by Rogue9_815
really good work. if the rest of your stories are like this one. keep going, with my blessing's
Very well written. Enjoyed the read. With all of the corruption in DC, especially Hillary, was happy to see the lawyer/politician brought down!! And I'm sure the bikini looks very nice on the floor!! More stories Rogue!! Maybe even about the married woman in Myrtle Beach that uses her work as a traveling sales work visiting salons in many states while her husband works hard at home!!
and now its off to the duck blinds. TK U MLJ LV NV
I will mark this down as it seems to be written to appeal to the BTB brigade rather than the merits of its own story line. Only 2* for me.
There was some decent emotion but offset by the immature juvenile delight in bringing down his wife and her lover, not to mention the convenient affair with lover's daughter....I mean really....
A Senior FBI official, given evidence of wrong doing, bringing down a politically connected crooked politician on the even of her...I mean HIS election.
No...not credible at all.
Other than that I very much enjoyed the story. Good pacing, nice details, enough emotion, decent characterization, not too girly man, and some appropriate consequences as a result.
I also did not believe in the bikini on the floor, but it was less fantastic than the FBI and Prosecutors actually doing their job.
Liked your story, gave it 4*. Hope for more from you.
I liked it...very much...It's a double BTB story (bitch and bastard), but a light writing, easy to read, no violence, just as one said: "using the law against a lawyer"...4*
The ending was fast and furious. The reader had no time to savor it. Great buildup, but a very simple, quick ending. Our hero had it all handed to him. No confrontation with the wife limited the reader's satisfaction.
He overhears the conversation at the right moment when they confess the entire affair? The incredibly hot daughter has pictures, hates her dad and is in lust with the hapless cuck. All just too convenient.
Excellent buildup in the story. You could have provided more detail and plot but the story still worked well. I gave the story a four instead of a five based purely on the seemingly rushed ending. I feel you could have expanded it a little more and drawn it out, adding to the overall story line. It would have allowed the audience to better savor the results of all the main characters planning. Otherwise, a good story.
Entertaining, interesting plot, believable characters. A good story.
All a reader can ask for is another one just like it!!
Gave you 3*s.
I'm definitely looking you up, I want to read more from you Rogue9_815🔎📖.
Thanks very much.
This wasn't Dosteyevsky and didn't try to be. Thank God. The savvy author kept events moving briskly to predictable but satisfying conclusion. This was like a trip to Dairy Queen for chocolate dip cone on hot day. I knew what was coming and enjoyed the consumption sans angst or apprehension. Summer pleaser fo' sure. I thank Rogue9_815 for sharing.
Good story but I felt the ending lost its punch. Not enough energy behind it compared to rest of story.
Good story plot. I know you warned us, but you do get -1 for low hotness factor.
As usual I'm writing these as I go, so some comments may be over-taken by future events.
I agree with him totally on his doubts of her future fidelity. She's apparently not planning on re-starting her cheating in the future, but if nothing happens, and at some time in the future when things have become "dull and routine" and some pussy hound comes on to her, she may remember how she got away with it for six months and decide that she can do it again.
"Kelly elbowed me and muttered about being rude" - HE'S being rude? She may not know that Robert knows about the affair, but SHE knows, and she had to know what Paul was doing, and THAT was rude!
"You weren't doing anything naughty we you?" - For her to even TEASE about that, when she's being a lot more than just "naughty", is mean. He should have said, "No, were you?" and watched her reaction!
She said her mother couldn't leave because she was Catholic and didn't believe in divorce. But that doesn't mean that she couldn't just leave. Stay married but live apart.
"Hogan, that's a horrible thing to say about Paul!" - I realize that she HAS to say that, but how can she say it with a straight face when she KNOWS Robert is right?
"And I don't think I'll be ready to jump into anything for a while." - Maybe not a relationship, but at this point at least, she's not talking about anything more than a little fun.
Re: "Parody" - Just because it DOES appeal to the BTB brigade doesn't me that it was deliberately written to do that. And it was barely BTB, no wife reduced to a dingy apartment, working a check-out line and all alone with her cat, or working at Mexican whorehouse!
Very much enjoyed this new story, (wish you production was a little higher - LOL). Loved your first story, this one also fantastic. Although I think you rushed to finish, all kinds of landmines having his new assistant be his lover. Needed two more well thought our paragraphs: 1. confirming to his wife that she did not deserve to have 'closure' and she does not get to meet with him again. 2. confirming that he and Barbara got together, in hopefully a more significant role than a bit on the side. The fact they worked together left a sour taste after his wife's affair at work.
Thrilled that you've given us another great story! Agree with some of the other commenters that a final meeting between the wife and husband would've made it more complete. The ending was a bit by the numbers but our hero WAS an accountant so go figure. 😃
Love a story where the non-cheater doesn't put up with the cheater. He was right that he could never trust her again...she was a cheater. He mourned the loss of his marriage and then moved on to a better life.
I am somewhat anti-politician and love it when a 'powerful' politician gets his comeuppance. Thank you for a very entertaining story where the cheaters lose and the non-cheaters win.
No idea how it has the score it does. It was pretty dry and emotionless. Zero erotic rating, and zero drama rating. The plot was good, but I never got a sense that these were actual people with personalities. The ending sucked. Not one conversation with the wife, so there was no tension. Just technical details and not much human drama.
I read it all, which makes it better than average, but it read like a newspaper report, rather than a story. There wasn't enough conflict to make it worth reading again. Weak ending. There should have been some sort of conversation with the wife. Without that, it was just a news story, not a loving wives story. The daughter was just too convenient and, of course, the crooked politician, the evil friend. Just too many hackneyed elements to be top of the line.
Story, great writing style. You had me from the beginning. My only complaint is that it ended too soon...seemed a bit rushed to end. I would liked to have read about the "rest of the story" with Barbara and even Kelly. 5 stars, easy.
Excellent writing, and a well formulated plot. Yes, everything worked out a little too perfectly for the hero. And yes, there were far too many convenient plot devices to get this story to its final destination. But hey, this is fiction. You're allowed a little slack as long as you leave us with an interesting tale. You did just that, so kudos.
Hard to believe that Barbara fell for him but the rest was possible and maybe even probable. I enjoyed it, and isn't entertainment what this site is about?
Fun read. Gave it 5 but. Divorce is allowed in the Catholic Church for adultry. Cheating bitches rarely care for long.
Good story. Well-written. I don't give 5s, but it was a very strong 4. Lol "Hogans Heroes". Nice touch.
I'm detracting 2% because the feckless Olivia didn't receive any personal comuppance. Even though she was used to trigger the key events, we saw no personal blow-back from them (that we heard of).
So, there ya go...I found a nit to pick. ;)
Rogue9_815 , you've got to have the LW record for high scores ! Lol , I just wish it was for 52 stories rather than 2 , but with you , we'll take what we can get.
Really was a first rate yarn.
What is it about Pennsylvania that makes for great LW authors , first Pappatoad ,Who from my understanding had to quit for health reasons, but who did use one other Non de Plume. Then Harddaysknight , whom seems to have lost his muse for writing , though he never had another ............ hummmm.
P.S. whomever you are , please continue the great works !
If you ended it with Barbara and Robert getting hitched and starting a family . That would have worked better ,than her getting a job as his assistant and both banging themselfs to what? End..
The main character - Robert - could become the lead on other stories helping others.
This story was excellent in character development, plot, and
I want more!!! Please!!!!!!
Everything was to pat. It all fell in to place for him like a paint by numbers kit.
. . . that no actual attorneys were harmed in the writing of this tale. :)
I live near Philly, so I could easily place the pieces. One quibble: given the sentence drawn by former State Senator Vince Fumo, the scumbag lawyer in this tale would never have pleaded for a twenty-year sentence. Six years would be more like it.
This was very, very well written. Five stars. Very descriptive, good pace, tight storyline. Was the ending a bit rushed? Perhaps, but only because I didn't want this delightful piece to end.
Really enjoyable tale. You had me worried there when it sounded as if he was going to jump the gun.
I only missed the confrontation / showdown with the wife and the breakdown of her self-justifications ("just sex"). Otherwise: enjoyed it - 5*
And they were one and two in this category. I liked the fact that he never wavered in his plan to dump the bitch. She was the worst kind of cheater, the entitled one. And even if she did stop cheating for a while she would go back to it as soon as something caught her eye. I have heard about how some women are completely overwhelmed by power, but thankfully I have never seen one as blatant as the wife in this story. It was never mentioned, but strongly hinted at, that she might be going to let her boss get her pregnant as a way to get a further and lasting taste of the sweetness of her affair with that "powerful" DA. In fact when it said that she moved out west to live with her "Aunt" I got a flash back to when girls who got pregnant in high school were sent to live with another family member far, far away. Another set of nuanced characters. Thanks for sharing your story and your talent.
Like the first now this one too. Very clearly told, no wimping out and a good ending for the non-cheating spouse. Another 5. Great that it was revenge against a lawyer, too.
A good read, well put together, not often I read a fairly long story word for word (often jump the tedious bits)
Thank you Rogue
A somewhat different twist on a normal story. The somewhat unlikely relationship in the center of the story is dealt with exceptionally well and does not appear implausible in any way. Top notch.5*
...especially as it showed "the biters, bit" !!
Well written - made me laugh in parts -
Damn,but that was a good story !!
Enjoyed the heck out of this one. Don't make us wait almost two years for the next one. Thanks
The love affair with Barbara was just too convenient and improbable. Enjoyed it a lot, though.
Can we have some more, please? But a bit sooner if you can!
A good four star effort.
Was uncomfortable with the affair with Barbara, but hiring her was a bit over the top for me. Same story with out those elements and this would have been 5 star work in my view.
You do have pride, nice phugh up with Olivia. The revenge is some of the better work, and is allways fun to watch someone else wiggle.
A woman's dress always look good on my bedroom floor
....which is always wise policy.
A very good story, well-written and engaging, but the ending wrapped things up so swiftly that the reader couldn't fully enjoy the cheaters getting their comeuppance. Try to take a little more time with it, and let us bask in it.
Thanks, ohio
how could this guy marry such a shallow selfish cruel conniving bitch and not discern that she was rotten to the core before he married her? Kelly was seduced by power and celebrity status and the glamor of politics. A woman that gullible and lacking in decency and self-respect could not be a good wife from day one. Hell, she can't even be a good person. All her behaviors and values and attitudes would telegraph what an empty manipulative unethical bitch she is. Kelly was a guiltless entitled cheater, and people like that give off a stench that any experienced adult quickly picks up on.
And due to her character, or lack of it, no, she would not just sign the divorce papers and go quietly off to morn and mope. Kelly would blame everyone and everything but herself. She would probably bring a sexual harassment suit against her boss to portray herself as the victim and hope that might give her grounds to seek reconciliation. And she would definitely demand counseling. She'd get all the photographic evidence quashed as invasion of privacy and victim protection. She would use every trick and maneuver she could devise to delay if not defeat the divorce, thinking that her husband might, might, forgive her and give her a second chance. Remember, its All About What Kelly Wants, and she would leave no stone unturned to get her way.
Still, it was a great story and a great plot. I just think the ending could have been longer and much more involved and fun to read. But thanks for what you did do. Barbara will be the perfect revenge, and could be the jumping off point for a really piquant sequel.
Thanks again!
And that's the highest possible praise that I can give. I enjoyed it very much!
Very good but I would've driven her crazy by answering her call while she had to drive all those hours . Taunting her about all I knew ,all the pictures I had and how fucked up she was for cheating and rubbing my nose in it by taking me to parties while he talks about fucking her in code not knowing I already knew. Plus letting her know how he heard her and their friend talk about it and how she cheated before this time. He really could've made her drive back brutal. She had the nerve to say anything about him cheating when she's been fucking around all along. What a total cunt she is . Her pictures would show up every where she moved and worked. Her family would also a picture every once in a while to remind them what a pig they were related to. When someone does what she does she deserves all the bad that comes her way. If you want to fuck anytime you want with variety than don't marry until you get it out of your system but they usually want to do it but have the security of marriage also . They never expect to get caught
... are given short shrift once the cat is out of the bag! That is unfortunate, for the real enjoyment is watching the guilty having to wallow in their misery, as the innocent reap the reward commensurate with their purity, ha ha ha!
Make the ending more of a trial for those caught in mid debauch, and more of a pleasure for those wronged!
Still, terrific tale, well told, top marks!
Stories over 4.5 are typically pretty special, and have an emotional component that causes on to really feel what one or more characters are going thru. This, while well written and interesting, did not do that so 4*.
It was still entertaining a really good yarn...well done!
...for the great use of available means to expose a crook and a cheater.
I can't help but wish he had burned the house down as he left for his remote assignment, but that would have put an ugly turn on things.
It might be nice to see a follow up piece, perhaps where he 'runs into' ex-wifey to see how she's fared. Na...probably best if he never has to lay eyes on her again.
But thank you for a well written, engaging story with characters we can relate to. Ya, dangling participle. Proper English or not, it's how people talk. ;-/
Thank you.
This was an okay story. I liked reading it, but certainly not a great story. It was like it was written by robots, following a program and with a set of cliches to work with. It reminds me of a story by Scorpio44 I read called "Clueless." It was interesting and more erotic than this one, but just doesn't get the job done. This is flat and emotionless and the ending is just bad. There's no way this is a 4.6, almost 4.7 story. 4.2 maybe, at the most. I know we can't vote like that, but there is no way this is one of the "greatest of all time" stories. Maybe the author just hasn't pissed very many people off yet. I'm not dissing it, it's a good story, but not that good. All time great? Not even.
Very nice story. Perhaps a bit more confrontation with Kelly would have been nice- she really deserved the BTB treatment in person, and there were not children to be hurt in the process. So she just moved to the Midwest- is that punishment enough? I am not a BTB type of reader, but she deserved to be punished more for her callousness.
Plus I know Doylestown and Bucks county Lovely upscale town. The wife continuing to travel out of town to her lover suggests a continued affair.
Very entertaining. This was better than your first story and it was a good one!!! Thanks for sharing.
I have been waiting for years to read you again after enjoying "Already Gone". This one does not disappoint. I love a good story where the "clever" cheaters get outsmarted and at the expected moment of triumph find themselves with nothing but shattered dreams and disbelief at how they were taken down.
With all the score manipulation going on by the cuck writers and SS, the rest of us are kind of forced to score higher than normal. When the admins start dropping bad scores for writers that complain or switching other authors categories because of one complaint we are heading in a bad direction.
I always figured bonniee/vasti/anon balanced each other out with their 1's and 5's, but lately that hasn't been the case.
Last week there was a story that went from a 2- to a 4+ between 12000 and 13000 views. That is mathematically impossible without removing low scores from the base.
Bad stories with bad scores should be left alone by the admins. They are disrespecting you by deleting your vote and lying to the rest of us presenting the scores as actual. At the very least they should remove all scores on the shitty story or tell us they have been manipulated and are not actual.
So for this solid 4.5 - 5*****
Totally agree. There are dozens of examples. Admins manipualte low scores, so ratings are meaningless.
I grew up and live in the area you set your story in, I really enjoyed your story thanks for sharing.
Had it all. Light hearted fun. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Agree that a final scene with that meeting between Bob and Kelly would have been icing on the cake. Still ***** from me.
Looking forward to your next one.
I love seeing political assholes take a fall,even if fictional. Well written and gripping story. Bravo.
Saxon Hart
Loved the first story you published here, and thoroughly enjoyed this contribution as well.
Looking forward to reading more of your stuff in the future. Please keep writing. You have a clear voice with your characters and plots.
Plenty to appreciate here in this legal eagle pussy-gone-rogue tall tale. Problem is, there just isn't enough of the soul wrenching pain that would exist in a betrayal of this nature. They were a rather young couple, though. No 23-year marriage crashing and burning here.
Still, I had high hopes for this story. The setup was good. It felt natural and it felt real. The reveal for the affair when he is standing behind the door was perfectly plausible. It was the superficial banter, though, between the wife and her shitty friend that took some air out of that crucial moment in the plot line.
Why not a bitter crying scene where wifey just can't give up a superior fuck? She is beside herself describing how she has undeniably fantastic orgasmic experiences when her predator controls her and works her pussy. This can be a real shock to an inexperienced woman. It's just a suggestion.
An idealistic woman loves and adores her husband and his slim five-inch penis. But along comes a master cocksmith with his talent and fat manmeat and a cheatin' wifey will be in a haze for days or even weeks after just a couple of hard fucks. Her hand wringing, confusion, and genuine human feeling would do wonders for putting some depth into a story.
Anyway, the point is not the big dick trope, although it can be a good one imo, but finding a way to get some depth of feeling into a story.
By the way, I really liked the prick politician's daughter. That was a job well done by the author. And if you wanna see an ultra badass film about a politician's daughter in turmoil then watch Spartan(2004). It's a Mamet screenplay with Val Kilmer. Truly, truly a badass film, and you will go a loooong way imagining just how bankrupt the souls of politicians can be.
One other fault from which this story seemed to suffer, though, is the "bullet point" phenomenon. It's when a story is in its final phase or two and the author just lists all of the groovy stuff that happened to give our hero his win. Like people said, things seemed to work out a bit too easy for him. But having to flesh out all of those bullet point would require quite a bit of a different approach than was employed by the author in this story.
Perhaps the story suffered too much from it's own breezy pace. It's hard to feel the pain and the toll on human hearts and minds when you can't stop long enough to experience it in real time.
Anyway, please keep'em coming. It is much appreciated.
Just long enough to get a good plot going and short enough not to be boring. Good job!
Typically I don't like the crash and burn stories. That said, this story is exceptional, well written and has lots of credibility. Excellent. Xoxoxox Annette
His name was supposedly PAUL, in the conversation that he overheard.... and he knows that PAUL is her boss but then you wrote: ((( "Don't get me wrong, I don't think I would have ever accepted her sleeping with DON, but at the very least...."
Something that fucking stupid totally disgusted me when, up to that point, it looked like I was reading the work of a good writer. I stopped reading and came here to point out your MAJOR FUCK UP.
Good story but i wish you had posted the conversation between the ex-wife and Hogan that she wanted at the divorce. Besides the normal platitudes, i was wondering what other conversation she might include that might justify her actions besides greed of wanting her cake and eating it, too. Kudos for an enjoyable read.
She was cheating on him before he caught her and most certainly would have cheated again, once their kid or kids were in school and she had maneuvering room to share her pussy with other men and re-live the excitement of having strange cocks. She's a cheating slut and does NOT (now or ever) "Love" or have any respect for her husband/ex-husband.
The author left us in limbo. He's officially fucking the 'new hire'? That's it??
Still... good story... gave it 5 stars.... even with the name fuck up, early in his story. (calling Paul ... Don)
we didn't have to wait two years between stories but I'm very glad you're back. Enjoyed it thoroughly. And the previous anonymous commenter is wrong; the accidental wrong name of the bad guy is NOT a major fuck-up. A major fuck-up is driving your car through the front door of Union Station. But it sounds like this person, probably rubbing their hands with glee, couldn't wait to get to the comments and post, showing how clever and eagle-eyed he is. Simply sending an email in private pointing out the mistake would have been the polite thing to do but I'm sure that's a concept that person isn't familiar with.
An easy decision. 5-Stars. I will be back to read it again and again.
Very well written story (except for the name mixup's). I'm looking forward to more stories.
A well written and enjoyable story. I give it top marks although I have a couple of critiques: the whole thing was about Kelly's infidelity but there were no descriptions of any sex, a good read but this is a porn site after all.
I also thought everything was a little too pat. From the convenient way he found out about her affair, through Barbera's help and the video's and pictures, to the slapdash attempt to hide Paul's crooked dealings.
Thirdly, in my opinion Kelly was the guiltiest party, and apart from a divorce that she wasn't expecting she got away scot free.
To my mind revenge would have been sweeter had Paul been clean with his finances, and a good accountant doctored his accounts to implicate him, while siphoning a fair amount of cash away for himself, and in the process linking his cheating wife to the crime, therefore putting the two of them away for a few years while enjoying himself in some tropical paradise with Barbara.
Just my thoughts, but it's not my story and I thank the author for what he's done. I'm off to read a few more of your stories.
The first three paragraphs tell the whole story. Why post in the Loving Wife section, for such limp dick stories?
Really it looks to me to be just an erotic site. Porn is part of it, however porn is not reqiured to be a part of loving wife stories. If you're looking for just porn, use the search feature. And irrespective of the comment below, this is not the wrong place for the story.
This was a great, even a fantastic story Rogue9_815. Both your stories have shown you to be one of the top authors here. A few more stories of the caliber of these two and you've cemented your standing as darned fine author and someone worth reading.
Was getting pissed when Hogan 1st heard Kelly and Olivia talking about the cheating and he didn't burst in to catch her. BUT,he was a smart cuck and with the bad guy's daughter's help got his revenge on both of them in spades. PLUS,he ended up having sex with the sexy redhead regularly.
Patience,and evidence,were indeed virtues!
A BIG 5+ for this story!
Very well written - five stars.
One very small point - Barbara's mother was a Catholic so she would have called her home town Derry. Only Protestants would call it Londonderry.
A Senior FBI official, given evidence of wrong doing, bringing down a politically connected crooked politician on the even of her...I mean HIS election.
No...not credible at all.
But on the advice of his defense attorney he was changing his last name to Clinton.