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Vox Populi Vox Dei Ch. 01


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"What I do know..." I said, then stopped and changed tack. "No, let me say it this way. Mr. Baldwin, do you know the names of the two people Peter Blassingame murdered?"

"Look, compared to what Edward Blassingame has done-------"

"DO YOU KNOW THEIR NAMES?" I shouted, my restraint breaking. Baldwin didn't answer, but just looked at me in shock. I rose out of my chair, putting my weight on my arms as I leaned over the table like a vulture. "Well, let me give you a fast education. Stephen Walter Henry. Do you know what he did? He gave a ride to a woman that had been raped and was running away from others that wished to do her further harm."

I continued: "Steven Walter Henry... did the right thing, he helped a girl in need. And what did he get for his act of kindness, of helping? He was hunted down. He was run off the road. He was dragged out of his car, whereupon Peter Blassingame put a gun to the back of his head and blew his brains out! For doing the right thing, Steven Henry was murdered in cold blood. A young college kid, with a good future ahead of him. Just senselessly shot dead... for helping someone."

In the utter silence of the room, I went on: "And if you think I'm going to help you make your name and career by giving up that murdering bastard Peter Blassingame so you can set him free... then you got another think coming."

"I resent that!" Baldwin shouted out, starting to realize that he was not facing just the Iron Crowbar but a Brick Wall. "This is not about me, this is about exposing and blowing up corruption!-------"

"Save it." I said, straightening up. "I am not an Agency of the Weak Minded with regards to your agenda and intentions here. But let me make my agenda clear: Peter Blassingame goes to a death penalty trial, in State Superior Court. The alternative... is that he dies. I'm very aware that I'm saying this in front of the Town & County Sheriff, Town & County Police Chief, and an Executive Assistant Director of the FBI: if there is any chance of you getting Peter Blassingame out of my jurisdiction, I'll kill him. I will put a gun to the back of his head and I will blow his brains out, exactly as he did to Steven Walter Henry."

"Are you...." Baldwin started, his eyes wide with pure shock. He looked over to the others. "Chief?"

"I tolllllllld you before he came in here," said Chief Moynahan, "that it was up to Commander Troy to decide what to doooooo. And you have heard his answer... which I fully support, by the way."

"And so do I." growled Sheriff Griswold. "I'm the senior law enforcement authority in this County, and I can assure you that this Town & County will fight you every step of the way in any attempt to take our prisoner out of our custody."

"Commander Troy is right, you know." said the EAD, to Baldwin. "You have no jurisdiction over Peter Blassingame, and no right to give him immunity for State crimes."

"We'll see about that." said Baldwin. "I'll have an order by a Federal Judge within 24 hours for you to turn him over to me. You can cooperate and do this peacefully, or we'll come in and take Peter Blassingame from you."

"Harumph." growled the Sheriff. "You and whose army?"

"The Federal Government's army." replied Baldwin. "Highly trained Federal Marshals, anyway. I don't want any of your Officers to be hurt, Chief, but once that Federal order is issued, you'll have to stand down."

"You do realize," said Chief Moynahan, "that we have already opposed armed attempts by your Federal Marshals to take Peter Blassingame out of our custody?" (Author's note: 'Unresolved', Ch. 04-05.)

"I don't know about any of that." said Baldwin. "What I do know, is that once I have that custody order, I will do whatever it takes to enforce it."

"You have not listened to a word I said." I replied. "You will not take Peter Blassingame alive. In the words of Joe Namath: I guarantee it!"

"Are you willing to die to hold him" asked Baldwin, his voice connoting an ultimatum. "Are you willing to have your Police Officers shot dead to keep him?"

"I won't order any other Officer to put their lives on the line to oppose you." I said. "But for myself, I'm ready and willing to die to keep you from getting Peter Blassingame alive. I may die, but he will die first, and all of your dreams of glory for your career will be ovah! I owe that much... to Stephen Walter Henry."

"It's unbelievable that a sworn Officer of the Law would even say that, much less do it." said Baldwin as he got up. "There's not much point in continuing this conversation. Mr. Assistant Director, I need to talk with you at the Federal Building." As he made his way to the door, he looked back to see that Lange had not moved. "Mr. Lange?"

"I'll meet you there in a few minutes." said Lange. After Baldwin exited the room, Lange turned to us and said "Guys, I just need you to know that I can't help you in this. I can pass it up the chain that I won't help enforce an unlawful order, but they'll just send someone else."

"I understand, Mr. Assistant Director." I said "And I don't want to put you nor Muscone in positions where you have to choose sides."

The EAD got up. "I better go, then. Good luck, guys. I hope push doesn't come to shove." With that he left the room.

"What are you expecting, Mr. Crowbarrrr?" asked the Chief.

"I think their plans are already in motion." I said as I typed on my Police iPhone. "The Federal order is going to be issued by Federal Judge Ruth B. Taney this evening. It may already be issued, but won't be released publicly until then. And then I believe they will attempt to use the element of surprise to take possession of Peter Blassingame. Here comes my email..." I put my 'Loddy Doddy Everybody' list in the 'send to' box and hit 'Send', crossing my personal Rubicon.

It read: "Federal authorities are going to attempt to unlawfully take custody of Peter Blassingame from the TCPD. They may attempt to use lethal force to take physical possession of him. I will not permit that, and will support and defend the Constitution and the rights of Peter Blassingame's victims. But I will not order anyone else on the TCPD to do the same, nor will I hold it against anyone who does or doesn't. (signed) Donald Troy, Police Commander."

"Count me in." said Sheriff Griswold. The Chief nodded his assent.

A second later a 'reply all' email came in. It read "I also will not order anyone else to do anything beyond their normal duties, but I volunteer to stand with you, Commander Troy, against any wrongful actions the Feds take. (signed) Teresa Croyle, Captain of Operations."

Within fifteen minutes we had over two hundred emails volunteering to stand with us. I love my Police Force. I love my Police Force. I love my Police Force...

"And now," I said as I speed-dialed a number, "it's time to see if all those seeds I've planted have taken root and will bear fruit..."

Part 6 - Unresolved

"Here's what we know." said Alison McFarland, Executive Publisher of The Town & County Examiner, into the microphone of her podcast 'Unresolved', which also was streaming on the Examiner website.

"Peter Blassingame is awaiting trail for rape and double murder, under guard, in the Town & County Jail., thanks to Police Commander Donald Troy. Commander Troy pushed back against powerful Corporate and Government Interests and arrested Blassingame for these... I'm required to say 'alleged' when I speak of these crimes... putting his own reputation and even his life on the line to bring Justice to Wendy Withers and Steven Walter Henry.

"Commander Troy then led a TCPD undercover operation with the help of very brave Police Detectives, which led to the arrest of Peter's father Edward Blassingame for a host of alleged Federal racketeering and organized crime charges. These cases appeared to be resolved.

"But something went wrong. Something is going wrong. The Edward Blassingame case is a case where ambitious U.S. Attorneys believe they can make their name and advance their careers, and don't care about the victims of Peter Blassingame's alleged crimes.

"The U.S. Attorney for the Edward Blassingame case is a man named Richard Baldwin. The Town & County Examiner had confirmed through multiple sources that U.S. Attorney Baldwin has finalized a plea deal with Edward Blassingame, where Blassingame will expose to the Feds his entire operations as well as those of others embedded into the highest levels of the Corporate and Government Elites.

"And in exchange... Peter Blassingame goes free. U.S. Attorney Richard Baldwin wants to give Peter Blassingame total immunity for his... 'alleged'... crimes of rape and first degree murder. The problem for U.S. Attorney Richard Baldwin is that the Peter Blassingame charges are State-level charges, and the Feds cannot trample upon a State's sovereign rights and give Peter immunity for those charges.

"Sources also tell the Examiner that activist Federal Judge Ruth B. Taney has already secretly issued the Federal order to take Peter Blassingame into Federal custody, with no legal backing but simply the sheer arrogance and belief that the Federal Government can do whatever they want to anyone they want. And what they want, listeners... is for Peter Blassingame to go free.

"And for what? There's no guarantee Edward Blassingame will tell the truth, that he'll give the Feds any information that the could actually use to prosecute someone else. It's all a sweetheart deal... except for Wendy Withers and Stephen Henry, of course. But who cares about them, when there are reputations and careers to be made?

"Is this what you want? Is this what you women on the University Campus want? To see Wendy Withers, who was savagely raped and then brutally murdered, to be denied Justice? If not, it's time to speak out. I'm Alison McFarland, and this is still... Unresolved."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Midnight, becoming Sunday, August 11th. U.S. Attorney Richard Baldwin was in his luxurious penthouse suite atop the Hyatt Hotel... the same suite where U.S. Congressman Condor's sweet young intern Chandra had been murdered. (Author's note: the aforementioned 'Unresolved', Ch. 04.) The other bedrooms were occupied by Baldwin's Beagles (his assistant attorneys). They were meeting in the living room area.

"Okay, the Federal warrant was secretly issued four hours ago so that we could make preparations, but it's only in effect and public after midnight, which is now." said Baldwin. "We've got four cars and one SUV, which we'll put Blassingame in once they've handed him over to us------ yes, Tank?"

"Do you think they'll hand him over, just like that?" asked the attorney, who looked more like a Union boss than a lawyer. "Especially after what Troy said?"

"Commander Troy talks a lot of bravado." said Baldwin. "But when it comes to upholding the law and the orders of the Federal Court, I believe his Police Officers will do the right thing and disobey his orders." The lawyer 'Tank' shook his head.

"Another thing," said Baldwin, "is that we've consulted with the FBI's best BAU unit, Bob Rovers's unit. They've had experience dealing with Commander Troy and the TCPD, and their analysis is that he's a loose cannon and should just be shot like a rabid dog, and that the rest of the Police Force will back down rather than oppose our Federal power... what, you don't agree?"

"Mr. Baldwin," Tank said, "I don't know about the rest of it, but I do know that the Rovers BAU is anything but the FBI's best. I'd be real wary of anything they tell you, if I were you."

"You're not me." said Baldwin. "We're going to get Peter Blassingame. And you're either with me or against me on this."

"Mr. Baldwin," said another man, who was a young-'ish' looking, handsome man with a serious demeanor, and an FBI Special Agent, "I need to advise you that 'Tank' here is right about the BAU team, and that the BAU team is wrong about Commander Troy and his Police Force. They are very loyal to him. You just said you expect your people to be with you or against you? Commander Troy doesn't have to tell his people that."

"Also," the FBI Agent said, "a local newswoman came out with the story in an online podcast, and a lot of student groups, especially women, are getting together to hold rallies against you taking custody of Blassingame. The News Media is beginning to be all over it, as well."

"And that's why we've shifted the timetable." said Baldwin. "We're going in and serving the Federal order at four o'clock, four hours from now..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The figures in black reached the grate that covered the large pipe that ran from the sub-basement of County Jail westerly, towards the River. (Author's note: 'A Tiny Slip' Ch. 01, among other places.)

One of the men whispered "This tunnel leads under County Jail. We're going to use it to penetrate the Jail. If they resist the Marshals, we'll ambush them from behind and underneath, grab Blassingame and take him out of here. And no matter what, we will kill Donald Troy if we get the chance."

"He'll probably be up front, confronting the Marshals." another man said.

"Maybe." said the leader. "But remember this: Don Troy is responsible for the death of our comrade Quint Starr. We believe Don Troy murdered Trent Ridge. Don Troy captured Mai Ling, and Don Troy was behind the capture of Jerry Barsbane. Don Troy has killed many good people while saving traitors and other despicable scum, and tonight we take our revenge by stamping every wet bit of existence out of that son of a bitch..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

3:50am. The convoy of vehicles poured out of the garage under the Federal Building, joined by more vehicles from the Old Post Office behind (to the north of) the Federal Building.

"I hope they do resist." said the lead Federal Marshal, who was sitting next to Baldwin, and wearing heavy armor. "I haven't forgotten what that bastard Troy and his cocksucking lapdog Muscone did to us in Florida." (Author's note: 'Agents and Angels', Ch. 03.)

"I'd prefer a minimum of trouble and a smooth, easy transfer of custody." said Baldwin, wearing lighter armor under his shirt. "But if they resist in any way, you'll get your wish."

As they drove up the road towards County Jail, Baldwin said "No Police vehicles at all on the road. Harumph, some security. We're getting right to the gate."

Then they drove around a curve and the driver slowed the car. Baldwin said "What's going on?... What the fu-uckkkkk?..."

To be continued.

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chytownchytown10 months ago

*****Damn this is good. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Protest by students

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

As always, great work.

I'm guessing there will be ninjas of the Clan Crowbar kind somehwere along that tunnel that the sneaky bastards are trying to use.

Not sure what US Attorney Asshole saw coming around the corner. Protests? The entire police force?

fuzzy94fuzzy94over 4 years ago

Baldwin is an arrogant fool ... I have to say that WW has developed a great thriller. Now with this state of social distancing, very limited toilet tissue, and Shelter in Place, following Crowbar's exploits and now a timely cliffhanger, I'm starting to bite my fingernails and crack my knuckles ... I LOVE THESE STORIES

john_sixfooterjohn_sixfooterover 4 years ago
Excellent, WW!

Once again, you've written an engaging, intricate, and amazing story. You deliver commentary and informed opinions of our national problems, and give them incredible clarity. Your story is powerful, well thought through, and has incredibly evolved from the beginning, years ago.

Thank you for all your hard work. I only wish I could see your storyboard, outline, whatever you use to plan all this in advance. I am consistently amazed how your details flow and fit so seamlessly.

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 4 years agoAuthor
Next chapter submitted, and comments

The second chapter of the story is submitted, and hopefully will be published soon.

tranzmany - I've never seen an episode of 'West Wing', so I'll take your word for it about that show. The title of my story is from the Conan Doyle story, since it's mostly about trials and legal matters.

tranzmanytranzmanyover 4 years ago

"The voice of the people is the voice of a dog. God, Joshua! The voice of God" Wow I loved the West Wing. Even though I may disagree with most of Bartlet's positions in that show I can see that he wanted what was best for his country and is as closed to an honorable politician literature may see. That was a good show. So take this compliment for what it is worth, this is just as good a story as that show. This story seems to be back at normal crowbar speed which is its own story on its own time not at break neck speed. As usual gotta love your cliff hanger. One may think you tae the readers as being Will E Coyote with the amount of cliff you give us and its done well so far. OK I'm done fluffing you, and look forward to your next section. Thank you!

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