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Autumn Light


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She came into the room and stood facing me. I could make out the silhouette of her but not her face which was lost in shadow. She pulled her t-shirt up over her head and I could just make out the white material of her bra. Then that was gone too, unclipped and discarded onto the couch beside her. I could see the darkness of her areola.

She kneeled in front of me and undid my belt. Then, as I lifted myself up, she tugged down my trousers and underwear in one easy movement, pulling them over my ankles and then pushing them aside.

My cock was so hard. I hadn't believed I would ever feel anything again, but at that moment I felt intensely alive again, alive and passionate and alert. Terri would nearly always start by sucking me. And she knew I loved it when she sucked me topless, her own trousers or skirt still on. I don't know why I found that half-nakedness arousing, but I did. There was no way Tara could have known that.

Unless it wasn't Tara in the room with me. Perhaps Terri had really come back, one last time to say goodbye.

That was ridiculous. Of course it was. But try as I might, I couldn't make out the face of the woman knelt in front of me. The woman bending down to take me in her mouth. The woman whose lovely firm breasts I could now feel pressed against my legs.

I groaned as I felt first her breath and then the graze of a tongue on the tip of my cock. Just the faintest of touches. A tease, delivered by a woman who knew exactly how to lovingly torment her man. Not the act of a young girl with a new lover for the first time.

"Suck me," I gasped. "Please, fuck, put me in your mouth."

Instead, the tongue retreated, then was applied instead to my balls, swirling softly around them before advancing up my shaft. Agonisingly slowly. Exquisitely slowly.

Finally the tongue reached the top and paused. I waited. My whole body was tense with expectation. I found myself whimpering under my breath. Please, please... PLEASE.

Her mouth took me and I almost came. I don't know how I didn't. The sensation was so wonderful that it was almost like an orgasm, waves of pleasure going through with such intensity that I was sure I must have climaxed and filled her mouth with my milky seed. But, as those waves subsided, I realised I was still hard, still ready, still eager for more.

I reached down and held her head, gently but firmly. I began to fuck her mouth, thrusting back and forth into that delicious wet heat. Now I heard her whimpering, and I sensed, rather than saw, one of her hands sinking down to frantically loosen her jeans and reach in to touch herself.

My thrusts increased in tempo. Back and forth, in and out, scarcely able to believe just how good and magical it felt. Did we do that for two minutes? Ten? Twenty? I don't know. But at some point the pleasure became almost too much, and my hunger took a new form. I needed to be inside her, I needed to feel her body closer to mine, to possess her, to lose myself in her.

I changed my grip on her head, taking a firm handful of her hair in my hand and gently raising her face up to me. It was still bathed in shadow. I lowered my lips onto hers, greedily tasting her mouth and the traces of me that lingered on her lips. She put her arm around me and pulled me closer, pulled me out of the chair and down on top of her, lying on her body on the living floor. I felt her hips pushing against mine, impatient for our bodies to be merged.

I lifted myself up from her for a few brief moments, enough for her to reach down and push her jeans down and off. Then my own shirt was gone too, and our two naked bodies strained against each other in that kind, sheltering darkness.

My cock pushed against her stomach. I was too high up her body and I slid down slightly, exulting in the feel of her nipples against my chest. She spread her legs even wider for me and now I was poised, ready to plunge into her. I could feel her wetness coating the tip of me. I just had to push forward and I would be there. The instinct to do that was almost overpowering.

But... Terri and I had our games, and this was one of mine. Often -- too often, probably -- I would tease her when we reached this point. I would stay just outside her, or perhaps with just the first few millimetres inside her, and I would ask her if she should carry on. Sometimes -- and this was naughty -- I would solemnly ask her for her consent to penetrate her. And she would scratch at my back and howl and buck her hips and try and force me into her, and I would try and stop her for as long as I could before gratefully relenting.

So I stopped, and waited. And whether it was Terri or Tara beneath me I don't know but the sound of exasperation and desperation and need that came from her could have come from either of them, and strong arms went around me, surprisingly strong arms, and her legs wrapped around mine and pulled me down and with that my game was effortlessly swotted aside. She wanted to be fucked, and nothing was going to stop her getting what she wanted.

I had forgotten just how intoxicating it was to be inside a woman. To have your animal needs met and matched. To know that her body and mind were as lost in this moment as yours were.

I'm not ashamed to say I used her that night. That wonderous body beneath me seemed to anticipate my every move, taking me to the edge of orgasm more than once and then somehow leading me back from the edge with subtle changes of position and rhythm. I was soaked in sweat as I pounded her silky, responsive, perfect flesh.

She rolled me onto my back and straddled me. I was close now, very close, almost desperate to erupt inside her. I could feel her muscles squeezing my cock, somehow both encouraging my climax and preventing it in the same movement. I reached up and cupped her breasts. Her nipples were hard beneath my palms.

The room had been dark, almost pitch black, but now a car must have passed by as for a brief moment a beam of light from the window illuminated her face, just for a split second. I gasped, because it was Terri. Then the light washed over her again, and it was Tara. And then we were back into the comforting blackness, and she was bent over my chest, whispering softly in my ear. A voice that could have been either of theirs, or perhaps neither, or perhaps -- as I like to think -- some strange, wonderful hybrid of the two.

"Come in me. Please my sweet man... come in me."

I groaned and surrendered. My body jolted as I unleashed my load inside her. As I came I felt her own body responding, her own orgasm washing through her, and I put my arms around her and held her close, never wanting to let her go.


We lay like that for a long while, my cock still encased deep inside her. Probably at least half an hour. Then, as I stroked her back, I realised there were goose bumps along her back. The room had grown cool.

"Hey," I whispered. "We need to get you warm."

There were soft murmurings. Her face was buried in my chest. Then she stirred, and looked up at me, and now I could clearly see it was Tara, of course, as it must have been all along. She looked at me a little shyly, but also, I thought, with a touch of pride.

"I hope that was OK for you," she said softly.

"Oh Tara," I said, and reached down and kissed her. She murmured again with pleasure at my kiss, returning it deeply.

Reluctantly I broke the kiss. With a slight grunt of protest she slid off me and we got to our feet.

I led her upstairs to the shower and ran the water as hot as I dared. Then we both squeezed into the stall together, taking turns to rub soap into each other and then wash it off. It was a lovely, intimate finish to a very special evening.

As we dried each other off Tara looked at me. She looked rather timid and abashed, which made my heart ache.

"I don't normally... I've never done anything quite like that before. I mean, I've had some boyfriends, but I only slept with one of them... so you're only my second, really. I must have seemed... really slutty."

"You were wonderful," I said. "You could never be slutty, Tara... you were just perfect and lovely and you have no idea how much... how much I needed you. I didn't know it either... but I do now. It's like... a whole load of shadows have just been taken away."

She looked reassured, though still slightly anxious. "And I know a lot of it was about Terri... but some of it... some of it was about me too, wasn't it?"

"Yes. It was."

I held her face in my hands and kissed her. "You're right... some of it was about Terri. About saying goodbye to her. But... I wanted you Tara, I think I wanted you since I saw you on that first night, on Halloween... I just needed a bit of a push, that's all."

"Do you think she'd mind?"

"No," I said. "I think Terri would have been delighted. She may even have sent you here, for all I know. That's probably nonsense... but I'd like to think so."

"Yes. I'd like to think so too."

Then she kissed me again. "I really had better get back."

She got dressed. I just put on a dressing gown. When she left I was just going to go to bed, and I thought I would probably sleep better than I had done since Terri died. But there was a new ache inside me as I watched her get ready to go.

"Do you think, um, you and the girls will still want to go through the clothes?"

She considered. "You mean, should I tell the girls that because you and I have... been to bed, they can't get any more free clothes?"

"I was wondering something like that, yes."

She pondered. Then her face broke into a mischievous smile. "I think... I think if that was to happen they would scratch my eyes out."

I felt a huge sense of relief.

"So... you might be back tomorrow?"

"Yes," she said. "I'd say that's a definite possibility. And I'll have to bring Claire and Alice. I think another couple of evenings and we'll have it all done for you."

"I see. That'll be... great. To have it all done. And... after that?"

She looked puzzled. "After that?"

"I just wondered if... if I was going to see you again... just you, I mean."

"Just me?"

"Yes," I said patiently. "Just you. Me and you. You know... like this."

"Ohhhh." She gave a noise of understanding. Then she shook her head.

"I don't think that would be appropriate, do you? Not really."

"No... I suppose it wouldn't."

"I mean... you are a lot older than me."

"Yes. I am."

She puffed out her cheeks, as if deep thought. Then, just as the shadows seemed to be rolling back over me, she walked over and put her arms around my shoulders. There was a spark of mischief in her eyes. A very Terri-like expression.

"It's very, very sweet," she said, "that you think you have a choice."

Then she kissed me, a long, firm, passionate kiss that made my head swim.

"I'll see you tomorrow," she said. "And the day after that and the day after that and the day after that until you can't stand the sight of me."

"I don't think that'll ever happen," I said.

"We'll see. I hope not. But we'll see. Now I really have to go."

At the top of the stairs she turned and looked at me one final time.



"I would like one thing. One day. Not yet -- when you're ready."

"Anything," I said. "Anything at all."

"Write me a letter," she said. "Or write me something, something just for me. That I can keep in a box when I'm old and look at it and remember everything about me and you. Please?"

I nodded. "Sure," I said. "I could do that."

And then she was gone, and I heard the door shut behind her, and I was alone again in the house. Properly alone there for the first time, and that was how it should be.

"Thank you, Terri," I said to the empty house. "I love you."

Then I went to bed. But, despite my prediction, it took me longer to get to sleep than I thought it would. My mind was too busy thinking of all the things I would write for Tara.

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Redbob45Redbob45about 2 months ago

Incredible tale, one of your best.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Rarely do I give 5 stars to a story, but this one definitely deserved it!

Tara is an amazing character that's easy to fall in love with. It's easy to write a playful sex kitten or a sex-crazy nymphomaniac which is what most writers write on this website, but this story's female lead was the opposite.

She was intelligent, thoughtful, warm, giving and generous, selfless, full of life and love. IRL she's a unicorn. The type of unicorn that any sane guy would wish to find and have her fall in love with him; the type of girl you would take home to meet your parents in the first month. The type of woman that is the best pick possible for a life partner. Again, the opposite of most female leads on this site.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I needed this. Truly and deeply. You broke my heart.

Thank you.


V a l i a n t 1 1 4 6 4

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Another 10 star story. Closure… And a new opening?

DadiesdreamsDadiesdreams7 months ago

This was a very sweet and touching story, so well, written and passionate, and a beautiful closure for a good man who had lost everything in the love of his life.

dbsidedbside9 months ago

In the dark room, is it Terri or is it Tara. Didn't really matter, it was some loving closure! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Jim2023Jim202311 months ago

A really beautiful, romantic story.

roveroneroverone12 months ago



and Tara's request at the end...

Definitely a W....

Already started the three teens/snowstorm-1st part fantastic too

Calnet2289Calnet2289about 1 year ago

That was a truly beautiful story! Thank you for writing such a wonderous heart filled story love, both old and new.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow, AnnasFriend sure can write. Extraordinarily pleasant reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I’m 70 yes old and I wish I would have had a love like that! Even if it was for too short a

time. Thank you!! LM

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dear author,

Thank you for your lovely story.

I read other stories from you, and your young ladies are just lovely, bubbly, full of energy. You like them way younger than I do, and I tend to daughter-zone such young ladies. And still I enjoyed reading about them very much.

Your male characters tend to be a bit 2 dimensional, except when the story is more dramatic, like here or the one where the main character loses his brother. In particular, they seem to pass effortlessly from squirming awkwardly at the girl(s) flirting to taking control of the situation without any lingering moral doubts. That’s the only mild criticism I have.

And your writing is among the best, if not the best, that I can find here.

So again, thank you for your stories. I have my 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Beautifull. Thanks you

wifesadollwifesadollover 1 year ago

Wow, just wow. So well done. Perfect, really.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A fantastic story, touches accurately on the feelings of a Widower - and that aching numbness and complete loss of time. Well done. I met my Tara fortunately!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Simply beautiful wow. Matt

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

I had forgotten I had read this 6 months ago and had written my comments. On reading the comments today I was amazed that I don't remember I had both read and commented on such a wonderful and beautifully written story 6 months ago so I apologise for commenting again in very similar terms. Now we are 6 months further on and our love continues to grow stronger. We write to each other several times a week, both love letters and our erotic fantasies.

She has filled my life with love, desire and companionship. Other than for us to be together physically I have everything I desire and much more than I ever thought possible.

DessertmanDessertmanover 1 year ago

I loved it, so gentle and loving. I reminded me so much of a dear friend who I met when I was 36 and she was 45. She was taken by cancer when she was nearly 85.

To my great surprise I now have a wonderful new friend. We met on the internet just over 2 years ago. I am now 83 and she is 60. We haven't physically met yet as she has been unable to travel, but we hope to meet in March. Love is a wonderful mystery.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Anna's lucky to have you as a friend.

Mrwilliams13Mrwilliams13about 2 years ago

Wonderful story. Great build up and description. I could sense the intensity in their lovemaking. Left me wanting more- the true mark of a great story!

DessertmanDessertmanabout 2 years ago

I loved it with tears in my 82 yo eyes. My love of 40 years died 8 years ago aged 85 leaving me bereft until a chance meeting 2 years ago on a dating site brought a wonderful new love into my life. She is 23 years younger than me and later this year will be 60 and I will be 83. Miracles happen! I want to spend the rest of my life with her. It may be as little as 10 years but we will make every day count.

daggettdaggettabout 2 years ago

Really, really good story. Excellent writing and even though I could tell where the story was going, the experience of getting there was well worth it. I will be reading more of work! A definite 5!

HistProf2019HistProf2019about 2 years ago

Great Story. Very well done. Solid 5+. Thank you

Norway_1705Norway_1705about 2 years ago

Smooth style and sweet characters. Spooky but lovely. Near perfection

Maybe we would need a "Widowed" tag.

SouthernCrossfireSouthernCrossfireover 2 years ago

Really sweet story with the undercurrent of Simon’s loss being handled extremely well. I was almost sure Terri had been killed in a wreck with an illicit lover so the explanation was a sad but somewhat pleasant surprise with his feelings being given more focus and context than before. I liked Tara as a character, young but surprisingly mature, and loved her choice comment. An easy 5* with hope for their future. Best wishes in the RC Awards, too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Such a sweet story, I'd love to see a sequel and if they have a relationship develop. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A careful treatment of a sensitive topic. Would that things might work out that way for more people.

Rapierwit24601Rapierwit24601over 2 years ago

Everyone who knows me is aware of one fact: I am incredibly verbose.

Here is my review of your story:

Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Simply lovely. A love story, and possibly another love story, and very possibly a ghost story as well…

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It’d be great if it continued. I usually don’t read the long stories as they’re just about sex and are booooooring. I’d read a few more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Was refreshing to read a romantic story with a great plot. Made me cry too. It’s been eight years in April. Hopefully in the future I can meet a strong woman with love in her eyes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well, I expected to have a short break with an arousing story. Wasn't really planning to lock the door and sob in the corner for a bit, yet here we are.

INCREDIBLY moving, and yet still bearing every bit of the heat that brings me back to your work. Thank you, THANK YOU for coming back to us.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This story deserves a sixth star!!!

ashleycooperashleycooperover 2 years ago

All I can say is ‘wow’. What an incredible story. I need to revisit your list of previous submissions to make sure I haven’t missed any.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Powerful, moving story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

First read of the new year - did not disappoint! 🥂

LadiesAreFirstLadiesAreFirstalmost 3 years ago

Captivating, great flow and story development.

dasnenosdasnenosalmost 3 years ago

This is the third time I have read this story. Closure is hard. My second wife was killed by a drunk driver. The circumstances were much different, but in reading this story, I find myself accepting her death a little more each time I read this wonderful tale. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Beautiful, thank you.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyalmost 3 years ago

Really, really good! Thank-you

pitaya35pitaya35almost 3 years ago

Really great ! I guess next chapter could be the letter itself...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Great. But why in Mature instead of Romance? Very little in the story focused on their age difference, and it ended with a long term romance being anticipated. A very touching story. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


Double Wow

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Oh hell, I was so caught up in the story, then it ended. I was then searching for chapter 2 or sequel. No such luck. Great story and characters. I really enjoyed this story completely. Thanks for sharing.

Frenchy47manFrenchy47manalmost 3 years ago

The characters were very good. Sweet!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Captured my heart from the innocent start. Well written, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wonderful story.

Hey! What about Student Support ch.4 ? Eagerly awaiting for a LONG time.

lc69hunterlc69hunteralmost 3 years ago

Wow. Just wow. Love, loss, romance, finding love again...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was such a touching great story! Thank you!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Creepy .. how was this able to win?

deepskideepskialmost 3 years ago

Absolutely OUTSTANDING !!!

Somehow, I was hoping Tara and Simon would get married and provide Simon with the ultimate salvation. Perhaps in the sequel?

Never the less, this is absolutely beautiful, just the way it is. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I would have liked to have written this earlier but every time I tried, there were too many tears to see the screen. That was such a beautiful story and the depth of emotion was incredible to me. I have seriously cried over some stories that struck a chord within me but this is in my top 5 best love stories. It rates a 5 out of 5 stars along with 4 Kleenex packs and 2 snotty/soggy t-shirts. Thank you so much for that emotionally devastating yet unforgettably beautiful tale.


DerrezDerrezalmost 3 years ago

Beautiful story with just the right amount of build up. I found it to be both very romantic and erotic at the same time. Exactly the type of story I truly enjoy reading.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

What a wonderful story told so well.

vanmyers86vanmyers86almost 3 years ago

Perfect, my friend - possibly your best yet. Well done!

rayironyrayironyalmost 3 years ago
Mournfully sweet

and gently hot.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

damn you got me out here tearing up. this was amazing

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

A truly special story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago


TooOldNowTooOldNowalmost 3 years ago

To echo everyone else... Just wow. This is one of the best things I've read on literotica, but it is also straight up a really good piece of short fiction for anywhere. I bawled like a baby while reading this, which is not what most people are probably looking for in their erotica, but is an honest reaction to lovely emotionally rich storytelling here. Good prose, good dialog, sexy, heartfelt.

I hope IRL that you are a pro writer!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I had tears in my eyes at the end.

majicmann1811majicmann1811almost 3 years ago

First of your stories I've read, won't be the last. Simply wonderful, I just don't have the words. Thank you for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Just. Wow.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

That was a brilliantly crafted bit of writing. It felt very raw, honest, heartbreaking and then hopeful. Beautifully executed.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Great storytelling and all in 3 pages.

Sambhogi_29Sambhogi_29almost 3 years ago

Extraordinary, overwhelming and orgasmic. Btw, what's the update on the Student Support series?

MissedLifeMissedLifealmost 3 years ago

I forgot in my previous comment to suggest you start working on at least two more chapters on Tara and Simon. One can be written for the Christmas contest and the third for the Valentines Day contest! We readers need to get more of this couple. Please!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Simply outstanding.

MissedLifeMissedLifealmost 3 years ago

Wonderful story! Tara is was beyond her years and definitely was sent by Terri to help Simon move forward. Their age difference is nothing. If you can find a second chance at love then go for it!

Corpse_riderCorpse_rideralmost 3 years ago

A very tender and heart warming story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You are a fantastic writer, I really felt the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

WoW awesome wish that would happen to all men who have lost their tru love thanks

DeputyCMDeputyCMalmost 3 years ago

Please write a part two. Awesome story. I will be looking for it.

SparkyblueoneSparkyblueonealmost 3 years ago

A lovely tale beautifully written as always. A worthy entrant to the Halloween competition! 5 stars

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