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Anna Ch. 11

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The final chapter of the series and yes before you ask.
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Part 11 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 06/30/2008
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Dear Reader,

This probably works better if you start on the first chapter but if you prefer to just carry on then good luck to you. Thanks to everyone for their patience. I haven't always been that quick at keeping the new chapters coming. Its time to end this story.


"I never want to see you again," declared Anna. "I want this to be the last time we have sex and I want you to stay away from me."

"But......." I tried to say something however she just interrupted me.

"We both know this is wrong. We both know it could all go badly wrong if other people find out so lets quit while we are ahead." Anna was talking from the head and not the heart. I couldn't disagree with her but as she spoke I realised I didn't want this to end.

"No" I said.

"Sorry John, you better go," were Anna's last words as she carried on straightening her clothes. I stared at her pussy as she pulled her dress back down over her legs. It was to be a final image of our relationship. I had seen it so many times but on this occasion, her freshly fucked swollen lips created a lasting impression on me. I said nothing back to her but instead just stared as she carried on adjusting her clothing. I stared at her tits while Anna made sure her clothes were straight. I wanted to touch them but they were as out of bounds at that moment as they had been before our affair had started. I sighed a deep sigh and left the car without speaking.

That was it. It was the end of an exhilarating roller coaster ride. I should have been happy. Any young man would kill to experience the times with Anna that I had experienced but I wasn't happy. I was actually feeling something I had never felt before. Heartbreak. I considered going to see Lisa but didn't. It was Anna I wanted. The whole Lisa thing had turned me into someone I didn't like. I was trying to have my cake and eat it. Greedy, immature, selfish are all words you could use to describe what I had become. It's taken me a while to realise this but I can see looking back that I had changed.

I started out as an inexperienced teenager and ended up in an affair with Anna and then her sister and only really thinking about myself. I thought I was sex on legs the way these women gave themselves to me but I never stopped to think about their feelings or the consequences of what we were doing. Just because I had strong feelings for Anna, didn't justify the fact we were fucking in secret behind everyone's back. I paid no mind to her husband, even though he had left her for a time.

I wish I could hear her side of it. I'd like to know her honest opinion and what she was feeling. Of course no one planned for any of it to happen. You just go into these things and take one step at a time. . I never expected to end up with Anna and that's what happened. She went back to her husband and I sulked.

For a few months I really let it get to me. I kept working in my job but Lisa and Anna both stayed away and I heard very little. Gina and I even dated a couple of times. We went back to her place both times and had sex but she wasn't right for me. As stupid as it sounds, I was comparing every girl I met with Anna. Even young girls in their late teens or early twenties would be compared to a woman over twice their age.

I am sure the amateur physiatrists out there will speculate how Anna appealed to me cause she was a mother figure or because it was a relationship without any need for commitment. That may all be the case but I think the sex had a lot to do with it. When Anna and I fucked it was special. I especially liked to fuck her from behind after she confessed a preference to being taken that way during the first sauna incident. I also loved to have her take my hard cock in her hand and rub her clit and lips with it. She would close her eyes and retreat in a world of pure lust that was completely her own.

That all happened over ten years ago. I eventually moved out of town, got married, had a couple of kids and then divorced. The reason I am telling you this is because today I had a phone call. It was from Anna. She wants to meet with me tonight. I don't know what about, she wouldn't talk on the phone. I am driving to a restaurant in a hotel that is half way between where we both live. All she would say is that it's important and that if I meant anything to her all those years ago then I would show up.

I have to add that I currently live with someone. A very understanding woman who is three years older than me who I got together with just over 8 months ago.. We are serious but not too serious as we are both divorced and only want the good things that a relationship can provide. We don't expect each other to be perfect and we don't offer perfection in return. It's a sort of balance that we both (at least I hope its both of us) feel comfortable with. We have sex more than when we were both married and I think that appeals to both of us. I am not telling my partner where I am going tonight. Only that I will be away for the night.

Tomorrow I will complete this story and let you know what the outcome is of my meeting tonight. I just want to say thanks for reading all the chapters. I have enjoyed recalling and retelling the story of my affair with Anna and however tonight goes, I hope there are no regrets on anyone's part and no lasting damage.

Wish me luck. I don't have many expectations but I am sort of prepared for all possibilities. What if I see her and fancy her like mad? What if she looks old and unattractive? What if she wants me again? What if she has some news like I fathered a child? What if she wants to tell me she is single? What if she has a terminal illness? What if its something else I can't even imagine? Time will tell. I will be back tomorrow to give you all the details dear reader.

Ok. I'm back. I met Anna last night. Let me take you through the whole evening and you can make of it what you will.

I got to the Four Seasons Hotel at about 7pm. I checked in and went up to my room in plenty of time for my prearranged meeting with Anna in the hotel restaurant at 7.30pm. At about 7.20pm I had just stepped out of the shower and there was a knock at the door. I checked through the peep hole on the hotel door and saw Anna standing there. I opened the door wearing just a white towel round my waist and held the door open with a smile.

She smiled back but was surprised to see me undressed. "I can come back," she said. I laughed at the suggestion and joked about not showing her anything she hasn't seen before. Anna stepped in and I took her coat.

She looked good. Time has been kind to her and she has probably only aged a year or two in the ten since we last saw each other. I guessed she must be early fifties now but she looked 10 years younger. Just seeing her set me off. The chemistry kicked in and my cock stirred under the towel.

I am not the young boy I was all those years ago but I am not doing to badly. My early thirties are my prime and I am ageing OK. No beer belly yet and I work out to keep in shape. Anna looked me up and down. I pretty much decided there and then what I wanted but I wanted to hear what she had to say before I made a pass at her.

"Do you mind if we talk before we go to eat?" she asked. "What I have to say to you will probably involve a few tears and I would prefer it all to be in private"

"OK" I said showing concern in my voice. I was still checking her out. She was wearing a dress and I couldn't help but wondering if she was wearing underwear underneath the dress. It wasn't obvious if she was and I sort of hoped she wasn't. My eyes were sensitive to her every movement. I felt pure lust and forgot about all other commitments in my life.

I had been waiting to see her for so long I had actually given up. It probably took about 2 years before a day went by that I didn't think about her. Then the marriage and divorce came and went so I pretty much came through those two episodes and somewhere along the way I had let go of my Anna yearnings.

Last night was different though. She was sat on my bed whilst I stood in just a towel. I'm sure my cock was swelling just enough to be obvious through the towel. I looked for signs from Anna to see if she was showing any sexual interest but there were no signs.

"So what's its all about?" I asked.

"It's a long story, but you have a right to know," Anna said all serious. Anna then told me how she had fallen pregnant but before the baby was born, her husband Ken had died. He had a sudden heart attack aged 46 and dropped dead. Friends and family had rallied round to support Anna and help her through the pregnancy. Only Lisa stayed away because she knew there was a good chance Ken wasn't the father. As she told me the story, It suddenly dawned on me that I might be the father.

Anna continued and explained how she had given birth to a daughter (Katie) and raised the child as a single parent. The support from those around her continued and they had made a pretty good go of things. James supported his mother and sister as best he could and they shared occasions like Christmas and birthdays like any normal family.

At this point Anna broke down and couldn't continue. I went to the bathroom to get some water. When I returned Anna was more composed. She thanked me for the water, took a sip and continued.

"This is really hard," Anna said trying to hold back the tears. "Katie was your daughter. Im sure of it." The words blurted out but they didn't make sense.

"What do you mean, "was"?" I asked.

"I lost her"


"She died a year ago." Anna sobbed. She sobbed even more and looked down. I moved to comfort her. I wrapped my arms round her. This was not sexual or anything like that. It was just tragic and too heavy to even think about.

For the next half an hour, I learned that the daughter I never knew I had fathered had grown into a gorgeous young child but had tragically drowned whilst on a school trip. She had fallen into a stream and been swept away before they could pull her out. I didn't want to know the details and asked Anna to stop.

I didn't feel hurt for myself but just immense pain for Anna. "How are you coping I asked?"

"I'm OK if I don't talk about it," she said bravely.

"So why did you feel the need to tell me, and put yourself though this pain." I asked.

"Because I died when she died. Because you have a right to know but more importantly, because I need to feel alive. I need to feel close to her and you are the closest thing to her. Because I loved what we had. I loved you. I loved the sex. I loved the secret me that got dragged into your world. I loved all of it and I wish it had never stopped." Anna was really pouring her heart out.

"What do you want from me now?" I asked.

"Nothing." She snapped. "Well....I don't know." Anna couldn't explain what she was doing but I instinctively knew that she was confused, grieving, depressed, nostalgic and looking for a way to feel better.

"I'll do anything for you," I said softly.

She looked up at me slowly and smiled. "I needed to hear that so much," Anna said. "I need to know that what we had was more than just a forgettable fling."

"I have never found anyone like you. Never anyone who made me feel like you did," I said.

"God we were good together," she smiled though drying tears. I smiled back. There was silence. We were both thinking the same thing.

I leaned forward and kissed her. To start with on the forehead but she moved to kiss my lips and we embraced. She asked if I thought it could be like before and I just smiled. It already was. She removed my towel and stroked my cock. It was her old friend and she wasn't going to rush this reunion.

She plunged onto my cock and took me in her mouth. I marvelled at the sight of her crouched over me. I lifted the material of her dress. Before I could lift it too far Anna released my cock from her lips and said "No"

"What?" I asked.

"No im not.....wearing any underwear. I saw you checking me out earlier and know that was what you were thinking."

We both smiled. With that I flipped her on her back and she opened her legs. As she pulled up her skirt, I knelt between her legs. My cock was standing hard as ever and she directed me into her pussy. The years rolled back as I fucked her right there in that hotel room. She put everything into it and when she came, she let out such a sigh of pleasure and relief.

I had learned a few tricks over the years and could last pretty much as long as I wanted but I wasn't going to extend this anymore than I had to. I withdrew my cock and she took me in hand and jacked me to orgasm. I shot my cum all over her. It was so like it used to be. We both marvelled at the familiarity of the moment. Neither of us had changed nor lost the power to please each other.

We never got down to dinner but we did take a little room service. We made love once more before falling to sleep and again the next morning when Anna woke me with a blow job. The light coming through the curtains and her naked body was a sight I will treasure forever.

The best thing about it was that we never even discussed our split years earlier. I think she was probably relieved I didn't hold it against her but our reunion was too perfect to spoil with digging up old wounds. For that reason I never asked about Lisa and she didn't offer any information either.

Anna left the next morning. We both knew it was a one off. It was a reminder of how we had been. A confirmation that we hadn't changed and we still could if we need to. I came home with a head full of thoughts that will take me some time to get to grips with. Anna gave me an envelope with some pictures in. I haven't opened them yet. I need be sure I am ready to see the daughter I never knew. I sort of feel that is the price I will now always pay for what I did with Anna all those years ago. I am glad I met her, glad I had her when I did and accept it wasn't to be.

The end.

I hope you have enjoyed this story. Please read all the chapters if you haven't already done so. There are so many themes I have tried to cover. Some have worked better than others. Some are actually real situations and some are pure literotica nonsense. Hopefully they have entertained and I would love to hear from anyone what they think either by feedback or email. All the best......

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


I read all the chapters and think it was a nice and sexy story even if the ending was sad.

Thank you very much, please write more stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Part of this I felt was close to me. I loved an older married woman. She was a family friend and had a daughter. During a hiatus of about 8 years the daughter left her and went somewhere. I reunited with her as a real estate agent. I seduced her when I closed on a condo and continued the relationship even after I moved away. She remarried once during our time and I moved back, and she moved to another town. The last time I saw her I refused to invite her to visit inside my home. She later told me over the phone she moved again to be near her daughter and was diagnosed with a terminal palsy. I never saw her but talked a few times. She may have called but could not speak. I recieved a call from her number; it was her husband. He realized she had called me even though she was married to him. He was upset and I listened while he ranted and hung up. I felt he lost her twice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I thought the story was pretty well written. Other than the authors annoying mistake of using complement for compliment, his writing skills were good. I honestly felt like there would be a reconciliation after she shared the memory of her dead child. I also felt like John should have pursued her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
What the ... ?

First thing first , it's the first time for me writting a comment for a story . Read a lot but never did.

So why I'm doing it now ? Well because I'm a bit pissed by the ending . I... love happy ending but I'm fine if a story end in a not-happy way. Here it's not like that , it's really sad , Anna and John don't end up together, okay that I can deal with it , but their daughter's part, it's too much for me . That wasn't needed at all , them not ending together was enough .

Something that I can't get out of my mind is: why John never was honest about how he felt for Anna back then ?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 11 years ago
This story had it all, but a true love & a happy ending .

Seduction, lust, chemistry, pettiness and humor will have to do. This was a true wistful, sinful, sweet read. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Did He...

Did he solve the mystery of the cheating... no.

Did he ever get back with Jane, even though she did the same to him... no.

Did he have any remorse about screwing a recent widow.... no.

Did Anna say she wanted another child with him... no.

Does he have any integrity whatsoever when it comes to women... no.

Should we care about his emotions since all he does is screw... no.

Would I read chapter 12.... no.

ramonbrookramonbrookover 11 years ago

I felt like I knew these characters! I really enjoyed the story all but the end!

Why did you feel the need to keep them apart? I don't like the feeling I have right now as I'm kind of anxious about what could of and should have been.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Another Pommy sicko mind diarrhea!

Real bad this. "1*" !!

RedtoffeeRedtoffeeover 12 years ago
Interesting, realistic tale

Nicely told series with the ups and downs of a real affair.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Absolute shit of a "story"!

I hope that the "writer" wold stop spewing this mindless excrement !!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Great story!

I hope this is not the end.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

Actually, the ending made it real for me especially the last two chapters. I had an affair with a married woman for 3 years. I took her for granted, I took her feelings for granted, and she was the best I have ever had... one day, I her; she ended it. She said she wanted to be free divorced her husband and dumped me. Do I think she is mental?... a little but I think we all are a little crazy. But this story really hit home for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

What they said!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
He should have told her to get the hell out of the

room. This woman is a pathetic user. She fucked around with him then abandoned him. She lost her husband and could have gone back to him. She had his child and did not tell him or let him know until the child had died. Then she appears out of nowhere and informs him that his child by her is dead. What kind of cruel, vindictive, mentally ill bitch is this? You cant love trash like this, she is one of the creatures the world would be better without.

ParmenideParmenideabout 15 years ago
...enjoyed this story?!?!?!

Not at all....

So, the protagonist had had a son that he never know about?!?!? And it was OK with it?!?!? What a pure bullshit....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Rushed ending to a great series.

The series was great and deserved a better ending.

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