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Whole New Slave Game Ch. 02

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Sex, sex slaves, spooks, spies, and scoundrels in new game.
7.4k words

Part 2 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/18/2017
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Finally, I am ready to start putting up the rest of the chapters of the new Sex Slave Lottery story, Whole New Slave Game.

It is not for everyone, or perhaps for anyone but hard-core fans of my earlier stories (both of them).

It is quite long. It involves many subjects in addition to sex. Also, while I have tried to provide some factual background from past stories, to follow this one completely, one should have read all of Sex Slave Lottery (Chapters 1-10) and The 150th Sex Slave (Chapters 1-10- Alternative ending). Most critically, one should have read the Concluding Nonconsenual Postscript that was written to be read after Chapter 10 of the Alternative ending of the 150th Sex Slave and Chapter 1 of Whole New Slave Game, of course.

To make things still more difficult, one of the chapters of the 150th Slave, Alternative Ending is out of order on the Literotica list of my work and most of them are double-listed.

Judy's Misadventures has nothing to do with this tome, which builds on the Alternative Ending and the Postscript, not the Original Ending of the 150th Sex Slave.

I hope someone likes Whole New Slave Game.

Any resemblance between characters in this work and any actual person, living or dead, is a complete coincidence.

So here goes

Chapter 2 (much background and, for our heroine, a rare instance of gratuitous sex)

On the plane from Bolry to London I wrote about the surprise visit Svetlana and Sofia made at my Manhattan condo on June 8. It's now June 23, 2016, I'm home and I have time to write about all the bizarre things that have happened to me since Svetlana and Sofia's initial visit.


Friday afternoon, June 9, Svetlana, Sofia and I had a nice long lunch at a bistro near Rockefeller Center. They did not want to meet in my condo. "Today we need to discuss things relating to Bolry, Russia and organized crooks. Your condo must have been bugged by numerous Bolrian Security Police and other agents pretending to be customers by now," Svetlana explained as we walked.

Svetlana Tolski and Sofia Protoskaya were dressed to take the long plane trip back to Bolry. I detected that they had been up quite late Thursday night although probably not as late as I'd been up Wednesday. Sofia was dressed to cover her full breasts fully as well as her beautiful and now unscarred legs. She looked like a very beautiful housewife. Svetlana was wearing another business dress designed to show that while almost 50, she still had all the goods a man or woman could want.

I had to ask, "You didn't go to bed with the guys I entertained Wednesday did you?" "No," Svetlana said, "but after meeting with Baxendale, Palsgraf, Pines, Clark and a few others in the afternoon, we did meet a number of people from your law firm for drinks, dinner, and later activities. I must say, your firm seems to attract a number of very nice young associates. One of them has one of the most talented tongues that has encountered me. I'd tell you all about it but I don't want you to become envious."

This remark about envy was a subtle reminder of the fact that, except for sex with husband Fred Mann, my sex life is dictated by the Bolrian Lottery Corporation (Aka the "BLC" or "Lottery Corporation"). I did not appreciate the reminder. To be sure, some women don't mind that their voluntary sexual activities are limited to their husbands. I do. Of course, most women don't have 90% of their sex life directed by a for profit corporation.

"Ok, so what is going on in Bolry and with this new sex slave game?" I asked.

"In Bolry," Svetlana said, "a few new people have become important as the generation of men who took over the government in 1997 have gotten over 60. The new people, like Kurbetski and Felix Dvorzhinski, claim to idolize Pyotr, Lermanov and the other reformers who ended Orsinov's unnecessary brutality. But Damocles Sword is always over the older men who can't stop riding the tiger they mounted two decades ago.

"This new generation is just as willing to use violence. They are hungry for money and power. Some of them have strong tastes that they do not conceal. There are also a few who are outsiders that Pyotr and the others have had to tolerate because they are supported by foreigners that Pyotr and Lermanov feel they cannot safely offend. There are a few members of Bolry's non-Russian ethnic groups that have some influence. There are also rumors of a power play by the Russian government to replace the Bolrian leaders with Moscow stooges or Russian mobsters.

"Regarding the Bolrian Lottery Corporation, as I said yesterday, there is big push for the BLC to make more money. In particular, the BLC Board of Directors feels that we are not getting as much profit out of the BLC's sex slaves and other assets as we might. Walker and a couple of other board members with whom he is allied are particularly interested in raising more by getting the sex slaves to work harder and more. Except for me, all of the 13-member board consist of men who are misogamist or incredibly greedy or both. There is no point in talking to them about morality or human decency. I can only argue that if the BLC overworks or denigrates the sex slaves too much, they will earn less for the Bolrian Lottery Corporation in the long run and perhaps destroy the whole business.

"Truth be told, though, some of the slaves probably could be generating more revenue than they are. Walker and several of his friends are particularly interested in one auburn haired, green-eyed woman of extreme intelligence and beauty bringing in more revenue and working more in Bolry. The seven Bolrians on the board agree. We all miss you in Bolry," Svetlana added, feinting a bit of warmth.

Sofia added, "The attitudes of the worst Board members are affecting what is expected of Svetlana, me and other staff. Walker suggested that I was more than attractive enough to participate in the Lottery and that he thought Svetlana and I should do so if we want to keep our positions. He knows that Svetlana participated for years and even worked in the Caspian Resort for months. Commerce Minister Dantorov said that wasting physical assets should not be allowed to lie unused, General Yimofeyvich said that Cossack women did not need long rests after short rides and the Zekezh representative on the board, Sazarbeyev, said that the candy-assed Western European and North American women should be taught to work as hard as Turks. The new Russian board member, Pavel Fortmanov, even made a crack about how he'd heard that Svetlana's daughter is quite attractive."

Svetlana grimaced at the last comment. I had not heard of half of the people Sofia mentioned but I could almost feel what these changes in BLC management would mean for my life, back, breasts, anus, and pussy. I started to question out loud where they found such a bunch of sexist assholes like this in 2016, but remembered it would be easy to assemble such a group in Manhattan but for certain laws and the danger of public embarrassment.

Svetlana downed the last of a vodka martini. This filled me with envy because sex slaves are rarely allowed to drink and never allowed the stiff shot that I could have used at that moment. I gulped my herb tea mechanically.

Svetlana continued, "Walker, Kohl, Bolontini, Asinoda, and the Russians, Gorsuchin and Fortmanov, as well as several Bolrian BLC Board members, think another thing we could do is to use our excellent facilities, including worldwide security by the Bolrian Security Police, to stage sex slave spectacles more than once every two weeks. The group we met with yesterday has developed an idea for a contest to be held on a week when we would normally not have a Lottery show. It involves three of the group trying to get rid of unwanted wives who have embarrassed them through excessively public adultery. As Hartwick Pines said, 'I'm 30 years older than her, I expected Juliette to cheat on me, but not to appear in clubs all over town with a different stud every night.'" Svetlana laughed. "There is also a desire to bring to heal a businesswoman that no one likes, particularly her husband, Phil Clark."

"The contest these guys dreamed up would not pass as credible even for the worst unreality television program. It's more like an American wrestling farce. Keying off of our Lottery but not wanting to leave much to chance, they are going to start with fifty women covered completely in burkas. The crowd will select twenty-four of them to go on to the second round for which the 24 women will take off their burkas to reveal themselves in two-piece swimsuits. In the second round the women will be asked a group of six written questions on things that supposedly they should know. Women who miss two of the six questions take off their tops. There will be a vote by the audience as to the six who take off the bikini bottoms for the semi-final round.

"The final six were going to be interviewed by none other than Ron Club Senior until yesterday morning. It was decided in a meeting at the consulate that the Clubs should not be involved in the Lottery Corporation anymore given other plans they and the Russians have. So now, the interviews will be conducted by Phil Clark and Slow Gaihlumb, some sort of radio personality of whom you may have heard.

"Anyway, the three finalists are chosen by a vote of the crowd. The finalists will plead their case as to why they should not become a BDSM sex slave for life. It's supposed to be quite a melodrama. The crowd picks what they call the 'Most Fuckable Fucked up Bitch,' or 'MOFFUB,' what they will label the loser. She will spend at least 5 years and to at least age 37 working out of our Pacific Resort as a BDSM sex slave. Like other slaves, if she finds a sponsor, she may be sent to an urban location, but will still have to serve as a sex slave the rest of her life or however long the BLC has a use for her."

"I don't think even I would have been so dumb and lacking in self-respect to participate in that contest," I said, "unless, maybe I knew somehow the rules were rigged in my favor."

Sofia moved the conversation back to her own problems, "Walker, resents my position and authority, what I did for Croatia, and is mad that I don't let him be as mean to you and a few other slaves as he would like. He suggested that I should participate in this contest and offered the BLC a million dollars to make me do so. Pyotr's new chief of staff, Kurbetski, you met him a few times when he was a general but might not remember him, seems to resent things I did over two decades ago with regard to the deaths of several men who worked for Orsinov. He also said I should participate in lotteries. I am naturally very reluctant to do that."

Svetlana broke in, "It would be devastating to our operations for Sofia to become a slave. We could hardly find anyone else to be as good at protecting the slaves. Particularly given some things she has done, Sofia herself would become the most vulnerable target. There are hundreds of powerful men in Bolry, Russia, Serbia and elsewhere who would want her to suffer in the worst way imaginable. It would be nearly impossible to uphold BLC slave safety rules with Sofia," Svetlana elaborated.

"Yes," I said, " if you kill as many people as Sofia has, even bad people, it tends to cause hard feelings and make you a less sympathetic character." Svetlana smiled, Sofia winced and looked very pained, and I realized I'd been needlessly cruel.

Getting back to the contest, I said, "On the face of it, it appears like there is a one-half chance of getting out by chance during the burka round and some ways to control fate after that." "No," Svetlana said, "The burka round will be a joke."

"Ok," I said, "Anyway, how is the BLC going to assure that the slave chosen will be able to fit in well and provide the services expected by BLC customers?"

"Laurel," Svetlana said, "we are doing the usual background checks to make sure each of the women who might be chosen would make a good BDSM sex slave. As always, we would not consider a woman who does have a proven history of loving sex, being submissive yet very hot in bed, and being able to enjoy sex with older men. Also, you will be very important in that process and many other aspects of this deal. I'm afraid, Laurel, you won't be very happy about some of our plans."

"Oh shit"

"Have fun with your family this weekend because next Wednesday you take off for Bolry. We have a great deal of legal and sex work for you Thursday and Friday. It will get even more interesting after that.

"I just can't protect you from taking your fair share of abuse and I don't know that I want to," Svetlana said. "You will be one of the pain slaves at the Post-Lottery party on Saturday, amuse whoever takes you that night and serve a customer Sunday. Monday, we'd like you to look at the contracts that we developed with the guy who is replacing that McWill swindler. You need to also review certain payment formulas being used at the Pacific resort.

"Tuesday, you will be the star of a new initiation movie to be shown to the participants in this new project. It will be shown broadly to prove to our board and customers that a deal is a deal and the supremely hot scheming bitch Laurel is still fully available as a BDSM bottom for rough sex. It will probably take you until Thursday to feel well enough to fly back home," Svetlana added ominously.

I practically screamed, "Why couldn't they just use my old movie?"

"That was discussed yesterday with the group and certain board members," Svetlana answered. "I'm afraid a number of people feel that you really need to be initiated again. You know Walker's feelings and he has persuaded much of the board. When I suggested to Kurbetski that he should step in to protect a woman who has served Bolry in the past, he grunted something to the effect that you'd not done much for Bolry lately. Kurbetski knows that loyalty is not something Pyotr cares about much except as it relates to him."

I fell into stunned silence.

"A few weeks from now," Svetlana continued, "the women that have seen your movie and indicated that they are willing to go forward will be interviewed by you in New York. You need to guarantee that the women won't do something stupid that will require the Bolrian Security Police to get involved and that they will make a good BDSM sex slave if chosen."

"I'm going to have to do fifty interviews?"

"Oh no, no more than a half dozen, maybe only four. As mentioned, the contest is rigged except that the outcome is uncertain as to the four women from whom we know the slave will be chosen."

After I gave her a funny look, Svetlana added, "this whole thing is not my style and it raises some risks we don't have with our normal sex slave lotteries. We are going to make up a story as to the one chosen getting a divorce and going off with a young lover, who will be one of our male sex slaves. We will have to bring the woman back to New York occasionally to reduce suspicion. But the slave generated through this process will have all the reasons to enjoy her life and be discrete that you have; much great sex, security, simple creature comforts, nice scenery, and the certainty of a bullet in the head if she disobeys.

"Also, in addition to this new game that the American interests are running, we will be setting up some special lotteries to obtain more pain slaves. They will be like the special lotteries that we did in 2009. With Fifty Shades of Gray so popular there is a lot more demand for BDSM Slaves. In fact, given the need to differentiate our products from mainstream high-priced escort services and justify premium pricing, the marketing department urges that we only seek BDSM slaves for now.

"Our research indicates that we should be able to recruit many women to participate in BDSM lotteries who liked the book as long as we can assure their safety. Whatever the quality of the book, it served to make a desire to be a submissive sex object much more acceptable. You will be involved in helping with those special lotteries that will be the first of many to focus on the BDSM fashion."

I did the best I could to enjoy my days before I went back to Bolry. We pumped as much breast milk as we could. We were planning to wean the baby soon anyway.

At first, I was depressed, next, very tense, then, I jumped on Fred like I was the most passionate and horny woman in the world. Perhaps I was. My body has long had a hard time distinguishing lust from pain and fear. I don't know why I am not like most women, but no woman is like most women in all respects. We are all human beings and special.


Voltaire wrote that if God did not exist, he would have had to be invented. Bolry was invented to lie in a dusty region with scattered trees, beautiful beaches, mountains and grassland somewhere amidst Kazakhstan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, and the Caspian Sea.

Many of the former republics that became counties independent from Russia with the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union had significant Russian minorities. This has caused considerable stress in the Baltic countries and, more violently in the Ukrainian Republic.

In Bolry, there was no ethnic group close in size to the large Russian plurality. Bolry might have remained joined to Russia except that Premier Orsinov and other old Stalinists who ran the Soviet Republic of Bolry wanted nothing to do with Boris Yeltsin and his reformers. Indeed, Orsinov would probably have joined in the August 1991 Putsch if he'd been asked.

In the event, the ethnic Russians who had run the Soviet Republic of Bolry, maintained firm control over the new country that contained Russians, Ukrainians, Zekezhs, Volga Germans descended from those brought east in 1941, Kazakhs, Turks and various central Asian peoples. Other than mountains, sheep, the Caspian and sand, Bolry inherited few natural resources: pretty much just some natural gas and geo-strategic control of oil and gas pipelines that stretch across central Asia and into Europe. The only important economic activities in Bolry are related to the oil and gas industry and the Bolrian Lottery Corporation that operates the Sex Slave Lottery and rents out the sex slaves obtained through the Lottery for sex work.

A real Communist, if there were any left, might say that many of those working for the oil and gas industry are wage slaves. They are not paid much and many of the jobs are very dangerous. Human rights activists, if there were any in Bolry, would say that the average Bolrian is practically a slave of the Bolrian government that keeps tight control on Bolry and its potentially explosive mix of ethnic groups.

I have been literally a slave, a BDSM sex slave of the Bolrian Lottery Corporation, since my number came up in a lottery in which I'd more or less freely agreed to participate, in exchange for money and the hope of a secure well-paid position.

Spiritually and economically, the oil wage slaves and the average powerless Bolrians might have worse lives than I do. They work on pipelines or in Bolrian work camps, some of which are not much better than those that were once operated in the area by Uncle Joe, or they have no work at all and hustle to try to survive.

But there is nothing spiritual about my sex slavery. My tits, vulva, ass, womb and everything else belongs to the BLC. It rents me out for sex, humiliation and all sorts of abuse limited by the restriction that customers are not to do any permanent damage to the BLC's property.

The Bolrian Security Police protects all of Bolry's assets. This protection includes terminating with extreme prejudice anyone that might harm Bolry's pipelines or any sex slave tempted to forget that she signed away her freedom when she agreed that she would become a sex slave if she lost the lottery.

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