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Finding Himself Ch. 02


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That was when I discovered that I was riding a bucking bronco, because, once again Susan was having a BIG orgasm....maybe the biggest of the night. I would have to modestly admit that my long delayed orgasm was pretty spectacular as well.

As I said before — I suspect that anyone in that part of the motel was pretty well informed as to what was going on in our room. So much for the free breakfast in the morning — we were definitely NOT going to face our neighbors. Although, who knows, we might get some interesting offers...

It was late, we were exhausted and I was glad that I'd remembered to put the 'do not disturb' sign on the door. We began to fall asleep in each other's arms. Just before I surrendered to my exhaustion and sleep I thought about "breakfast" in bed and hoped she was too.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief5 months ago

I know I'm leaving myself wide open to criticism just from the way the comments are going, but I thought it was a good chapter. Joe left his home and wife, so why can't she find a little bit of happiness with an old friend? If she does take him back he'll have to up his game 100% because she now knows what she's been missing all this time. How does this make Ted the bad guy, Joe gave his approval, even if he was kidding. Sucks to be that stupid. *****

carindenniscarindennisover 4 years ago

Cool it on the clichés.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Feckless Fiction.

This is what happens when you use the excuse that you’re writing fiction. That way you get to truly make pathetic people from basically good people. Is there anyway that Ted and Susan can avoid looking in a mirror and living with what they see.

patilliepatillieover 7 years ago
Maybe the mood i am in

But found this to be boring. Not much tension, dont anticipate tesolution. Joe is an ass who dorsnt appreciate what he has-so life lesson but damn i learned that in grade school!

teedeedubteedeedubover 7 years ago

I didn't see that coming. Pretty much out there. As Sean said, "Impossible, but doable"................ great read, thx........

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