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Big Bang Theory Gang Bang Orgy Ch. 02

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The orgy kicks into high gear ending with Penny & Sheldon.
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Part 2 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/25/2012
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When we left Penny had just found out Priya was heading back to India and she had a chance to rekindle her relationship with Leonard.

Raj and Penny hooked-up starting off the night of extreme fucking.

Penny had brought Sheldon out of his sexual shell and had turned him into a sexual animal.

Bernadette had a fight with Howard and he's been missing for several days, saying he was going to take care of his tiny problem once and for all.

Bernadette frustrated, fucked Leonard and was riding Sheldon when last seen.

Now for Part two, enjoy!!


Penny slipped into the robe as Leonard and her entered the livingroom. They both sat down on the sofa and they both sat on the edge turning towards each other. She took his hands in hers; "First of all thank you for the robe and for getting me out of that room, at least for now. Seeing you and Priya are finished, I would like to take the opportunity to express my true feelings."

He squeezed her hands, raised them to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of one hand. "You don't have to do this Penny. I'm the one who would like to say something too."

"Please Leonard, let me go first or I may never get this out. First of all I would like to say you are a terrific guy."

"Oh my god this doesn't sound good!"

"No, no Leonard, it IS good; well I think it's good. When we were together and you told me you loved me, I panicked, but to be honest with you, I believe I'm in love with you too! I was always the one who said they loved the other one first and when you said it, well I didn't know how to react and after how bad my past relationships have gone, I was a little skittish about saying it back. I now know that was a mistake. I never should have let you go; you are the best thing that has come into my life in a long, long time!"

Leonard leaned forward and placed a soft tender kiss on her bee stung lips. Pulling back he swept a stray lock from her face; "Well Penny that was the best news I've heard in some tine. What I wanted to say was basically on the same lines. In the past month or so I have been comparing you and Priya, not physically, well maybe that to, but mostly how the two of you treated me and reacted to me.

You have always accepted me for the person I am, whereas Priya was always trying to change me. Clothes, games I play, my friends and even my best friend, you! I can be myself around you, I can be the nerd that I am and you're okay with it. The comic books, Star Trek, and the crazy games we play, you're okay with all of that! I just wanted to say thank you Penny and yes I still do love you!"

"Oh Leonard, I'm so glad. I feel the same way, I love you!"

They came together and now kicked in a more passionate kiss. They swapped spit as their tongues slid from one's mouth into the others.

Leonard's hands came up and slid the soft terrycloth robe from her shoulders. He reached down and cupped her two beautiful breasts and whispered in her ear; "Oh my look Penny my two breast friends!"

She kissed him and whispered in his ear; "Oh yes Leonard, they are yours and I do love you!"

The robe fell to her lap and she slowly lay back on the cushions. Leonard followed her and began raining kisses on her long slender neck. Sweeping her silky sexy hair from her face he moved to her ear. He flicked his tongue out and ran around her ear, moving to her cheek and he tenderly kissed her eyes.

She closed them and took in his gentle kisses she so much missed in the past few months. She raised her hands up and ran them through his short dark hair. She tickled his ears, neck and cheeks. She kept her eyes closed as Leonard planted more kisses on her forehead, eyes, nose and cheeks. She parted her lips when she felt his lips touch hers.

Leonard ran his hands gently through her long sexy hair and his tongue came out and touched hers. They flicked back and forth and as the kiss grew, so did Leonard's cock.

Penny parted her thighs even more and welcomed his stiff cock to her moistened slit. She sucked in her breath as she felt him penetrate her outer lips and let out a gasp as she felt him sink deeper into her hot, wet hole. Her legs came up and slowly wrapped around his waist as she raised her hips trying to take more of his cock into her welcoming pussy.

Leonard broke the kiss and his mouth once again attacked her neck and shoulders.

Penny was breathing heavily as she urged him on, thrusting her hips upward. She let out a loud groan when she felt Leonard cover one of her stiff nipples.

Leonard began lapping and sucking on one firm tit to the other. His hands came up and began squeezing her incredibly firm tits and her eyes rolled back in her head as the electrical shocks shot down to her clit where Leonard was slowly pumping his stiff cock slowly in and out of her tight pussy.

Penny rolled her head from side to side and her gorgeous hair covered her entire face, shoulders and draped down to the tops of her tits,

Leonard slowly pulled out of Penny. His entire cock was covered in her juices and it dripped on her shapely thighs. Taking her by the hand she has to rise to a sitting position. He rolled over and pulled her on top of him. With his head resting on the arm of the sofa and Penny hovering above him he stared up at her.

""What, what Leonard, is something wrong?"

He just smiled and shook his head no; "Oh no Penny, everything is right with the world. I can't believe how beautiful you look. Everything about you is just perfect. Your incredibly beautiful hair, the way is frames your face and the shiny texture and color bring out the blue in your dark eyes. Your nose and lips are perfect. I can't get enough of those full bee stung lips. Your long graceful neck, and those breasts of yours, again perfect. Their fullness, firmness, the way they conform to my palm when I cup them, perfect. Your dime sized areoles and tiny dark nipples, the way they perk up and stiffen when sucked on, incredible. Your firm flat belly, the fullness of your hips and that gorgeous bubble butt of yours. One of these days, soon I'm going to have to fuck that ass of yours. Last but not least those beautiful long shapely legs of yours, I can never get enough of them the calves and thighs which lead to that golden tight pussy of yours!"

"OH Leonard, I don't deserve you, I truly do love you!" She leaned down and planted a soft kiss on his lips, her stiff nipples grazed his chest and she reached down and inverting her hand took hold of his cock and started stroking it up and down,

There was enough moisture on his cock from her pussy and he was leaking a lot of pre-cum. She stroked it faster and the way she arched her back to do this brought her tit up to his face.

Leonard captured one stiff nipple and sucked hard on it producing a groan from Penny and she stroked him even faster. Her long flaxen hair draped over his head as he sucked on the other morsel.

Penny needed a release and she needed it soon. She sat up and spinning around laid back down, in the sixty-nine position. Her flat belly rose and fell as she lowered her pussy to his mouth.

Leonard scooted down on the couch so he was now lying on the cushions. Just as he was about to lick her pussy he felt her hot wet mouth envelope his cock.

She took him in down to the root of his cock and he was in heaven as he felt her tongue whip around and around his stiff shaft and her throat muscles tightened as she sucked him as hard as she could.

Leonard let out a loud groan and bit down on his lower lip trying hard not to cum. He focused on Penny's blossoming pussy before him and he stabbed at it and she jumped and shoved her ass back down it his waiting tongue. He drew long strokes up and down her weeping pussy and wormed deeper and deeper into her love hole. He was rewarded with a gush of new juice as she started cumming. Her thighs nearly strangled him, but he was relentless stabbing, licking and sucking away at the pussy he had so missed over the past few months.

He added two fingers, finding her G spot he rubbed it back and forth and she went right into another orgasm, painting his fingers and face with her thick hot cum.

Penny was delirious with sexual excitement. She started bobbing up and down on his cock like a woman possessed. She sucked and slurped on his pole and as she pulled it out of her mouth her saliva was flying all about. She was stroking it and she dipped down taking his cum-bloated nuts in her mouth and sucked on them gently. Her tongue stabbed at them as her hand continued to stoke him faster and faster. She rose up and swiped his cock all over her face and neck as if she couldn't get enough of it. She shoved it back into her mouth and bobbed up and down and she heard Leonard grunt and from their previous relationship she knew what was coming now.

Penny clamped her lips tight around his shaft and feeling his cockhead swell up, it released a thick stream of cum down her throat. She swallowed quickly knowing there was more to come. Shot after hot creamy shot filled her mouth and she swallowed every drop. As he calmed down she rolled the last of his tasty cum around on her tongue and running it around her lips drank it down too.

Exhausted she collapsed against his sweat covered body and held him. Leonard planted tiny wet kisses along her inner thighs and all about her pussy. This rekindled numerous tiny fires deep in her belly and pussy and she rocked back and forth slowly trying to get him to lick her pussy and clit directly.

Leonard struggled out from under Penny and sitting up, he dragged her over on top of him.

Penny straddled his legs and was pleasantly surprised to see he lost very little of his stiffness. She reached back and lining his cock up with her dripping pussy, lowered her body and his cock parted her tight pussy and slid into her depths.

Inch by inch she sank down until she was seated on his thighs, his cock completely buried in her pussy. She leaned down and covered his mouth with her own and as the kiss intensified so did her rolling of her hips,

She was flailing all about; her lioness mane of hair flew all about her as she whipped her head and upper body about. She rode his cock like an expert bronco rider. She first would lean forward, lifting her ass allowing Leonard to drive his hips up and down quickly, sending his cock in and out of her foaming pussy at a pace that would bring her to the brink of cumming.

Then she would lean back trapping his legs and cock in her. She would then rise and lower her body, this would control the depth and pace of his cock entering and exiting her pussy.

When she did this she would arch her back and her long silky hair would dance across her back and tickle his thighs making him want to fuck all the more,

Penny stopped fucking Leonard and giving him an open mouthed kiss, broke the kiss saying; "Do you really want to get daring?"

He smiled up at her; "You know me Penny, with you I'll try anything!"

"Let's scoot over and fuck in Sheldon's seat!"

"Oh you kinky little bitch, now you know why I love you like I do!"

Leonard slid over and as Penny settled back down on his cock, she leaned forward allowing him to drive in and out of her as fast as he could.

The room was filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin. Penny covered Leonard's mouth with her own and she moaned into his mouth; "Oh fuck me Leonard, fuck me now and fuck me forever! God I love your cock and I love the way you make me feel soooooo special. No other guy ever felt me feel this way. Oh yes, yes, fuck my pussy hard, I want to feel your cum coat my cunt and drip onto Sheldon's seat!"

Leonard sucked on one stiff nipple and Penny was racing towards yet another orgasm when from behind them they heard a familiar voice.


Penny whipped around on Leonard's lap, his cock nearly slipping out; "Oh my god Sheldon, you have to be fucking crazy!"

"No, I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested and you're still in my spot!"

Leonard looked past Penny and saw Sheldon standing there naked as a Jaybird, attached to his cock with her arms and legs wrapped around his slim body was Priya.

His slim hands were cupping her ass and both Penny and Leonard noticed how her nearly black cuntlips were stretched to the max as his huge cock was stuffed in her tiny pussy. Her dark lips were glistening in the light of the room as they were coated with her thick slimy cum. She had her raven covered head buried in the nape of his neck as she raised and lowered her body continually on his incredibly large, stiff cock.

"Oh Sheldon, just sit anywhere! I want you to fuck me hard. My god I can nearly feel your cock in my throat!"

"I really don't think so Priya, that's impossibility!"

"Oh shit Sheldon, it's only an expression letting you know you are going really deep!"


"Yes Sheldon, now sit down so I can really ride this cock of yours!"

"But they're in my spot!"

Penny and Leonard scooted over to the middle cushion and Penny yelled out; "Alright Sheldon we moved from your spot, now shut up so we can fuck in peace!"

Sheldon flopped down and Priya adjusted herself on his lap and began to ride up and down his thick shaft and she moaned constantly. "Oh yes Sheldon, fuck me little pussy until I can't walk straight! Oh fuck I can't believe how big you are. You're hitting areas in my pussy I didn't even know I had!"

Penny and Leonard once again got into a rhythm and soon she was getting closer and closer to cumming again. As Penny slammed down onto Leonard, Priya lifted up. When Penny came up, Priya slammed down, it was if the two couples were on a see-saw. As both women picked up the pace, they kept it in the same sequence and they bobbed up and down on the two cocks.

Priya looked over at Penny and smiled; "He is a considerate and fabulous lover isn't he?"

"Oh yeah Priya, I nearly forgot how good he is and how much I missed him! Sheldon doesn't look like he's doing such a bad job either!"

Priya laughed; "With a cock this big, it's hard not to do anything wrong!"

Sheldon spoke up; "Hey now I believe I'm doing just what the book said to do. Yes Penny I read the book!"

Priya reached across and gently swept a bunch of blonde hair form Penny's face and neck. As her hand cupped Penny's cheek, Penny turned her head and placed a soft kiss on the palm of Priya's hand.

Penny reached out and swept a lock of raven hair form Priya's face and as she cupped Priya's cheek, she too turned and planted a soft kiss on Penny's palm.

Priya's hand drifted down and slowly cupped one of Penny's shapely breasts and as she squeezed it gently, her thumb came out and flicked at the stiff tip and it produced a loud groan from Penny's lips. Her hand moved to Penny's other tit and did the same and once again Penny let out a loud groan.

Penny moved her hand down to the dark chocolate firm tit on Priya's chest and she flicked the nearly black tip back and forth and tugging on it she had Priya moaning too.

Leonard and Sheldon felt their cocks stiffen even more when they saw what the two women were doing before them.

Penny leaned over and running her hand through Priya's jet black hair, cupped the back of her head and drew her towards her. They met halfway and Priya, just like Penny combed her fingers through Penny lush expanse of blonde hair and as they lips met they both felt the cocks buried in their pussies jump and stiffen even more.

Leonard and Sheldon slid closer together and they both reached out and began fondling the other's partner.

Neither Priya nor Penny noticed as they became lost in the heated kiss of their former rival. This all disappeared as they kissed and clutched at the other's body.

Leonard and Sheldon started fucking their partners even faster and harder as they were totally turned on by the two women making out with one another.

All of a sudden Priya let out a shriek and a loud groan as she felt something penetrate her tight asshole. At first she thought Sheldon, Leonard or Penny had shoved a thumb or a dildo into her ass, but when she broke the embrace with Penny and looked over her shoulder she was shocked to see her brother. Her eyes shot open wide and she spat out; "RAJESH, YOU CAN"T BE DOING THIS, STOP, STOP, MY GOD ITS INCEST!"

He had fire in his eyes and as he gripped her slim compact hips, he drove another couple inches into her ass; "Shut the fuck up Priya. All night you've been prancing around naked, wiggling that gorgeous ass of yours. I've watched it even since you were a teenager and my god, tonight it's mine!"

He held her hips firmly in his hands and drove deeper and deeper into her tight ass and she was wiggling, trying to escape his thick cock,

Slowly her struggling subsided as all four of them attacked her petite body. Both Penny and Sheldon sucked on her firm tits, Leonard leaned over and flicked at her extended clit and Raj slid in and out of her tight ass as Sheldon continued fucking her incredibly tight cunt.

"Mmmmm, big brother you are so fucking bad. You know we are both going to rot in hell for this, but god, it feels so fucking good. I love having both of my holes filled. Penny please swing over here and put one of your perfect tits in my mouth and I'll be in heaven, all three of my holes filled. It would be better if I had Leonard's cock in my mouth, but I don't want to be a hog!"

Penny pulled her mouth off of Priya's firm tit and scooting over fed Priya one of her tits. In doing this her lower body turned so Leonard could drive in and out of her from the side and Penny went into a crashing orgasm as Leonard slammed into her pussy as Priya feasted on her full firm tits.

Priya was huffing and puffing as Sheldon and Raj got into a rhythm as they fucked her two incredibly tight holes. She went off like a firecracker when she felt her brother unload his sperm deep in her bowels.

Raj slowly slipped out of her asshole and cum oozed out of her ass, He fell to the floor as the last of his orgasm drooled out of his cock.

Penny was lying against Leonard in the aftermath of her intense orgasm,

Priya was still clinging to Sheldon as he drove in and out of her foaming pussy and all of a sudden there was a knock on the door.

The room went silent as the door was knocked upon again and from the other side came a voice; "Come on Shelly, I know you're home, you are never out this late. Open the door for your dear twin sister Missy, Shelly, Shelly; I'm not leaving until you let me in!"

Penny slowly lifted off of Leonard, his cock slipped out of her dripping pussy and she walked over to the door on shaky legs. Through the door she spoke; "Hi Missy, Penny here, we are ah, sort of in the middle of something here! None of us are really in any shape to be entertaining guests, if you know what I mean! How about you going over to my place across the hall and I'll be there shortly to explain."

"Well alright, but I don't like the sound of this. You better hurry or I WILL get in there one way or another!"

"Give me five and I'll be there!"

Penny hurried to the bedroom to dress and stopped in mid-stride. There on the bed were Bernadette and Amy. Amy was on top and she was licking away at Bernadette's dripping pussy. She had three fingers buried in her cunt.

On the other end Bernadette's hands had Amy's ass cheeks spread wide, two fingers were in her ass and her tongue too was buried in Amy pussy.

Penny wanted desperately to join the two on the bed, especially after tasting Amy's cum in the bathroom, but she tore away, threw on her top and sandals and headed out the door. As she moved the short tunic showed off her tight ass and dripping pussy; "Fuck-it she thought, if things went the way she hoped it would, Missy would be in the apartment with the others soon, naked and fucking like she wanted to be doing right now. I love Leonard, I know that, but I still want a shot at Sheldon's huge cock, who knows if I'll ever get another chance!"

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