Things are not always as they seem…
Sometimes things are better than they seem.
Things always happen for a reason.
Pete and Tim…first time without the girls.
The girls take the boys on a date.
Going all the way...
The Femme Fatale Club...
She longed to be fucked by a truly large cock.
Clothes makes the woman…
If you love what you do…you'll never work a day in your life.
Gay for a Day.
“Project finished…a celebration was in order…”
"Don't worry...I'm going to turn you out proper."
It started as a joke by his friends…
Living with a super hero has its perks.
A super hero calling card…
He was no match for a super hero.
"Smitten by her super powers."
You can be a super hero too.
Commandress Penis and her trusty sidekick, Penis Boy.
He got caught... she got even.
Straight gay boy.
She had a number of surprises for him.
An interesting concept to be sure...
More than a concept...
"Just one more time so I'm sure..."
“Oh man…yeah I’m good with that. Do whatever you want…”
Last Call
The hustle.
Bus ride to Chicago.
Giving into my issues.
He has business on the other side of the world.
Business was never like this before.
The Beginning.
Becoming a woman.
The Delivery Man.
Day One with the cast.
Day two with the cast...
A date with real men.
The Discovery.
The day after with Sarah.
Sarah's Surprise.
A seductress is born.
The show opens.
A special trip.
Seeing Sarah.
Playing with the boys…
Doing Darrin.
Dominant, hard to decide.
Poker night with the boys.
When Gary met Billy.
How Roxy became a chauffeur.
Gary becomes Gayla.
Roxy does Ted.
Feminine wiles beats whips and chains every time...
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