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Click hereThis is part of a project to touch up and publish an older series of works I had done in the past, placing them on Literotica. There are quite a few parts, so they will seem repetitive as more are updated, and since they are not being completely revised, they will show their age. There will also be some questionable content, and due to said age, may not be presented in the most palatable manner, as much as I may have believed I did those years ago. Please keep this in mind.
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Yelena wasn't sure when she drifted off to sleep, especially given the vortex of thoughts that occupied her mind after the xenomorph had brought the dog of her squad to her, with the 'ALIVE. TRUST ALIEN' message etched onto one of them. The adrenaline probably finally ran out, and the exhaustion and the idleness invariably caught up. But after an undetermined length of time slumbering, Yelena was awake again, and her thoughts once more and quite immediately turned back to the wellbeing of her men.
What was their status? Were they alive? Were they well? Was the scrawling on the tag faked? It was no doubt Corporal Sangello's words, but had he etched them willingly? Were they genuine? And if so... what did he mean by 'Trust Alien'? Could these things be trusted? Were they not as monstrous as they seemed? These thoughts and more quickly did away with any weariness that lingered.
She turned her head to the side, facing the xenomorph that had fucked her, and then promptly cuddled up with her after the fact. Its chest rose and fell slowly, seemingly slumbering away with quiet, soft breaths leaving its mouth. It had wrapped its arms around Yelena's torso, and loosely clung to the woman, its soft body pressed against her own. It was... oddly endearing, despite the total lack of consent at any stage of Yelena's imprisonment. Perhaps it had taken to her... or they were all like that, and just... really liked humans. Either way, Yelena couldn't quite bring herself to be disgusted with its proximity, even if it did feel cold.
The xenomorph began to stir, growling quietly, seemingly incapable of most human sounds. It stretched its body, going rigid and quivering as it straightened itself out against Yelena's frame, tail going straight and firm similarly. Then, it brought its face to 'look' at Yelena's, smiling softly and licking its lips, promptly leaning in to peck her on the lips softly, like a lover waking up after a night of passion... not a wholly inaccurate description for what occurred, though she was still unsure what to think of these creatures. It tightened its embrace, a chittering giggle leaving its mouth as it nuzzled into Yelena's neck, gently kissing and licking at her skin with affectionate delight. They seemed to have a penchant for using their mouths... or maybe they were just obscene in all categories.
Yelena grunted and muttered in annoyance rather than disgust, pouting and glaring sideways at the alien as it showered her neck with its lecherous affection.
"I'm still going to beat the shit out of you," she warned, though her heart didn't seem in it. All she really wanted was to find out about the status of her squad, nothing else seemed important, including spitting vitriol at her captors. It pulled away, and held itself over her on its hands and knees, breasts just barely brushing against Yelena's. It smiled warmly and lecherously, before it heard a sound and whipped its head around to face it. Yelena similarly turned to see what had caught the creature's attention, only to pale just a little upon seeing a second xenomorph standing off in the corner of the chamber... albeit, one that seemed larger and more muscular than the ones that assailed her.
It stood close to or over seven feet in height, and the normally smooth stomach was completely defined by abdominal muscles, much like her own, not bulging with mass, but taut and well formed. Its skull was far more ornate than the aliens Yelena had seen so far, and it seemed to have a far more smug expression upon its face. The alien holding itself above Yelena began to shiver ever so slightly, but the slightly giddy smirk on its own face suggested it was because of anything but fear.
It stood up, and sauntered over towards the larger alien, looking up to its face, clearly subservient to this larger specimen. The taller xenomorph cocked its head and smiled warmly and wickedly all at once, cupping the smaller subject's cheek in its palm, pressing against the lesser's body and prompting them to turn slightly, letting Yelena see them side on.
Quiet hisses left the alien, until the larger one suddenly wrapped its arms around the smaller alien's head and forced its lips upon the other in a deep, assertive kiss, its thick tail wrapping around the smaller xenomorph's body domineeringly. The smaller Xenomorph began to wiggle and squirm helplessly in the larger alien's grasp, shivering and releasing submissive, inhuman squeaks. Yelena could see its throat gently bulging out, no doubt as the larger alien's massive tongue delved deep into the gullet of its lesser, though Yelena did not seem to think the smaller alien was unwilling in this affair.
Fluids profusely trickled down the inner thighs of the submissive creature, and she could see its lips just barely twisted into a euphoric smile, somewhat hard to notice when its lips were being mashed and contorted by the muscular alien's aggressive kiss. After several long moments of this impressive kiss, the alien finally released the smaller specimen, breaking the kiss with a growling gasp and pulling at least a foot and a half of thick tongue from the smaller alien's gullet, letting the creature slump to the floor shivering, an ecstatic, giddy smile left on its face.
The large alien regarded its lesser with amusement, licking its lips before turning to face Yelena with a similarly lecherous expression. It made the Marine begin to squirm, feeling that perhaps this opponent was something she couldn't take on. It approached her with an ever sensual gait, the presence of more defined musculature not at all coming at the cost of grace and flexibility. It crouched beside her, splaying its legs wide as it squatted so, purposely to give Yelena a clear view of its puffy vulva.
It cocked its head and grinned, reaching forward to caress her cheek, rubbing its thumb over her lips. Its touch was gentle so far, but the prior display proved to Yelena that it was a dominant creature at heart, and the way it began to gently but firmly trace its claw-like fingernail down her neck and between her bust, leaving a fading welt in its wake, meant the same dominance applied to humans.
"D-Damn... what're they feeding you?" Yelena remarked aggressively, shivering all the same from the alien's touch. Its head was busy roaming up and down Yelena's form, drinking in her every contour and feature. It unsettled Yelena how much it felt like they had piercing gazes without any eyes to speak of. It didn't help that the creature slowly licked its lips with its thick tongue like it was eyeing off a prime cut of juicy meat... though perhaps in its mind, humans were a sort of 'meat'... just not the kind meant for devouring... only eating out.
It hissed in appreciation, before it suddenly reached down towards Yelena's wrists... and began to tear away the resin that bound her arms to the ground. It did so effortlessly, the resin cracking in the process. The xenomorph proceeded to release her ankles too, and almost immediately, mustering what strength she had held in reserve, kicked at the creature's stomach, hoping to wind it and buy her some time, now that she had an opportunity.
Her kick did nothing, causing it to pause for a moment and 'look' at her with a bemused expression. Yelena grimaced, and scrabbled to her feet, grimacing as she felt a pang of pain in her ankle, the kick having hurt her more than it did the alien. It wasn't sprained or broken at least, so that's all that mattered to Yelena. She made a break for it.
She did not get far, feeling both the creature's tail and its arms wrap around her midsection and chest respectively, pulling her close to its large body and resting its sizable bust atop of Yelena's head. The marine began to squirm and struggle, growling almost as if she were one of them.
"Get fucked!" she shouted, trying to kick against its legs and slam her head into its chest... but its bust proved rather cushiony, despite the muscular tautness they possessed, and its tail coiled down to wrap her legs now also, completely binding her in a way that made sure she couldn't harm herself... its body was tough enough that it didn't need to worry about Yelena's defiance. She felt its head slip down next to hers, a long, sinuous tongue slipping out to lap along the side of Yelena's face... all as she felt its thick cock suddenly slide out of its pussy, the textured topside rubbing against her slit and causing her to shiver involuntarily, still quite sensitive despite her sleep.
Yelena spat angry Russian curses and threats, but ultimately calmed down when her situation proved useless. The inability to physically fight back against these things was starting to take its toll, and Yelena began to feel hopelessness enveloping her mind.
"Please... just let me go," she pleaded, half angry, half dejected. The creature only hissed softly next to her ear, before it let go with one arm, still holding Yelena's body tightly in the other, then bringing its hand once more into view... holding onto the cluster of dog that were moments before resting on Yelena's chest, likely falling off when she made her escape attempt. It clung to one specifically, the tag that had Sangello's message on it, quite pointedly showing off the etched side to the Marine. The sergeant knew it was trying to tell her something, but what, she didn't know, only that it must've had something to do with her squad.
Before she had time to ponder further, the alien began to carry Yelena out of the chamber, leaving behind the xenomorph that had mated with Yelena, still apparently blissfully enjoying the afterglow of the larger alien's forceful kiss. Yelena was carried through twisting passages that made her heart sink; there was no way to tell which way led where down here, and there were so many smaller tunnels in the resin-lined rock for the xenomorphs to travel through that a human would've struggled with for there to be any hope of escape. They would've run her down whilst she was lost. The xenomorph that carried her seemed completely at home within the labyrinth, making its turns with informed confidence; it knew where it wanted to be.
They eventually came to a narrow tunnel that sloped upwards, and despite the large alien's size, and the added bulk Yelena comprised, it was able to squeeze up through the gap with minimal effort, sliding up on its side to keep Yelena from rubbing against the surfaces. At the top of the slope was a small, flat area that overlooked a larger, well-lit chamber from below, the walls dancing with a bright white light, from what seemed to be a portable lamp the colonists used in places where carrying a torch just wasn't enough.
The alien deposited her on near the ledge overlooking the chamber below... and Yelena almost choked a gasp when she saw one of her Marines, fully clothed though a little unkempt, sitting next to a female colonist who was also clothed in engineer coveralls... and one of the xenomorphs, reclined on the ground on its side in front of them, its head propped up on one arm and leaving its bare chest in full view of the two of them, the portable lamp set up between the three of them.
And in the corner of the room was yet another one of Yelena's marines, Private Sakura Yuji, the only other female in her squad, cuddled up naked with yet another Xenomorph, her belly swollen as though pregnant, her face nestled into the neck of the alien and her hands wrapped around its chitinous body. The embrace was... practically romantic and loving, Sakura seemingly smitten with the creature, and the creature with her, idly running their hands down each other's bodies.
The male marine sitting by the lamp -- who Yelena recognised as Corporal Kurt Mensk -- glanced over at the cuddling pair and gave a mildly incredulous look, before the woman that was also with him laughed.
"Don't mind them... they don't really care much about being seen naked," she said.
"Them, no, us... we're a bit more prudish," Kurt muttered. The alien reclined in front of them hissed a chuckle, and the woman giggled.
"You don't really mind. You're just not used to it yet... but you know well enough that these things don't mean us any harm," she retorted. "You've been back to Victor's Post and now you're down here again, learning more and more about these aliens. You know they're not evil."
Kurt faced her with a slightly cynical expression. "Yeah, well, I didn't go back for long; it seems they want to keep people from returning in numbers until they've captured everyone else." He looked back at the xenomorph watching the two humans intently, and then to the woman with scrutiny, raising a finger. "It's not like everyone's going to appreciate being captured and raped like you and me, you know... no matter how tender these things are."
The xenomorph before them smirked and licked its lips, shifting onto its hands and knees and crawling forward, sliding around behind Kurt and resting its chin atop his head, its bust wrapping around the back of his skull. He flinched, and sighed out in exasperation and affection. "I know, I know, you're not all bad... all several hundred of you. God knows at least a dozen of you personally 'showed' me that," he remarked, a slight smile creeping onto his face, difficult to see from Yelena's position.
"These things... they go to great lengths to make the first encounters as painless as possible... I've been down here a long time, I know what they want, and murder isn't it. I was traumatised too when they first got me... but they cared for me, nurtured me, told me I was going to get to go back in time, as difficult as it was. And they proved that. I'm here now, free to go back to the colony. I have gone back, just for a little bit, to fix a few things up," the woman explained.
Kurt looked down and gave a look of cynical mirth, smiling a little bit wider as the alien atop him began to rub his chest through his fatigues, purring softly, wrapping its tail around the woman loosely.
"Don't need to tell that to me; they want to live with us, and... well, I'm not so sure I'd mind all that much... they're pretty damn fun when they want to be."
The woman smiled and caressed the alien's tail as she was coiled with it, before answering her conversation partner.
"Maybe we've all got Stockholm syndrome," she joked with a chuckle, prompting one from Kurt in response. "But it doesn't seem so horrible this time... I saw a husband and wife, separated by the aliens, but they weren't kept apart forever. They were brought together, and I've seen that repeated a few times, and they get these really happy smiles when they see us humans with one another as much as they see little scenes like that," she explained, pointing towards the quiet Sakura and her alien lover. "They don't know how to ask for permission, but they know how to earn forgiveness... and it's hard to hate them when I see how much they care, how they'll put their own personal safety aside for another. I've seen that. You've seen that too."
"Well... I've seen them nurse a guy that got injured running from them... I think they felt a little bad," he said with mirth in his voice, all as the alien continued to rub his chest and stomach with its hands. He'd chuckle, looking up just a little and reaching up to caress the side of its face. "But they're good at showing they care, I'll admit... until you meet those ones that act like dominatrixes, but they seem to go for the masochists... somehow."
"They can smell the kind of person you are... I think they've been watching us for a while, getting used to the 'smells' we give off... and then, they strike hard and fast, and make us feel way too good to be upset... seems terrible in principle, and it should be terrible in practice... but they seem to know way too well how to earn our forgiveness and our appreciation... it helps they're expert kissers~" The woman giggled, and leaned over to peck a segment of the alien's tail with her lips, causing the creature to hiss out happily, and prompting Kurt to chuckle.
"I'm just glad I didn't manage to kill any of these things... I admit, I kinda feel bad about shooting at them. I think I grazed a few, but I don't think it did any lasting damage... they're tough, I'll give them that," he said, as the alien began to nuzzle against the top of his head, taking one of his hands into its own, Kurt squeezing his fingers around the creature's gladly.
"To be fully honest... I've never felt more 'free', so to speak," the woman remarked. "Sure, they imprisoned me, violated me, traumatised me, at first... but then they cared for me, showed me what they're really like, and probably unlocked a whole lotta kinks I didn't have before... it shouldn't be possible, but... I guess they bucked that bit of logic if they've somehow managed to get everyone they've captured smitten with them."
"Like you said, it's Stockholm Syndrome," Kurt joked. "But this time, I don't see how it's so bad; they don't stop us from talking to each other, or even getting intimate with each other, like you said. Though... they do get jealous, but... but that manifests in a different way," he said, scratching his head bashfully, causing the other unknown woman to giggle.
"They take it out on your dick, don't they. Don't worry, that's about the extent of their jealousy. They really seem far more communal and sociable overall; very polyamorous. But most of all... they're kind, caring, despite first impressions; they like to hunt, after all. It seems to excite them."
"Seems to excite a few others, too," Kurt commented. "I saw a woman running through the cave, pretending to run... I think they were all in on it though, I think she liked getting pounced, and these aliens, they like pouncing."
The conversation between the two continued, with the alien pressing against Kurt's body continuing to caress and massage him with gentle affection. Yelena couldn't even begin to understand the thoughts going through her head; these people were... happy? They seemed glad over what occurred, one of her own marines no less. Two if she counted Sakura, intimately embraced with the alien that probably impregnated her.
What's more, they seemed aware of how... atypical their acceptance of these creatures was, that normally rape and imprisonment shouldn't lead to this. But they didn't mind, because they'd apparently seen a side of these xenomorphs Yelena had only seen glimpses of. A side that was compassionate, loving, still wholly obscene, and apparently selfless in dangerous circumstances, going out of their way to protect humans over themselves.
She didn't believe this was some scripted act meant to fool her; the aliens didn't seem capable of speech, and the woman below made it clear that what they 'told' her had not been easy. And Yelena knew Kurt well enough to know that he wasn't lying; he was a piss poor liar, only rivalled by Sangello, who actually liked to run his mouth. Kurt just couldn't lie. Sangello liked his BS a bit too much, but they were all good soldiers. She didn't think any of what she heard was untrue, disingenuous.
She turned her attention back to Sakura; the petite girl had always been a little quiet for a marine, but reliable and disciplined. She seemed... happy, with her situation, even if she was barely awake it seemed. And the woman - Yelena only recognising her face from a missing person's poster, forgetting the name - spoke as though she was one of the first, and had time to see what these aliens were truly like. Speaking as though they were not some terrible monsters that sought to subjugate the humans of the colony, nor keep them locked away forever as sex slaves and breeding stock.