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Conflicted Ch. 12

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Leslie makes a grand gesture.
6.3k words

Part 12 of the 12 part series

Updated 05/14/2024
Created 09/17/2014
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It had been a little over two months, about a quarter of their entire relationship, since she had seen Stuart, but Leslie still found it hard to get out of bed with any positive energy. She figured it was made harder by the fact she had his star sign on her ankle, and a rose tattoo on her hip that closely resembled the one he'd given her on Valentine's day. There was also the fact she had woken up alone in her rented flat.

When she chose to no longer see Stuart when he said 'I love you' and told her she had to leave her husband if they were to stay together, it seemed like she was back on the path to normality. Sure, she had some permanent marks on her body from her tryst, and she was yet to take out her belly piercing and the ones in her nipples, all of which had stoked such animosity from her husband, but unsurprisingly, not sleeping with her son's bully had made family life easier.

At least, at first, that is. Stuart had seemed to avoid Lewis in the last month they had school together before they entered a period of study leave to prepare for their final exams; Leslie had worried he would have taken out his pain over the break up on Lewis but nothing such came.

There was an incident, two weeks after the split, where Lewis's Facebook account was used to post the video of Stuart fucking Leslie from behind. Lewis had rightly deduced it was Stuart, as Stuart had used the iPhone Airdrop function to anonymously send the video to Lewis just a few days after Leslie and Stuart had made it. He had taunted Lewis when he saw Lewis watching it, telling him the truth of what the video was, knowing Lewis wouldn't believe him. However, it did make him the prime suspect sender, but the school dropped it when there was no evidence, going only as far as giving Stuart a detention for the crass 'joke' he made to Lewis. When the Facebook post happened, the school blocked Facebook from their network, but took no interest in the accusation against Stuart.

Leslie felt guilty at the twinge of excitement she got from knowing Stuart had posted a sex tape of theirs under Lewis's account. Not guilty enough it stopped her watching the video and touching herself, but she restrained herself from messaging Stuart, taking what Colleen said seriously, about accepting its over when it's over.

However, that event, along with the fact the cracks in her marriage did not seem to be healing had eventually led Leslie to suggest she move out, which she did the day of Lewis's last exam. She'd stood by -- well, even helped -- Stuart bully Lewis, so she felt the least she could do for him was not pile on the emotional pressure of parental separation as he finished up his education.

But it had been over a week since then. She had thought that staying away from Stuart was the right decision, but it was increasingly hard to tell herself that, if anything she just wanted to see him more with each passing day. Her boss had been understanding when she turned up a little late or left early once she said she was going through a separation, even offering her days off if she needed it, but she had liked the routine, so she avoided taking too much advantage of the flexibility she'd been given.

Today, however, she knew she was going to cave. She dressed herself for work, and got in her car, but she drove instead to a destination she hadn't seen since April. Pulling up into the Warren's driveway at quarter to 9, she knocked on the door, hoping to see Stuart's face and beg him to speak to her, maybe even agree to meet up with her later, or well... she didn't know, just something, anything.

A face with familial resemblance to Stuart's looked back at her as the door swung open, but it was framed with Colleen's cropped blonde hair, and held a bemused expression.

"I didn't expect a visitor so early in the morning, much less you."

There was a coldness to her voice, but it didn't seem angry or distrustful like she had seen that time Colleen had caught Leslie in the act, just making it clear Leslie wasn't quite welcome here anymore.

"Hey... I was just hoping to see Stuart before I went to work."

"Why?" Colleen's tone was understandably defensive.

Leslie held up her naked ring finger and replied, "I've left my husband, it's been a week but we decided nearly a month ago..."

Colleen firmly interjected, "I won't lie. It was hard to see Stuart sad, what you two had clearly meant something more than I can understand considering your... circumstances. I am grateful for the confidence you gave him in himself, but I think it ended as it should have done."

Her meaning was clear to Leslie. They were both adults, yes Stuart just barely, but Colleen couldn't really stop her from seeing him. However, she wasn't going to take that route, Colleen had a point and was only being so firm because she cared about Stuart.

"Colleen, I just want to talk to him," she pleaded.

Colleen's expression softened slightly, "I can't really stop you, but I can tell you he's not here. Him and his friends went camping yesterday, they're coming back Saturday but he's going to his dad's for a week after that. He won't really be here until next Friday, there's some end-of-year party."

"OK, I can wait."

"Leslie," an apologetic expression came across Colleen's face, "his dad has moved up north for a bit, Stuart's uncle is up there. He's spending some time with his dad because Stuart will be travelling round Australia all summer."



Leslie had spent the rest of that day trying not to think about Stuart. She knew she should just move on but that was much easier said than done. By the evening she'd caved again, sending him a message. She had resisted this far sending texts to him as she worried they would be easier to dismiss than a face-to-face conversation. However, with such a short window of opportunity before get be gone for summer, then possibly off to university, had he got the grades required by the three places he had been offered, she felt it was her only opportunity.

The reply she had got back more than a day later was not gushing with a desire to see her like she had hoped, but it wasn't surprising or unexpected.

'U made it clear. U made ur choice. I get y u did, but im not looking to just mess around coz it was too hard for me. Maybe that sounds stupid but im not looking to be led on anymore. Ur gonna have to do something big to convince me ur not just horny for a fuck. Thnx for what we had but its go big or go home.'

She had read it a couple of times thinking it was very final when a second message came in.

'I do hope ur doing ok n stuff. X'

It wasn't overflowing with affection but she knew it meant he really was still open to being with her but not as some secret affair. His trust in her also was most likely eroded by a few messages exchanged just after their break-up where she had suggested they see each other for a bit longer 'while she decided'.

They both knew she was deluding herself at that time, so why would this be any different from his perspective. Truthfully, she was worried that maybe it wasn't different. Was she just lonely?

Well, she had a plan to 'go big' as he'd told her to do. It was a really stupid plan. One she might regret forever. But it certainly qualified as 'going big'.


Leslie definitely a weird feeling walking up to a party filled with teenagers. It was a regular venue that had been hired out by some of Stuart's and Lewis's classmates for their goodbye to school party, so at least she wasn't sneaking up to someone's house, but there was no way to explain why she was there in a small wraparound dress and 6 inch stripper heels. The explanation was probably worse than what most people would imagine for themselves.

There was an outdoor space, where she thought she'd try first; the June sun hadn't quite set yet and so it wasn't too dark or cold. It also had its own entrance so she wouldn't have to walk through the main venue.

She was in luck. The entrance to the paved 50ft by 50ft courtyard, generously called a 'beer garden' was on the other end from the entrance to the venue, so most of the teenage patrons were clustered further away from her. There were only 3 people right next to where she had just entered the beer garden; a boy she recognised as 'Chops', another one of Stuart's friends, whose name she couldn't recall, and thankfully, Stuart himself.

They were facing away from the entrance, both friends were patting Stuart on the back, as he seemed to be telling them something pretty deep. She wasn't sure she should interrupt, but she couldn't just loiter around here. She stood close to the wooden hut to her right; a few of these outdoor booths lined the edge of the courtyard and the one next to her helped to obscure her from most of the people drinking outside.

She reached out a hand and tapped Stuart on the back, her throat so dry she coughed a little as she spoke, "Hey Stuart, can we talk?"

The three boys looked round, all stunned to see her, especially, unsurprisingly, Stuart's friends.

"Fucking hell, it's actually true. I mean, I had my doubts," said Chops, his stare not moving from Leslie as he spoke to Stuart.

"Leslie, sorry, I told them, I had to..."

"Stuart, I love you," she interrupted, professing her honest love to her son's bully.

His voice cracked a little as he replied back to her, "I think it's a bit too late for that, I'm sorry."

The very last time Stuart had seen her he had handed her a package. She had known it was something to wear as he'd told her she could wear it that night, fully expecting her to agree to leave her family. Maybe she could have blamed his naivety on thinking she was ready to leave her family life for a teenager less than half her age, but she had certainly hinted it to him several times, a fantasy she indulged in her own head many times.

She hadn't opened it until a few days ago, the feeling of shame at leading Stuart on had meant she had just hidden it and ignored it. But now it was part of her plan to show him she was all in. She undid the tie on her dress and pulled it open, sliding it off to reveal another dress. This one however was a mesh dress, made entirely of fishnet diamonds about an inch across each. The hem at the bottom was made of smaller mesh, a band around two inches wide that just about brushed the bottom of her bum cheeks. The top of the dress was cut off-the-shoulder, again the smaller forming a band at the hem, including the wrap around the top of her arms.

"Wowza," said the guy whose name she didn't know, his mouth agape, not something she could blame him for, the mesh of her dress clearly showed her bare skin, including her clean shaved pussy and pierced nipples.

"I really didn't expect you to wear that out," said Stuart, and she could hear the combination of excitement and dumbfounded shock in his voice.

She didn't reply, she simply turned around to show him her back.

If there was shock in his voice before, it was ten-fold more obvious in his tone now, "Leslie, is that real?"

She felt him touch the skin through one of the mesh holes.

"Careful, only the top layer is healed, probably shouldn't touch it too much for another couple of weeks."

She pulled her dress up, knowing it barely covered her anyway and just obscured the tattoo across her back with the mesh pattern.

"Is it too much?" She said, knowing it was quite the statement.

"I love it," said Stuart, as he traced his finger around the capital 'S' that sat on the left of her lower back, "Oh shit sorry, no touching."

"That's OK, it's your name after all."

She pulled her dress back down and turned around to face her son's bully and his friends.

"Man, this is insane," said Chops, his voice full of excitement, "like you're actually Lewis Watkins's mum?"

"That's me," she said, smiling as she took Stuart's hand.

"You know we really don't like Lewis."

"He's a little dickhead right?" She asked rhetorically.

"Oh fuck!" exclaimed the third guy grinning.

Leaving her more modest dress abandoned on the floor, she led Stuart back out the beer garden onto the street. As she came out from the cover afforded to her by the wooden hut, she was sure a couple of people noticed her and Stuart leaving. She also could tell Chops and Stuart's other friend were burning to tell everyone what they'd just seen. It was out now.

"You know, I think the dickhead is in there somewhere," said Stuart.

"Well I came to see you, not him."

The two of them went a little further until Leslie saw a back street that looked empty, not dissimilar to one she had taken him during lunch breaks when he had his placement at her work. It was perhaps a fifteen minute walk further to her flat, she had walked here from there, and despite the fact that might have been the more sensible place to talk about all the things she wanted to discuss, she was desperate to feel his body again after weeks of being apart.

He was clearly as eager as she was, the two of them ravenously kissing as soon as Leslie pinned Stuart against the wall. His hands went to her exposed pussy, rubbing her clit from the front and reaching round her back to finger her pussy from behind. In the tangle of arms Leslie managed to get her hand to Stuart's zip and free his hard cock.

"It's been too long since I got to feel the cunt of a slut," groaned Stuart into her ear.

"Not just any slut, Bully Boy, I'm yours, like actually openly your slutty girlfriend to tell the world, if you want me," she whispered back, and felt the cock in her hand go instantly stiffer.

"I can't really believe it."

"I know, it's amazing."

Stuart grabbed both of Leslie's bum-cheeks and lifted her, stepping forward away from the wall, allowing Leslie to wrap her legs around Stuart and grip him tightly over the shoulder with arms hugging his neck. He walked a little further and felt herself be rested on a stone surface, and she looked around to see railings for a staircase to what looked like a rear-access door into offices or a shop. Stuart had put her right on the edge of the platform outside the door, but the railings prevented her from leaning back. It was only for a minute however, as Stuart was putting her down only to slip himself inside of her, to a simultaneous moan of pleasure.

"I've missed you, Bully Boy," she cooed, as she felt his strong arms lift her into the air again.

"It feels good to be inside you."

Leslie began to bounce up and down, assisted by Stuart's hands on her buttocks, the two of them just kissing and groaning for a couple of minutes.

"Why now?" asked Stuart, whilst still moving her up and down with his hands.

"Your mum told me you won't be here all summer. I knew I had to come see you now. I also knew you'd be here because of this party, and if I did this now, you'd know I was serious."

"You know she does in a way like you, but she thinks it's a good thing we ended things," said Stuart, with a nervousness in his voice.

"I know, and if you decide that too, then I'll accept whatever decision you make. I know that seems crazy considering the big 'Stuart' tramp stamp, but I promise, I just wanted you to know I'm all in on this, but only if you want it too."

They stopped talking for a few more seconds to kiss and bit each other's neck.

"I can't really cancel my Australia plans; those flights were fucking expensive!"

"No baby, no, I didn't want that at all. I'll be here for you when you come back."

"But after that I'm going to Manchester for university..." he trailed off.

"Are you saying..."

"No," he interrupted, presumably aware of where her thought process was going.

He let her down off of him, so she was standing there in her ridiculous heels and dress hoicked up to around her belly button, her expression stoic, hiding real fear behind her façade.

"Do you think you could come with me at all? To Australia? I leave in two-and-a-half weeks, so I know its short notice. When you texted me, I know I kinda pushed you away, but I desperately wanted to ask you. I also wanted to know if you'd think of moving with me, to Manchester. If I get in, I still need to get my results back. Might all be a moot point."

Leslie knew it was crazy to say yes. She might not be able to go straight away, but if she quit on Monday she probably could join him in a month's time. Fuck it, why not? She had her half of the savings -- Malcom and her hadn't yet made any formal agreements on who gets what, but it had been transferred into a bank account in her name alone -- so he had more than enough cash to take a couple of months off and enough to tide her over during a job search.

She directed Stuart back to the platform he had rested her on before picking her up, and had him lean against it as she bent over at the waist, one hand gripping the stone surface next to Stuart, the other stroking his cock as she lowered her mouth to it.

"I'd love to Stuart, of course, to both those things," she replied ecstatically, as her lips slipped around his hard shaft.

As he groaned, she pulled his dick out again, kissing it softly, then looked him in the eyes to say, "I love you, Stuart. I really love you, Bully Boy."

He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head to his, kissing her deeply before saying, "I love you too, Slutty Milf, My Slutty Milf."

He stood up and pulled her by the hair to the wall opposite, Leslie yelping, partly in pain and partly in pleasure. Roughly handling her still, her faced her towards the cold stone wall and she rested both hands against it anticipating what he wanted. She felt her dress get pulled up, high enough to completely expose her new tattoo to Stuart; he wanted to look at it when he fucked her from behind, and she was happy to oblige.


Lewis had grabbed three beers from the bar. The friends he normally hung out with were not the kind to come to this sort of party. To be fair, nor was Lewis, but after a particularly rough year; arguments with his friends, Stuart, and now his parents were separating, he wanted to reinvent himself. He thought he could start now, preparing himself for university, he was going to be cool, outgoing, chill. He was hoping to go to Imperial College, but they'd given him a hard target of three A's to get in. His second choice was Manchester; secretly a part of him was hoping he'd end up there instead; London was a daunting place, but Manchester was still a decent size city with lots to do, without being the sprawling urban mess that the capital was.

He walked over to the two guys he'd been hanging out with this evening, both called James. One went by his surname Thompson, sometimes shortened to 'Toms' but Lewis didn't feel comfortable with that yet, and the other went by 'Frenchie', because he was half French, not particularly clever in Lewis's opinion, so he stuck with calling him Martin, but pronounced the French way of Mar-tan, as Frenchie insisted.

Martin didn't seem too thrilled at Lewis's presence, but Thompson was friendly enough to everyone. Having managed to edge into their conversation without much protest, Lewis had decided to drink beer, to fit in, even though he hated the taste. He'd moved to Guinness, having tried Carlsberg first, and then Budweiser, as it came in smaller bottles, but he eventually poured it down the toilet -- where he felt it truly belonged -- when the other two were close to finishing their pints. Guinness was better than Budweiser, but he had to try his hardest not to show how unpleasant he found the drink.

"Toms, you see this message from Pete?" Martin gave a funny look at Lewis before waving his phone at Thompson, "Stu's outside. Like down by some alley, apparently you can just about see him nailing this woman."

The funny look; there was a rumour, a ridiculous rumour that nobody really believed was that Stuart was sleeping with this older married woman. Well, that bit possibly had some credence to it, but the ridiculous part was specifically that the older woman was, well, Lewis's mum. OK, so, there were a few odd sightings here and there, even a suggestion that Stuart did a work experience thing at the same place his mum worked. There also was the fact Stuart supposedly told his best friend Dan, who he called Chops, that he was going to ask the woman to leave her husband and then a few weeks later Lewis's parents announced their separation. There was also that lion tattoo on her leg; Lewis had seen some silly Facebook horoscope thing and realised that Stuart, who shared a birthday with this girl Lewis had a crush on for a long time, would have been a Leo. Seems like a real stretch but there was also that video of, according to Stuart, his mum and Stuart fucking, and the slut -- the woman -- who was fucking that arsehole did possibly have a tattoo on her ankle, it was barely visible from the angle it was filmed at.


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