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Dave Buys a Slave


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"Moving on" the finance manager pulled out four grey looking pyramids that were the size of coffee mugs. "These four sensors are the invisible fence. They set the boundary, and if she tries to cross the boundary while it's active, she'll get a continuous shock that starts at level seven voltage and progressively moves up the longer she's past the threshold. They can set a perimeter of up to a half of a mile" A similar device was used for dogs in the early 2000's, and dogs running away from home or being hit by cars plummeted seemingly overnight.

"But what will that do to the battery life?" Dave asked, trying to plan logistics around a secondary collar purchase.

"Technically speaking, it would shorten the battery life. However, a level seven shock is no joke, and few women could survive one for more than twenty minutes." The finance manager started. "Basically, she'd die long before the battery would, so it's a moot point." The chain leash started to rattle as Number 14362 started to tremble mightily. The finance manager was unconcerned. "Like the collar, the battery lasts for five years, and is controlled through the app and password protected. No maintenance needed on your part. You can deactivate the fence if you want to take her outside, whether it be for a doctor's appointment, date night, or whatever else you might want to take her off-premise for. When the invisible fence is inactive, the collar defaults to giving her an electric shock if she strays more than 100 feet away from you." Dave nodded as the finance manager just pre-emptively answered his next question.

"Next" the finance manager pulls out to be what looks like a granola bar, though the wrapper is plain, white and simply says SlaveFeed on the front with a nutrition label and ingredients list on the back. "The starter kit comes with a 30-day supply of SlaveFeed. Three bars a day will equal 1800 calories, that's enough to power most women without causing weight gain. Specifically formulated to supply all of their nutritional needs, while tasting like a gritty vanilla cardboard. Shelf-stable for up to six years."

He continued, placing a bracelet onto the table "Here's a heartrate monitor for you."

Dave asked, with a puzzled look on his face "Why?"

"It's linked to her collar. Essentially it's a dead man's switch." The finance manager said morbidly. "If your heart stops, the collar is set to deliver a gruesomely slow and arduous end for her as well. Basically, it's an anti-rebellion measure, so she won't get the idea to try to stab you in your sleep, try to poison you, or any other funny business" the manager stated bluntly.

The finance manager unpacks the box further. "Here's an old school metal collar and chain leash." He fishes further "the leash has a high enough tensile strength where Little Red over here won't be able to rip it. The kit also has a padded blindfold and noise-canceling ear-plugs, for situations when you don't want her to see or hear what's going on." The finance manager stated flatly.

"The kit also comes with some basic feminine health and hygiene products" he unpacked some generic tampons, "Here's three bars of soap, designed to leave her skin clear and soft. Here's some unscented deodorant, a one-month supply of pink nail polish. Seven pairs of panties. Dental supplies"

No frills, but this kit will get the job done, Dave admired as he watched the finance manager re-pack the box.

"Now let's get down to the boring-but necessary stuff" the finance manager stated.. He arose from his creaky old chair and shuffled over to the filing cabinet that had definitely seen better days. He opened the middle drawer and thumbed through the manilla tabs. "12764, 13874, ahh, here we go, 14362!" he proclaimed as he found the document dossier. He pulled out a quarter-inch thick manilla folder before he shimmied the drawer closed. He returned to his creaky chair and flipped the manilla folder opened. "Here is Number 14362's document dossier" he stated coldly "It contains her STD panel, recent medical check-up, recent psychiatric evaluation slave training certificates, and the chain of custody. "Dave perked his head up at that last statement. "It's basically like the Carfax for slave girls" Dave nodded as the concept made sense now. The finance manager slid the folder of to Dave to flip through. "Here, have a look while I print off the bill of sale". The finance manager started typing away on his computer.

Dave quickly scanned the documents inside. STD Panel his eyes danced around the page negative for all known communicable disease dated for two days prior. Dave nodded. Next, he scoured the chain of custody document One previous owner, has been in auction house custody for the last three weeks, Dave nodded as he realized what a steal he just landed for $2750. Curious, he flipped through the psychiatric evaluation. No known suicidal tendencies or violent outbursts as well as showing a Meyers-Briggs score. Dave was relieved when he found that she was unlikely to try to murder him in his sleep. The evaluation also noted her mild claustrophobia That'll be useful thought Dave.

Satisfied, Dave then ran through her medical evaluation. An orthopedist verified that she has no known mobility or range-of-motion issues, and the general practitioner signed off that she had no known heart problems. The OB-GYN confirmed that her piping is in good working order. The finance manager presents Dave with a new document. The first page is a checklist. "First, I need you to check off that you received the contents of the starter kit and the dossier." Dave diligently scanned the checklist and dutifully confirmed that each specific item listed was indeed present from the slave starter kit and the documentation dossier. Upon Dave's confirmation that he received everything. Dave was impressed with how thorough the operation was.

"Now, we'll go to the next page" the finance manager stated. "You'll print your name here and sign here" as the finance manager moved his finger down the page vertically. The document read in legalese, but essentially that Dave was agreeing that he will pay the specified amount and had a chance to review the documents and ask any questions.

It was that moment that Dave decided to pipe up. "Any chance you can throw in an opaque hooded poncho? I don't want other men seeing her naked. She's mine and nobody else's" Dave stated.

"You know what.." the finance manager contemplated. The cost of a poncho today would be less than a rounding error if he could secure repeat business "Sure! Consider it my free gift to you!" He pulled open a squeaky drawer, reached down and pulled out a plastic yellow package that was roughly two inches thick.. "Little Red here is rather short, so this 3/4 length poncho should actually cover a little more than 3/4 of her." The finance manager figured out loud. "Here's my card as well" as he made sure to place his business card neatly on top of the poncho.

Dave was satisfied and signed the document, as he had nothing more to uncover in this dungeon of an office. Upon securing Dave's signature, the finance manager stated" Now that'll be $2750. Cash, check, or transfer?" the manager asked.

"Transfer" Dave stated as he pulled out his phone and opened his banking app. The finance manager pulled out a tablet with a small square plug-in. He punched the amount into the tablet before showing it to Dave. Dave confirmed the amount before hovering his phone over the square. The multi-colored circle on the screen revolved around numerous times for many pulse-pounding seconds, for both Dave and Number 14362, before finally turning green and the screen showing Approved. The finance manager printed off a receipt and stapled it to the bill of sale, initialing across the bottom of the receipt and onto the document itself. He then signed and stamped the document. "Now excuse me while I make two copies; you'll keep the original, but we need a copy for ourselves and one to file with the state, which we do on your behalf." Dave lamented that the government just had to be notified of everything its citizens bought; cars, homes, boats, slave girls. Just leave us the fuck alone Dave thought.

The finance manager got up and sauntered over to the copier in his office. Dave took the chance to open the poncho from its packaging and with a flick of the wrist, air it out. It was indeed heavy and opaque. He slung it around Number 14362's shoulders and snapped the buttons in front of her as the poncho reached halfway down her shins. Dave then propped up the hood and tucked her strawberry hair inside of the poncho. Number 14362 muttered and mostly incoherent phrase that resembled thank you through her ballgag; the small gesture of kind privacy seemed to put her at ease, or at least as much as possible given her new circumstance.

"Alright, here's your original" as he handed the bill of sale to Dave. Dave tucked it, along with the business card, into the document dossier. He wedged the document dossier into the starter kit's box. The finance manager unlocked the padlock that secured Number 14362's leash to the eyebolt on the side of his desk. He handed the chain leash to Dave and mentioned "The collar is fastened by a stamped rivet, though any flathead screwdriver would be able to pry it open. One-time use". Dave nodded. "Here's the keys to her handcuffs" The finance manager offered, Dave picked them up and quickly attached them to his key ring. The finance manager shook Dave's hand. "We thank you for your business and hope you'll consider us for all of your future purchases."

"Of course. Thank you!" Dave replied. He took a moment to savor the fact that this moment was indeed real; he had just been handed the leash to his very own sex slave. He remained stoic on the outside. But on the inside, he was basically prancing. This is one of the greatest days of my life! Dave thought to himself. Dave grabbed the box with his free-arm and gave 14362's leash a gentle tug; a signal of it's time to get moving as the new couple left the musty office.

Dave made sure to walk slower than his usual gait. He was 6'1 and giddy, while 14362 was 5'3 and her legs were visibly shaking just thirty minutes prior. His new slave was also wearing high heels, and was handcuffed, thus she had little in the way of being able to balance herself. Dave wanted to preserve his newest purchase, thus the slower walk.

He exited the auction house and saw all manner of men walking their new purchases out of the former boathouse; all of the slave girls were still naked, save for their leashes, collars, gags and high heels. Dave always found the practice mildly distasteful. Nobody likes a show-off Dave thought to himself. Besides, Dave wasn't the type who believed in sharing, and that included visuals. Dave was thankful that he parked close to the boathouse, and assuredly 14362 was as well. He eschewed the garage in favor of being closer to the former boathouse. He parked on-street, thus no stairs to climb or elevators to board and de-board. Given 14362's currently-limited mobility, this turned out to be a tactical victory.

Dave opened the rear door to his hatchback and placed the box inside. 14362 caught a glimpse of how empty the trunk of the vehicle was; nothing except some car fluids and an emergency roadside kit. Dave opened the box, and fished out the blindfold and the ear plugs. He then slid closed the hatch, never letting go of 14362's leash the entire time.

He opened the passenger side door of his car. Dave unbuttoned the bottom three buttons of the rain poncho. He then wrapped his free arm around 14362. She leaned into his assistance, seemingly grateful that he was careful with her. Dave gently guided her into the seat of his vehicle. He buckled her into place before finally relinquishing the leash via placing it on the floor in front of her. He kissed her on the cheek once more before he scampered over to the driver's seat. 14362 took a quick visual scan of the car's interior and noted the absolute lack of any personal belongings, save for an ice-scraper; there wasn't even a scented air freshener.

Dave plopped himself into his driver's seat. He looked 14362 into her light brown eyes. He savored her beauty for a moment before putting on her padded blindfold and driving the ear plugs into each ear before starting the engine. He didn't want to risk his newest plaything to figure out where her new home would be or how to plan a possible escape route Let's save some needless headaches. Dave thought. He pulled out of his parking spot, and drove to a new domestic life.

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artty67artty67about 2 months ago

Can't believe he didn't receive a paddle in the slave box.

kombi1kombi1about 2 months ago

Would love more background of her

Np81laNp81la3 months ago

5✨ very detailed description of Dave. I like your style.

mish2mashmish2mash3 months ago

There's an attention to detail, particularly with the mechanics of how everything works that I enjoyed.

WhitnerWhitner3 months ago

5 stars! One of the things that made this story so hot for me were the lines about how excited he was, first in anticipation of buying a slave, and then the frequent mentions of how his excitement continued in his enjoyment of her. I also liked his humane and sensitive treatment of her in some areas, as long as that did not get in the way of his sexual enjoyment, which was, after all, the reason he bought her in the first place. I like where this story is going and look forward eagerly to more chapters!

binderman91binderman914 months ago

I am looking for more in the series soon.

slutforsmutslutforsmut5 months ago

So rarely does a story have a character with height, weight, and hair color just like mine! Feels real, and like it was written just for me. I can’t wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Well shit, I’ve been an avid reader on here for a few months now but never felt like commenting. I wanted to take the time to encourage you to keep going! I like were this is going and will be looking forward to reading more!

darwin1859darwin18595 months ago

This is a rather common theme and you executed it beautifully and also made me interested where it could go from here. Well done! I hope to see more.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Really good start. Looking forward to the next part.

DaveyPirateDaveyPirate5 months ago

A promising start. I am interested to see where you take this.

Afterglow_echoAfterglow_echo5 months ago

Well put together but the starter kit should be an upsale item. The salesman should have to speak to his manger to get Dave a good deal on the collar.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Tease … now we want to read about their life together … and if he will buy more, as he has still 4+k to spare

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