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Coupons Ch. 01

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Simon learns the family game.
4.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/01/2023
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- 1 -

The Coupons are Given

I knew from a young age that my family was different, but it wasn't until my eighteenth birthday that I learned why. It's not that I grew up with people staring at us or feeling awkward about my place in the family. No, none of that. I recognized the difference by studying how my friends were treated by their family members versus how I was treated by mine. I always knew that my parents were a bit more affectionate toward us and I was always fine with it.

I wasn't ever suspicious of anything until after my older sister, Courtney turned eighteen. Her demeanor changed a bit. From someone on the outside looking in, you would think she recently was cured of chronic depression by the way her mood changed. I just saw happier than I ever had before. It started right about the time of her eighteenth birthday. Everything was secretive around the house for a couple weeks, but then returned to normal.

I'm now acutely aware of the different values my family holds compared to those of my friends.


On my eighteenth birthday, my mother woke me from my sleep.

"Good morning, Simon," she said, gently shaking me awake.

I rubbed my eyes until the light stopped hurting them.

"Morning, Mom. What time is it?"

"It's a little after nine. Time to get up! We have a big day ahead of us!" she reminded me.

I was aware what day it was and very much aware that I wasn't going to celebrate the average man's eighteenth birthday.

"Right, okay, well give me a few and I'll be up and out of my room."

"I have breakfast ready for you, so don't take too much time," Mom said as she walked out.

I awoke and after a moment, I became anxious. I had thoughts about what I might learn that day, but the thing that excited me the most was the absolute uncertainty of the day. I felt like every step I would take that day would change my life. The intensity of that feeling was exciting. Turning the corner could reveal some earth-shattering new bit of information I was destined to know.

I wanted to be as clear headed as I could so when I got into the shower, I took a piss as per my usual routine and stared at the shower.

Should probably clean up real quick and maybe rub one out for clarity.

I did exactly that. I rinsed, shampooed, and rinsed again while thinking of my favorite porn star. When I was done, my dick was as hard as I needed it to be and I jerked it. Mom told me to be quick and with the right vision of my porn queen on her knees in front of me, I was able to spray the side wall of the shower with cum.

I rinsed it off, got dressed and strolled out to the kitchen with the sense of calmness my orgasm afforded me.

"Where's Courtney?" I asked.

"Remember? She spent the night at her friends' house," my dad said.

"Right. Sorry, I'm a mess this morning."

Both my parents looked at me at the same time, and both looked at each other immediately after. It was a suspicious glance they shared between them. I dismissed it but kept that single act in the back of my mind as a potential clue in case I had to figure everything out on my own.

"We understand you're suspicious of what today may bring. You have every right to be. We have a lot to tell you about today, but you have to understand, there's reasons we hid things from you and there's reasons we had to wait," Mom said.

"I know something is different about us," I responded, "and I don't know what it is, but based on what I have seen since Courtney turned eighteen, I don't think I should be worried about anything. Just... excited?" I said, questioning what was about to happen.

"Your feelings now are valid and warranted," Dad said, "but we'll explore the details together and take our time doing it, okay?"

"Absolutely." I said, ensuring they knew I was all in on whatever it was.

Mom placed my plate of food in front of me and handed me the utensils.

"Honey, we have a lot to tell you so please eat slowly as we talk, alright?"

"Mom, I've been waiting to know what's going on for a long time so please understand that I've imagined a thousand scenarios surrounding the mystery I've had to live in and none of them end with me angry or upset. Well, none that I recall anyway."

I took a couple bites of my meal when Mom sat down across the table from me. She looked at Dad and then back at me before she cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Simon, by now you've come to understand the way society prefers certain things. Collectively, they have deemed that certain things should be a certain way. You've probably also come to know that not everyone agrees with society's rules. Well, your father and I are two of them."

I continued eating breakfast, unsure of what she was talking about. I nodded only to assure them that I was listening.

"We've not been a religious family, but you remember when we taught you the bible, correct?" Mom asked.

"Yes, I remember a lot about it," I said.

"Well, in the beginning," Mom said, chuckling at the coincidence of her words, "it said God created the heavens and the earth. He also created Adam and Eve. They, according to that book, were the first humans on the planet, correct?"

I nodded in agreement. I tried not to have a preconceived notion about what was going to take place that day to ensure I wasn't let down. Mom's little speech was not unraveling a damn thing that I could tell. I let her continue, though.

"Well, it goes on to describe how humans flourished but it never described how Adam and Eve's children produced more children without other humans to contribute, yeah?"

I stopped eating as I contemplated the words she was saying.

"Well, it would stand to reason that the human race was started because brothers and sisters lay with each other to continue to proliferate the human existence on this planet."

I would say I started putting the pieces together at that point, but I found myself automatically dismissing the possibilities that entered my head.

"I'll come straight to the point. They did that for the proliferation of the species, your father and I did it for love."

I would have choked on my food had I been eating any at that moment. My eyes opened wide, but my mouth remained shut. It was an automatic expression, but I tamed it as best I could. I was certain I knew what they were about to tell me. I put my utensils on my plate and sat back in my chair. They had my full attention. I didn't care about food any longer.

"Judging by your expression, it seems you put two and two together," Dad said.

"So, you're siblings?" I asked calmly.

"Yes," Mom said, "we are. That's not what today is about, though. I mean, it is, but setting you up with your sister is not the goal for today or ever. My point is that we came together as a result of a family tradition that we now offer to you. Just like Adam and Eve, though, you have free will and can choose not to participate."

"What is the tradition?" I asked.

"It's a game, actually," Mom said.

A game?" I asked.

"Here's the rules." Mom started, "Every Christmas starting at adulthood, we offer the children of the house several coupons. These coupons are good for an intimate encounter with anyone who lives in the house. No guests. You must hand the coupon to the person you want to have sex with, and they either agree or pass on the request. They are not obligated. If they pass, you retain the coupon for another time."

"Mom. This is a lot to take in all at once."

"I know, honey. But I'm not done."

"Dad, you gave this speech to Courtney on her birthday?" I asked.

"I did. It seems to be accepted better when it comes from the parent of the opposite gender," he said.

"Your father and I were a part of this same scenario years ago and your sister has been a part of it for three years. I won't tell you her reaction to her hearing what you're hearing now, but I suppose you can discern that she took it well enough that she still lives here," Mom said.

"If she still wants to live here, being twenty-one years old, how bad could it possibly be?" I asked without expecting an answer.

"Exactly!" Dad said.

"So, to be sure about what I'm hearing, I take one of these coupons and I present it to someone here and if they accept, I get to do whatever I want? If not, then I take the coupon back and either hope they just weren't in the mood or just present it to someone else?"

"That's the gist of it, yes," Dad said.

"So, to be absolutely clear, I can have sex with Courtney or Mom at my own request, if they accept?" I asked, ensuring I was certain of what I heard.

I was trying to be mature about it considering the possibility that I would have sex with either of them never entered my mind until that day. I always thought Mom was attractive but never to that degree. She was my mom! The information I was hearing that morning was quickly changing that notion.

On the other hand, having sex with Courtney was also not a possibility in my mind up until then but for an entirely different reason. I thought she was attractive as well, but I always thought I would never treat her more than my best friend as well as my sister. The best friend part would come later, I always guessed. She was still my sister.

A world of new opportunities opened up just then.

"There's a little more to it than that. This conversation we're having now is our permission for you to have sex with Courtney, provided she agrees. The coupons are just a game that we always found fun to play. Like we said, it's a family tradition that dates back before your dad and I were ideas," Mom said.

"So, sex any time but the game is kind of like... creating fun little adventures in the house for us to enjoy?" I asked.

"Yes, for example, if we're having dinner and you take notice of Courtney, you can give her the ticket then and, if she wants to, you can take her right here at this table," Mom told me.

Dad looked at his watch.

"Babe, remember, I need to go to the office for a little while this morning, but it won't be long. I'm going to pick Courtney up on my way home."

Dad gave mom a kiss and messed up my hair as he walked past me.

"Have fun, kiddo."

Mom waited for dad to leave the house before speaking again.

"There's a little more to tell you. This ticket," Mom said, sliding a piece of paper to me, "is your birthday present. It's unique in that it's only valid today and it's only valid with me, not Courtney. You can give me any other tickets that you may have, but routine sex with me is not going to happen." She said, looking directly into my eyes.

"Okay," I nodded.

"Here's another one so you can give to your sister. We realize that you may not want to wait until Christmas to get the ones that will come to you each year."

I picked up the coupon and it said exactly what she described. It had today's date on it and made clear this was for only today and only for Mom. The other ticket was a bit non-descript but similar in appearance to the one for Mom.

"So, what are the details here? Is the sex like a quickie kind of thing or what?"

"Typically, yes. This one is good for whatever you want, though. The other coupons are for quickies, though, like the scenario I played out. That one for your sister, though, is your introductory coupon for her. It doesn't have to be a quickie. In fact, you can spend all day and night with her for that first one if you like." Mom said.

I wanted to be sure of the rules but also not sound like an idiot for not understanding the basic words that were being said or like I wasn't listening. I stumbled trying to get my thoughts out, but Mom told me to just say or ask whatever was on my mind. She said it wasn't the time for being coy or shy.

"Would it be fair to say that these two coupons, one for each of you, is for exploration, love and all that? No time limit?"

Mom smiled warmly and replied, "Well, of course there's a time limit, but yeah that's pretty much it. Your first time with a woman should not just be a quickie, honey, and we're no different. We're grown women who want to be with you and explore with you during our first time."

I thought for a while. I thought Dad leaving when he did and getting Courtney on his way home was probably planned. I slid the coupon back across the table to Mom without a word said and looked at her. I realized right away I might have been challenging her with the way I slid it across the table like I was in a game of poker.

She took the coupon and folded it a few times before putting it in her pocket.

"Since this is for you, there's some things you need to decide. First, I am not shaved. Would you like me to be?" she asked before taking a sip of her coffee.


"I thought so. Where would you like me to meet you after my shower? My bed? Yours? The couch?"

I looked around and thought for a moment. I took Mom's advice and I wanted to make it special for both of us.

"Your bed." I said.

"I figured that as well," Mom said, standing up and putting her mug in the sink.

She walked over to me and leaned in for a kiss. She pressed her lips to mine and lingered there longer than I expected. Her hand went behind my head and pulled me even closer. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me as well. I was hard and she knew it immediately. Her hand pressed on my cock and she squeezed it before releasing me. Taking a step back, she looked me in the eyes and gave me one last speech.

"I'm going to get myself ready for you, Simon. Come to my room in about thirty minutes, okay? Before that, though, I want you to think about all of this. It always moves so fast like this, but I want you to have that time to think about it. To ensure there is absolutely no ambiguity here, when you walk into my room, I will be naked for you. If you climb onto my bed, we will have sex."

She went to walk away, sure that there would be no confusion about what we were going to do together.

"Mom." I said, without any follow up.

"I know, baby. I want it too, but you need to let me get ready," she said, knowing what I wanted.

I slumped in my chair when she left and tried to grasp the moment. I had woken up not that long before that moment with only a suspicion of something life-changing happening that day. I was thirty minutes from having sex with my mother, essentially at her invitation with the consent of my father. Not that I tried to stop it, but I was getting harder by the second and I found myself wanting her. My head was a mess of thoughts.

I tried imaging how we would do it. I wondered if she would be clinical in her approach or be the feral female waiting for her lover's cock. Whatever the game was, I was all in but I kept circling back to the thought of having sex with Mom.

I'm going to fuck Mom, I repeated over and over.

I was lost in my thoughts and before I knew it, more time had passed than she requested and I jumped to my feet.

You're going to go have sex with her now, I told myself.

I went to her room. Once there, I looked upon her in a new light. She was laying in the bed, the bedspread covering her entire body before she moved the covers. Once she removed them, her nude body graced my eyes for the first time. I stood still taking in the new image of her.

"Do you like what you see?" she asked.

Her tone suggested a little hesitancy, a little shyness, and a little seduction. I told her I did, of course, but remained standing just inside the door like an idiot. She motioned for me to come towards her, but I was timid about everything. She motioned for me again and I came closer to her.

"Don't be afraid, son. Come to me. I want you to have sex with me and I know you want that, too," she said in a tone I'd never heard before.

The shyness in her voice faded and she seemed more confident than I'd ever seen. I wanted to put on my own display of confidence. I began taking off what little clothes I had. I was as hard as I'd ever been so when I stood tall again, my cock was pointing right in her direction, albeit bent upward slightly.

"Bring that to me!" she said, pointing at my dick.

I walked to the side of the bed and she reached out to grasp my cock in her hand.

"What do you plan to do with this hard cock?" she asked me.

I didn't know how to answer that question at that moment. Mom was jerking my cock and all I could think about was touching her tits.

"I want it inside you," I said without thinking of anything else.

"Then put it inside me, baby," she said, without hesitation.

I climbed on the bed. She opened her legs and I naturally positioned myself between them. I'd learned enough about sex to realize that were skipping the foreplay, but I didn't care right then. With any other girl, I would have slowed down and taken all the requisite steps, but I just wanted to be inside her.

"Mom, I want to push it inside you."

I wasn't on my game. I knew the words coming out of my mouth sounded juvenile and stupid but it didn't matter to me and apparently not to her, either.

"Let me help you," she said as she grasped my dick and positioned it where it needed to be. I pushed my hips forward and felt the most amazing sensation as my cock entered her pussy and I was fucking my own mother.

I'd have never imagined that scenario before, but I was happy to share with Mom a new level of closeness most sons never experience with their mothers. I kissed her cheek and forehead as I pumped my cock in and out of her. She told me how much she loved me and that I better not ever leave her to fate. I told her that I would always be there; that I loved her unconditionally before but now my heart was even more deeply invested.

She wrapped her arms around me and clawed at my back.

"I love you so much!" she grunted in my ear as we fucked.

I thought about the future and the coupons that I would get in the future. I knew I was wasting the one time I had with Mom where nobody was home and we had time to explore each other. I wanted to make it last longer, but the mistakes I made already brought on an earlier than expected orgasm.

"Mom! I'm gonna cum!"

"It's okay, baby, cum inside me," she said.

I slowed my pace and suddenly stopped as I began shooting my cum inside Mom. I shot rope after rope of cum inside her pussy and collapsed on top of her.

"Mom," I said, "that was amazing. Is it going to be like that with every woman?" I asked.

She kissed me deeply and looked into my eyes, "No, baby, nobody will ever please you like I will."

I asked what she meant.

"My love, I have an intense feeling for you that no other woman will ever have. I have more invested in you than anyone will ever will. Your happiness and pleasure means more to me than anything else in the universe. I love you and I want the very best for you."

"You made me happier than I could imagine right now. Being inside you still after I have cum is overwhelming my heart. I love you so much!" I told her.

Mom hugged me tightly and whispered in my ear, "Please fuck me more. I love feeling you inside me."

I went slow this time. While she was my first, instinct told me it would last much longer the second time. I proceeded in a slow, rhythmic fashion. Mom had her eyes closed, wrapping her arms and legs around me. She held me so close to her. I wanted to look into her eyes as we made love, but she wanted me as close as she could get me.

"Is there more we could do, Mom?" I asked, slightly out of breath.

'What do you want to do, baby?"

"I want you to teach me," I said, knowing she had the experience to show me what I needed to know.

She thought for a minute and said, "If I had known you wanted to do other things, I would not have had you cum inside me right away," she said.


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