resurfaced, and they had the other leave so they could activate the sexual sensation features in private. They knew that the most efficient and effective way to use the system was to wear minimal loose clothes or be nude, but they weren't comfortable doing that together. They also felt uncomfortable with someone watching them use the system, knowing they would be physically and visibly reacting and moving to the VR Simulations. 

However, after several tentative and preliminary tests with related conversations, they determined it was inefficient and awkward to keep switching the VR setups and review everything second-hand. They decided to stay in the room together to monitor and discuss their varying degrees of visual, physical, and auditory experiences. They kept minimal clothes on, sufficient to protect their modesty.

After a series of tests, trials, and experiments, Lily won a fake coin toss and elected to be the first to enter a full sexual VR Simulation. Alex sat on a stool to one side of the recliner chair used for the VR Sim. He adjusted some sensor readout levels and the UHD monitor, which provided a digital 3D view of the user's VR Simulation in real-time. The monitor could be set to view only or it could record data and images from the sessions for future analysis or enjoyment.

Lily connected the miniature sensors to her neural network, slipped on the lightweight visor, and settled back into the recliner. Her long black hair fanned out across her shoulders and along the sides of her handful-sized breasts, which were loosely covered by a thin tank top. She wore loose pajama shorts that barely came down below her crotch, permitting a great deal of her firm, toned legs to be visible. Alex stared at his sister with appreciation and smiled warmly.

With a flick of her wrist, Lily activated the system and launched her VR Simulation. 

The room dissolves into a vibrant digital landscape. Lily looks around at lush green trees and bushes and walks along a path lined with fragrant flowers. As she walks around a corner, she spots a tall, mysterious stranger standing and looking into the forest. Her feet—suddenly bare through the magic of virtual simulation programs—feel the soft moss and fallen leaves crunch under her feet as she walks. The Stranger turns to her, and her breath is arrested by the intensity of his gaze. Her belly flutters with anticipation and want.

The Stranger takes Lily's hand and leads her into a clearing in the woods. She feels the warm firmness of his skin and the coolness of a gentle breeze and hears birds warbling in the trees. Lily's heart begins to race, and her breath shallows as the Stranger runs his hands along her arms. The Stranger then pulls her into his muscular chest and strokes her hair. Lily knows what is coming and surrenders herself to the moment. Her lips tingle, and warmth spreads through her loins as they kiss, first chastely, then more passionately.

Lily's nipples harden with arousal, and her vagina releases a surge of wetness. She runs her hands across the Stranger's broad shoulders and his chest, which is now bare. She gasps as his strong hands cup and squeeze her swollen breasts—she has now also lost her shirt. Her nipples stand like erasers on her constricted areolae and press into her Stranger's palms. Fingers tickle and graze parts of her body—her arms, face, legs.

"Everything seems so real," Lily murmured aloud, maybe to Alex or herself. She let out a small moan of pleasure. 

Alex watched his sister as she experienced the VR Simulation. He was mesmerized by Lily's subtle body contractions, undulations, and ripples. He glanced at the monitor often enough to follow the VR Sim in real time, but he was mainly enthralled by his sexy younger sister's very grown-up reactions and actions in real life.

Experimentally, Alex added his own fingertip caress to Lily's arm at the same time her Sim-Stranger touched her to see how she reacted or if she noticed. The first time he stroked her inner arm, Lily jerked slightly and moved her visor-covered face towards the point of contact. Alex moved from one area to another, touching his sister with minor touches and caresses. 

Lily shook her head and said to Alex, "This thing's amazing; sometimes the simulation is so realistic I feel like I'm actually being touched."

Alex silently and quickly moved to Lily's opposite side, away from where he last touched her. "That's cool. What felt different?"

"I don't know, exactly; it just feels more real sometimes. It's not always the same place or movement." Lily let her head fall back into the soft recliner and hummed in pleasure.

Alex watched the VR monitor. His eyes flared with arousal as Lily's Sim-Stranger pulled her gently to the ground and stroked along her thigh. With some curiosity and a tightness in his belly, Alex became less circumspect and matched the VR Stranger's movements. He rubbed his fingers along Lily's inner thigh, almost up to her pussy. 

Lily's eyes flutter and meet her Sim-Stranger lover's gaze, his soft hands tickling her thighs. She contracts her belly and moans softly, then opens her legs wider, inviting her virtual lover to pleasure her in her most intimate place. 

Alex's heart raced, and his cock swelled in his pants as he stared at his sister; she was panting and writhing with pleasure, her skin glistening with a dusting of perspiration. Alex flipped his gaze to the display monitor to see what she was experiencing. He held his breath a moment as he watched the Sim-Stranger reach his hand between VR-Lily's legs and cup her bare pussy, then start to circle her clit. 

As if in a trance—out of his control and unguided by rational thought—Alex mentally mimicked the Sim-Stranger's movements with Lily in the VR simulation. Alex waited and watched as the Sim-Stranger caressed up over VR-Lily's belly, around her boobs, and then back down towards her groin. When it looked like the Sim-Stranger was about to touch VR-Lily's pussy in the simulation, Alex suddenly slid his finger into the gap of Lily's loose shorts and across his sister's swollen pussy.

Lily started and sat up abruptly. "Whoa, what the fuck, bro? Definitely not the machine!" She swung her visor-covered head back and forth as if trying to spot him. "You've been doing that this whole time, haven't you?" She stopped the VR program and ripped off her visor. Glared at him.

"Um, not the whole time," Alex stammered. "Only after a while. I wanted to see how realistic the program was—if you could tell the difference between the game and real touch. Seemed like you weren't sure until that last time."

"You dickwad. You just touched my pussy, you pervert! Was that your plan? Try to touch my vajayjay and see if you could get away with it?" Lily shook her head with disapproval. "And I'm your fuckingsister, dammit—what were you thinking?" She looked incredulously at her brother. "Well, shit. That pretty much wrecked the trial."

"Sorry," Alex said genuinely. "I wasn't really thinking things through." Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "I started because I wanted to test the game's simulation quality; at least, that was my initial thought." He looked up and met his sister's eyes. "But then, I, um, well, touching you seemed naughty and sexy and... I don't know, fun, sort of. I know I shouldn't have, but something about seeing you like that—and touching you—well, honestly, I liked it."

Lily held his gaze momentarily, then her anger drained and she dropped her eyes, confused. "I'm not sure what I feel about that. You're mybrother, for chrissakes." 

Lily's mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She'd never thought of her brother like that before—well, not really. Not much, at least. She raised her eyes back up to meet his. "But, are you serious, what you said? You liked touching me... not just to test the game?".

Alex nodded slowly. "Um... yeah, I suppose so. I mean, who wouldn't? In case you haven't noticed, you're beautiful and, well, pretty damn hot. I mean, if you weren't my sister and all, that is."

Lily contemplated that. "So, I'm hot if I'm not your sister, but not hot because I am?" She bit her lip and quirked her head. "How does that make sense?"

"No, youare hot, even if you're my sister," Alex spluttered. He shook his head as if clearing his thoughts, then let his eyes roam over Lily's body. Noticed how she had indeed developed into a beautiful, attractive woman. She had long, raven hair, deep chocolate-brown eyes, sensual lips, and a toned, lithe figure. For a moment, he watched her breasts rise and fall with her breathing, her erect nipples poking visibly against the thin fabric of her tank, then he snapped back to the conversation. 

"Ok, yes. Look, you're hot and sexy, period. Nothing to do with being my sister." Alex took a deep breath. "It's just, you know, I'm your brother so I'm not supposed to think you're hot—not think of you in that way, that's all."

"But... even so... you do think I'm hot?"

"Oh, fuck," Alex said with resignation. "Yes, absolutely. You are hot, and gorgeous, and sexy, and if I weren't your brother..." Alex snapped his mouth shut.

Lily's eyes glimmered with interest. "You'd what? What were you going to say? What if you weren't my brother?" Butterflies fluttered in her belly. The residual arousal from her VR Sim, combined with her brother's evident appreciation of her femininity, turned her on despite her efforts to disavow the feelings.

"Well, Iam your brother, so it doesn't matter." Brother shook his head with conviction. "Forget I said anything, and let's forget about my messing up the VR test run and move on." He raised his eyebrows. "Ok?"

"Maybe, but... well, you never thought about what I think of all this, did you? How I might feel about this whole situation. How I felt about you touching me."

Brother stood, looking dumbfounded and uncertain. "How... howyou feel?"

Lily nodded. "Yes. There are two of us here, in case you haven't noticed. And, cue the trumpets heralding a major revelation: I actually have thoughts and feelings." Lily shook her head. "A fact that apparently is not pertinent to your behavior."

Alex sat still in silence, mulling over what his sister just said. "Yeah, fair point. Sorry I got carried away; I guess it was kind of selfish of me." He assumed his sister meant she was upset and felt exploited; he never considered that she hinted otherwise. So, notwithstanding his newly discovered sexual attraction to his sister, his arousal cooled and trailed off.

"Apology accepted," Lily said, holding Alex's gaze for a moment with an inscrutable expression. She wasn't angry, though she thought she should be. She was unsure what she was feeling, but on some deep level, she knew that something seemed off. Maybe it seemed off because it didn't actually feel off. She knew it was wrong, but the thought of Alex secretly touching her was titillating.

They sat for a moment in silence, each lost in their thoughts. 

"So, what now?" Alex asked. "Do you want to have a go again?" His eyes betrayed his enthusiasm for that option.

"No, I don't think so, at least not now. Why don't you get set up and have a try?"

"Yeah, maybe that's a good idea. And hey, I'm really sorry I ruined your turn. I feel kind of dickish about that."

Lily pursed her lips. "I've moved on, so don't worry about it." Her next words were cut short as she suddenly realized that not only had her brother been touching her, but he had seen her VR simulation. A warm surge of arousal flowed through her at the thought of her brother watching her nude, having sex with a stranger. Shit, girl, get a grip; you're as big a perv as your brother here.

"Glad you're ok with it now and not pissed off—not too much, at least," Alex said. He stopped, realizing something. "But hang on. Something you said a minute ago, that I never asked how you felt about me touching you. What did you mean? What did you want to say about how you felt about it?"

It was Lily's turn to blush. "I don't know, I'm a bit mixed up about this. I think that I should be pissed off, but I'm not. Maybe annoyed, but not angry or upset." She looked at her brother. "Know what I mean?"

"Um, sort of. I'm sensing you're holding something back, though. You know you can trust me, Lily; just say what you're thinking. You can tell me anything." Alex looked at his sister expectantly.

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