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First Kiss Ch. 02


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Monday morning came around too quickly. Her whole life had changed over the weekend. Her husband had left her and she had acquired an ardent young lover. For the first time in her life she let go in bed, and in the kitchen too! Never before had she been so experimental and wanton, and it was down to Max. How could a young eighteen year old do that to her?

Max came into the kitchen looking sleepy.

'Breakfast?' she said, with a smile in her voice.

'Sure, it's your turn,' he quietly said.

'Don't talk, just eat, and listen,' she demanded. 'We've had a wonderful weekend. It can't go on like this. No! Just listen to what I have to say. You will meet someone your own age. I'm too old for you. My marriage is in pieces and I've got to pull myself together. I've been thinking about the consequences of a divorce. There's a lot to do and I've got to work out so much. I can't live in a fantasy world, I've got to face the real world. Sorry, Max,' she said.

'You're right, you've got to do something about it. What though,' he asked.

Chloe was taken aback that he was being so sensible and not making a fuss. She figured it was all lies when he said he was falling in love with her. Of course it was, it was the sex effecting him, just as it had her ensnared. Not now though, it was the beginning of a new week and a new life.

'You've had what you wanted, so show me some respect. Don't tell anyone, please,' she said. 'At least do that for me,' she said, with a meaningful look in her eyes.

'Of course I won't tell anyone. I do respect you. I've wanted to be close to you for a long time. Didn't think we would be this close,' he grinned at her.

She didn't know what to say. He was staring at her, seemingly daring her to admit something she couldn't.

'I can't. You. You're nice, Max. I have feelings for you, of course I do, after. . .' she choked, unable to continue.

This wasn't planned when she thought through what to say to him. It had all been so simple, in her head, thinking it through while making breakfast.

'Eat up, your food is getting cold.' he told her.

Better than digging herself deeper into the mire, she took his advice. Her cheeks were flushed from having almost admitted she had deep feelings for him. At his age he wouldn't have understood they must part, and not see each other again. The idea left her feeling empty and sick. She pushed the plate away, unable to swallow.

'What's the matter?' he asked.

The look of concern melted her resolve to keep her problems to herself. Perhaps it would be a good idea to give him a dose of reality, to explain things that grownups had to face.

'The mortgage for one thing. How am I going to pay that? There's Wendy's allowance to pay for while at college. I'll be out on the street if I can't make the payments,' she mournfully stated.

Max thought over the husband's letter. He didn't say where he was, just that he would try and help with expenses. The rat probably meant it at the time, but was just as likely to forget about it.

'I'll look into the mortgage. It's what we do, my father an me,' Max helpfully suggested.

'No, I don't want anyone to know,' she protested.

'No one will. I'll deal with it in the office. A re-mortgage package. I'm supposed to take care of the office while he's away,' he said. He looked at his watch and back at her. 'Where do you keep the paperwork,' he asked.

'I don't know. He used to look after all that. I don't know anything. Our bank accounts, loans, bills, anything,' she moaned.

She felt so helpless and useless. Thinking about it with a resolve to sort it all out was one thing. Confronted with the actuality of doing something was entirely different. She suddenly realised how isolated from household finances she had become.

'Let's take a look in the spare bedroom,' he suggested.

'Yes, that's where he kept the paperwork,' she brightened, on feeling they were making a start.

'This is a complete mess. Folders stuffed with documents, just anyhow. It looks neat until you delve in. Look, Chloe, I've got to get to the office, I haven't time now,' he said.

'I'll take them into the office and sort it out. You'll have a clear picture of what needs to be done then,' he said.

His firm, no nonsense manner, dragged her along into agreeing. She looked worried. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips.

'It's alright, Chloe,' he said into an ear. 'We'll look through the options when I get back this evening,' he said.

The deep voice sounded so commanding and calming. She couldn't relax, but felt a little relieved he was looking into things.

At the door he gave her a hug, patted her bottom, and kissed her deeply. She gave him a little smile. Watching him walk away left her feeling empty and flat. She was glad she hadn't sent him away for good. He would be back later, which gave her some comfort.

She got dressed and ploughed into the housework, as though nothing untoward had happened. She tried to forget the letter, and instead thought about something nice. All that came to mind was Max. She couldn't shake him, or what they did, from her mind.

Over a cup of herbal tea, she sat wondering how it happened. She must have been vulnerable and in need to let him hold her, and kiss her. After that everything got out of hand. It was madness! Why did she let him walk out of here with all her financial papers? He would come back, he said he would. Maybe that is why she let him take them, so he would come back.

The kitchen table came into focus, for her to remember being taken right here, where this cup stood. Her bare bottom had been right there, while he fucked her. A hand drifted between her legs to press her sex. She gripped it hard.

'It's too late now. He's seen it, touched it, used it. He said he cared for me. He will come back,' she hoped.

She squeezed her crotch and allowed a finger to crease her lips. It was one way to make the bad thoughts go away.


'Max! I've been waiting for you,' she said. Her voice was whispery and light. There was a touch of desperation to it.

'It's all right, Chloe,' he said, and gripped her shoulders, steering her out of the way, so he could get through the front door. 'Sorry I didn't call. We've been very busy. I needed to make sure the staff knew I was in charge. Dad had told them, but he's away now,' he said.

His buoyant attitude lightened her mood. That afternoon she had been morose, thinking about things too much, and feeling useless.

'Something to drink?' she asked.

She fell into the usual routine for when her husband came home. She shook her head, to clear the foolish notion. He was just an eighteen year old boy, so she should offer him a coke, not a cocktail.

'Something to eat would be good. I'm starved. Didn't have time for lunch,' he enthusiastically spoke.

'You enjoyed your first day in the office,' she smiled.

'I've worked there a lot, but never been in charge. It's a lot different, more responsibility when my father's not there. They were bringing me problems to test me,' he laughed. 'I passed, though there were some close calls,' he mused.

After dinner Chloe cleared the kitchen table, and Max pulled a folder out of his case.

'It's not good I'm afraid,' Max started to say.

How could he tell her that damned rat had been overspending. She wasn't stupid, she would figure out it was on another woman.

'Just tell me Max,' she quietly spoke.

'There's more bills than available cash. We need to track him down, and get a good lawyer. He must be made to pay his share,' he said.

'I know him well, of course. If he can get away without parting with his money he will. I'm on my own. What can I do?' she asked.

She no longer thought of him as a boy, he had become her sole source of help in putting her life back together.

'My office can re-mortgage the house, for a lower monthly cost. That will help lessen your outgoings. You need a job, of course. That can wait. The immediate thing is to save your home. I've brought some papers for you to sign. Do you trust me to help you with this?' he asked.

'Yes, I think so, Max,' she said, searching his face for an answer.

There was no one else she could, or wanted to confide in. Facing the bank manager, and dealing with people about utility bills on the phone, was daunting. Having left everything to her husband, now left her feeling useless. Letting this young man take over was wrong, but it was an easy way out of her difficulties.

'Let's get it over with. Tell me where to sign,' she sighed.

Max moved behind her, turning over pages of tightly printed text, pointing to where she must sign. Even if he gave her time to read the official documents, there was no chance of her being able to understand it all. It was all a blur of print, with her hand deftly scribbling one after another of the pages.

'There all done. You can relax now. Tomorrow I'll set things up so you have a breathing space, to get used to the situation. Don't worry, I'll look after you, Chloe,' he reassured her.

'Thanks, Max,' she sighed.

'You're right, I need to get a job. I've been a housewife since college, so who would employ me, without experience,' she moaned.

'Don't worry about that now. I'll phone contacts and see what I can do,' he said.

'That's the point, what can I do?' she asked.

'Come on, cheer up, it's not that bad,' he smiled.

'I'm glad you're here, Max,' she tried to smile back.

He guided her off the chair, and gripped her tight. 'I told you I care. I do. You're a beautiful woman, attractive, very sexy,' he said.

The sincerity in his voice left her feeling better. Being held close fed a desperate need. She could forget he was so young, and she no longer had a husband, so there was nothing to feel guilty over. She didn't want to watch television like an old couple. Going out with him wasn't a good idea, as she would be reminded of the age difference. All that remained was the bed.

'I want you, Max,' she whispered.

For a moment she wondered if he heard her. Did he still want her that way? Had he decided she was a hopeless case. Did he now see her as a pathetic old woman, needing care?

'Are you sure?' he asked.

She didn't want his charity. She needed him, and that overrode her inhibitions.

'Yes, Max. I want you,' she said.

He kissed her deeply. He took his time, tenderly smooching her. He broke off to kiss her face, and neck and ears. He sucked her upper lip into his mouth to gently bite it. He delved into her mouth, ardently this time.

'Fuck me, Max,' she moaned.

The naughty demand was a surprise. In a daze she was led to the bedroom. He began to undress her, and she joined in, almost ripping her clothes off in haste. She fell back on the bed, trying to look sexy and inviting. She pulled her legs together and bent them, hiding her sex. It was too late to look demure and fetching. She was naked on a bed, ready for her young lover. There was nothing to say.

She opened her arms to him, expecting him to join her. Instead, he climbed onto the end of the bed. He pulled her legs apart. She yelped a little sound of excitement on realising what he was up to. She felt like a young girl, experiencing everything for the first time. It was a long time ago since experiencing such intimate foreplay.

She arched her back, and moaned loudly. It felt as if her whole sex was being devoured. He sucked her lips into his mouth, and nibbled on them. A tingling sensation ran through her entire nervous system. Her stomach clenched and unclenched. Her heels thumped the bed. Her hands grasped the air, tight.

Her breasts felt so sensitive they might burst. Her whole body was tense, then gradually relaxed, with a feeling of sinking into the bed. An orgasm washed over her, through her, around her, every part of her body was soothed. Feelings overwhelmed her. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes. After awhile the screwed up sex face relaxed.

She lay back letting him suck, lick, and bite her naughty bits. The orgasm washed over her again. Less dramatically it returned to leave her tingling all over.

Her breathing returned to normal and her eyes opened wide. The room seemed so bright. Everything looked intense, as though in black and white.

'You OK?' he asked.

She turned her head to find him beside her, not touching, just staring at her.

'You were screaming,' he smiled.

'Was I?' she croaked.

'I'll get you some juice,' he offered.

'No, please, cuddle me,' she said.


Chloe was hooked, and knew it, yet couldn't to a thing about it. How could a young boy do that to her? In bed he took her to places she hadn't dreamed of. There was more to think about, more urgent things needed dealing with, other than sex. It was a distraction, yet so very wonderful she gave in to him.

The week progressed unlike any other. Her whole life had changed. As usual Chloe was cleaning the house, except it was for a young lover, not a husband. She smelled the sheets before putting them into the machine. Their mingled sex smells were strong, and she breathed them deep. It was a kinky thing to do, yet it was difficult to resist. It was worrying what he was doing to her, though the excitement drove her on. He was introducing her to uninhibited sex, and for the first time in her life she wanted to experience it all.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

A Roller Coaster Ride, Nice!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

loved it...and well written.

little grammar/typo/spelling/misuse of lie vs lay easily skipped over.

curious about daughter wendy. realize the difficulty of working her into the story, which stands on its own. five stars.

i´ll be looking at your others!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Suddenly went from hot sex to a boring love story!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

soooo hot! Loving this story

nairdahnairdahover 9 years ago
going great so far

Hi, keep up the good work on this story. Although the daughter seems to have disappeared for more than the 1 night. What happened to her?

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