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Backseat Mommy: Ass Fucked


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"Yes, come my dirty ass-slut," he groaned, as his torrent of cum continued to fill my ass.

Even though I was still coming, I knew our time was short so I opened the door, almost fell out of the car and quickly pulled my thong up as I felt my son's cum leaking out of my ass and my own cunt cum joining it to trickle down my legs.

Looking up, I saw a couple of teen boys and an older woman staring at me. There was no way they couldn't see I was struggling to recover from the sex I'd been having just moments before. They'd probably even seen the car rocking and heard what I screamed.

Mortified by the boys' leers and the woman's judgemental glare, I scuttled directly to the bathroom, so distracted I actually walked right into my husband.

"You okay?" he asked. "You look all flustered."

"I really need to pee," I answered, charging past him and into the ladies'.

I went directly into a stall, pulled down my soaked panties and did indeed urinate with great force. I also forced some of my son's cum out of my gaping ass.

I couldn't believe I had fucked my son in the car... again... still unable to resist the temptation. It was like his cock was the forbidden fruit and I was unable not to gobble it down every chance I got.

As I cleaned my two lower orifices, Cory texted me:

C: That was amazing!

M: I can't believe we just did that!

M: I think at least three people knew I'd just been fucking. They even watched me pulling my thong up!

C: Are you ready for more?

M: You can't be serious???

C: Oh, I need a rest too. But click on this link. Tonight we will make another of your fantasies come true.

I clicked on the link and gasped.

It was a Craigslist ad.

Horny submissive MILF slut looking to be DP'd.

Submissive three hole cum slut wants to make her double penetration fantasy come true.

Her young Master is looking for one or two men with big cocks who are willing to DP her or even make her AIR TIGHT.

Please send face and cock pictures, as we are selective and want to make this special for our horny slut. This is a one-night-only offer. The bigger you are, the more likely we'll be to respond.

Please be serious, as this cum slut wants to make a decades'-long fantasy a reality... TONIGHT!!!

This event will take place at Edestoon hotel and not begin until after 11 o'clock.

I read and re-read it a dozen times.

I couldn't believe Cory would do this.

I also couldn't believe the rush that went up my spine at the possibility of being double penetrated and just used by some strangers like a cheap slut.

As I finally stood up, unsure how to deal with this new situation, He sent me another text.

C: I got a dozen responses so far.

C; Would you like to try a black cock?

C: Ten inches!

C: And thick!

Oh my God!!! This way I could realize two fantasies at once. I had always wanted to fuck a black man. I often read race play stories online, and my favourite filmed porn was interracial.

C: Here is his picture!!!

I clicked on it and my mouth watered.


Suddenly fucking my son seemed less like cheating... I know, absurd but true.

This black stranger with a ten-incher would definitely be cheating.

As I contemplated the big black cock, I washed up and examined myself in the mirror.

What was I becoming?

And why couldn't I resist being such a slut?

Yet, even though I knew I shouldn't... I texted my son:


The End... for now.

Coming next: Backseat Mommy: Gloryhole Slut

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

In part 1, after the Mom sucks dad off on the hiking trail, he talks about wanting to fuck her ass, and she says he does that on occasion - in this chapter he's suddenly too prude? An odd change of characterization

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Not for nothing, but I really don't get the appeal of the backdoor. Yes I have done it on occasion, and only with someone who actually asked for it. But even those women didn't act like the fucked up weird ass fantasy you are trying to somehow pull off!

Oh, and ass to mouth? Just fucking forget about it!!!!! A chick willing to do that is making FAT cash for doing it!!!!! Not because she wants to but because sick fucks like you allow her to make FAT cash for doing such disgusting things! Why not make her lick the inside of a toilet bowl, or eat your shit?!?!?

It's just not sexy! No matter who you're with!

I do find the whole incest thing hot, but the degrading filthy shit is just not intertaining.

breasty_mcribbreasty_mcrib3 months ago

carnal sex had awakened the sleeping slut in me, and I had no intention of allowing her to go back into slumber...thats me. the only thing i had a problem with was the whole Master thing.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Was enjoying all along, but got the feeling he'd try sharing her. It suddenly seemed less interesting to me

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

no, no, no, I'm only for family idyll,

without outside members. How can you give your bitch to others...

Robincd1126Robincd11265 months ago

I love this story.

BigboobchaserBigboobchaser5 months ago

Both stories were very well written. I prefer a little more detail on the acts themselves (what they see, feel & smell) but maybe that is just me. I would love to read more ... especially the frat gangbang & cum dump bukkake all over his mom. A 3-way with another woman & the gloryhole stories sound awesome too. The other person that said "the idea of the son sharing his mother is disgusting; I do not's incest already!)

WildErotica69WildErotica695 months ago

It was going so nicely thus far - why ruin it by sharing her

joelambjoelamb6 months ago

I am certainly enjoying this story line!

Fireplace10Fireplace109 months ago

Great as previous parts!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Wow, just fantastic Have read the series and the writing is great.

and cant stop reading them,!!

I wish I was the son

please dont stop writing them

forget the do goodthers psalmists and holier than thou s

This just keeps getting better and better!!! Very erotic. I am loving watching her become so submissive to him

the negro dick part dont know yet till ive read the next sequel

I agree with hungry papabear

and to anonymous Yes she can if you have a big enough dick and hit all the right spots ,

why do you think women love being ass fucked by huge black dicks

cheers Natt

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

A son sharing his mother with another Guy is disgusting. Talk about bringing her to his frat to gang bang is turn down for most readers. Loved part 1, but can't pass page 1 from part 2. Can't even imagine doing these things to a girlfriend. Much less to my own mother. Using these stories as a fun bonus to my journey in learning english. Came horny, gone pissed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The interracial part killed it. Boo. Unless its white cock dominating a black cunt it's a turn off.

LvnntnLvnntnabout 1 year ago

More please! My gf wants me to read these stories to her when we are naked in bed together. She never had kids, but damn this gets us both hot

HungryPapaBearHungryPapaBearover 1 year ago

To all the people saying son is treating mom like a piece of meat, & has no respect for her. She is desiring to be a wanton slut. Craving to fulfil her fantasies that have been repressed for over 20 years. She is allowing her beloved son to be the Master & receive all these things that he is willing to give her, out of yhe love & respect he has for her. I would do the same for my mom, with all the love & respect I have for her as the woman I love most in the world.

6196661966over 1 year ago

Wow, just wow. Have read the series and the writing is great.

atlantic62atlantic62over 1 year ago

All I can say is it made me..... Well you know what I'm saying.

Becaa57Becaa57over 1 year ago

This just keeps getting better and better!!! Very erotic. I am loving watching her become so submissive to him

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very erotic story. In most of your writings you write about women ejaculating from an ass fuck. Is that possible or is that a fantasy? Can an ass reaming be so sensitive, so erotic to a woman to get her off? Really?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed this story. Not sure about the interracial part

guysenseiguysenseiover 1 year ago

This is a super hot story. I love the Mom’s dirty talk it’s super hot, also I love how she calls herself Mommy. The son is a great character who helps Mommy be more hot in the story making her submissive

MfkndragonMfkndragonalmost 2 years ago

1 I don't think the writer really knows what there writing about the story was all over the place first says the husband doesn't like anal but later in the story the husband was talking about fucking her in the ass don't make much sense there 2 all men is going to look to please them self I do but have had no complaints from the woman as far as sucking cock after anal sex well I don't think it will make you ill but to me it seems gross then again I'm straight I'm not bi or gay so I don't do anal sex only guys that are bi or gay does anal sex in my opinion but that's me

MfkndragonMfkndragonalmost 2 years ago

when comes down to it I'm looking to please myself first fuck that bull about catering to the woman and I have never had any complaints as far as the anal goes well any guy who takes or gives that is gay that is clear period and all with everything else she's just a whore bet if someone was too offer her money to fuck them she would do it main point I don't care who you are your looking at your own pleasure before you are looking at the girls if not you are have no experience basically a child

MfkndragonMfkndragonalmost 2 years ago

Too far with bringing in the other guy and making the son gay only a man who is gay would wanna fuck someone in the ass

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Time4luv 12 months ago is right. Never suck cock straight from Anal sex unless you want to get very ill, they are in a toilet so can wash the cock b4 oral. In all her stories, women become sluts and pets even from other women occasionally and no we don't want to be submissive or have orgasm denial!! Even though apparently the author is a woman, somehow I don't believe that!! Also Melwins was right, at the beginning on the hike Alex said about taking her "ass" and knowing that night, as she was submissive to him, that would happen even though she didn't come from her husband...and that's changed to husband loves oral from her and gives her boring sex and so long as he comes, not bothered if she doesn't. What the hell is she staying for with this selfish man!!


Hhhmmm...Melwins, methinks you are not following this storyline very well!!

Sarah (Mom) DID have sex with her college roommate...that was made pretty clear!d

Alex (Dad) HATES cunnilingus, and hates giving anal to Sarah...he thinks it it DISGUSTING...unfortunately, like MANY MEN, only concerned with his own climax, and not that of his giving & willing partner.

For you GUYS reading this, PAY ATTENTION TO THE DIALOGUE!! Mom loves all of it, even if it is from her son...husband falls short, and son fills in for him (IN MORE THAN ONE WAY!!) Let this be an object lesson for you...please you woman FIRST..

LAST...ALWAYS...and she will forever be yours...making your orgasm(s) much more enjoyable!

Five Stars!!🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌋🌋🌋🌋🌋

MelwinsMelwinsover 2 years ago

The inconsistent narrative is kinda annoying. Does the dad like anal or does he hate it? Has she fucked her female roommate in college or is she a lesbian newb? Pick a lane

GeorgeGaleGeorgeGalealmost 3 years ago

This series just keeps getting better...........():\

Time4LuvTime4Luvalmost 3 years ago

Good so far, there were a few things I don't like.

Mom is so horny she let's her son become master SAD.

Son controls when mom cums SAD.

Son stops in restroom, he cums but won't let mom when she can make noise SAD.

WRONG for mom to suck anal dick, sick and she could die. At least have mom plant a big tongue kiss on son with anal mouth.

I haven't liked it in other stories when sons become lovers and get mom pregnant but the whole gang bang thing without condoms and or medical tests for STDs/STIs. BAD, SAD, WRONG

I don't feel bad for dad because he knows mom wants oral and anal. Given the choice of including son or strangers, co-workers or friends to their sex life. I'm sure he'd choose son.

The thing that killes me is why is her sons dick so super special because it's big, that she'd choose incest just because it's big. There is only a small percentage of dicks 9in and above. When the average is 5in to 7in most 5in to 6in plus most women don't like them big.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Wonderful. Makes me cum buckets every time I read it

curious4cockcurious4cockalmost 3 years ago

Amazing story!! You are my favorite writer on this site by far. Keep up the good work!

Wilderness1Wilderness1almost 3 years ago

Oh look the WOKE POLICE are here bringing their special brand of "sucking the joy out of life" BS even into erotica !

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Gonna have to stop here as soon as the fetishization of black men was added. “Would you like to try black cock,” as if black men are just a flavor of candy to pick up at the store and not whole individual human beings who exist as more than a fetish for a sexual fantasy.

As a black woman who has been fetishized by white man, I simply don’t find that sexually attractive at all. There are ways to include black people in erotica without making us the subject of your Black Person fetish/kink.

tjreadertjreaderabout 3 years ago

Jesus titty-fucking christ!! This installment of the story nearly made me cum without even touching myself! The dirty talk in this chapter was particularly EXQUISITE!! Holy FUCK!!


mizkid2022mizkid2022about 3 years ago

Great story! It was so hot but I don't like adding more men to the the action.I was kind of hoping she would leave her husband for the son.

NWTrackman84_2016NWTrackman84_2016about 3 years ago


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