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We'll Always Have Paris Ch. 01

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Don and Laura visit the City of Light.
8.9k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/09/2018
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This story is part of an ongoing series. The chronological order of my stories is listed in WifeWatchman's biography, which is currently not updating. Stories after Ethical Dilemmas are: We'll Always Have Paris.

Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas.

This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of these in this story should not be construed as acceptance of the above.

Part 1 - Prologue

Saturday, September 1st, 8:00am. I drove out of the driveway of The Cabin, and had to stop almost immediately. The road, which wound down the mountain to end up at University Avenue just north of University Memorial Stadium, was blocked by a huge piece of machinery on tracks, which was meant to clear land.

I turned on the blue lights of my Police SUV, which got some attention, and got out of the car to see what was the matter. I was wearing my light blue golf/polo shirt with embroidered badge embroidered over the heart, my badge and gun and cuffs on my gunbelt over khaki pants and black hi-top shoes (for ankle support), and the Tilley hat. Of course, the red crowbar was in my hand.

A couple of men were standing by the machinery, and I went up to them. "What is going on here, and why are you blocking the road?"

"Who are you?" one of them said. In need of an eyeglasses appointment, he was.

"Town & County Police." I said, taking my badge off the belt and holding it up. "One more time, what's going on?"

"Hold on, guys!" said a voice. A man came walking down a half-cleared trail leading up and to the left. It was George, the contractor that I'd hired to build the New Cabin after the old one had been burned to ashes by the Consultant of Crime. (Author's note: 'Seriously Inconvenienced' Ch. 04 for the fire; 'Secrets Of Apple Grove', Ch. 04 for George.) "Hello, Commander Troy. Good to see you again."

I shook his proffered hand as I said in a more friendly manner "What's going on here?"

"Someone bought this parcel of land." said George. "He has the money to shore it up, cut the long driveway gradually up to the house he's going to build, and build the house. It'll be the same height above sea level as yours, though the driveway goes farther because the road goes lower from where your driveway gets to it."

"Who's building it?" I asked.

"Todd Burke, the young CEO of that BOW Enterprises company." said George. "Said he's tired of paying the Homeowners Association fees at the Heritage Cloisters. Not the first time I've heard that complaint."

"I didn't know if a house could be built here." I said. "The Cabin barely fits, as it is."

"Oh yeah, it's not a big problem." George said. "We'll just clear out a chunk of land, like was done on your property, reinforce it with piles under the slab. It won't stick out far, but will be wide along the hillside to make up for it."

"I can't wait to see what Mr. Burke's wife's plans are." I said. "Okay, make sure y'all mark off the road while that hunk of metal and those big trucks are coming and going."

George said he'd take care of it and I went back to my Police SUV, going the long way around to Reservoir Road and back into Town. Game day traffic was already getting heavy...

Part 2 - Political Season, Football Season

"This is Bettina Wurtzburg, KXTC Fox Two News!" shouted the redheaded reporterette at 7:00am, Tuesday, September 4th, from in front of City Hall. "The rancor in Midtown over the Lieutenant Governor election has reached fever pitch!"

We were in my office, since it had the clear plastic pad for Tanya to drive her wheelchair on and park in front of my desk. Chief Moynahan and Cindy Ross were on the sofa, and Teresa was in the hot chair nearest the wall, looking over Tanya at the new, large monitor on the wall just beyond where the door would open against. I was in the comfortable 'Command Chair' behind my desk, grateful for its lumbar support.

Bettina began her report: "The Labor Day weekend is the traditional start of the homestretch into the November General Elections, but the death of Lt. Governor Graham Collins has created a void that will require a special election. State Legislators convened in meetings over the weekend, trying to work out an amenable solution to all. Governor Jared has announced that he will call a Special Session of the Legislature to pass a measure on the Special Election, but only if the solution is amenable to him, and no later than this Friday."

"The Republicans are demanding that both Parties name one candidate for the ballot, to be chosen by the old-style method of political conventions." continued Bettina. "The Democrats want an open, 'jungle-style' election, with the top two vote-getters, regardless of Party, facing off in a run-off on November 27th."

"Grassroots Conservatives bitterly oppose the Republican plan," said Bettina, "saying it is a deliberate attempt to shut out Conservatives from being on the ballot, and it is this intra-Party rift that is holding up any progress. The Conservatives, led by Rep. William C. 'Billy' Williams of our 1st District, say they may support the Democrats' plan rather than support the Establishment Republican plan."

"Governor Jared is opposed to both plans, citing the expense that the Democrat plan of a runoff would create, and the problems it would create during the Holiday season." said Bettina. "He has proposed Party caucuses on October 9th, paid for by the Parties, with the winners facing off on November 6th in the regular General Election."

"In local contests," said Bettina, "Former Police Chief Antonio Griswold kicked off his Fall campaign yesterday at a huge rally at Ronald Reagan Park." A photo of the well-attended event and a huge banner were shown as Bettina said "He unveiled his new campaign slogan 'GRIZZ MEANS BIZZ!', and he was joined by Republican Candidate for Mayor and current Sheriff Daniel Allgood at the rally."

"There was some concern that the death of his son Charlie might dissuade Chief Griswold from continuing his run for Sheriff." said Bettina. "However, while neither he nor his Campaign would confirm it, sources tell Fox Two News that Mr. Griswold was deeply angered by an ad run by his opponent, Democrat Della Harlow, using a photo of his late son being awarded the Governor's Gold Medal to attack Chief Griswold and Republican Governor Jared."

"And speaking of Della Harlow," said Bettina with much more enthusiasm, "she held her own rally yesterday at the Fairgrounds, along with Candidate for Mayor Eldrick X. Weaver!" The rally was shown, showing a crowd of mostly young white women with very short haircuts, and black men and women.

"After the rally," said Bettina, "many of the crowd marched to the nearby Police Headquarters, and briefly blocked Riverside Drive as they peacefully protested Police Commander Donald Troy's abusive actions towards minorities and the Press."

The truth is that the protest was not very large, composed mostly of those women with the short haircuts, and was barely 'peaceful'. Bettina also didn't mention that the road blockage was brief because Police came out and began making arrests, which caused the cowardly protestors to scatter like a covey of partridge...

"And now let's go to Nick Eastwood for the Sports report. Great start to the Bulldogs season, Nick!" said Bettina.

"That's right, Bettina!" said Nick Eastwood, reporting from across the street from University Memorial Stadium, which was in his background. "The Bulldogs opened their campaign with a 56-0 win over Mountain State. Defensive end Derrick 'Bloody' Waters, a.k.a. 'Train Number 93', had eight sacks as the Bulldogs D dominated the game! Also, the Wildcats beat State Tech 48-3, and it looks like State Tech is in for another long, losing season."

"Meanwhile," said Nick, "sources tell Fox Two Sports that the NCAA's review of Commander Donald Troy's information regarding the Harlan/Gonzales case has been 'satisfactory', and that it is likely they will not pursue the case any further. Additionally, Karen Warner Harlan, the widow of the late Coach Brian Harlan, made these tearful comments to our Los Angeles affiliate. Roll tape."

Tape rolled, showing the extraordinarily beautiful Widow Harlan in tears at a microphone saying "My husband was a good man, and a good coach! The accusations against him are disgusting, despicable! I am ready to sue anyone, from the Press to the NCAA, who dares falsely accuse my husband of doing those filthy things!"

Back to Eastwood live: "Mrs. Harlan's tearful rebuttal of the accusations against her late husband have been joined by many past Bulldogs players that played for Coach Harlan... including me. I know the NCAA has to do their job and investigate this, and I won't lift a finger to defend Coach Gonzales. But Coach Harlan was a good coach, and was loved by his players. Back to you, Bettina."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Pretty strong statement of support from young Eastwood, therrrrrre." said Chief Moynahan.

"Does he really think Harlan is innocent?" asked Cindy.

"He knows the truth." I said. "He and the other players are saying those things to support the School."

"Think it'll work?" asked Teresa.

"Yes." I said. "I've gotten some feedback that the NCAA has accepted my explanation of events as the 'historically accurate' version, and will close their investigation with no penalty for the University, nor Eastern State, nor the Conference."

"They're lucky." said Cindy. "I thought it was over when KCTY and KSTD started spewing the story from their potty mouths."

"They're lucky to have had the Iron Crowbar go to bat for them." said Tanya. "Only Don could have presented the Westboro story and the evidence. No one else in the world could have done that." Everyone else agreed. Even I nodded; I had been in the unique position to bring that filthy secret to light without destroying the University itself, and I had done it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"And this is KZON, 680 The Zone! Welcome to the Steve & Steve Show!" said Steve Brown on KZON Radio at 7:06am. "I'm Steve Brown, and with me as always is former NFL standout Steve Green. Steve, let's talk college football. The Bulldogs looked very strong, as expected."

"Yes, Steve, they did." said Green. "But Junior Derrick Waters was beyond strong, he made a statement. They call him 'Train Number 93', and he was absolutely unstoppable Saturday."

"You're right," said Brown, "and he's going to be the linchpin of the Bulldogs's success this year. Meanwhile, the Wildcats had a solid 48-3 win over State Tech. Was the Wildcats' defense better than expected? Or is State Tech just that bad now?"

"Some of both, I think." said Steve Green. "The Wildcats are the youngest team in the Conference this year. Freshmen Gregg Scott had an outstanding game at the Safety position, and he hit some people hard in that game. And Freshman linebacker Davis Smith is someone we really need to watch. He's big, he's fast, he's quick, and wide receiver Jamaal Washington said that Smith would be the Wildcats 'secret weapon' this year."

"I thought the Wildcats defense looked much better than all the experts said they would be." said Steve Brown. "Coach Erskine 'Iron Man' Marshall has those kids swarming to the football, hitting hard, and making plays. Everyone is picking the Bulldogs as the overwhelming favorite to win the Conference and maybe compete with Alabama or Florida for the national title, and the Bulldogs do have a seasoned, skilled team, but watch out for these Wildcats."

"Eastern State defeated Taco State 35-10." said Steve Green. "The reason I bring them up, is because they are being investigated as well as the Bulldogs for actions involving Coach Willy 'Speedy' Gonzales, who was the wide receivers coach at both Schools, and was found dead at Eastern State's game with the Wildcats last year. What is the status of that?"

"I'm getting from multiple sources, including Nick Eastwood of KXTC, Jeff Hull of SNN Sports, as well as people close to the matter within the NCAA," said Brown, "that the NCAA has accepted the information given to them by the Town & County Police, who busted Gonzales for the PED distribution ring, and whose Commander Don Troy investigated the Gonzales murder at Wildcat School, and that the NCAA is going to end the investigation with no penalties levied against any School nor the Conference."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Cindy and I had listened to the sports commentary on the app on my iPhone, obviously delayed, after the others had left my office.

"Secret weapons, huh?" Cindy said. "Not going to be enough for you. We're at home, we're experienced, our guys are bigger than your Freshmen..."

"If size mattered," I retorted, "you'd have beaten Teresa twice in the Police Boxing Matches."

"Ohhhhh my goodness!" Cindy said with mock shock. "You have got a yyyuuuuge beatdown coming for that one! Maybe I should ask Laura in front of everyone at the Policeman's Ball if size really matters."

"And why would that be a problem for me?" I queried, defending my 'honor'... below the belt, anyway.

"Well, she does call it your little crowbar." Cindy fired back with a wicked grin. Yeah, I walked into that one.

"Ouch!" I said in mock pain. "That was below the belt... in every way!"

"Sounds like we're missing a party in here." said the aforementioned twice-defending Police Boxing Matches Champion, Teresa Croyle, as she came back into my office for the Angels meeting, Tanya right behind her.

"Ohhhh," Cindy said, "we were just discussing that age-old question: 'Does size matter?'."

"You alpha-males and your competitions." Teresa said, needling us both. "No wonder the Chief kicked us out of the MCD coffee klatches."

"Speaking of that," I said, "how are they taking it?"

"Not well." said Tanya. "They figured out pretty fast that we'd been told to stay out of there, and I didn't lie to them when Joanne asked that straight out. They were quiet at first, but then Theo and Jerome started up some banter, and everyone perked up again."

"Good." I said. "Okay, let's watch some TV." I turned on the television for the KSTD report.

"This is Cynthia Freeman for SNN News!" said the lovely reporterette, showing her too-toothy smile. "We have breaking news! Dr. Laura Fredricson's medical license has been restored! University Hospital just issued a statement saying that Hospital Administrator Dr. Leonard Cordell has restored her status as being on Staff with the Hospital, and she can return to seeing patients immediately."

We had a mini-celebration in my office as Cynthia went over the stuff Bettina had reported on the hour before. Then Cynthia added more.

"Sources tell SNN that State Secretary of State Brian Cagle will implement the Republican plan to have candidates on the ballot named by the State Republican and Democrat Parties after internal balloting or conventions." said Cynthia. "This may force the Governor to call a Special Session of the Legislature to circumvent the Secretary of State's plan, but the danger is that the Grassroots Conservatives might rebel against their Republican Establishment leaders and side with the Democrats and their plan."

"We have with us Dr. Adam S. Keller of City University's Rodham Foundation for Political and Social Change." said Cynthia, bringing the odious Dr. Keller into the view of the camera. "Doctor, what does this mean for the Lieutenant Governor election?"

"Governor Jared has gotten himself trapped again by his own stupidity and political incompetence." said Keller in his smooth, even way of talking. "If he calls a Special Session, there will be a huge split in the Republican Party, leading to a 'jungle style' election where it's very likely two Democrats will be in the runoff."

Keller went on: "If Jared vetoes whatever bill comes out of the Legislature, then by default the Secretary of State sets the rules, and Secretary Cagle has already said he will have the Parties name candidates for the ballot. This will totally shut out the White Nationalists in the Republican Party, and the resulting split in the Party will make it much easier for the Democrat to win."

"So there's no way out for Jared if he calls a Special Session?" Cynthia asked, again showing a too-toothy smile. Cynthia needed to learn from Callie Carrington how to smile perfectly, I thought to myself...

"That's right, Cynthia." said Keller. "Any way you look at it, it's a disaster for the Republicans."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Well," said Cindy, "that's the far-left-wing viewpoint. What's the real story, there?"

"Dumbass Keller is an Ex-Lax commercial's dream," I said, "but Cynthia was pretty accurate with the basics. Secretary of State Brian Cagle is an Establishment weenie, and is looking to undermine Governor Jared with the Republican Plan. The good news is that the Special Session might not go as Keller thinks it will."

"So the Grassroots guys will cave? And do what the Establishment Republicans order them to?" asked Teresa scornfully.

"Not necessarily." I said. "Jared is going to stay in the background and let others lay the groundwork. The plan he proposes, caucuses paid for by the Parties, will be the compromise bill. The votes will not be counted by the Government, but by the Parties, since it's a caucus and not a primary."

"So they can cheat all they want." said Teresa.

"Well, possibly." I replied. "Anyhoo, the Grassroots will get a real vote instead of the Establishment just picking their candidate and shutting out the Grassroots, but the carrot for the Establishment is that there will be no runoff: it will be a simple plurality, and the top vote-getter is the one on the ballot in November."

"Sounds like you went fishing with someone this weekend." Cindy said, meaning the Republican candidate for Sheriff and Governor Jared's confidant, Chief Griswold.

"More like I went to his political rally yesterday," I said, "where I talked with some interesting persons with some interesting ideas in their heads..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A phone call took Cindy out of the meeting, so I got down to business with my Captains. "Okay, what's going on in my Police Force?" I asked.

"Typical Saturday night after a football game." said Teresa. "But since it was a noon game, and over quickly, we had fewer DUIs than we normally get. Most of the arrests we had were disorderly conduct charges for Fraternities that got out of hand on our side of University Avenue. Labor Day itself was relatively quiet, as well. The joke of that protest was the only problem we had, and it was resolved... quickly."

If I didn't know better, I'd suspect that Teresa might have enjoyed crushing that protest, but I put that into its compartment of the mind, and moved on:

"Any cases for our Detectives to glance into?" I asked Tanya.

"Nothing big." said Tanya. "With School starting up and the first football game being played, I was expecting Vice to be busy. But so far, we're not getting any leads on anyone trying to pipe any drugs into here."

"Ehhhhh..." I all but growled, "that's not right. Something's up. Either a new pipeline, or..." I went into a reverie.

When I came out of it, I said "Tell Mary that something's off. Start looking for new and improved pipelines. Also look to see if someone is trying to corner the market, like the Beanstalk Gang did with the help of Malone. Teresa, have a word with Orosco in Internal Affairs. He needs to be on the lookout for any groupings of Police Officers trying to start up a protection racket, just a few of them supporting one gang as opposed to Malone using the entire Force."

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