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Change in Perspective

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A prude reconsiders his outlook.
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At the time that this story starts I guess that most people would have called me, Brock Lucas, a prude. I was only into vanilla sex, and had no tolerance for any other perspective. Despite that predilection I had no trouble getting women to like me because I was -- just saying what other people said, not bragging -- good looking and fit, and -- there is no doubt about this other feature -- rich. I was rich both by birth and by the fact that I was a good businessman and started a company that made millions in just two years. Despite the above lack of modesty I also am realistic. I knew that I was born on third base, and that I wasn't there because I had hit a triple, so I never lorded my situation over anyone else.

Anyway, I fell in love with Lucy Gainer my last year of graduate school and we got married when we were both 25 years old. I am shallow and realistic enough to admit that I first noticed and lusted after Lucy because she is incredibly good looking. She is tall, with long legs even for a tall woman, has a nice rack, round ass, good hair and teeth, and after we dated a few months I found that she also had a tight and muscular pussy. Once I got over my superficial attraction to her I came to love almost everything about her.

Unlike me, Lucy had come from a poor background so financial security was important to her. I really believed that Lucy loved me but she was honest enough to tell me that the financial security that I provided was a big plus as far as she was concerned. Therefore when I proposed to her she accepted but made it clear that the prenup she knew we would have to sign would leave her in excellent financial shape if we divorced for any reason aside from infidelity -- in which case her payout would be small.

When Lucy and I got engaged I started to see more of her best friend Amanda Franklin, who would be her matron of honor. Amanda is a year older than Lucy and me -- twenty six when we got married -- and she herself had been married a couple of years to an older rich guy named Morton Franklin III. Amanda is almost as sexy as Lucy is. Lucy's face is prettier and her ass more pronounced which suits my tastes, but Amanda has bigger boobs and had a sultry air about her that is more pronounced than in any other woman that I have ever seen. She sometimes makes me uncomfortable because when I look into her black eyes I get the feeling that she is a predator that could devour me anytime that she chose to. There are also certain aspects of Amanda's personality that at the time of the wedding I wasn't particularly thrilled about, and she wasn't enthralled with my "prudishness," but we made a concerted effort to get along well because we both loved Lucy, so we never even had a cross word.

One thing that both Lucy and I made clear to each other before we got married was that we would not tolerate cheating, hence the infidelity clause in our prenup which would greatly penalize me as well as her if either of us had sex with another person when we were married.


During our first couple of years of marriage overall things were great. Lucy had a relatively low level but socially productive job that she worked hard at that was important to her for her self-image and to fulfill her charitable desires. Also, she was almost always upbeat, and both very desirable and willing in bed. Two things disturbed her a little bit, however; the first was that she would definitely have liked to have a more adventurous sex life rather than the vanilla one I was comfortable with, and the second was that her best friend Amanda was trying to get pregnant with no success.

There is no need for me to describe all of the various features of our relationship; leading up to the time of "The Great Reveal," as I call it, three years, two months, and six days after our wedding ceremony. I was supposed to travel out of town that Wednesday but when I was at the airport just before my scheduled flight the weather got incredibly nasty and my flight was cancelled. Rather than waiting for a possible break in the weather upon analyzing the situation I realized that I probably could get by with a Zoom meeting rather than travelling. Therefore after calling my customer I drove from the airport where my flight was precipitously canceled back to our house about 6:00 p. m. that Wednesday night. Because of the bad weather I had to really concentrate on the drive home, and the snarled traffic left me irritated and anxious, so I only made one call to Lucy and left a message on her voicemail.

When a twenty minute drive took an hour I was frustrated when I got home about 7:00 p. m. and slightly miffed when I couldn't pull into my normal space in the garage because Amanda's BMW was there. I quickly got over my little snit, however, because of course Lucy probably hadn't listened to her voicemail to know about my change of plans, and given the weather it was only logical that she would have had her friend pull her car into the garage.

I assumed that Amanda was over to eat dinner with and keep Lucy company; I later confirmed that they were "eating" together.


I was surprised not to see Lucy and Amanda in the kitchen when I arrived. I heard some sounds upstairs, so after placing my briefcase and suitcase in the den I walked up to the second floor. The sounds got louder as I approached the master bedroom.

Our master bedroom is quite large, and has a central entryway with a large area for our king sized bed to the right, and closets and a large bathroom to the left, so there is a corner in the entryway where one can peek into either the bed area, or the closets-bathroom area. The sounds were coming from the bed area.

I peeked around the corner to see a scene that absolutely shocked the shit out of me; and rendered me stunned and immobile. Naked Amanda was lying on her back on our bed, her prominent mammaries standing tall like the Grand Tetons, while my naked wife was vigorously eating her pussy. Amanda was obviously in rapture and soon screamed in orgasm. After Amanda shuddered for about half a minute Lucy sat up on her haunches with lust in her eyes and liquid on her lips.

Lucy didn't stay on her haunches long. She reached over to the side of the bed furthest away from me and lifted up something the likes of which I had never seen before. I later found it to be a gel thin double dildo about eighteen inches (46 cm) long. I stood in shock as Lucy proceeded to stick one end into what appeared to be Amanda's recently eaten pussy, and as she lay back Lucy put the other end into her own pussy.

Both Lucy and Amanda are flexible; obviously flexible enough so that about 1/4 of the dildo was in each of their orifices and the other half between them. They moved their pelvises close together and then started moving toward and away from each other. This action obviously really delighted them since they made loud pleasured sounds and closed their eyes.

I finally got over my shock and to my surprise I didn't go ballistic like I always thought that I would if I saw Lucy having sex with anyone besides me. Instead I pulled out my iPhone, put it on record, and quietly walked up close to them getting a perfect view for filming. To my surprise I noticed that the end of the double dildo in Amanda was in her asshole, not her still soaking wet and I had to admit beautiful pussy.

While the participants did occasionally open their eyes it was only for a split second, and sometimes they locked hands with each other and pushed and pulled, which apparently enhanced the action of the double dildo in their orifices. Their rapture meant that I had gotten a good five minutes of excellent video when just before Lucy started to orgasm she opened her eyes wide and saw me.

Lucy's scream was the loudest that I had ever heard in my life; it destroyed her orgasm and caused her to quickly back away from Amanda, the dildo popping out of her pussy. Hearing the scream Amanda's eyes also got wide; she didn't scream but let out a string of the exclamation "Oh Shit!"

I again was amazed at my calmness when through Lucy's sobs I said "This is an unexpected circumstance; we need to talk about it." Lucy looked like she was about to jump up and run away but I caught one of her ankles and held her on the bed. Surprisingly although Amanda continued to mumble "Oh Shit!" she didn't bother to either remove the dildo from her asshole or cover up her massive tits or beautiful shaved glistening pussy.

Probably one reason that I was so calm was because my cock was so hard that it had starved my brain of blood. I didn't focus on that until much later, but looking back I think that that was a certainty.

I coolly explained to both Lucy and Amanda -- who also had a prenup with Morton -- that their activities put their comfortable existences in grave jeopardy since the prenups did not specify the gender of a paramour. This caused Lucy to sob even more. Amanda on the other hand was as composed as I was.

"Listen, Brock, there are ways that we can get past this. You know that Lucy really loves you and you love her and nothing in my relationship with her takes anything away from you," Amanda said. Amanda was so cool that she nonchalantly removed the dildo from her asshole as she talked and tossed it off the bed.

"I think that one thing is clear," I replied, making eye contact with Lucy and then Amanda while trying hard not to stare at the hard nipples on Amanda's mammoth mammaries, "there is some thinking and talking that we have to do before any decisions are made. Why don't you get dressed, Amanda and go home and make arrangements to meet with Lucy and I Saturday about noon?"

"Sounds like a plan," Amanda said as she started to get off the bed, "although I hope that you don't mind if I shower and reapply my makeup first; I can't go home to Morton like this."

"No problem," I replied while turning red because Amanda was staring at my crotch were my dick had pitched an enormous tent, and then even redder when I couldn't help staring at her tits and she caught me at it.

Lucy's sobs had subsided considerably by that time and I gently said to her "Why don't you go into the guest bathroom and shower yourself. If you haven't eaten dinner..."

She interrupted me with a half sob "I haven't."

So I continued "I'll start making it; come downstairs when you're ready."

As I was grilling some brats on our indoor grill, and making a salad, Amanda came down from her shower. She had reapplied her makeup so that her black eyes looked ethereal and I unconsciously shivered. By then my cock had calmed down but when she said "Thanks for not going postal, Brock; see you Saturday," and for the first time in our relationship kissed me on the cheek my goddamn traitorous cock instantly inflated again and I turned red -- I hope that she didn't notice either the inflation or the redness.

Chagrined Lucy came downstairs shortly after Amanda left. I didn't mention her eating out and fucking Amanda and there was no sarcasm in my voice when I asked if she was hungry. As we ate -- me, surprisingly voraciously, and Lucy timidly -- I talked about my cancelled flight, decision to do a Zoom call, how frustrating the drive home was, how I had called and left a voice message, and then asked about her work that morning. By the end of the meal -- which I cleaned up after despite her entreaty that she do so since I had prepared it -- I simply squeezed her arm, smiled, and said "That's OK; how about we watch a movie?"

We did watch a movie while making some body contact. Lucy seemed to get more comfortable to the point that she placed her hand on my crotch. I gently removed it and looking her directly in the eye said "We can't have sex, Lucy. I don't know much about divorce laws but I do know that if I have sex with you after your cheating that it would be considered condonation and would excuse it. I haven't made up my mind about divorce yet so there will be no sex -- certainly not until we've talked it over with Amanda on Saturday."

Lucy's lips started to quiver and tears form in her eyes.

"That means that I will be sleeping in the guest room until this situation is resolved" I continued.

Lucy quietly cried until the movie was over, then we both went to bed, without a kiss, but I did gently squeezed her arms.


After my Zoom call with my customer on Thursday I called up my long-time friend Bill Thornton who happened to be a family law attorney. I begged to see him both on a legal issue and for some friendly advice since Bill had always impressed me as the most level-headed guy that I knew. He didn't have time to see me during the workday but agreed to go to dinner since his wife and kids were out of town.

At dinner I told Bill the story of "The Great Reveal." I didn't need to tell him about the prenup since he had written it, but I did mention that Amanda had a similar prenup with Morton. After we had a legal discussion where he assured me that my prenup would clearly stand up in court and that according to its provisions Lucy would leave the marriage with only her clothes, car, and $25,000 I asked him for his personal advice.

"First let me tell you that I'm billing you for the last half hour," he chuckled.

"No problem," I chuckled back.

"Second I need to ask you a questions If I recall right this Amanda Franklin was the matron of honor at your wedding; she's about five feet ten inches tall with a slim body, long sculptured legs, enormous tits, and eerie black irises; is that correct?"

"Yes -- absolutely correct."

"I also suspect from knowing you over the years that your personality borders on prudish and you probably only engage in vanilla sex, right?"

I blushed at that and started to stammer "I...I...don't know...what...uh...that has to do with..."

Bill cut me off. "I'm not condemning you; I'm asking if this is fact. While you are asking for my personal advice I am still treating this entire conversation as privileged and nothing from it will ever become known to anyone else, ever, unless you tell them."

I believe that I was still flushed with embarrassment when I finally replied "Yes, that's the case."

"Then let me be perfectly candid with you -- you do want candor, don't you?"

I nodded my head "Yes."

"Then change your fucking attitude toward sex. You have the possibility here to get sex that most men could only dream of. In fact most men would have considered watching their naked hot wife eat and dildo fuck someone as plasma hot as Amanda Franklin as the highlight of their life. If I was in your situation -- and God knows that I would give my left testicle to be in it -- I would demand that I get to fuck Lucy while she was eating Amanda out at least once a month for the rest of our lives. You have them both over prenup barrels -- they would have to agree!"

I sat stunned; I'm sure that my mouth was opening and closing like a landed bass trying to breathe as with a diabolical sneer on his face Bill forked a piece of steak into his mouth.

As between bites of steak Bill grinned at me for the next few minutes I started to think. I still had not come to terms with how hard my cock had gotten and why I had remained so calm when filming and then talking to Lucy and Amanda. Ultimately Bill had finished his meal while mine remained half-eaten, when he conspicuously belched and then with a big grin on his face asked "Did I make myself clear?"

I had to either laugh or cry, so I decided to laugh. "Crystal," I responded, aping Tom Cruise in A Few Good Men.

We chatted about a few other unrelated things while I finished my meal and Bill got dessert. I paid the check and when we walked outside together I said "Thanks. Your legal advice was spot on. Although I don't think that your personal advice is worth a damn I'm still going to think about it."

"Prude," he laughed as we shook hands goodbye.


The rest of Thursday night and Friday morning I was preoccupied with my Lucy-Amanda situation to the extent that I could think of nothing else. Lucy and I were polite to each other when we interacted, but again I slept in the guest bedroom. Then at my office Friday late afternoon another astounding event occurred: "Mrs. Franklin here to see you; she doesn't have an appointment," my secretary said over the intercom.

After the passage of a significant length of time for Rose to ask "Are you there Brock?" I replied "Send her in Rose."

Amanda sashayed into my office, and made a distinctive display of closing and locking the door. She was dressed both elegantly and provocatively -- if that is possible. Maybe her clothes were elegant and she was provocative -- I couldn't be sure. Anyway she sat down in a chair in front of my desk and said "You're probably wondering why I came to see you, Brock." Before I could respond she continued "There are some things we need to discuss before we meet with Lucy tomorrow that I wanted to talk with you first out of Lucy's presence."

I'm sure that my eyes were wide when she said that -- and I could feel heat rising up my back into my neck.

Amanda uncrossed, and then re-crossed, her long legs -- no pantyhose or nylons on -- stared me in the eye and said "From how your cock tented your pants last Wednesday even though in your conscious mind you didn't like what you had seen, your psyche sure did. Plus from the way that you stared at my naked tits and the fact that you've always been both afraid of and perplexed by me I know that you'd like to fuck me so if you play your cards right you can maneuver this situation to your advantage."

Talk about being hit by a lightning bolt! Had I always been afraid of and perplexed by Amanda? Did I want to fuck her? I was almost comatose with those questions caroming through my mind a hundred times a second when Amanda stood up, unbuttoned her blouse, removed the most structurally sound bra I had ever seen, and moseyed over to my side of my desk. As she held one of the marvels on her chest up so that the hard nipple was pointing directly at my mouth she said "You know that you'd love to maul, suck, and fuck these puppies. Get your prudish head out of your ass and think about how this situation could work to your advantage."

It was all that I could do not to throw my mouth at that nipple and start sucking.

After a few seconds where her eyes bored into my soul and her bare tits inflated my cock she casually walked over to the other side of the desk, leisurely put her bra and blouse back on, and wiggled her ass as she went to the door. After she unlocked it she turned toward me and with a half sneer said "See you at noon tomorrow, Brock," and then exited the room leaving the door open in her wake.

I then did something I had never done before in my working life. After I jumped up and closed and locked the door, I dropped trou in my en suite bathroom and beat my meat over the sink. I came with the force of a howitzer in two minutes flat.


I was almost like a zombie in the approximately nineteen hours between when Amanda flounced out of my office and when she came over to my house Saturday, arriving exactly at noon. The three of us sat at the kitchen table, me with a martini, Lucy with a glass of sherry, and Amanda with a Pellegrino; me at the head of the table, Lucy to my right, and Amanda to my left.

"It's your show," Amanda snickered as she took a sip of her Italian sparkling water, "you start."

"I'm having a difficult time trying to decide what to do. Normally I'm a very decisive person and I always believed that if I ever caught Lucy cheating that I'd immediately file for divorce. However, this is a very unusual situation and I can't make up my mind. I still love Lucy and have enough feelings for Amanda not to ruin her financial security, but this goes against everything in my background. I'm interested in hearing what both of you have to say," I concluded with a sigh.


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