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BabySitter Accident

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Babysitter has a nasty fall.
1.5k words

Part 3 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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It happened on a Friday afternoon. Fortunately I was at home at the time. Beth and the kids were out playing in the back yard. Beth made a grab to the right just as her target swung left. Beth made a hasty readjustment, trod on a stone of a tuft of grass or maybe even a shadow, and her foot buckled under her.

She went down in a screaming heap. A very ladylike scream, but still a scream. Unfortunately, it was a scream of pain, not surprise. When I got out there her ankle was already swelling like a balloon.

Following a trip to the doctor we had ourselves a little problem. Beth was to stay off the foot for a minimum of forty eight hours. Not too bad on a weekend as I would normally be home. This weekend I had a series of appointments that I couldn't put off and couldn't attend with kids in tow. Beth, as in all household crises, had the answer.

She would arrange a babysitter to stay the weekend. We had a guest room so there would be no problems. She happened to know that Dianne, one of our more regular sitters, was saving for a trip overseas, so she would probably jump at the chance for a weekend's work.

I hadn't really noticed Dianne around recently. When she's been sitting for us it was normally a case that we'd pass each other at the door, her arriving and me leaving, sort of thing. Now she was around me full time and boy, hasn't that young lady grown somewhat.

If asked to describe her I'd have given a description of a middle teens, young, pretty and starting to blossom. The reality nowadays was a late teens, nineteen, maybe even twenty, very pretty and she had blossomed into a delightful flower. When she arrived at the door in tight shorts and top it was a case of instant lust.

It was also acute consciousness that I had a wife right there in the kitchen, so watch it buddy. I smiled and invited her in. She smiled back and entered and in no time at all was making herself useful. The kids love her and Beth gets on well with her.

The weekend passed. I made all my appointments, Dianne looked after the kids and Beth rested her ankle. I also got incredibly horny every time I saw Dianne, but I won't mention that.

At first I thought it was my imagination. Wishful thinking on my part. Slowly it dawned on me that Dianne was actually trying to flirt with me. Trying, hell. She was deliberately flirting with me and teasing me, and seemed to get a real kick out of it. There was nothing you could point to, or object to, but we both knew it was going on. I, of course, did not reciprocate. Well, I did find out that her breasts were incredibly soft, but that was purely by accident.

On Sunday afternoon all my appointments were concluded and I was at home, relaxing in the yard with Beth and the kids, with Dianne doing the bulk of the work entertaining them. We had an inflatable pool and Dianne and the kids were romping around in it. Dianne was wearing a one piece bathing costume. People who think bikinis are sexy have obviously never seen a well-endowed young lady in a one piece costume that I would swear was at least one size too small.

That's when we had our second accident. Stepping out of the pool, Dianne caught her toe on it and came down flat on her face, landing quite hard. On the grass, fortunately, and not the concrete path. Unhurt, but obviously shaken up. Beth told me to take her inside and make her lie down for a while. I shrugged mentally and escorted her into the house, hurrying back to Beth and the kids.

I promptly copped a serve from Beth. She could watch the kids for a few minutes. I could use my time better making sure that Dianne didn't actually hurt herself. She'd go herself, but her foot. . .

So I went back inside to see how Dianne was surviving.

I knocked on the door to the bedroom we had given her and opened it. My timing couldn't have been worse. Or better, depending on how you look at it.

Dianne had apparently decided to change out of her bathers and had rolled them down. She was standing on one leg, extracting her foot when I opened the door. She gave a small shriek, trying to turn to see who had opened the door, and at the same time cover herself from unwanted eyes.

Her tangled feet brought her down. Literally. She tripped and fell backwards, her foot coming free from the tangled costume even as she fell. She toppled back onto the bed, finishing up lying flat on her back and totally naked, her lovely body open to my eyes.

I thoughtfully closed the door. Behind me.

Dianne lay there, staring at me. I could not tell what she was feeling from the look on her face. I really couldn't. I suspected that she did not have similar problems where I was concerned.

I didn't take my eyes off her as I moved to stand before her, looking down at her.

"I really don't have much option here," I told her. "You do understand that?"

She nodded, not saying a word. I dropped my trousers, and Dianne's eyes also dropped, while the expression on her face did not change one iota. My erection was standing proud, ready for instant action.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't force her. She knew I wanted her and she didn't even seem to consider the possibility of refusing me. I touched one finger to the inside of her knee and pressed lightly, and her legs parted, giving me access to her tender and private flesh.

I suppose I should have stroked her and slowly aroused her, whispering sweet words of seduction. In this instance, all that seemed meaningless. I wanted her and she was laying there in front of me. I leaned over her, my cock gently pressing against her lips, feeling them part before me, accepting me into her.

She was wet and ready for me. For some reason, this didn't surprise me. It just seemed natural and proper. I pushed deeper, feeling her passage slowly yield and stretch, making room for me to advance, but closing around me as I came.

I leaned over her, not only driving deeper into her but stretching over her, covering her, so that by the time I was fully inside her I was also lying on her, pinning her to the bed. My mouth found hers and I kissed her.

For a few moments I just lay there, kissing her, while my cock just held her pinned against the bed. She was returning my kisses quite expertly and, when I started moving in the rhythm of life, I heard her give a soft moan and she was moving with me, the two of us joined as one.

I moved slowly at first, enjoying the feel of her hot flesh surrounding me and clinging to me as I moved, the slow rasp of flesh against flesh sending delicious ripples of heat through me. Wanting more, I moved faster and harder, demanding a response from her.

And I got my response. She pushed up to meet me, taking me deep within her every time I drove down. My hands closed over her breasts, enjoying their soft plumpness, with that odd contrast of hard nipples rolling around under my palms.

I was driving in even harder, excitement rising. Dianne was twisting about under me, bucking hard. Her legs had closed around me, trying to force me even deeper into her, while her fingers were clawing at my shoulders, holding me tight.

I hammered into her, moving faster and faster. I needed this woman under me, just how much I hadn't known until I'd actually entered her. Now I was showing her the depth of my need, mercilessly plundering her body, while she yielded, letting me, encouraging me, to do as I wanted.

Then it was becoming too much for me to contain. I was loaded for bear and ready to fire. I held off as long as I could, urging Dianne forward towards her own climax, ruthlessly driving her towards it.

Then I was gone. There's just so much I could take and then something had to give. To put it crudely, I simply blew my load deep into her. With that first splash Dianne climaxed. She bit me, damn it. Her teeth sunk into my shoulder as she buried her face against me to stifle her screams.

Dianne seemed just about out cold afterwards, lying back in a dreamy state. I tidied myself up and turned her so that she was lying on the bed properly. When she finally looked at me with what seemed to be intelligence I spoke.

"Beth sent me in to see how you were after your fall," I told her. "I'll say you just want to relax on your bed for a while, shall I?"

She looked amused.

"That might be an idea. I do feel like relaxing after my fall," she replied, using a completely different accent on the word fall to the one I'd used.

I smiled and left her, closing the door softly behind me.

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Sman4444Sman44444 months ago

Amazingly satisfying for such a short sexy story. I love your witty use of language. Keep going with more enjoyable chapters!

Marklynda2Marklynda26 months ago

How convenient that his wife told him to go look after her, seemed like a mutual 'looking after' though. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

Marklynda2Marklynda26 months ago

How convenient that his wife told him to go look after her, seemed like a mutual 'looking after' though. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

WhiteStockingsWhiteStockingsover 4 years ago
Nice little story

An erotic appetizer. Looking forward to the other stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
5 star

I liked your story... Perhaps in some future chapters his wife and the baby sitter will get together for a threesome.... The sitter does not seem opposed to having his dick buried in her pussy.... write more....

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