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His Perfect Girl


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She could do this, Mark realized, because this wasn't a game to her. She wasn't playing at being his pet or his slave. She accepted that he was superior to her and treated him accordingly. It was as natural to her as breathing. She wasn't proud in her subservience, making it a gift he had to acknowledge. She was simply there, fulfilling her function, just like any other form of entertainment.

"Would you like my cock in your throat again, kitten?" Mark asked as he pulled her nipple as far out from her body as he could.

Allie's teeth were clenched against the pain. "Yes, Mark, I'd love that."

Mark released her nipple and watched it snap back, jiggling delightfully as she hissed in pain. He grabbed the other nipple and slowly started stretching it.

"I can't decide whether to fuck your cunt or your throat next. I could fuck your ass, I suppose, but I don't want to kill you." Mark laughed, watching the girl's tit stretch, noting how her eyes widened in fear. "I should be stretching your ass instead of your tits to get you ready for me, but I'm feeling lazy." Mark let go, smiling as her tit bounced.

Suddenly he stood up. He grabbed a handful of her hair and started walking toward the stairs, Allie scrambling on her hands and knees to keep from being dragged. He pulled her up the stairs and into his bedroom.

He let go of her to undress, and she quickly locked her hands behind her back and opened her legs. Mark patted her head in approval. When he was naked he pointed at the tall bed in the center of the room. "Up girl!"

She scrambled onto the bed. Before she could resume her pose he said, "On your back, hang your head off the side." She did as instructed and he shifted her a bit, trying to get the perfect angle. He slapped her face. "Open."

She opened wide and he fed his cock into her mouth. He grabbed a tit in each hand and leaned his weight onto her chest as he thrust into her throat.

She kicked out with both legs and fisted her hands into his bed cover. Then he was fucking her again. Not as brutally as he'd fucked her cunt, but he certainly showed no mercy. His massive cock rammed in and out of her throat as his hands dug tunnels into her tits.

After a couple of minutes, he pulled back, up into her mouth to let her breath. He only gave her a few seconds and he was pushing back into her throat. This went on and on, Mark allowing her only seconds of gasping breaths every few minutes. This was his third fuck of the night, and it was going to last as long as he wanted.

At some point, through Mark's haze of pleasure, he saw the girl's hand moving between her legs. Mark was furious. He pulled her hand away and slapped her cunt hard.

"Bad girl!" he grunted, thrusting harder. "Selfish kitten!" He continued to slap her pussy as he pounded her throat. "This," slap "is not" slap "about YOU" SLAP! And then Mark was cumming deep in her throat, grunting loudly.

He finished quickly and rolled the girl off his bed. She landed with a soft cry, then gave a louder cry as he kicked her in the ribs. Of course being barefoot, it also hurt him. He picked his belt up off the floor and used it instead.

Mark rained blows down on the girl's body. She didn't try to get away, in fact she managed to get onto her knees and lace her hands over her head, giving the belt clearer access to her tender flesh. She was sobbing hysterically though. Screaming "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," as the belt bit into her over and over.

But Mark's was a fury fueled by bitter disappointment. He had thought she was prefect. She was supposed to be perfect. His cries of "Selfish, selfish, selfish," echoed with her "sorry"s and the loud cracks of the belt.

Mark stopped when his arm grew too tired to swing. He stood over the weeping girl, panting for breath. She was bleeding in a dozen places, though none badly. Her screams had faded to hoarse whispers now. "I take it back, I take it back," was her new mantra.

Mark felt like weeping himself. "I had my cock inside you, and it wasn't enough for you. Do you have any idea how that made me feel? You can't take back something like that. I was fucking you, and you were thinking of yourself. How can you ask me to forgive something like that?"

Mark sat on the edge of the bed, with his face in his hands. Neither spoke for a long time.

"I've never touched myself like that before." Allie finally said. Her voice was rough, and talking was obviously painful after the screaming and the fucking.

"I didn't even mean to do it." She said, so quietly Mark had to strain to understand her. "I barely realized what I was doing until you pulled my hand away. I didn't know it was a bad thing. Whatever happens now, I swear I'll never do that again. And I don't expect you to forgive me, Sir. I never expected someone like you to notice me at all. But you're wrong about one thing."

Mark glared at the girl.

"When you had your cock in my throat, I wasn't thinking about myself. You had your cock down my throat, Mark. I wasn't thinking at all." She took a shuddering breath.

"You can't know how overwhelming that is for someone like me... to have someone like you... There are no thoughts. There's only sensation and .. and wonder. I'm so sorry for whatever flaw in me made me do what I did. But don't think for a second that your cock wasn't enough for me. You're the most amazing person I've ever known. I'm sorry I couldn't be perfect for you."

Mark frowned thoughtfully. "Maybe you're right. Maybe it was just instinct... a wicked, selfish instinct. I shouldn't have expected more from someone like you. I told you I'd be your teacher, so its hardly fair to throw you out after one failing. I'll think about giving you another chance."

"Thank you, Mark." Allie said, gratefully.

"You still disappointed me, pet. I'm not ready to be over it, just yet. Go sleep in the downstairs bathroom tonight. We'll see how I feel about you in the morning. Go on now, I want to be alone." As she obediently crawled away, Mark slid under the covers of the big bed, wondering whether or not the girl was worth his effort.

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Serotonin99Serotonin997 months ago

The main character walks a fine line between alpha and edgelord manbaby, and at the end he unfortunately falls into the latter category.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

okay so it became a s&m petplay (still not bdsm) from a noncon initially

the story building,the execution,the honesty and details of both characters mind and feeling each sec ,character building was brilliant

but as much nice and adjusting allie was considering her first time

mark was clearly a big disappointment since he is way too impatient and wants a perfect pet just within hours of meeting her which is impossible for any sub hey they too are humans with their own capacity and threshold

mark doesnt understand the clear line btw abuse and sadism

laughing about someones child sexual abuse is never funny

laughing abt her being infertile due to her abuse isnt funny i know its either enticing or disgusting for a man to find a young woman barren for the rest of life but for the woman its something beyond her control something she will never cherish no matter the perks which comes along with it

what was most upsetting that he took her on the date on a false pretence of helping her with understanding men he never told her about the real deal that he wants her as his pain slut

he told her about his terms and condition after brutal facefuck rape yeah definitely noncon

and that too just after when he came to know that she was raped and injured as a child

he says his pleasure only matters isnt he selfish

calling women and her selfish when he is the only one who is selfish he seems to be hypocrit when it comes to selfishness as if it is right when only men are allowed to be selfish

he seems to destroy her body just on the first n8 .good master never break their toy

he says he believe in giving and taking pleasure but i never saw him giving her pleasure even the pussy fuck was super painful considering how small she was how long she has she been fucked since the last time poor girl never even masturbated before no finger no toy technically still a pure virgin

he says he isnt a rapist but back thein the car he practically did raped and chocked her throat when she has no idea what was expected of her she is barely legal(18) might have not even about psin and pleasure ans s&m dimension .i came to know about this dimension only after 50 shades of gray came to the world

all i saw was mark being classic wifebeater abusive husband with zero mercy as she is very docile and delicate how has be been able to hurt such a delicate little naive innocent woman is beyond my thinking and imagination

he definitely isnt a sadist but pure bully and abusive who gets off on hurting petite shy and innocent woman whom majority of men try to protect with their life

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Still, if the worst tragedy of your life means something nice for me, don't expect me to get all weepy about it."

making fun of her being raped underaged by some pedo i think he is an abusive man not a sadist dom

vivaciousslavevivaciousslavealmost 10 years ago
Moooore please

This was beautifully written and it would be awesome if you could write more......pleeeease

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
This made me wet

Thinking about that 1960 tbird. Imagining rubbing my naked self all over the smooth metal. Sitting on the warm hood as the engine rumbled.

Then I cried.

Imagining that beautiful machine wrapped around a concrete pillar, crumpled and leaking steam. Made beautiful in its loss by the glistening red ornamentation of its owner.

sinfuldeedssinfuldeedsalmost 10 years ago
Loved it!

It's a bit strong for Literotica. Fortunately not only am I a kinky bitch I also understand the difference between fantasy and relity. Awesome, hot story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A Treat...

This story is a bit more brutal but I enjoyed every bit. The sentences that people dont like are necessary for the character he makes his character stick to you if you like it or not. The way he uses her is hot. People if you dont find this story enjoyable then just go to the next. I think the writer knows how to use his plot to make it stand out to the reader and wants everything to fall in place to show his great character persona. The story is amazing hope to read more please... :-)

LittleMinxxLittleMinxxabout 11 years ago

Despite some of the other reviews saying that this story was sick, I thought it was wonderful. Keep writing, I love your work.

BunnylilyBunnylilyover 11 years ago

All this biting lip thing always makes me remember of Fifty Shades Of Grey, I just can't help it... So...

The writing is marvelous, it really is. I love your writing style a lot!

It's perfect, very fluid, amazing amount of dialogue and descriptions, just really amazing.

But, the story disturbed me quite a bit. I still don't know what to think but I'm captivated by your writing and couldn't stop. Damn it!

What disturbed me the most is the fact he is such a bastard and he is so selfish! He says he hates selfish women but he is probably the most selfish man on earth! He has some serious fucked up issues. That's what disturbs me the most.

And the comment he did when she said she was raped. For God's sake, I guess this was the most horrible sentence I've ever read in a story. I know is a story but is still a fucked up sentence!

But again, the writing is spectacular.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

This is really horrible... you should never joke about rape and to be honest the stories we write usually come from within. get some help

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
what were you thinking

i know that this is just a story but i work with rape victims and to have him laugh and then say to her you look like you have been mouth raped and that he is glad she cant have kids because he does not want them that is undescribable. you have some serious issues you need to work because some stories do come from what you would like to do. you should never write or joke about rape period there is no reason for it. then telling her she is nothing but a animal is just as bad i liked the writing but the story line disturbs me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I loved it so much that I came back the next day and read it again.

Rud1GirlRud1Girlover 11 years ago

If it doesn't work for you, that doesn't mean it doesn't work for others.

Both characters are feeding of each others energy and are complimentary in their desires. I find personally the barrier of shyness, the hardest to overcome and my Truly Satisfying Sexual Relationships (capitals intended), have always been ordered/taken/presented to me.

So yes this definitely floated my boat.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Does not make sense?

I know this is fantasy, but in reality things don't make sense. If she is a pet I don't know people who beat their dogs or cats. Second, to always keep hitting someone and causing blood will in the end leave, then hospital bills, police will be called in etc..and what if when he threw her off the bed she hit her head and died then what? In the end this girl would end up dead or irreverecabilly have mager damage...even being paralized. So why damage your "property"? And that's why a relationship with a sadist or "wife beater" only leads to death. Plus, how can you play with your toy when it's broken?

LynLeoLynLeoover 11 years ago

I'm giving it five stars because it's very well written. I'm still not sure if I like the story yet, or not. He's obviously a bastard, but at least he knows what he is and is comfortable with himself. And she seems to be a good match for him, even though I'd like to sit her down for a good talking to.

I would be interested in seeing more of this.

MasterAizenMasterAizenalmost 12 years ago
loved it

I loved this story. very creative, very erotic! i hope you make this into a series, i would love to read more of your work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Very disturbing!

This author may have gotten an "A" in creative writing, but should probably spend more time in abnormal psychology. I am sorry I read this article and would encourage the author to seek professional help to deal with his anger and rage issues.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Ohhhh my....

Loved. Some of the best I've read in quite awhile (not counting revisiting old favourites)....Definitely passing this around. I love Mark's character and Allie is intriguing as well. I definitely want to see more of these two. Thank you Sir!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Really, really liked this

I think this has potential to be an a azing series. The characters have dimension to them, would love to see it develop. Please sir, may I have some more?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
loved it, want a series

Okay, perhaps it's not exactly BDSM. But it's very well written and a massive turn on and I regularly check to see if there are more chapters but there aren't :(. Oh, and for all those who said she didn't consent, I think she has, just not verbally because she doesn't understand that it's optional.

Pleeease write more along this line!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Struggling to become BDSM

I agree with the first 2 commenters. The story is well written. However, the plot is not well thought out. The sadist and the victim both need some serious professional help. What he is doing is not consentual. He started under the guise he was going to help her. All he has done is pleasured himself while beating and bruising, and possibly damaging her. Not my favorite story line.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

BDSM is consensual. This is misogyny and unadulterated sadism. Evil.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I gave this story 3 stars, a totally unsatisfactory compromise between giving it 5 and 1, both of which I was tempted to do.

The writing is gorgeous and the craftsmanship sure and elegant. But I truly detest both of the characters, and yet I couldn't pull myself away from them.

The major difficulty this story presents for me is this. The vanilla world, by and large, thinks BDSM is entirely populated by individuals who are hugely psychologically damaged, if not disabled, meaning on the M Dom/f sub end of the spectrum thugs who hate women and want to abuse the crap out of them, and pathetic ninnies who genuinely believe they are worthless and seek to have that belief fed by finding men who will treat them like dirt. Those are exactly the characters you've given us here; it's Ozzie and Harriet's ultimate BDSM stereotypes writ large. Yet most of the people in the scene are nothing like that, and their motivations are nothing like these. It's far more common to be perfectly healthy and well-adjusted.

Also, a very important component of the BDSM dynamic is power exchange. But for power exchange to happen in any meaningful way, the one who gives power must believe that he/she had some to begin with and is explicitly choosing to cede that to another; this is explicitly not present here.

A fascinating, masterfully drawn, and very disturbing creation. I will be curious to see what else you produce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I disagree with some of the comments written here about the story. Just because she doesn't enjoy the physical pain doesn't mean she's not an emotional masochist. There are so many forms of bdsm and i do think this fits. She was a perfectly willing submissive and though mark might have been somewhat cruel she still wanted to please him. So maybe she was getting what she needed

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
No, sorry

I have to side with the first two comments. He does not want a sub, he does not find a sub. Allie is NOT a masochist, Mark is happy to note, she is a VICTIM. (Masochists enjoy and crave the pain they receive, and will act out in order to be punished and get relief.)

Mark may be sadist, but with no 'M' to his 'S', he's just another sociopathc abuser criminal.

Still, EXCELLENT skill on the part of the author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
RE: "not BDSM" + "unusual story"

"au contraire": BDSM =

[1] "An overlapping abbrevation of Bondage and Discipline (BD), Dominance and Submission (DS), Sadism and Masochism (SM)." (Urban Dictionary: BDSM)

[2] "Bondage, Domination, Sadism and Masochism" + "Bondage & Discipline / Domination & Submission / Sadism & Masochism" (acronymfinder)

[3] "BDSM is "Bondage and Discipline, Sadism and Masochism"" (internetslang)

[4] "Aspects

B&D, B/D, or BD Bondage and Discipline

D&s, D/s, or Ds Dominance and submission

S&M, S/M, or SM Sadism and masochism" (wikipedia)

Conclusion: if someone is a sadist to someone else's masochism, it's SM, which makes it BDSM.

5 stars on the story, BTW [for previous two posters, that means "by the way"]

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
unusual story--but very well written, especially as to character

I favorited this story, then unfavorited it, since when I'd read it all more carefully, it didn't strike me as that arousing. The man seems sick as hell (his demarcation as a sadist, if not a sociopath, is, in my opinion, literally rather than just metaphorically fitting, which isn't my "cup of tea"), and it's implausible that Allie could return to such a dorm with such a roommate (who would be wanting to hear "all about your big date"), looking like she'd nearly been killed without serious repercussions, practical, legal, or both.

Having said that, the writer is very skilled and captures the essence of these two characters very well. I look forward to seeing what she writes in the future, and it's not as if the sub-title, had I taken it literally, didn't tell me exactly what to expect, though the previous commenter is right to say this isn't, strictly speaking, an example of BDSM, as its chosen category suggests. Mark explains in the story why that approach to sex doesn't work for him, which is not irrelevant here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

ummm, not BDSM.

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