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Home From Summer Camp Ch. 01


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"God, even your dick has a nice golden bronze tan," she teased him. He blushed a bit, and admitted to her that he and the guys were naked an awful lot at camp. She embraced his exhibitionism, instead of trying to discourage it.

"Well what are you waiting for slow poke?" she said. "Come on in, the water is fabulous."

Wanting to show off, Kenny jumped right in, and the water felt so refreshing as he went completely under and then swam back up to the surface.

He playfully splashed Lisa.

"Watch it, buster," she jokingly warned him. She ran her hands through her drenched, dark hair. She looked even hotter soaking wet.

Kenny suddenly realized though that Lisa had yet to get out of her bathing suit, and after a few minutes of casual chit-chat, he had to say something.

"Aren't you, uh...skinny dipping too?" he asked.

She looked at him like he had crabs crawling out of his ears.

"Uh, no," she said, surprised he even asked such a thing. "I don't think so," she said, laughing.

He was left in a stupor.

"You're the one that's skinny dipping dingbat," she told Kenny, now splashing him playfully. "I'm wearing my suit. Craig got me this suit - isn't it nice?"

Kenny couldn't even answer her. He just stood there in shock, confused.

" said it was popular when you were growing up?" he said. "I thought you said you skinny dipped all the time?"

"Kenny!?" she said. "Yeah, for the guys, skinny dipping was fun. For us girls, it was kind of a...spectator sport." Lisa then let out a long, satisfying laugh, much to Kenny's chagrin.

She gently rubbed his shoulder to soothe him.

"Come on, buddy boy, we can still have fun," she told him. "Come on, let's swim."

As disappointed as he was that he wasn't going to see Lisa naked - maybe ever, he did dearly love the wicked passion for CFNM that this woman had, and she was starting to have quite a hold over young Kenny.

"How's the water feel? How's your dick feel?" she asked him openly with a sexy grin.

"It feels really good," he had to admit as he swam around. "This like...feels totally natural."

"Well that's what it's all about young Kenneth," she told him. The two of them swam around the pool without a care in the world.

They raced each other at one point, and Lisa, a former high school and college swimmer, beat her step son with ease, and she had fun rubbing it in.

"In your face, buddy boy," she taunted him.

Kenny loved doing the backstroke every now and then, as this way his large penis was exposed to Lisa, and she had no problem taking long, enjoyable glances at it.

"I just love seeing you naked," she had to tell him. "You have such a beautiful, young body..."

Kenny swam over to her, and grabbed her waist to tickle her. Lisa laughed, but then wanted to get even, and was able to overpower the boy and began wrestling around with him in the water.

"Don't fuck with mommy," she teased him, jumping on his back. "I will mop the floor with you, kiddo."

Kenny was loving this, and so was his penis. He could feel he had a huge erection underneath the water. As he and his step mom were frolicking away, he felt his huge boner brush against Lisa's thigh.

"Oh God, was that your dick?" she asked with a high-pitched shriek. He could only nod up and down.

"It's okay, babe," she told him. "No harm, no foul."

She then quickly jumped all over him again, and his erection touched her body repeatedly, without any complaints from her. The sensation of it rubbing against her soft skin was almost too much for him and thankfully, the phone began to ring again inside.

"Ugh, I better get that this time," Lisa told him. "Just in case it's an emergency."

His step mom walked over to the steps, and as she got out of the water, her big, sexy ass was now in view, and Kenny could see the outline of each gorgeous cheek. Lisa then pulled the black bathing suit away from her butt a bit, so it would not be so clingy.

Lisa was gone a good 10 minutes, but Kenny's erection seemed to gain power rather than subside. She came waltzing back out, another iced tea in hand, and walked over to the edge of the pool.

"Sorry, Kenny," she said. "That was Mrs. Glendale. She needs someone to cut her grass next week so I told her you would be over."

Lisa often gave Kenny errands to do without asking his permission first, and it was a sign of her authority over him. He had no problem with it, especially with how she was behaving today.

Lisa sat down on the edge of the pool, and let her legs dangle in the water.

He asked if she was coming back into the water, but she told him she was done swimming for the day. She did, however, add that she loved watching him swim.

"Did you start lifting weights, Kenny?" she asked, noticing how he was starting to get a bit more muscular these days.

"Yeah, I thought I would give it a try," he said. "They had a weight room at the camp..."

"Well good for you," she said. "You're getting so...big."

Now he even tried to flex his muscles for her every now and then, and he just didn't want this day to end.

"Ready for school in the fall?" she asked him.

"Yuck, don't remind me," he told her. She smiled.

"Oh come on, college will be fun," she told him. "And then you can go back to band camp next summer. You'll be a councilor, won't that be fun!"

Kenny's memories of band camp suddenly came flashing back to him, especially his escapades with Chrissy, but then he put his focus back on Lisa.

He now summoned up enough gumption to admit one of his deepest fantasies.

"I think I want to be a male stripper," he told her.

She took a sip of her drink, and a smile came over her gorgeous face.

"Really?" she asked, interested instead of offended. "Well you definitely have a lot of potential."

She shared a laugh with Kenny, but then went back to encouraging him.

"I figured I might be able to make some good money off it - you know, to help with school," he explained.

"If it's something you want to do, sweetie, go for it," she said. "Only just like anything's a lot of hard work."

He started swimming around for a minute so he could give her his full attention.

"I mean...," she began, then leaned over and spoke a little bit quieter to her stepson. "Those guys really have to work at it - dancing, doing routines...keeping their bodies in peak physical condition..."

"I know, I know," he told her.

"Plus you'll have to get used to a lot of drunk women grabbing you all over the place," she said. It was as if Lisa spoke from experience, like she had attended her fair share of male strip shows. She seemed to have a great idea of what went on at such events.

"But I would definitely say go for it," she told him. "In fact...if you're really serious about it, I can contact a friend I have that's uh, in the business. He could talk to you about it."

Kenny didn't expect this to develop so quickly.

"Yeah, sure," he said. "Give him a do you know him?"

"Oh I've known him since college," Lisa told Kenny, taking another sip of her iced tea. "He's black, (hiccup), oh excuse me, he's a really handsome black gentleman I've known for several years now. He's really built, very handsome. A really BIG guy..."

Kenny gulped.

"And as you can imagine," Lisa said. "Very well endowed."

Kenny's head was spinning. He couldn't believe he had hit such a gold mine. His step mom was just a deep oasis of CFNM material.

"Did you go to any of his shows?" Kenny asked her.

"Oh, I was a regular for quite some time," Lisa admitted with a chuckle. "Good times, good times."

Kenny could hear the phone ringing again, as did Lisa. It was a momentary interruption in the festivities.

"Oh shit," Lisa said. "That phone will not stop ringing. Kenny, it's your turn, babe."

Kenny instinctively looked around to make sure there was nobody around, and then began to exit the pool. He slowly walked up the steps, and then onto the grass towards the house.

"Hustle, Kenny, hustle," Lisa told him, clapping her hands. He then broke into a light jog, and his huge, semi erect penis flopped around without constraint.

When he got into the house, he heard the phone had stopped ringing, and he groaned in disgust. He quickly turned around, and headed back out to the pool.

It felt good to be outside again, naked. Kenny walked towards Lisa, his donkeyesque member once again the center of her focus.

"Who was it?" she asked.

"I didn't make it," he responded. "They hung up before I could pick up."

Lisa shook her head, pretending to be disappointed with him.

"It's kind of hard to run with this," he said, pointing towards his semi erect phallus sticking out before him.

"I would imagine so," she said teasingly.

Poor Kenny tried to act nonchalant about his huge, sprouting erection, commenting on the lovely blue jay that had just swooped in and landed in the tree closest to Lisa. But she didn't pay that bird any mind. She kept staring at Kenny's bird, with a big smile.

"Holy shit, Kenneth," she began. "You're really getting hard, aren't you..."

His prick kept elongating and getting thicker and thicker, as Lisa's eyes seemingly had some kind of magical affect on it. Kenny started to feel very much at peace with her standing there admiring his anatomy, but Lisa wanted them to have a bit more privacy.

"Let's get inside before someone sees that," she said, pointing down at his fat, throbbing tool. He followed her through the sliding glass doors and into the family room.

"So how'd you like skinny dipping?" she asked him happily. "It appears you survived it at least."

"It was fun," he said without hesitating. "I mean I've gone skinny dipping before...with other guys...but not with a beautiful woman like you..."

"Aw, that's so sweet, Kenneth, really," she said, walking over and then playfully smacking him on the behind. "Now go get us something to drink and I will see what's on television."

This was great, Kenny thought - she doesn't mind that I'm still naked! In fact, she seems to be prolonging my nudity, he thought to himself.

When he returned, Lisa was seated on the sofa, and Kenny very politely handed the woman her drink. As he was standing before her, his erection still stuck way out in front of him, bobbing up and down with his every motion.

Before he could sit down, Lisa asked him what he was going to major in, and he replied that he was still undecided.

"I want to keep my options open," he said, as Lisa's gaze again fell upon his massive boner. "I don't want to commit to anything - probably take a lot of electives my first year."

Lisa, interested at first, quickly seemed oblivious to what he was saying. Earlier, she would sneak glances at his penis but then be quick to look him in the eyes. By now, she didn't hide it any more - she was openly staring at his huge wang.

As Kenny was going on and on about school, Lisa interrupted him.

"Sweetie, can I ask you a personal question?" she said. He was caught off guard, but then nodded 'yes.'

"How long is your dick, have you ever measured it?" she asked.

Of course he measured it, he used to measure it all the time in fact. He was proud of it. But he didn't want to be too boastful. He shrugged 'no.'

Lisa sat there for a few seconds, but it looked like she wanted to ask Kenny something else. In fact, it looked like she might burst if she didn't.

"Would you mind if I measured it?" she asked with that delightful giggle of hers. Kenny couldn't believe her brazenness.

"No...sure, go right ahead," he said, getting ever more aroused by her interest in his massive organ.

"It's in the name of science, of course," she said with a smile. "Me being a former nurse...I just have never in the world seen one that..."

She stared at his enormous hard-on, and then reluctantly began to head out of the room.

"Where on Earth could I find a ruler?" she asked aloud. Kenny couldn't exactly think too clearly at the moment, his giant fuck stick bobbing up and down before him, throbbing every second.

"You wait here, hon, I'll go find one," she told her stepson, gently patting his behind as she left the room.

Kenny thought to himself, 'wait here? Where else am I gonna go with this?,' looking down at his own hard-on.

Lisa was gone for five, 10, now 15 minutes, but Kenny's erection did not subside. He was harder as ever as he anticipated Lisa measuring his tool.

Kenny suddenly heard her coming down the steps, and as she entered the family room, she held up a tiny, pink piece of plastic.

"This was the only ruler I could find - do you believe it?" she asked with a laugh. "You kids, I tell ya.' I know we must have a real ruler somewhere but everything gets lost in this house."

She approached Kenny, standing before him with the tiny, 6-inch ruler.

"Now this is going to be a challenge," she said, chuckling as she looked down at his long prick, and the real short measuring tool she had to work with.

Kenny was loving the moment, as all his step mom's attention was on his penis. The first time her delicate fingers touched his male organ, an overwhelming feeling of euphoria slowly enveloped his whole body.

Just to make sure he was fully erect, she gently stroked it, and now his legs began shaking a bit underneath him. He was so excited he could barely stand.

"Just want to make sure I'm not short-changing you," she said teasingly. "Wanna make sure you're at full attention..."

She continued to caress his organ, her strokes long and overemphasized. Lisa then stopped her manipulation of his cock, and she knelt down before him, her mouth just inches from his enormous penis.

"I think you're definitely at full mast," she said with a big smile as his cock twitched and throbbed right in front of her.

Kenny couldn't even answer her.

Lisa then began measuring his tool, starting the ruler at the base of it and then along the top, and then she tried starting it at the head, and along the top. She couldn't make up her mind how she wanted to go about doing this special project.

She made up her mind, and went back to starting at the base, and put the tiny pink ruler along the top part of the shaft. It almost looked like a stick of bubble gum resting on a long lead pipe.

"You do have a really big dick," she said matter of factly with that intoxicating laugh of hers.

Kenny smiled, and watched her continue measuring him.

"Okay, if I put my thumb here...," she said as she placed one of her digits where the ruler ended, and then put it down to measure the rest of the shaft.

"Oh wow! Oh my Lord in Heaven," she said, with a degree of both shock and jubilation.

"What?" he asked, looking down at her findings.

"Twelve inches!" she said. He couldn't believe it. Kenny had always found it to be a 11 and a half, but he hadn't measured it in some time, and maybe over the course of the summer, one last growth spurt perhaps, and just how aroused he was with Lisa on this special day...he had put on another half inch.

"Look!" Lisa said, as the end of the ruler rested on the edge of his massive dick head. "Sweetie!? You have a footlong!"

She said it with a sense of both awe and amusement, and then she released his prick to let it bob in the air unattended.

"My own stepson...owner of a 12-inch penis," she said, voicing her enthusiasm. "That is one little nugget of information I am going to find hard to keep from the gals at the gym."

Kenny looked at her with a cute, shy face. Lisa was direct, and honest.

"Babe, I have to apologize in advance if this one slips out," she said, knowing she was going to have to tell some of her friends about her discovery. "I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to keep this a secret."

Kenny looked down at his menacing erection, the size of it so substantial that it demanded to be measured. And Kenny was comfortable with it.

"I don't care who you tell," he told his step mom.

"I wouldn't think you would!" she said happily. "Most guys wouldn't mind being known for having a 12-inch..."

Kenny waited for her to finish.

"Cock," she said with great emphasis. Kenny could sense Lisa was relieved she could now speak so openly with him.

She sat down on the sofa, and urged him over to her. She crossed her legs, and as if on cue, pre-come now ran out onto the head of his long shaft.

Lisa took hold of his erection again.

"Such a beautiful cock," she said openly, gently stroking it a bit.

Kenny took a deep breath, and savored the moment. He scratched his right pec, and stared up at the ceiling, drifting off into space as his step mom fondled his organ.

"My God, Kenneth, look at your balls," she said to him. "Honey? Don't you masturbate?"

"Um..." he stammered.

"It looks like..." she began, now grabbing hold of his nuts and weighing them in hand. "It looks like you haven't had release in weeks! God these things weigh a ton."

Kenny masturbated, but it never seemed enough. He could literally play with his dick all day and never run out of seed, and Lisa was amazed to see the proof of this.

"Your balls are HUGE!" she told him, now rolling each of the walnut-sized orbs around in her hand.

"I jerk off," he said. "It's just I'm always really horny I guess. And you know I'm still a virgin..."

"Yes I know, Kenneth, and I appreciate your honesty with me, but..."

Lisa now played with his balls, picking them up and then letting them drop and dangle between his legs.

"God they almost hang down as far as your dick does - when it's flaccid," she said. "God, big dick, big balls..."

She kept fondling his nuts, without any objection from Kenny.

"Honey, are you sure you masturbate?" she asked him again. "God, you would think a boy with a joystick as big as yours, you would be going to town on that thing!"

"Yes, mom, I masturbate," he told her.

"Are you sure you're doing it right?" she persisted, this time with a laugh, just to kid him.

Before Kenny could answer her...

"I mean you do know, there's supposed to be a climax at the end, right?" she further teased him. "A whole lot of stuff shooting out and what have you..."

"Yes. And I shoot a ton, let me tell you," he told her.

"Really?" she asked curiously, now rising to her feet. She looked back down at his organ.

"I would just love to see that," Lisa told her stepson.

Kenny couldn't believe what he heard - Lisa was beginning to fulfill all the CFNM fantasies he ever had concerning her. And she was doing it in such an easy-mannered, nonchalant way.

"I mean, first I want to make sure you are doing it correctly," she told him, as a nurturing step mom. "Masturbation is very important for boys your age. Especially..."

She rolled her eyes at his massive erection.

"Especially for a boy with a 12-inch penis," she said laughingly. "Kenny, that thing's like a loaded weapon for Christ's sake? You don't want that thing going off in your pants, do you?"

Kenny laughed at himself.

"No, I wouldn't want to do that," he said.

Lisa then slapped the sofa cushion next to her, urging Kenny to sit down beside her. As he did, she leaned in towards him, crossing her legs again. He stared at her thighs.

"Now...what do you think about when you masturbate?" she asked him. "Do you have pictures, videos..."

"Mom!," he said.

"Kenneth, it's perfectly natural. Do you like...big breasts?" she asked.

"Yeah," he said right back to her. She smiled.

"Do you have magazines featuring women with big breasts?" she asked him.

Kenny had one image in particular in his mind.

"There is this one picture, that's kind of my favorite," he admitted to her.

"Tell me about this picture," Lisa said with an overemphasized excited tone, making him crack up.

"It's of a women, standing in a pool, her chest above water, and she's kind of looking off into the distance," he explained. "There was a lot of people around, so she's kind of oblivious to the fact she's being photographed...She has a white bathing suit on, and you can clearly see her large breasts through the bathing suit. You can sort of make out both nipples if you REALLY look. But you can see how big her boobs are, how big around and voluptuous..."

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