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Would You Rather Ch. 01

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Choose Your Own Adventure - Vote For What Happens Next!
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 08/07/2023
Created 08/02/2023
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Hello everyone -- today marks the start of a new series, where you get to choose where the storyline goes by voting for different pathways at the end of every chapter. This is something I've wanted to try on here for a while, so please make sure you comment on this story to have your say. Each chapter will be short and snappy, so I'll be aiming to get one uploaded every week. Enjoy!


"Guys, I'm about to turn the light off, alright?" Hailey Rodgers, captain of the university volleyball team, flicked down the light switch and plunged the room into darkness.

"Boo," Lena heckled from the top of her bunkbed, which got a laugh out of Zara and Faith.

"Be quiet," Hailey yawned, using the glow from her phone to guide her back to her bed. "We have to be up at five tomorrow, so we all need to get some sleep."

Hailey, Lena, Zara, and Faith were on their way to a big national tournament in London, and they'd stopped off at a service station motel for the night before the final leg of their coach trip in the morning. The boys' team were also playing and they'd taken two of the other rooms on the same floor, while Hailey and half of the girls' team had taken another, with the rest of their squad in a fourth room down the corridor.

"But it's only eight o'clock," Lena complained, looking forlornly out of the window. "It's still light outside..."

Hailey sighed -- being the responsible one was tiring sometimes. "I know," she said, trying to reason with her younger teammate, "but you'll just have to deal with it. Now everyone shut up, close your eyes, and go to sleep."

"Aye aye captain," Zara joked, which drew another laugh. The girls rolled over, pulled their duvets up to their chins, and settled in for the night.

Lena lasted fifteen seconds before breaking the silence. "I've got a game we can play," she declared, scooting over to look down at her friends from the top bunk.

"Lena no," Hailey groaned. "I wasn't joking, we need to go to sleep."

"What kind of game?" Faith asked, who was also quietly of the opinion that it was far too early for bed.

"It's 'would you rather'," Lena smiled, "and I've got a good one."

"Seriously guys, stop," Hailey said, levering herself up onto her elbows to glare at her teammates, which wasn't easy given the darkness. "We can't do this, we need to be well rested for tomorrow's games."

"But now I want to hear it," Zara complained, lazily hanging an arm over the side of her bed as she turned to face the other three. "Go on Lena, shoot."

"Ok, so," Lena grinned, pleased that Zara and Faith were on her side. "You have to give Darren a blow job, right."

This immediately drew groans from the other girls, even an involuntary one from Hailey. Darren was the coach driver the university hired to drive their sports teams around, and while he was pleasant enough he was also morbidly obese and very unattractive.

"That's foul," Zara said, scrunching up her nose. "I bet his dick looks like a little gummy bear."

Lena laughed. "Hey, I haven't even got to the worst part yet! So you have to give him a blowjob, to 'completion', but here's the question -- would you rather give the first ninety percent, or the last ten percent?"

Zara and Faith took a second to realise what Lena was asking, but when the penny dropped they both began to moan again.

"Oh Lena, that's disgusting!" Faith cried, screwing her eyes tightly shut at the very thought of it.

"You are so gross man," Zara laughed, shaking her head in amazement as she looked across at her dirty-minded friend.

"I told you it was a good one," Lena chuckled, grinning to herself. "What do you think Hailey? First ninety or last ten, what would you do?" she asked, leaning over to smile down at her bunkbed companion.

The room fell silent again as everyone turned to look at Hailey. "If I answer," the captain said, choosing her words carefully, "do you promise that you'll go to sleep?"

"Cross my heart and hope to die," Lena nodded.

Hailey cocked her head to the side, and leant back with her arms folded behind her pillow. "Ok... well in that case, I'd say first ninety."

"Interesting," Zara smirked, amused that Lena had bullied Hailey into playing. "You'd be happy to suck his dick for that long?"

"Well no," Hailey reasoned, trying to apply some logic to the problem. "But one, I've seen the amount of energy drinks and petrol station sausage rolls he eats, so with that diet I imagine that his cum tastes like battery acid. And two, no offence to Darren but he doesn't look like a man who gets a lot of action, so I think I could get through the first ninety percent of the blowjob pretty quickly..."

Lena wolf whistled. "Oh yeah captain?" she teased. "Do you give that double-grip tornado-twist guck-guck three thousand?" Faith and Zara giggled as they watched Lena theatrically mime a blowjob, complete with lots of gagging and sucking sound effects.

"You bet I do," Hailey smiled, not rising to the bait.

"What would you choose Lena?" Faith asked, genuinely curious.

"Last ten," her friend replied, without any hesitation. "I don't know what his dick is like, but I do know that I don't want it in my mouth for any longer than necessary."

"But then you'd have to let him cum in your mouth!" Zara protested. "And Hailey's right, it would probably burn your throat."

Lena shook her head defensively. "We didn't say that you have to swallow, did we?" she argued. "I'd just spit it straight out, no harm done."

"Well, spitters are quitters," Hailey teased, before waiving Lena's outraged protests away. "Now come on guys, I answered your question so let's all shut up again and go to sleep."

"Fine," Faith said.

"Fine," Lena ruefully agreed.

This time the silence lasted for just ten seconds, and it was Zara who broke it. "I've got another one," she said.

"Zara!" Hailey snapped, but it was too late.

"What? I never agreed that I'd be quiet, only Lena did," Zara grinned.

"Go on," Faith said, warming to the game. "Let's hear it."

Zara paused for a moment, then giggled. "It's a bit gross," she blushed, "but would you rather watch your parents' sex tape, or have them watch yours?"

To Zara's delight Lena and Faith immediately burst out laughing, and again even Hailey found herself stifling a smile.

"That is gross," Faith said, playing with the edge of her duvet as she mulled it over. "I've never made a sex tape though..."

"Well you're going to have to watch your dad ploughing your mum then," Lena laughed. "In HD, on a cinema screen."

"Hey," Faith frowned, reaching up and hitting the bottom of Lena's bed. "That's disgusting!"

"Ow," Lena laughed, getting jolted from below. "Hey, I didn't come up with this one! What about you then Zara? Do you like watching, or being watched?"

Her friend sighed. "I'd reluctantly let them watch mine," Zara said. "It would be awful... but the alternative is worse, and there are some things you just can't unsee. Right, Faith, it's your turn to play."

"You know, you guys don't even play the game right," Lena interrupted. "You use the wrong rules."

"What do you mean?" Faith asked.

"Well in Germany we do it more as a game of dares," Lena explained. "So you'd be like, would you rather finish your beer or flash your tits, but then you'd actually have to pick one to do, as a dare. You guys just do it like they're questions."

"Did you do a lot of beer drinking and tit-flashing growing up, Lena?" Zara teased.

"Can you tell?" Lena smiled, before frowning as her phone vibrated by her side. "Shit, I forgot to plug in my charger. Careful Faith, I don't want to accidentally kick you."

Lena swept her leg over the edge of the bunkbed and began to climb down, with her back facing towards Hailey and Zara. Never one for modesty, even when sharing a room, the young German had only elected to wear only an oversized t-shirt to bed, and as she lowered herself down the hem at the front caught on the edge of her mattress. This meant that as Lena descended her shirt was pulled up higher and higher, and Faith squealed as she was exposed to the unexpected sight of her friend's naked lower half appearing from above.

"Oh my God Lena, get your pussy out of my face!" she squealed, theatrically covering her eyes as Lena jumped down from the ladder and onto the carpet. Lena's shirt was now pulled right up to her armpits, and the all but naked student laughed as she stood there and tried to wrestle her top free, with every tug and pull sending her boobs swinging left and right.

"Relax, it's nothing you haven't seen before," she smiled, finally yanking the hem loose and smoothing down her shirt again until it reached her hips.

She was right, in that the girls had all shared more changing rooms and communal showers than they count, but of the four Faith was by far the most prudish. Lena, as you might have guessed, was the least self-conscious, and it was only out of deference to Faith's modesty that the free-spirited German was wearing anything at all.

Lena started to root around in her suitcase for her phone charger, but when she couldn't find it she walked back over to the door. "I'm turning the light back on," she said, illuminating the room again as the other three shielded their eyes and grimaced. "Ah, there it is," Lena said, finding the cable and plugging it into a socket in the corner. She intentionally kept her legs straight and bent at the waist as she reached down to charge her phone, causing her shirt to ride up at the back and flash her butt at her friends.

"For God's sake, put it away," Hailey complained, throwing her water bottle across the room and hitting Lena on the rear.

"Ow!" the German giggled, jumping up and spinning around. "That hurt!"

"Good," Hailey said, still keeping one hand over her brow to shield her eyes from the light. "Now will you please go back to bed?"

"Why, are we done playing?" Lena asked, playfully stretching out the hem of her shirt and angling it left and right as she looked over at the other two girls.

"No, let's do one round your way," Zara said, curious to try out the more intense dare-based version of the game. "I'll give you a would you rather, and you pick which one you'd rather do."

"Ok, fine," Lena smiled, reaching up to shake Zara's hand. "Let's play."

"No, guys," Hailey began, before giving up. She knew she'd lost all hopes of getting an early night, and the sooner she let the other three tire themselves out with their silly little game, then hopefully the sooner they'd all be asleep.

Zara got up and sat cross-legged with her fingertips pressed together, deep in thought, but then she looked up and grinned at Lena. "Ok... so, would you rather --"

A) "Give Hailey a lap dance until you're naked, or flash your boobs at the window until someone sees you."

B) "Do a thirty-second handstand in the hallway, or go and knock on the boys' room wearing only a pair of panties."

C) Zara didn't get a chance to finish her would you rather -- suddenly there was a knock at the door.


Please vote for A, B, or C in the comments, and once this story has been up for a couple of days I will start writing the next instalment!

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago


yarnspinnerryarnspinnerrabout 1 year ago

Even though the next chapter is already written, I would have to vote for A.

But this is promising to be a pretty fun story either way ;->

K.A. RydeK.A. Rydeabout 1 year ago

"Do you give that double-grip tornado-twist guck-guck three thousand?" 5 stars instantly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I vote B too

NocteneNocteneabout 1 year ago

C with the spirit of B continued ;)

Fun concept!!

DchargerDchargerabout 1 year ago

D - All of the above.

RoboButtonsRoboButtonsabout 1 year ago

Love the choose your own adventure idea. I vote B!

p5t5rp5t5rabout 1 year ago

Great idea. I vote B

astuffedshirt_pervastuffedshirt_pervabout 1 year ago

I like the idea, hope you can keep it going! I vote A. Keep things inside the room for the first rounds.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I already gave my vote earlier, but I want to talk about my choice of B. Specifically for the folks who think the handstand might be too tame. Although I think 30 seconds might be too short, let's not forget what it will look like for Lena who is only wearing a t-shirt right now. Doesn't matter how "oversized" that t-shirt might be, it's definitely falling around her face; simultaneously showing off her body underneath and blocking her vision of any strangers who might happen by and catch the show.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

B please

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I vote A

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A is my vote

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A, but also, awesome story! The banter was so good that I would genuinely read this if it had little to no porn, good job!

Rickd_1960Rickd_1960about 1 year ago


Then build up to B

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


C will be better later on, once the girls have gotten some of their clothes off.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

B :)

Dirty_DinoDirty_Dinoabout 1 year ago

B seems best. Can't imagine escalating so quick

conner0123conner0123about 1 year ago

I like it so far: C

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A !!!

So please to read you again !

NakedartNakedartabout 1 year ago

"b" please and i do like this format

Wingedone64Wingedone64about 1 year ago

C something new interesting.

Radical5Radical5about 1 year ago

Perhaps something spicier with a terrible choice. Give Darren a blowie or strip for and masturbate.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

C for me

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I vote for B

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A. C can come after things have started to heat up

madmattymadmattyabout 1 year ago

A, the girls need to be revved up a little and then introduce the boys later

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Before answering, I’m giving a bit of feedback/thinking behind the various options and the assumptions I’m making. I hope that’s ok.

A. I don’t see the point of the lapdance this early on and without any striptease involved. It would be better after some sexual tension had been created and, depending on where you plan to go with this, better used later on one or more members of the guys team. On the other hand the flash-your-boobs-until-seen option is my favorite of all the options. I, however, can’t see Lena taking it when it would be safer to give a lapdance UNLESS she’s doing it to set the bar for the other girls or to prove how fearless she is. (She’s already playing with her sole garment like she’s daring Zara to dare her to get her kit off.)

B. Since there is nothing about sticking around after knocking on the boys’ door, I assume Lena would interpret this as knock-and-bolt-for-cover. On the other hand, there are TWO rooms of boys so maybe she has to knock on both which adds something. There is also the enticing possibility that the other girls won’t let her back in their room right away until someone sees her. Of course then Lena will be spoiling for revenge. Also, random knocking might bring one or more of the guys knocking on the girls’ door at an “inconvenient” opportune moment as in C. Also, this would require Lena to PUT ON knickers which seems weird for some reason, possibly because it’s so much tamer that the questions Lena started with. The other option, handstands in the hall, seems tame although there is always the chance that someone or several people will come along since it’s only 8. One or more of the girls could also text some of the guys to come out in the hall for a show.

With both of the above, I feel like the choice should be more difficult, the options more on par.

C. I can’t see a Lights Out at 8PM for college women, sorry. If anything it’ll be one of the guys or maybe more girls on their team who end up playing. However, I think I prefer this least because I think having someone knock on the girls’ door would be much more interesting later, when one or more of them is naked and somehow unable to cover up.

Onnthe balance, if I had to pick one, I’d probably go with B although my preferred choice would be between flashing boobs out the window until seen and having to knock on both guy rooms’ doors and then try to WALK back to the girls’ room before the any guys answer the door.

Additional comments: It seems odd to me to have bunk beds in a motel. I’d have expected 2 queen beds with two girls each. That would presesome interesting opportunities for later as well. Maybe things are different in the UK.

It would be nice to know where the driver is lodged and any coaches etc.

Sorry if this was a bit long.

NjoyreadnNjoyreadnabout 1 year ago

C. More possibilities

Dale Jane HenpartyDale Jane Henpartyabout 1 year ago

C. I would be happy to assist in editing, proofing, etc. I once played with this idea, but couldn't commit to the follow-up schedule it will require. However, in an assist role, who knows?

_robin_robinabout 1 year ago


You write well! Like it ..

woodworkerdomwoodworkerdomabout 1 year ago

Nicely done story. Great setting and concept. I vote for B

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, I'll go for A

Baloneypony66Baloneypony66about 1 year ago

I like mystery, so C

goobigoobiabout 1 year ago

I like the idea of C, exciting

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I’ll choose A

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

B all the way

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I vote for B

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great idea, excited for this! I chose A

dublinjohndublinjohnabout 1 year ago

I think C, I like this concept, perhaps a fixed day for posting, 48 hours for the vote and that gives you 4 days to write to meet the next posting deadline, but it will be hard work to keep up.

ExhibTime21ExhibTime21about 1 year ago

Love it. I pick option A.

bottovarnisbottovarnisabout 1 year ago

nice! I vote "B". Thank you!

Stevewu609Stevewu609about 1 year ago

I hope you find a way to escalate these a bit more as the game goes on (with some fairly believable reason a girl would feel she has to go through with it). Of these, I’ll vote for A.

GrantLeeStoneGrantLeeStoneabout 1 year ago

Cute story. C. Someone with authority )male or female) checking on “Lights Out,” gets suckered into a Dare.

PixiehoffPixiehoffabout 1 year ago

Good story - go with A

KarotteKarotteabout 1 year ago

Thanks! I like the concept of this story! Although it is a rather hard choice... but I think I go with B :)

Just_a_desi_guyJust_a_desi_guyabout 1 year ago

Vote for B. Really nice concept.

LucieLou007LucieLou007about 1 year ago

Great story, and a great idea i will vote for A

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