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Consequences: Mistake of a Lifetime


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"I hate you!" she screamed and grabbed her clothes and turned to leave.

"I don't know why I wanted you anyways, you can never give me what I want," she slammed the door as she left.

I was shaking with sadness and anger. I knew she was drunk, but somewhere deep in her she held some resentment for me and my condition. Again, why can't things be easy?

Working with Georgia after that was strained. We stayed apart as much as possible until a few weeks later she tapped at my cubicle to tell me she was leaving. She had found a new job elsewhere. I was happy for her and happy to see her go.

As I said at the beginning of the story, after Georgia I went through some more women. Most of them were short term as they initially were attracted to me but when faced with the cold reality of my circumstances, they decided to find someone else. I couldn't blame them as I certainly would have done the same.

I shrugged and turned on the television. The ballgame was on and I settled in for a quiet evening. I didn't know what the future held for me. I don't make plans. I take things a day at a time now. Who knows how long before I die. Then again, does anyone know?

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Karl_HundassonKarl_Hundassonabout 1 month ago

The reality of the consequences of promiscuity. It's all fun until it gets deadly serious.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Sad and depressing. At least his slut wife got what was coming to her. It's cruel that her husband got infected from her slutty ways before her treachery was revealed. And there's nothing he could do about it at that point. :(

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny6 months ago

Well if you want realism,this story gives it to you In spades. Bleak is an understatement, but well written.

Calico75Calico756 months ago

Tragic. Powerful. Well written. I don't think this author posts on this site anymore, but I think he was one of the best on Lit. He was able to write successfully in several categories which is unusual. I wish him well wherever he is.

MissMudMissMudabout 1 year ago

A powerful, emotional story well written. 5 Stars! Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

DAMN WOMAN! She sentenced him to a lonely, short life. Well written and told tale. 5 stars. DMW aka Sumnut96

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal1969about 1 year ago

tragic story of a great character.

rruymannrruymannabout 1 year ago


OldmantruckerOldmantruckerabout 1 year ago

It's ashame your no longer writing. Good luck and thks

OldmantruckerOldmantruckerabout 1 year ago

Sad🤔👍🙁but not the writeing

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very dark.

Very sad.

Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

We would all be better off if we had just let all the fags and sluts die!

MightyheartMightyheartover 1 year ago

Very Dark.

Very sad

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

An excellent but heart wrenching story, told beautifully. Georgia wound up despising him because he cared more for her safety then she did. At least she'll be alive! 5 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fantastic! Sirsmega tackles some unique challenges in people’s lives. Some of his stories have no comments for years & I find that hard yo believe.

There should be a way to let others know of these gems. 5 stars.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wonderful story. A lot of repercussions that we aren't always aware of. Good job.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

HAART (Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy) has changed the premises on which this story rests. Once HAART lowers an HIV infected person's viral load to the point it is no longer detectable, that person can no longer pass the infection to others through sexual activity. Condoms are no longer required to prevent the transmission of HIV if the patient is receiving effective HAART. Of course, if the uninfected sexual partner is taking PREP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) therapy, such as Truvada, she/he will not become infected with HIV irregardless of whether the infected person's viral load has been suppressed. The medical advances against the HIV pandemic have been nothing short of miraculous. The development of a vaccine is an ongoing quest, but recent developments have been quite promising.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful and educational story even though a very sad ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

heart wrenching

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story. Educational, should be read by all. LP

usaretusaretover 2 years ago

Sad commentary on our sad times.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Just a sad story, that I am sure played out many times, back in the day. No winners, just losers.

nightdragon1nightdragon1over 2 years ago

I wish all would/could read this story!!!!! HIV is real. The life/lifetime it dictates a person to are real.. Read and take to heart.

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980over 2 years ago

Morbid story but makes you realize the day in which we live, the consequences of cheating and unprotected sex can be deadly. Penicillin can't fix everything today...

Freudzslip69Freudzslip69almost 3 years ago

Was this supposed to cheer me up? I realize that it’s a subject that needs to be discussed (I guess). I’m sure it’s accurate, and that there are people whose lives are just as sad as has been depicted here. I feel for them. I truly do.

It also serves to make me ashamed. Once, I had the experience of encountering someone with HIV. It never went very far, as she told be pretty much right up front that she was positive. I don’t know why, but it was the last thing I expected. Its not like I wasn’t aware of HIV and Aids. I was a journalist with an apartment on the upper west side of Manhattan, who moved to south Florida while still owning my apartment. I lived first in Palm Beach, and then bought a house in Coconut Grove. I did mostly celebrity journalism and came in contact, one way or another with HIV/Aids. Unfortunately, I had been to many memorial sevices for people I knew who were positive...or even worse where they developed Aids. I once had a barbecue at my house sw with fifty something gay guys in attendance. A Contact of mine, who also became a friend was very prominent and active in the gay community. He asked me if I would host the event, and I told him I would

Getting back to when I encountered a woman, who in normal circumstances, Id have been romantically interested in. When I met her, I had just come back from living in London, and splitting with my wife, who was also my business partner. It’s said that the three most tragic, or life changing things that can affect someone are divorce, losing one’s job, or career, and moving. I really try not to make excuses for myself, since looking back, I feel my reaction was inexcusable. But, in trying to understand it, I realize that I had just suffered the end of my marriage (divorce), lost my career (my wife was my partner, but I was really the lesser partner. I went into her field and stayed in it with her for 21 years ), and I moved (from London, back to NYC, at which time I had already given up my apartment and didn’t really have anywhere to go to). So, in retrospect, I at least understand my reaction. She told me over the phone, and I never thought if possible of myself, but I was literally speechless. I was at a point in my life where I really just couldn’t handle it. I made some flimsy excuse, wished her well, and quickly got off of the phone. And, I still feel somewhat guilty over this even though it was over 20 years ago.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Such a sad story, told with love. For the poster who didn't know how easy it is getting HIV-- were you sleeping since the 1980s? This knowledge isn't new by any means, although I believe there're drugs out now to prolong life & (hopefully!) stop the progression of this disease. I feel for anybody - especially those who've contacted HIV or similar STDs through their spouses/ significant others - who're battling for their health & lives.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Armageddon may not be just one gigantic end. It may be death by a thousand cuts, and HIV/AIDS may be the first cut. Such a sad, prophetic tale you’ve woven.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Fuck!! Never realized how easy it is to get aids, definetly changing my ways. Thanks for that info, never looked into it because ive never really thought about it. As for the ex-wife what a fucking bitch, she literally gave you a death sentence and your unable to have healthy children.

usaretusaretover 3 years ago

A very sad reality.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
What’s his problem?

He just has to find a gorgeous woman who is has having the same problems that he has, namely HIV! He should advertise on Craig’s List.

WargamerWargameralmost 4 years ago

Awful story, thecstuff that nightmares are made of.

BeerAndBaconBeerAndBaconabout 4 years ago
Well, Fuck me sideways

Bloody hell, that's a shitty tale. Poor sod does nothing wrong and ends up with adepts sentence.

What a fucking bitch

mainer42mainer42about 4 years ago

well told of consequences. Lust is powerful and cunning and sometimes has consequences. Well told

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Should Have Read This

Last night, something this powerful and depressing is not the way to start the New Year. Signed: BTW

26thNC26thNCalmost 5 years ago

Tea it again, and it is still a terrible story. I stand y my original comment.

jtwheelsjtwheelsalmost 5 years ago
Wow worst case scenario cheating but can't cheat death

He pays price for nothing he did

I would have got all names and made sure their families and friends know what a low life they are

Well written depressing but one of possibilities if cheating

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherabout 5 years ago
If a story or situation ever begged for a Scorched Earth Policy............

This is it.

Upon finding out he had gotten HIV, he should have tortured his wife for the names of all of her "Flings" and then in a very painful way, killed them while leaving the wife, crippled and alive to live with the guilt of all those lives snuffed out.

Yes, this is a nasty and cruel thing to do to other human beings but their behavior is what set everything in motion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Off the Charts

This is one of the seminal stories here on Literotica. It is unbelievably gritty and a pretty realistic view of one of the worst possible consequences of cheating. Yeah, it’s doubtful any woman without HIV/AIDS would knowingly have sex with this guy. But for the sake of the story, the author pretty much had to allow the possibility. Without that license, there is no story.

Extremely depressing and extraordinarily well done story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Very well done. What could be more tragic than being handed the death sentence for something totally not your fault and all know it! Sad but deserves a read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Why even go to her funeral

Would you go to the funeral of the man killed your child? No but you go to the grave and piss on it.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

A very well-written story, made all the more powerful for its unrelenting bleakness.

I wonder how many tearful confessions like this end with a murder/suicide?

YouamiYouamialmost 6 years ago
A honest handling of a modern day scourge


I thought that your treatment of HIV and its impact on a heterosexual couple was one of the most honest that I have read. It was impossible not to to be moved by your development of the husband's character and his attempt to find meaning and social connectedness. Full marks from this reader!

notredame43notredame43almost 6 years ago

not a happy story at all but well done on every facet. Shit thing is i cannot imagine how many people this has happened to. God damn thats terrifying

26thNC26thNCabout 6 years ago

I agree with MightyHorny, and other commenters. I could not be as big of a man as Matt. I would seek to destroy Jessy and any of her lovers that I could find. I would dedicate what remained of my life to burn the world. I would not endanger any innocents, but the guilty would pay a terrible price.

kiteareskitearesabout 6 years ago

Depressing? Sad? Angering? So hard to know what to feel.

Like MightyHorny, he [the narrator] is a far better person than I. Bring that into our house and suffer the consequences, including full on revenge on all guilty parties.

It was sad about Georgia, all the other women were in their own way far more honest, either in outright misunderstanding or fear, but he saved her life and even after sobering up, she remained angry.

The sad thing is after over 30 years since HIV/AIDS first exploded into the public consciousness, if what we are told is true, it would seem that the number of cases and variety of STIs is on the increase.

GymShortsGymShortsalmost 7 years ago

How eye opening. It's always the Innocent that pay the biggest price.

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

and cannot begin to unravel or relate how many close relatives and friends are affected by the ignomy of those infected, TK U MLJ LV NV

YouamiYouamialmost 7 years ago
A Downer tale but well written


A pretty well written tale about an all-true possibility in any relationships. I was seeing a women a cancer patient social worker at a major hospital with a nursing background on a regular basis and thought that we both agreed to be exclusive. I had been tested prior to our relationship starting and was negative on all accounts. One night when we were in the middle of our usual foreplay, she dropped a clanger on me by explaining that on a trip interstate she had met her serious boyfriend from her early Uni days. There were a lot of things left unspoken during her talk. So I straight out asked her if she had slept with the guy and also whether she had used protection i.e condoms. She responded by an onminous silence. At this point any thought on my part of continuing foreplay was ruined. I thought very carefully about what I should say in response. A bit of personal background is warranted here. I had watched my younger brother in the last stages of dying from AIDS in a hospital bed and the experience left me very raw. I said to my lady partner the following. "I was under the distinct impression that we were in an exclusive relationship. Thus using protection never came up. I think you may have also slept with this guy without taking any precautions; a guy I know absolutely nothing about. I will tell you this as seriously as I can. Hypothetically, if If I found that a partner with whom i was seeing supposedly exclusively had passed Hep C or HIV from their sex with another guy, I would ensure that I would begin by outing that woman to her employers, her family and friends. I would then destroy her whatever career she had, especially if that career involved dealing with cancer patients possibly at threat with potentially compromised immune systems as a result of cancer therapy. I will then seek legal remedy for her blatant disregard for my health effectively passing me a death sentence. Following my successful court action I will find a way to take kill her for retribution for effectively taking my life - an eye for an eye. There was a deep silence. Needless to say the erotic potential of our evening was shattered and I asked her to go home. To this day I do not regret any of my comments. As a previously trained nurse and as a cancer social worker she had encountered many instances of patient deaths. I could not get over her complete irresponsibility over this life or death issue. Our relationship crashed after this ruined evening. So hopefully you can see why your tale resonated strongly with me. I thought your male character behaved a lot more sympathetically than I ever could in the same situation. Very thought=provoking.

MightyHornyMightyHornyalmost 7 years ago
A sad tale about a better man than me

Tom is definitely a better person than I am, 'cause, God forbid, if I ever end up in the same predicament that he did...

Sorry, but I would go full Torch Earth: I'll try to sent my bitch of a wife to prison; if that doesn't work, I'll sue the shit out of ever in civil court, and, why not, sue every last one of her sex partners too, regardless of the success of the first two options; I'll make so much of a ruckus about it, everyone in North America and beyond would know exactly who she is, which would definitely make her last days on Earth all the more miserable; and I would do all this, even though it would also hurt her parents, who did nothing to me... except maybe allowing me to marry their evidently whore of a daughter.

... Yep, Tom's a better man than me. 'Can't believe he waste the time to read her FUCKINGLY HOLLOW apologize letter (don't you fucking hate those scumbags who ask for your forgiveness while still blaming you for their action? "I think you lost interest in me as the passion between us died slowly"... you worthless cunt, Jessy; that truly is what she is.) He even went to her funeral, for chrissake - sure, more for her parents than for her, but still. A good man that got dealt an extremely wrong hand for no apparent reason... shit like this happens every day in the real world.

I second pretty much most of the comments left here: this is a fantastic story; you got to be a fucking idiot to still have unprotected sex with random people nowadays; and you're the worst kind of human beings if you can justify cheating on your spouse without using any protection.

This was harsh and sad... but, given how most LW tales are written around here, it was most definitely welcomed.

MightyHornyMightyHornyalmost 7 years ago
Re: Good story, but man that was sad

All the stats Anon gave here are accurate.

Problem is... race have absolutely nothing to do with this specific story, not the way sirsemega wrote it anyway.

So, for Anon to bring it up here... that kinda shows his colors, so to speak.

oxynam25oxynam25almost 7 years ago
Good story, but man that was sad

Anon posted some CDC stats or w/e saying you are more likely to get STDs from young black males. Is that really true?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Go on the HIV Dating site, dummy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
moral story

Even if you have protection a lot of things can still happen, performing oral sex or just kissing with an open wound in your mouth or just pure accidents. The best protection is monogamous relationships. This is the moral of the story. I dont understand women and men who cheat on their spouses. If youre in a rut or frustrated with your partner divorce him or her. Relationships in the first place shouldn't primarily be based on sex, if it is then marriage is doomed to fail cause there will always be a more attractive person than your spouse, its an animal instinct to search for a healthier specimen. We have two paths to take here live morally or live like an animal.

DrSemblanceDrSemblanceabout 8 years ago

At last.

Someone writes a very real dangerous consequence of adultery. Yes it is extreme (the extremest), but it is real nonetheless.

Granted, most of the story content is fantasy. I agree with others that there is no way in hell that a clean woman would fuck him.

There are however, plenty of groups out there that provide HIV/AIDS sufferers with sexual partners. After all, if you already have it, at least you can still fuck.

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