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Zombies, But So Much More


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Jack could feel it starting when she first sucked his tongue into her mouth, the way her tongue swirled around his was pushing him over the edge., Jack felt nothing but love for his daughter and their bodies were starting to really dance together. Katelyn felt her father's body getting tenser, and whispered into his ear, "Cum for me daddy, Cum for me my sweet daddy." He felt his testicles tense as rope after rope of his cum struck against his daughters cervix. "Oh yes Daddy," Filled jacks ears as he was cumming.

Kissing his daughter again, he rolled off her and lay on the bed beside her. His cock making a squishy popping sound as it popped out of Katelyn's pussy. Turning to lay her head on her father's chest Katelyn said, "Daddy that was great, thank you so much."

Jack kissed the top of her head, and within minutes his baby girl's breathing was slow and rhythmic. Jack pulled the sheet up over them and joined her in sleep.

Chapter 4 - Rebuilding

The next morning when Katelyn and Jack woke up, they knew their world had changed forever. The first real change that Katelyn noticed was that she was a little sore when she walked, but that went away. The second one was that her father joined her in the walk-in shower, she was grateful and it felt good to have someone washing her back, and her front. When his long cock poked her in the stomach she felt lust, she said, "Oh daddy, is that for me?"

Jack said, "Whenever you want it baby doll."

Katelyn wrapped her hands around his hard cock saying, "Thank you for last night daddy. I have never felt so loved as I do right now." Soaping his cock she soon had him spewing his cum over her stomach. "I want you inside me, just not now daddy, I'm a little tender."

Jack said, "It's up to you, it's always up to you. You are so beautiful; I just love you, everything about you." Running his hands over her body he continues, "I am so lucky to have you as my daughter."

The water turned cold and the pair got quickly out of the shower, Jack taking a huge fluffy towel and drying off his baby girl. He admired his daughter's body as he worked to dry her off stealing kisses here and there. She squealed when he hugged her from behind, "Daddyyyyyyy.. you are still wet and cold."

As he dried her back again Jack said, "I'm sorry I couldn't resist doing that."

Quickly using the same towel Jack dried himself off, and they got dressed for the day ahead of them. First off over breakfast they chatted about the news of the zombies, and that they no longer require sexual contact. Jack saved the big news about the Radio Station, they went to listen to the first broadcasts which came in super clear since they were within about 20 miles of the main antenna for it.

When they tuned in:

"This is Dr. Acot, I want to say Greetings to anyone out there, I'm not sure how many are left after this disaster we just faced. The good news is the actual threat is over, the bad news is we now have to rebuild our world. This was a global disaster caused by cosmic rays inducing a genetic mutation in the human race that cause about 70% of the population into Zombie like creatures, who then proceeded to eat the glands of the other 30%. We estimate there are about 3 to 5 percent of the population left but we won't know that for some time. Anyone that can hear this transmission, we have 5 people monitoring the long range HAM radio frequencies in the 20 meter range, And on the CB channel 19, If you have access to a working Sat Phone you can call us at 1-440-GotoCDC, We have had no contact with Washington DC and have no reason to expect that the Government is operating.

The following are the facts as we understand them.

.. Facts omitted here to avoid repeating...

We have notification of Semi-Functioning Communities in the following areas


Atlanta, Ga

Boston, MA

Cincinnati, Oh

Columbia, SC

Knoxville, TN

Huntsville, Al

Topeka, KS

Las Vegas, NV

Salem, Or

The Flordia Key's, Fl - If you can get there, they blew up the bridge leading into the keys.

We know of a couple outpost in foreign countries, Mainly in Western Europe, It was reported that Paris, France and Rome Italy had some survivors.

We speculate that there are other hold outs also. Because of the connection with sexual contact the areas that have survivors are more sexually open areas.

Our list will be updated as we get more info. We have also asked for communities to try to get a population count.



The Transmission continued but they quit listening. about 20 minutes later it repeated.

Katelyn asked her dad, "Okay so now we don't have to have sex any more right?"

Jack felt like he was kicked in the gut, "That's right baby."

Katelyn asked in her child like voice, "But dadddddddddy can we prudy pwease still play with our pee-pee's"

Jack smiled, "You know baby when you talk like that I just want to ..."

Katelyn interrupted him by sliding her shirt off over her head, she was not wearing a bra, Kicking her shoes off, then sliding her pants and panties down in one movement lay back on the couch and said, "Eat me?? Pwease...?"

Without removing any of his clothes he buried his face between his little girl's legs. Tasting her freshly washed pussy was divine. Her lovely red pubic hair tickled his nose as he serviced her hard little clitoris, the opposing textures of his tongue was driving her nuts, when he insert his finger inside her and found her G-spot rubbing it a few times she exploded into his mouth, covering his face and the couch cushion with her ejaculate.

"Oh Daddieeeeeeeeeeeee," was all he heard as he continued to devour her sweet pussy.

Unbuttoning his pants and sliding them down just enough to set his raging cock free.. He entered his baby girl for the second time in the last 12 hours.

Katelyn moaned, "Oh yes... yes... ahhh... that feels... ooohhhh Daddy..."

Jack made serious love to his daughter this time, knowing she might be tender later, but she was into this moment right now. "Oh baby.." He came into her waiting womb, but in the excitement he was able to keep going until her body tensed again.

From Katelyn He heard, "Oh daddy yes cum in my pussy." In his mind he heard, "cum in my unprotected pussy." That thought excited him even more, and he kept going finally cumming into her again.

Katelyn said, "oh daddie... That was great, you are great but I think we need another shower."

Jack said, "And some soap and a wet towel to clean up the couch, so glad we got leather."

So the morning of two showers passed. They spent the day doing different things around the house. Jack thought he saw someone on the road but wasn't sure.

That evening the grilled, It was amazing the electricity and other utilities were still working, but in reality the Power plants that Indiana hill was connected to were driven by hydroelectric power, The community had their own private water supply too.

Bed time was a welcome thing, for the first time ever Jack and Katelyn climbed into bed together, both naked. Kissing once and then holding each other they both fell asleep in record time.

The next few weeks were spent in about the same fashion. They spent lots of time in the hot tub in the evenings, watching movies they had on DVD and Blu-ray. Gone were the days of Netflix and Chill.

One spring day they were running out of movies they haven't seen, and Katelyn wanted some new clothes, and Jack needed a few tools so they went out 'shopping' This time to the mall, Katelyn wanted to get some clothes, and well Sears is there too. Jack loaded up on a few tools, Katelyn went shopping on her own for a little bit. Jack heard his daughter's scream coming out of a Starbuck's. Rushing there, what he saw surprised him. There was three boys there and by boys take it to be football sized teenagers. Two of the boys had his daughter by her arms the third just worked her jeans off and his erect cock poking out the front of his pants.

Without even thinking about it jack drew the .45 out from the holster on his side, took aim, squeezed his trigger and the kid with his cock hanging out about ready to rape his baby girl fell over backwards as the slug hit him center chest. The other two released his daughter causing her to stumble back away from the now dead boy and fall on the floor. Two more gunshots rang out in the small coffee shop and they joined their friend on the floor.

Katelyn was pulling on her pants and crying. Jack came over to her saying, "I'm sorry, I should never have left you alone, it won't happen again."

Katelyn said, "Its not your fault, they were the jerks that wanted to rape me." Pointing at the one with his shriveled cock hanging out she said, "That one said he bet I was better than the other two combined."

Jack said, "I for one know you are, but those assholes will never find out."

Katelyn got her boots back on and picked up her shopping bags and spat on the ring leader saying, "Serves you right."

They went back to shopping together, Katelyn was actually not the nervous wreck Jack assumed she would be. Once everything was loaded, they went to a gun store that they found unlocked, picked up some more ammo and a pink .38 9mm Semi-automatic smith and Wesson for Katelyn and a holster. Later stopping back at Sam's the loaded up with food again, and a several cases of adult beverages. And they cleared out one of each movie from the shelves of the Walmart they passed. Unseen by her father, Katelyn picked up a pregnancy test and some mulitvitiams. Jack cleared the shelves in the pharmacy of some key medicines and pain killers that were there. For the most part the store was in decent shape, the meat counter was the worst as the electricity for the store was out. There were no real signs of mass looting because the Zombie outbreak pretty much took care of anyone that would be around to loot the store. Sure a couple of the registers were open and the cash gone but it didn't appear anyone had time to really worry about much.

The last stop along the way was to a Pool and Spa store where they got some chemicals for the hot tub.

There were lots of empty sets of clothes with a reddish brown dust around them which Jack knew was the remains of the People/Zombies that were infected. The lingering effect of the cosmic rays broke down the bodies of the infected within days and those that were bitten within a week. Jack thought finally a plague that cleans up after itself.

Driving around they saw a few other people doing their 'shopping' and smaller stores. There were a few kids playing in a park causing jack to wonder about the whole need for sex part of the event.

Getting back home and taking a few hours to unload and put everything in its place before taking a needed break and unwinding. Katelyn disappeared for a little bit into the bathroom, she came back to the living room looking excited holding something behind her back. Going over to Jack she said, "Daddy dear, I have some great news I think."

Jack said, "Do tell my sweet baby."

Katelyn handed him the small pen like test, he took it in her hand and saw two Pink Lines. Katelyn said, "I didn't even think about babies with everything going on, but it looks like we are going to be a mommy and daddy soon."

Jack was in shock, He had not considered it himself, His sperm count was non-existent thanks to his daughter bringing home the mumps when she was in grade school and giving them to him."

Jack said, "I don't know what happened I was sterile from the mumps." Then he remembered glancing over the notes, saying that one effect was regeneration of the glands. "I think the Rays caused my glands to regenerate."

Katelyn ask, "Are you upset with me daddy?"

Jack said exactly what he thought, "No baby, I could never be upset with you. Just a little surprised and overjoyed."

Life went on as life does, over the next several months, Jack and Katelyn spend a good deal of it naked, making love, and snuggling on the couch watching movies. They went 'shopping' to a Baby store, for clothes, diapers, crib, a bed, swings, and anything and everything they could think of. They made the bedroom next to theirs into a nursery."

They tried to locate a mid-wife or ob-gyn doctor without any luck with in the area around them. The best Jack came up with was training materials from the University of Cincinnati medical college on how to deliver a baby. They spent the months waiting learning everything they could,

Jack on one of his trips out found a Wedding set, telling Katelyn, "There is no one around to marry us, but before God I want you to now I will always be yours."

Katelyn cried, "I love you daddy. I really, really do."

The last month before the baby passed quickly, Jack had lots of back rubs to give, sore feet to rub, and special meals to cook, and spend time making love as she had read in a book that, "Semen helps soften the cervix making delivery easier." And what guy would turn that down.

Some guys don't like pregnant women, they claim all sorts of things like they can feel the baby, or they are just not attractive, or they are afraid of hurting the baby. Well that's all lies. A pregnant woman is one of the most attractive sites you will ever see. Her skin will be aglow, her figure full and supple, she will taste like honey. And once her milk comes in you will be treated with the sweetest elixir of life.

One thing Jack did that was a little weird was using vitamin-E oil and stretching out her virginal opening. But in the long run it seemed to help a she did not have any tearing or splitting when she gave birth to their bouncing baby girl.

The birth was really uneventful, the baby came out in a couple pushes after about 3 hours of labor. She was beautiful, born with a head of red hair like her mothers. She nursed off of Katelyn soon after she was born.

The next few months were stressful for both parents, you would think not working would make it easier, but life in the aftermath proved to be more taxing than one might think.

The girl, Jennifer, who they named after his late wife, and Katelyn's mother grew fast, and proved to be very smart. Scary smart to be exact. And talking with other parents other kids conceived after this event exhibited the same intellect. Then Jenifer and the other kids started being old enough to go to school, around 5 or 6, the parents formed a community school in the old Cincinnati Day School facility. It actually was held like school, except that the parents of each child was somewhere around the buildings. No parent was ready to leave their child alone.

The kids individually are all super smart, able to figure out complex math at the age of 6, by the time they was 7 they could make a computer sing and do things out of this world. By 9 years old, the kids were above the level any adult in any subject.

With the guidance of adults, a lot of the old world, pre-zombie tech was starting to come back to life. At 10 the kids had engineering labs running, making things to improve life. The power grid was no longer needed, using some kind of manufactured rocks one child cam up with a power plant that could run a whole building for years or power a car, or plane. Totally clean power, and the rock needed were so simple to make for the kids.

When the kids started into adolescence the world again shifted. It was found that beside high intellect the children had special abilities that people were just starting to realize. Katelyn and Jack first saw this at home, Jack was working on the excursion he adopted many years ago. It was old school tech now, but none the less he liked the beast. It rolled off the jack stand, Katelyn was screaming trying to get the jack out to lift the car off of his leg when Jenifer pointed her right hand at the monster of a car. The car was tossed into the air like a child having a fit would throw a Hot Wheel.

Jacks leg was crushed, and he was bleeding way too fast and his vision was starting to go black when Jenifer came over, placed her right hand onto his leg, her other hand onto his crotch directly over his covered penis. Both her hands seemed to glow for a second, and his leg both contracted and expanded fixing the damage caused by the now crumpled car.

Jenifer got up saying, "I'm very thirsty, and you need to take care of that soon." Pointing to his erection, going into the house to get something to drink. Leaving her parents in awe and her father very horny.

Jack asked Katelyn. "What just happened?"

Katelyn responded, "I'm not sure, but I think we need to do what she says."

With that Katelyn and Jack went into the house where they went to their room and made love like it was the first time. Jack felt the release of the tension in is crotch as he came. Knowing somehow something was somehow restored or released that was involved with her fixing his leg.

When they were done while jack was showering Katelyn threw on a robe and went to Jenifer's rooms which now as at the other end of the house to chat. Shyly knocking on the door, she turned the handle, Jenifer was laying on the bed wearing a nightshirt and shorts looking totally worn out. Katelyn asked, "Jen are you okay?"

Jenifer answered her, "Yes, I'm just really tired today took a lot out of me."

Katelyn had to asked as Jenifer was not offering, "What was that? Can you tell me?"

Jenifer said, "I'm not sure, I've been reading books from the library about Tantric Energy."

Katelyn said, "Isn't that just a sex thing?"

Jenifer replied, "Actually no, it makes a lot of sense but not as the books picture it, they do make it seem sexual, but that was so their priest could understand it at the time. I understand it more than they ever could. It has to do with physics and quantum dynamics. We are all connected, and everyone is connected to everything. The body has seven areas that are open to this connection. They all go through what they called the ROOT chakra, this is located close to the sexual regions. It connects us to the earth as they see it. It reality it is a conduit into the body allowing energy to flow into it. The ancient Buda's found ways to make the energy flow thought waves connected to the earth and others."

Katelyn asked, "The show I saw they used it for more enlightened sex."

Jenifer continued, "That's right. That what they could grasp about it. They would set up a loop circuit, the energy of one being would flow from their root chakra through sex to that of the other and then back thru what they called the crown chakra. Allowing the energy to build on itself. What I did was direct Dad's root energy into his leg causing it to regenerate for lack of a better term. I haven't learned everything yet. The car thing I don't understand fully, that just sorta happened. The world is just opening to me now. I do know that you need to take care of Dad's ah.. swelling."

Katelyn still in awe said, "Oh we did, we thought with what you did for his leg we better do exactly what you say."

Jenifer said, "I'm really tired, I need something too. I need to go outside where I can connect to the earth."

Jack came in the room about that time, "Thank you baby for what you did, I have never seen anything like that, how did you ..."

Katelyn said, "She's tired and she needs to go outside for a while, she sort of explained it to me and I will tell you later."

Jack said, "Okay, I'm going to go lay down too. You got her?"

Jenifer said, "We will be fine."

Jack got up and left the two alone. Jenifer removed her pj's and put on an oversize T-Shirt and slippers, saying "Mom, let's go outside."

Outside Jenifer found a spot of bare earth around their fire pit and sat down Allowing her bare bottom to touch the bare ground. Jenifer invited her mother to join her. Both sitting with their bare bottoms on the ground. Katelyn felt a little silly as she sat there holding her 15 year old daughters left hand in her right.


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