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What's for Breakfast?

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Father-in-law cums to stay.
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I didn't sign up for this, Candy thinks to herself as she unpacks the old man's bag, neatly placing his clothes in the oak drawers of their guest room. We should be at the summer house on the lake, our fishing lines in the water, and a cold beer to entertain us while we wait for the fish to bite. Instead, I'm here, playing nurse to an old man.

She sighs as she slings the emptied bag onto the floor and unzips the next, revealing all of the old man's intimates. To her surprise, they're not the old whitey tighties but colorful, with funny designs and cartoons. Candy is taken aback for only a split second before bursting into hushed laughs, placing her hand over her mouth so as not to attract any attention. Slowly she gathers her composure again and continues with her chores to ready the guest room for her father-in-law. He had taken a spill so bad that he required surgery to his ankle making it near impossible for him to get around on his own.

Candy made up the bed with fresh linens, added the newly purchased bottles of soap to the adjacent bathroom, and gave the room one final dusting before turning the light off and returning to the living room where her husband and father-in-law had been catching up. Flopping down on the couch next to her husband, Candy looked over at her father-in-law. He was only in his 50s now, she knew that he had been young when her husband was born but now she wondered how young. They were in their 30s and he couldn't be more than 20 years older than her. His hair had only recently started to turn grey giving him that peppered, wise look that she found subtly arousing. His dad-of-the-year look was complete with a slight beer belly and thick upper arms that made him look like he could swing an axe all day.

How had she not noticed that he was handsome? Indeed, they hadn't spent much time together, he traveled a lot and often missed holidays and birthdays. He'd been at their wedding but now that she thought about it, she had been far too busy with their other guests and never spent time getting to know him. Now, she was going to have all the time she wanted over the next few weeks. Having already taken her vacation from work for their lake trip, Candy had the time to step in as a full-time caretaker after his surgery. Her husband, however, enjoyed work more than the lake house and had planned to work remotely during their vacation. Now that they weren't going to he was happy to return to the office every day.

Candy felt suddenly a little ashamed at the idea of spending all day alone with a handsome man but it was her father-in-law, why should she feel anything at all? She was asked to take care of him and that's what she's going to do. She'll do his washing, help him with his physical training, and run errands, what about that could she possibly be ashamed of?

She was lost in thought when her husband's voice broke through, "Candy! Earth to Candy!" Suddenly she realized she had been staring at the floor and now both her husband and father were staring at her. "There she is!" her husband says, "I was just asking about dinner." he smiles down at her in a way she knows too well, don't embarrass me.

"Yes, sorry I was just resting after getting the bedroom done. Umm..." she blanks on his name, Oh God, how do I not know my father-in-law's name?, "Your bedroom is ready for you and I unpacked your things."

His voice is rougher than she recalled, deep and crackly, "Hopefully you like what you found!" He lets out a deep rumble of laughter while maintaining his eye contact with her. They both know what she found and the fact that he isn't embarrassed about makes him even more attractive. She giggles too, enjoying this moment of a shared secret.

"And what about dinner?" Her husband asks curtly, cutting off the laughter.

"I'll get started now, my love." Candy gives her husband a quick kiss on the cheek and stands to leave. She feels her father-in-law's eyes digging into her as she does and turns her head in response, locking eyes with him once again as she walks out of the room. Was he eye fucking me just now? Her brain is mush at the idea, that her father-in-law of all people was hitting on her.

At dinner, her husband helped the old man hobble into the dining room since he refused to use his crutches. Their dining room was small and allowed for only a round table with 4 chairs crammed against the wall making 2 of the chairs essentially unusable. Candy had pulled the table out just far enough to squeeze into one of those chairs and found herself feeling locked in, the table making it difficult to reach or maneuver.

They hadn't even picked up their silverware to eat and her husband already had his nose in the evening paper. She sighed to herself, this was typical for him, more interested in his newspaper than speaking with her. Candy felt herself roll her eyes at the back of his newspaper as she leaned forward for a scoop of mashed potatoes, staring back at her, his eyes drilling into her even more this time, was her father-in-law. Her hand had stopped midair when their eyes locked, his eyes looked so hungry but not for any food on this table.

She didn't know how much time had passed, their eyes locked, her hand still suspended in the air, before he smiled at her. It was a good smile too, revealing dimples and a slyness to his look that took him from a 7 to a 10 on her hot meter. In this moment she wanted him too, the father of her husband, and there was nothing more that she wanted to do than to throw him down on the table and ride him into infinity. It was only his first night here, what was it going to be like when they were alone tomorrow? This thought brought Candy back to herself, What was tomorrow going to be like?

Neither of them seemed to eat anything, spending the entire evening locked into each others gaze, their indiscretions hidden from her husband by only a flap of newspaper. Once he was done reading, he laid the paper down and finished his plate, telling them about the latest news through a mouthful of food. He threw his napkin on the plate and exclaimed to the table, "Thanks, babe, that was delicious! Well, Dad, it's late and I need to catch up on some work I missed picking you up from the hospital and then I'm going to hit the hay. Let Candy know if you need anything else." Just like that, they were alone.

Candy watched her husband leave the room, acutely aware that her father-in-law had not stopped staring at her even while her husband was speaking to them. Her heartbeat had been elevated all night, the adrenaline from their locked eyes sending it soaring. Now that they were alone, his eyes fixed on her, her heart felt like it was beating hard enough to explode, and she could feel the warmth of her blushing face. Trying to avoid locking eyes again, Candy pushes her cramped chair further against the wall to get more room to stand but finds herself struggling.

"Where are you going? You didn't eat." His voice was a wonderful growl she noted, deep and rough.

"I'm not very hungry," her voice came out as nothing more than a whisper, "I'm going to get the kitchen cleaned up..." she trailed off at the end, not knowing how to say I want to get away from those intensely sexy eyes.

"I don't think we've had much time to get to know each other these last few years. Something that I am ashamed to admit is my fault." His eyes never leave hers as he speaks, "I'm hoping that over the next few weeks, we're able to get to know each other." He gives her a sly smile and she believes he is genuine with what he's saying.

"We're happy to have you and I'm glad everything lined up so we could help you while you recover." She can feel herself smiling back at him, lost in his beautiful eyes.

"Me too! Well, I think I'm off to bed!" He exclaims while pushing away from the table. She watches as he grabs at the table and begins struggling to pull himself into a standing position.

"Would you me to help you into the bedroom?" She says concerned while struggling herself to get out of the bear trap of the table and wall behind her. By the time she is able to free herself, he is standing on his own, favoring his left ankle. Without saying a word Candy positions herself under his left arm. They walk together wordlessly, him wincing with each step and half dragging his foot.

They approach his bed Candy leaning down to leverage herself against his weight. He uses her to balance himself as he turns himself around so that he can easily sit on the bed. As he turns his left-hand slips from her shoulder, instinctively he reaches out to her trying to stabilize himself, and his hand ends up firmly grasping her breast as he half falls onto the bed. Shocked by the firmness of the grab and the lingering fingers even after he is firmly sat on the bed Candy can't bring herself to say anything. His hand stays on her breast, squeezing it firmly, while he scoots himself onto the bed.

Candy can feel a flush filling her face, the heat is so intense she can feel her eyes beginning to fill with embarrassed tears. Hiding her face, Candy quickly turns to leave the room, calling back over her shoulder, "Goodnight!" She doesn't wait for a reply as she scurries to her bedroom and locks the door behind her.

She lays awake that night considering the events of the evening. It's hard to believe that her father-in-law had been staring her down while they were watching TV. The accidental slip of his hand didn't seem like an accident at all when you consider how long he kept it there. He had to have known where his hand was, his hand had cupped and gripped her breast. I must be exhausted, no way that actually happened. Right? Sleep fights her but eventually, she does drift off to sleep wondering if she just imagined it all.

The morning was uneventful, Candy woke up early to prepare her husband's breakfast, lunch, and outfit for the day. He ate and was off to work before she heard any movement from her father-in-law's room. She was doing the dishes when he finally entered the room still wearing his plaid pajama pants and button-up shirt. Surprisingly he was using his crutches today and from the looks of it, he wasn't very good at maneuvering them yet.

They threw each other a polite smile as Candy placed a plate of fruit, cottage cheese, and toast in front of him and returned to her dishes. She was lost in thought considering if the sundress she had chosen that morning may be too cold for the supermarket this afternoon when she heard her father-in-law shuffling to get up. "Need some help?" she calls to him without looking up.

"Nope, I'm fine." He sounds a little winded but the soft thump of the crutches against the tile reassures her that he's got it.

She's finishing up the last spoon when she realizes that he is standing directly behind her, the crutches are now leaning against the counter beside her. Before she has a chance to wonder where he might be she feels his fingertips running up her outer thigh and under her dress. Candy jumps at the sudden sensation of touch and turns to look at him, determined to ask him what he thought he was doing but she can't turn because his other arm is now wrapped around her chest, pulling her body into his.

Candy cries out, "What the fuck..." but is cut off when his hand grabs her by the chin and twists her head to face him. His kiss comes in strong, forcefully, and his tongue is in her mouth before their lips have touched. He holds her there, pressed against him so firmly she cannot wiggle her upper body, his tongue in her mouth. She's surprised to find herself kissing him back, her tongue crisscrossing his, her lips pressing back into his completely lost in the moment.

His hand falls away from her chin as his fingertips move down her neck and then back up to her chin sending chills down her spine. The arm that's wrapped around her loosens and with a firm grip on her shoulder, he turns her body around, pressing her against the counter with his body. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling herself up to his lips and returning the pressure against his body. There is a pain in her leg and she realizes with surprise that it's his very well-endowed hard cock pressing into her.

He wraps his arms around her and pulls her into a hug while scooting her over to the countertop that is still wet from the dishes. In one swift move, he lifts her onto the counter and pulls her ass to the edge. Her legs wrap around him as she yanks at his shirt, pulling it up over his head. His hands are up her dress now, tugging at her panties while he kisses her passionately.

His kisses leave her mouth and begin traveling down her neck and her shoulders. He stops briefly at her breasts taking each of them out of her dress and caressing them as he licks and flicks the nipple until they're fully erect. Kissing down her body he doesn't stop again until his head is between her legs and kissing up her thighs. She can feel her bodies reaction, the rush of blood to her pussy, and the wetness growing within her. Each kiss closer makes her hips instinctively thrust forward and back urging her to grind against either his face or his cock, she didn't care.

It was the feeling of his tongue penetrating her lips that made her moan first. The warm wetness of it swooshing around her clit, each flick causing her body to tense and relax over and over again. He places his hands on her ass cheeks simultaneously pulling her pussy closer to his face and spreading her cheeks apart so he can push his face deeper. She braces her legs on the island counter behind him, arching her body to present her pussy to him fully.

Taking his tongue from her clit he licks down her to her opening, licking it like a lollypop before penetrating her as deeply as he can and taking time to taste all of her juices. The sudden forcefulness of his tongue causes her to let out a loud moan encouraging him. He buries his face in her, licking up and down, flicking his tongue inside of her, and then back up to her clit. She can't control her hips anymore, placing one hand on the back of his head she pushes him down and begins to grind against his face.

The sensation of his nose and tongue pressing so hard on her clit makes her cum quickly. She can feel a warm gush as she does and looking down she's embarrassed to see his face covered in her warm juices. He's looking up at her with a wide smile on his face and licking his lips. Without a word, he dives make in and resumes his up-and-down motion on her now swollen and sensitive pussy. He makes her cum two more times like this, each time she loses control as she climaxes and grinds herself against his face until she cums and drenches his face all over again.

Still holding her ass he stands and uses a towel to dry some of her pussy juice from his face. She watches with anticipation when he looks down, using one hand to undo the tie of his pajama pants. He is at least 8 inches and dripping for her, she can see it jerking slightly every time she runs her fingers across his skin.

Her wetness glistens off of his tip as he begins running it up and down her slit, moaning softly, enjoying the slick feeling of her shaved and wet pussy. She reaches out and gently raises his chin so they're looking eye to eye. Their eyes remain locked as she feels his tip align with her opening, the pressure building every so gently. Her wetness allows his cock to glide in, stretching her wide with a mix of pleasure and pain. He leans in and kisses her again, his tongue exploring her mouth as he pushes deeper and deeper inside of her.

Candy braces herself between the counters suspended in the air with only his cock stabilizing her. He's halfway in when he pauses, pulling back from their kiss to look into her eyes again. One of his hands moves between them and she can feel the gentle pressure of his thumb against her clit. They stand their eyes locked, his cock half inside of her swollen wet pussy, while he massages her clit. The sensation of his touch and the feeling of such a large cock inside of her drives her body to the edge quickly. Her mind keeps going back to the wrongness of having her father-in-law stretching her in her husbands kitchen. Each time she thinks of it she feels him slide in a little more, her wetness guiding him in.

The warmth from her pussy grows and spreads across her body. She feels every stroke of his thumb across her clit send electricity up and down her spine. He quickens his pace, moving his thumb around in a circle faster and faster, her body reacting with each movement. The wetness begins to drip down his cock and her ass encouraging her to try and push him deeper inside of her.

Using the leverage of the countertop and her gravity on his cock Candy pushes her body against him feeling his cock push into her quickly and painlessly. They both let out a loud moan at the sensation of his cock plunging deep inside of her and bottoming out against her cervix. She begins grinding her body back and forth on his cock as he continues his circular motion on her clit.

She loses herself in the sensation of him by focusing on the heat spreading through her body. His pace quickens as her moans build, the rhythmic thumping of his balls against her ass as he bottoms out again and again. Her hands explore his body, dragging her nails across his chest and pinching his nipple gently. He must enjoy it because he moans with each scratch and pinch while also maintaining eye contact.

When her climax comes it is hard and intense. She pulls him into a kiss as she comes and lets go of the counter, wrapping her arms around his neck so he is holding her against his body and on his cock. He cums with her moaning into her mouth and filling her pussy. Candy can feel the warm rush of his cum deep inside of her.

He sets her down on the counter gently, still kissing her as he pulls his cock out. They stay there lost in the moment while his cum drips from his cock and her pussy. It doesn't take long before they're making out again, his cock growing harder by the second. She doesn't remember how many times he filled her in that kitchen that morning and afternoon but she'll never forget how hard she came.

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rahulranacrazy1rahulranacrazy14 months ago

This deserves a sequel. I’m going to read the others and comment.

coolstrangeravenuecoolstrangeravenue7 months ago

love these stories. I just think (this is entirely a comment, not a criticism, five stars all the way, and all the stories are perfect) that every slut in each one of these should get bred.

Crusader235Crusader2357 months ago

Oh Lord that was Hot. Is Candy going to start calling him Daddy when he's fucking her brains out. Lovin a forceful FIL filling in for his son.

Five stars and I hope you continue this story. After all FIL will be there for weeks.

Will527Will5277 months ago

Whew! My heart is all aflutter and my tongue is still hard....wonderful....

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Fun and erotic. Would have been better without the change to present tense part way through

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