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Hall Pass


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After Karen put that joke out there, all of the women in my wife's little group of friends tried to follow suit, adding to Karen's joke by coming up with stupid little rhymes telling about wild sexual experiences they may or may not have had.

They were all joking of course, and they always laughed at the absurdity of it all. Everyone but my wife that is. Somehow she just never could quite get in on that joke. In fact she has always lamented about not doing anything even remotely wild before we met. Aside from one drunken error in judgement at a college party that she barely remembers, I have been her one and only.

As I lay there, I suspected that tonight's little episode was all about that. Julie must have been trying to make up for lost time by doing something she considered kinky and wild. She might possibly have even been trying to regain a bit of her youth by finally giving a blowjob, long past the age where most women have done it.

I was so happy right then. Even if she decided to never do it again, I was ever so grateful knowing that her first and only real blowjob was given to none other than me.

I was thoroughly enjoying my thoughts of the possibility of her blowing me again, when another distant memory crept into my mind. This memory wasn't as happy as the first one. This was a memory of a wine induced conversation my wife and I had a couple of weeks after that bachelorette party with the strippers.

We had just started into a second bottle that night, and her inhibitions were way down. I was trying like hell to get something more out of her than her usual dead fish sex that night, but all she wanted to do was talk about the strippers from the bachelorette party.

She told me that during the party all of the girls got pretty handsy with strippers, including her. Then she added that the hottest of the strippers was a complete waste of time because he was obviously gay. I joked that Murphy's Law would somehow ensure that his name would be the one that made it onto her hall pass... Then I had to explain to her what the hell a hall pass was.

She struggled mightily with the whole concept of the hall pass. How could it be possible that she could fuck someone and I couldn't get mad just because the guy's name was on a piece of paper? At first she just laughed and said that hall passes sounded stupid. Then she fixated on the part about me not being able to get mad about it, and just wouldn't let it go.

Finally she insisted that we both make out our hall passes right then and there. She even got out pen and paper to make sure it was official. Somehow she completely missed the fact that the whole hall pass thing just lets you talk about who you think is sexy without your spouse holding it against you. I explained over and over that it doesn't really let you fuck someone. Nevertheless she insisted that I go first and write a name on my pass.

I finally gave in and put down the name of some Hollywood starlet. I actually don't even remember whose name I wrote. It wasn't important. It wasn't like I was ever going to meet this woman, let alone have the chance to fuck her, which I always thought was the whole point of a hall pass.

After I finally gave in and named someone for my hall pass, she immediately put that male stripper on hers. Then she went on and on about how stupid I was to put someone on my list I'd never met, while she knew exactly where her choice could be found each and every Friday night. Then she went back into talking about how sexy this gay stripper was again.

The wine that night had broken the checking mechanism between her brain and her mouth, and she wouldn't stop telling me how dreamy this stripper was, or how badly she wanted to call the girls and set up another night out down at the male review. Of course she was still completely missing the whole point of the hall pass. At that point things were getting completely out of hand, and I had to do something about it.

For my own sake I had to stop this hall pass thing before it started a fight. So I told her that if she would suck my cock, and let me come in her mouth, not just a little, but all the way... then she could go out and find her hall pass man and do whatever she wanted with him. I knew that would put an abrupt stop to everything. I knew there was no way in hell she was ever going to let me come in her mouth.

At that point my memories abruptly stopped and my mind was harshly snapped back to reality. My post orgasm bliss instantly vanished, and I felt my eyes widen with a wickedly foreboding sense of realization...

Wait just a minute. She just sucked me off. She just let me... no scratch that. She just made me come in her mouth... not just a little, but all the way... without stopping.

No fucking way. I just couldn't believe it. She didn't just... I mean she would never... She didn't just come home with another man's cum... She didn't just get off by making me eat some guy's...

Fuck! I just couldn't make myself finish that thought. It just couldn't be true.

Well, I didn't sleep a wink that night. I didn't know that my wife had wronged me, but I didn't know she hadn't either. I have no idea what cum tastes like, but every time I thought about her making me eat that exceptionally wet pussy, I wanted to heave.

I was in an out of bed all night while my wife blissfully slept away. I wanted to find her panties to see if I could detect any cum in them, but they weren't in the hallway where I thought they should be. I knew which pair she had worn. I saw her put them on. I just kept getting up and looking, but I couldn't find them anywhere.

At that point all my mind could focus on was the vision of my wife reaching her hands up under her dress and lifting her ass off the chair to slide her panties off. Then giving them to some big dicked stripper, overtly showing him her wanton desire, and offering herself unconditionally to him. Then when I could finally wipe that vision out of my head, all I could think about was my wife making me eat her cunt while it was full of that same guy's cum.

Over the next couple of days I brushed my teeth so many times my gums ached, and I pretty much drank every bottle of mouthwash we had. Even with the sessions with my toothbrush and the bottles of mouthwash, I couldn't get what my wife had done out of my mind.

I was pissed, and I was jealous, yet at the same time I was kind of turned on. I understood why I was pissed and jealous. What I didn't quite understand was why I was getting turned on over all of this. It didn't happen when I thought about her cheating on me, and it especially didn't happen when I thought about what might have been in her pussy that night.

It was the blowjob. That was it. That god damn blowjob was really turning me on. Every time I thought about my wife getting all horny and sucking me off I got really turned on.

Then I started to wonder if she sucked that other guy off too. After that I imagined she had been out sucking off random guys on those Cirque Risqué adventure nights all along. I just couldn't wrap my head around my wife actually tasting another man's cum.

How could I think anything else? The blowjob she gave me after I ate her pussy was awfully good, and that just added fuel to the fire making me wonder just how many men had my wife had been sucking off behind my back. Did she indeed go black as they say? Did her fling that night have a big cock? And even more important, did she like his cock more than mine?

My thoughts were going wild, even though I really had no idea that my wife had actually done anything wrong. I tried to put it all out of my mind. I worked hard to convince myself that it was all in my head. I assured myself over and over that my wife didn't actually cheat on me and make me eat it, but I couldn't quite block it all out.

Then late that next week I was talking to my neighbor and she mentioned she saw my wife getting home from the bar that night. She asked me if I knew the man who had dropped her off at our house. I told her she was mistaken, and that it must have been Leandra who wears her hair really short now. My neighbor just looked at me and shrugged. I saw the look on her face. She knew damn well it wasn't some short haired woman that drove my wife home that night.

That report of Julie getting out of some strange man's car that night pretty much sealed it for me. Now I was going absolutely crazy. Everything I knew... All the evidence I had... Pointed to one, and only one thing. My wife had used her hall pass to fuck another man, then came home and made me eat their sex.

Fuck! I just wanted to kill her, but that would never fly in this society. I had to do this the right way. I had to do the right thing here, and the right thing was to first confront her about what she had done.

So early Saturday morning I steeled myself, fully ready to end my marriage right then and there. I sat with my wife at the breakfast table and asked her point blank if she had used her hall pass during the girls' last Cirque Risqué.

I was so sure she wouldn't be able to look me in the eyes. I thought I'd hear her to stammer and pause. I was ready to look for the obvious signs that she was working up a whopper of a lie. I fully expected to see her fidget like mad and nearly yank her god damn ears off her head. Instead she calmly looked me right in the eyes and got this strangely inquisitive look on her face.

It turns out my wife barely remembered the night we talked about the hall pass thing, and she remembered absolutely nothing of my offer to actually allow her to use hers if she would suck me off. And everything my wife was telling me was the absolute truth. I had to be. She was as cool and calm as a cucumber, and her hands didn't get anywhere near her ears.

She went on to tell me what actually happened during that last night out with the girls. It seems her girlfriends found out she had never sucked a guy all the way off before. Of course they couldn't help but tease her about it, and apparently her squeamish reaction when they did was nothing less than priceless.

Teasing my wife about giving blowjobs quickly became the game of the night, and her girlfriends pretty much played that game the entire evening. They all took turns, each giving my wife explicit instructions on the best way to make a guy come in her mouth. Along with that they all took turns telling about every man they had ever sucked off, carefully describing the size, texture and taste of each guy's load. Then they would all laugh hysterically at the sour look on my wife's face.

As the evening went on a strange thing happened. As my wife got a few more glasses of wine under her belt, she couldn't stop thinking about letting me cum in her mouth, and the more she thought about it the hornier she became. Eventually she got so worked up that her panties were soaking wet, and she went to the ladies room to take them off because they were getting uncomfortably sticky.

After that all she could think of was getting get home as fast as she could. She really wanted to suck me off before she could chicken out. So she left the girls at the bar and called for an Uber ride.

By the time she got home she was so horny she practically ran out of that Uber car. That's when she realized she had left her soaking wet panties on the back seat. She turned to retrieve them, but the driver was already pulling away.

Then as she came up the stairs she thought if the idea of letting me cum in her mouth was turning her on this much, maybe I'd be just as turned on about tasting the hot creamy wetness that had been cooking up inside her cunt all evening.

So she stopped right there in the hallway, peeled off her shoes, hiked up her dress, and was ready to pounce. She didn't want to waste another second in making me satisfy that throbbing ache of desire that had been building up between her legs all evening. And the rest, as they say, is history.

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IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy5920 days ago

Contrived drivel.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Exaggerated load of B/S, get with reality a true husband would not put up with her crap, yep just a story but try to get near reality I hope the rest of your stories are better than this bit of rubbish

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Maybe it happened like that. Maybe. But more than likely she was out getting strange cock. Mind you it is LW so the stories have a clear bias in that direction.

usaretusaret3 months ago

She’s lying, and he’s a cuke.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

And you believed her bullcrap.lmfao

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorld8 months ago

The wife cheated that last girls night out.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

That creamy pussy had cum in it is my bet.

Maybe someone gave her a date rape drug;

enough she don't remember getting cream-pied or the writer

expects us to swallow this load.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

About as little as I think of every story that has no end, whether the author thinks it's cute, lacks the imagination to end the story one way or another, or is just an appendage travels through the world dangling above a wrinkled sac. Rated a solid one for incompleteness - lack of an ending.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

The husbands and wives who can trust each other are the same ones who never go to strip clubs, male reviews or pick up clubs. In other words, people who want to stay married don't flirt with dangers to the stability of their relationship. It's not rocket science, just common sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Don't believe her she left him a creamie to ear from some stripper that Fuchs a hundred women a year she put his life in danger from aSTD let along herself. Those that play pay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A well written story that says nothing & goes nowhere. Husband believes his wife might've cheated on him but has no real proof. And that's this damned story! 2 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Cucks are so stupid they’ll believe anything.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyover 1 year ago

Something isn’t right…. We’ll written. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You think this guy has any interest in buying a bridge? I can get him a good deal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What is wrong with you? How many times aday do you think about suckink cocks/ You are so gay at heart that you ought to put yor "stories" in that area.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fucking garbage, but then I never did give a shit about these type of stories. But the comments, got to love them, especially from the whiners, you know the idiots that complain about readers that prefer some consequences. Idiots roam this category daily. They're fucking hilarious. This was a disgusting piece of shit story and some idiots actually called it great? lol Like I said, hilarious.

dark2donut2dark2donut2about 3 years ago

I went through two stories of this author and now I think no more. This is totally worthless, nothing in it but suspicious mind.

So many authors on LW are totally worthless, either endless moralizations, or banalities of sex descriptions always the same way, or plotless stories wasting time of the reader.

This is just another example.

nixroxnixroxover 3 years ago

1 from me and no comment. I don't think I'll waste any more time reading your stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Ez egy igazán hülye férj...

Mint az előttem szóló is megírta,ez a történet nagyon sok sebből vérzik!Ez egy igazán cuckold férj,aki megérdemli a csaló szukát!Hülye egy történet,rosszul megírva...!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Judging by these comments, you BTB guys are a lot more insecure than the cuck fetishists. All of you have trust issues, and it's bleeding into your commentary, if you read the story the MC would know if she was lying-and she wasn't!

Admit it: You WANT the woman to be a cheating bitch. You get off on the idea, because you HATE being married but you got no way out without ruining your own life, so instead you hide in these power fantasies of humiliating her for some unforgivable action, then immediately starting the life of your dreams with whatever woman suits you... And anytime your story doesn't offer that, you blast it in the comments! Keep that cynical shit to yourself you pissy motherfuckers, I scroll down here for technical critiques and reviews not Monday-morning quarterbacking from bitter old jerks who can't write a decent love letter.

Speaking of technical critiques and reviews, you did the heels/heals thing and it always pisses me off. Other than that, it could have used more flavorful writing and a few lines from the wife directly, but those are nitpicks. Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Yeah,Right! 🙄

I call “bullshit”! Gets home at 2 am having lost her panties with an extra juicy ,swampy twat and a Neighbor saw her getting out of a guy’s car (she’d have noticed if it was a cab). Seems to me she she let some guy play “Hide the Salami” after listening to all her friends’ Wild stories. She probably got nailed by a black guy with a big,12 inch swinging echoing! She’d probably been perfecting her blow-job skills at the previous visits to see the strippers and practiced swallowing a number of poles.

Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaabout 4 years ago
Lying slut? Yep.

One way to find out is to ask her friends. If they were REAL friends, they would answer the questions he should ask and explain his predicament (that he doesn't think that Julie is being faithful and is having an affair). Did they really talk about blow jobs, and did Julie go home alone or with someone else? I feel she collected on her hall pass with that male stripper and had a wild night of sex. He got a cream pie from Julie's lover. He is a fool to believe her. Next time the girls have their Cirque Risque, I would have her watched by a PI. Then the truth might come out that she is a cheating wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This one makes me wonder

I know that every woman I've been intimate with has been able to pull the wool over my eyes without even trying, that goes for both of my ex wives and the final love of my life, who I'm enjoying retirement with.

So I guess the question in this story is: Is his wife able to lie to him convincingly and are the 'tells' that she has given in the past just an elaborate ruse to convince him that she can't lie. If that's true, then how many times has she lied to him. My first wife, were she smart enough to do it, would have been able to pull this off. She was certainly devious enough, but just didn't have the intelligence to keep her story straight over time.

Or, is he right, and she can't lie to him. What she told him is the truth, and all is well with their marriage. The character in this story certainly believes that - and so do I.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

This fits with your usual strange stories, but I didn't hate it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

The answer to whether she cheated becomes clear 9 months later when not so little Tyrone is born,blacker than the ace of spades. (Must have been a chocolate cream pie that hubby gobbled down that night,before the infamous blow job.)

HikingThruHikingThrualmost 6 years ago
which is it?

Is he stupid, or is she a slut?

bruce22bruce22over 6 years ago
Great sex description

But like the husband it seems clear to me that she has been practising. I do not like cuck stories.

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