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Jenny and Bobby Grow Old


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Both Jenny and John were staring at me, trying to say the right thing in response and failing to know what it should be. They were saved by Bobby as he approached us with a diploma in his hand and a giant smile on his face.

"Mom" he gave his mom a hug, "John" he shook John's hand. "Dad" he shook my hand, but I brought him in for a hug. "Thanks -- all three of you, for what you've done to make this happen."

Jenny gave him a kiss on the cheek and addressed me. "We're taking Bobby out for dinner; would you like to join us?"

"No, thanks. You three go out and have a good time. I already made plans, but thanks again."

I didn't have plans, but also didn't need to be a fourth wheel.

With my engagement to Beth broken off and with Bobby's graduation, he planned to move back to Michigan, it gave me the incentive to accept a position offered a few months earlier. If the offer was still on the table.

It was and a month later I was gone once again, this time to Haiti. There was a great deal of hope that the recently elected President Aristide would bring stability and order to Haiti. But just like every previous Haitian strongman, the hope was false and died too soon. Haiti suffocates in poverty and disease: malaria, HIV/AIDS, TB, and a slew of other diseases are rampant. Rulers come and go, the poverty stays forever. The corruption there is official. Almost everyone with a badge or a title has their hand out and that still doesn't guarantee the supplies get off the dock and to the people who desperately need them.

The fifteen months I worked in Haiti with various health service organizations didn't make a dent in the suffering. After all those years in the Sudan, and now over a year in Haiti, my spirit was crushed and I needed a rest. I contacted every person I could for leads and ended up in the town where I started, working for Pharmacia/Upjohn in Kalamazoo, Michigan.

I bought forty acres of wooded land just outside Paw Paw and built a house.


June 29, 2001

Bobby's wedding is tomorrow. Bobby met his future bride at the VA hospital the first time John Fry went in for cancer treatments. Gail is a sweet lady, three years older than Bobby; smart as a whip and cute as a button. Bobby was only twenty-three when he married Gail. Given my history, I was a bit concerned when he told me about the wedding. A couple days before the wedding I sat down with him and talked about my affair.

"Dad, thanks for sharing. I sort of guessed it was something like that, even though you and Mom never said it. I know I'm young, but I'm older than you were when you married Mom and I've had a few girlfriends while I was in college, so it's not the same thing. Besides, just knowing what happened to your marriage because of the affair, it gives me an understanding of how I might be able to avoid the same fate."

Smart kid, my Bobby.

I skipped the rehearsal dinner the day before the wedding. As the father of the groom, I had none of the responsibilities - except I did pay for their honeymoon in Cancun.

It was a nice wedding and reception; Gail's parents did a great job. I was sitting with her parents when Jenny walked up to me and asked if I'd like to dance.

"Is it OK with John?"

"Yes, it is; he trusts me."

We danced to a slow song. I didn't hold Jenny too close. John might trust Jenny, but I didn't trust myself, even after all these years.

Jenny started the conversation. "Bobby's grown up to be a fine young man; and I like Gail."

"You and John did a great job while I was overseas. Thank you."

"I think it really helped when you came back and lived near him while he was at Georgetown. John and I were worried about him his senior year in high school. That's why I wrote and asked you to get re-involved with your son."

"When did you write?"

"The year before you moved to D.C. I sent you a letter explaining why John and I were worried."

"I never got the letter. I would have remembered a letter from you."

"Then why did you come back?"

"I wanted to get back in touch with Bobby; four years was too long. The fact he was accepted to Georgetown and I had a job offer in D.C. was just fate. It worked out."

Jenny gripped my hand and shoulder a little bit tighter, but we kept the space between us. "It did work out; Bobby was so happy when he found out you were going to be home. Why did you go to Africa in the first place? I never understood that."

"Penance. The old Catholic guilt."

"Penance? For what?"

"For cheating on you. For screwing up the best thing that a man could ever have."

"But you should have realized I forgave you years before you left for Africa."

"But I couldn't forgive myself."

The song ended and I thought this was a great time to make my exit. I walked Jenny back to the table where John was sitting, thanked him for allowing me to dance with his wife, said good-bye to Gail's parents, kissed the bride and gave Bobby a hug.

Three months later, John was back in the hospital; the cancer was back. It turns out it was most likely due to the exposure to Agent Orange while he served in Vietnam. Bobby told me it was terminal; they were going to stop the treatments and allow John to go home.

I was able to talk my way into John's room an hour before visiting hours. I sat next to his bed and we had our second real conversation. I thanked him for all the things he did raising Bobby and said I knew Bobby would help Jenny raise the girls in a way John could be proud.

"Yea, I know Bobby will do what he can for his sisters. I just wish I could see those two grow up." John's eyes were watery; but he was too old school manly to shed a tear in front of me. "What sucks is getting this cancer because of that damn war. We didn't accomplish a damn thing over there."

This wasn't the first time I heard a Vietnam Veteran express regrets.

"John, when I was in the Sudan, I spent time with an Australian pilot, he was a veteran of the war. He once told me he held a different view: "We had to stop those fucking commies somewhere, sometime, and you Yanks took the brunt of the business. The Soviets and Mao were behind the whole thing. If they had walked over South Vietnam in 1960, they would have gone straight down the line and south into the Philippines; just like the Japs did in the 40's. Nobody thinks of that shit. The trouble with that war was the only guy trying to win the war was Ho Chi Minh.""

John didn't say anything for a minute. We both sat still until he broke the silence. "Well, your Aussie friend was right about one thing; we sure fought with one hand tied behind our backs. I'll give the rest of what he said some thought. Hell, what else have I got to do?"

We were quiet a little longer; this time I broke the silence. "I'm not going to be a vulture."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not hanging around, waiting to get back with Jenny."

John laughed, even though it gave him a coughing fit.

"I didn't think you would. Besides, I'm going to be dead, so what the hell will I know?"

"Well, I'll help Bobby out with his responsibilities; but I'm not looking to replace you."

"That's because I'm irreplaceable." This time he only gave me a shit-eating grin and didn't laugh. I looked at the clock on the wall, it was ten minutes before visiting hours; time for me to disappear. John thanked me for stopping by and promised to think about what the Aussie had shared with me.

Two weeks later, on November 2nd, John Fry died at home. Under different circumstances I like to think we'd have been great friends.


July 16, 2002

The class of '72 was holding their thirty-year reunion. Jenny was standing near the bar with three women from the cheer squad. They all looked good, but Jenny looked the best of all of them. Since I needed a drink, it was hard to avoid them. Shelly Collins, nee Philips, was still the flirt. She saw me walking toward the bar and grabbed my arm.

"Bobby Long. Gawd, you are still a hunk." Shelly pushed a couple of double D cup breasts into my stomach and hugged me tight, all the time rubbing those two bags of silicone into my midsection. My little brain did not react and I think Shelly was disappointed; after-all, two-thirds of those giant puppies were hanging out over the top of her dress.

I ordered my bourbon and spent a few minutes talking to the ladies. Finally, Jenny saved me. "Just like at Bobby's wedding; it's up to me to ask you to dance. C'mon Bobby (she said this as if mimicking Shelly) take me out to the dance floor."

Unlike the dance at Bobby's wedding, Jenny held me closer this time. "I kind of expected to get poked a bit. Shelly didn't get to you?"

"Not a big fan of that look. Why - are you thinking of having some work done?"

Jenny looked up at me. "You think I need work?"


"And why did you disappear? I haven't seen you since before John died."

"Two reasons. One, I told John I wasn't going to be a vulture. Two, it's no secret that there are merger talks between Pharmacia/Upjohn and Pfizer. I'm on the group coordinating with Pfizer's due diligence team and have been shuttling between here, New York and London. Thank goodness I don't have a wife; I'd be divorced for a second time."

"It would have been nice if I could talk to you now and then, I could use your friendship."

"Jenny, I'll never be your friend. I still love you too much for that. I was close to leaving that behind when I was with Beth. I loved her that much. But when that fell apart, I was back to square one."

The song ended, we were still on the dance floor holding each other even though the music stopped and the MC was making some announcements. Jenny started to cry and walked away. The girls noticed; of course they were following the entire dance and aftermath, they followed Jenny into the restroom. I stood there looking lost.

Maybe I would have followed up after that night; but I was scheduled to fly out to London Sunday morning and didn't have a chance. I did write a letter and gave it to Bobby on my way out of town Sunday morning.

Dear Jenny,

I am so sorry for upsetting you last night. And I'm sorry we won't have a chance to talk about it. I have a flight to catch and it's not something I can re-schedule. When I get back, I'd like to sit down with you. I don't want to do this over the phone, or email, or any way except face to face. Maybe we can be friends, if that's what you need.

With affection,



June 14, 2004

I'm getting married today. Bobby is my best man; his daughter is the flower girl. I'm happier than a pig in mud.

Four months after writing that letter to Jenny, I came home from my business travels and we did become friends. Not 'friends with benefits', and not 'friends who talk every day', but friends.

This was until the warm October day I received a call from my son. I was sitting in Bell's Beer Garden enjoying a pint when he called my cell. I invited my son to join me. Bobby sat down at my table, he looked upset.

"Dad, has Mom said anything about her health?"

This scared me, just the way he asked.

"No, what's going on?"

"Mom has breast cancer. Gail was teaching the girls how to self-examine and Mom found a lump. She's going in for surgery tomorrow."

"How bad is it?"

"Not as bad as it could have been. The doctor thinks they caught it early because of Gail. They'll probably remove her left breast, though."

Bobby gave me the specifics: what, when and where. The next day I was at the hospital with a bunch of flowers; Jenny seemed happy to see me. Jenny's two daughters were in the room; Gail and Bobby had just left.

I was always conscientious of how difficult it might be for Jenny's daughters if they saw me hanging around their mother. Would they see me as trying to replace their father?

We had a nice visit, considering the circumstances. I left after a half hour; Jenny was tired and needed sleep. The good news - the tumor was removed; the cancer hadn't spread and the doctors thought she'd have a full recovery.

The next morning, Maggie, their oldest daughter, stopped by my apartment. My first thought at seeing the young girl at my door was, "Oh, oh -- she's here to warn me to stay away from her mother." I asked her to come in and poured two cups of coffee.

"You really love my mother, don't you?"

"Yes, I do."

"I'm fairly certain she's waiting for you to take it to the next level. Why don't you ask her out?"

"I told your dad I wouldn't. I didn't want to come off as some kind of vulture."

"It's been two years since Dad died; I don't think anyone would think of you as a vulture. My sister and I wouldn't. And Dad said something before he died; now it makes sense. He said he hoped Mom would stop mourning someday and find love again. He meant with you, I realize that now."

"Your dad was a good man and he loved your mom."

"You know, and Mom loved Dad, there's no doubt in my mind theirs was as perfect a marriage as one could hope for. But Mom always had a special place in her heart for you. I could tell by the way she'd talk to Bobby about his father. There was never any animosity. Do you think her having a breast removed will change how you feel about her?"

"No, that doesn't change a thing. Not for me anyways."

"Then I wish you'd do us all a favor and ask her out. But, if you hurt my mom again, you're going to answer to me." She said it with a smile, which told me she knew I'd never make that mistake again.

Do I have to tell you I called the next day and asked Jenny out on an official date? She said 'yes' and it was the beginning of our second romantic relationship. When I asked her to marry me four months later, she said 'yes' again. That's why I'm standing at the altar next to my son watching the most beautiful woman in the world walk towards me. There is no doubt in my mind I'll 'forsake all others' this time around.

Epilogue -- Fifteen Years Later

"Did you get it?" I looked up from the terminal displaying the social security payment that posted to our account; Jenny was smiling at me.

"Yea, it's there. Nineteen hundred sixty-nine fifty."

"What are you going to do with all that money?"

"Already did it."

"What - you spent it before you got it?"

"I figured yours went in last month without any trouble. I took it on faith. If you can't trust Uncle Sam, who can you trust?"

"You Bob, I trust you."

My god, I loved my wife.

"So don't tell me; you bought that new over/under shotgun you've been drooling over."


"The mountain bike?"


"C'mon Bob, tell me."

I pulled the box out of the desk drawer. The box was inscribed with 'Mikimoto' on the top. Jenny opened the box and found the pearl necklace I knew she always wanted. I pulled the string out of the box and put it on her neck. (I didn't have to tell her my first social security check only covered half the price.)

Jenny rushed out and looked at her reflection in the hall powder room. "Oh, Bob. It's absolutely beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you. Go up and get ready, wear that little black dress I like so much. I'm taking you out to dinner, and tonight it's a bit fancier than the Paw Paw Brewery. By the way -- thanks for growing old with me."

Jenny laughed.

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oldtwitoldtwit2 months ago

Not read anything from you before, well I don't think so, but a good story, nicely put together with believable characters, life isn't a bed of roses for most people, and lots make mistakes, could you improve it? For me yes, more sex in it, but great story

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

another great story . not perfect,but just like real life . if we get a second chance we should be smart enough to embrace it and enjoy . we never know what tomorrow will bring .

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Enjoyed this story very much. Looking at cheating spouse from a different angle. Thank you for an awesome story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Don’t like Bob. Cheats on wife and then leaves his son for a long time. One word, asshole.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

Damn, I'm torn. On one hand, I generally hate reconciliation stories. On the other hand, the reconciliation here was years later after the guy basically paid his punisment(s). I'm giving it 4 stars, since I can't convince myself to 5-star a reconciliation story unless it's SUPER convincing. But this was pretty well written, and mostly enjoyable to read.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story. Bit rough on Nonny that he was incommunicado for so many years. At least his stepfather was a great guy. And Jenny never said anything with malice about the MC. She just couldn't get over the escalating affair that the MC had. Divirce was her only option and she had a great second marriage. Beth was either a moron or a piece of work. Her wanting unlimited future hall passes two weeks before engagement was nuts.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Clear five stars. They reconnected after many years apart. He matured and suffered for a long time. Hurt to break up with Beth like that. He respected John. Wasn't a vulture. And made amends. Some of the long gaps where he didn't see Bobby at all were hard to swallow.

Just_WordsJust_Words11 months ago

I read it again and it's still a 5***** story! There's so much truth in it and the self-discovery is hard work as it needs to be. Terrific story!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Wow amazing. Husbands cheat also? Perish the thought? And an amicable divorce? Holy moley. /sarcasm off. Good story. Well written.

l0ver0tical0ver0ticaabout 1 year ago

Yup, 5 stars. Definitely a good one. Thanks...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow, a civilized divorce, will wonders never cease? Actually I really liked this story. The guy realized just how badly he screwed up and accepted the fact that he destroyed his own marriage. He stepped up and did what he could to help his son and was civil to his former wife’s new husband. Just so damned civilized. B&K, are you guys sure this story is on the right site?


GrassIsGreenerGrassIsGreenerabout 1 year ago

I like reading all your stories. This one reminds me of one of mine (For every rule), only your Bobby did better than my MC. After reading the comments from our critics, I realized that maybe I should have taken mine in your direction. Now I am glad I didn't, so we can have our differences. Of course in yours it was the husband that cheated, in mine it was the wife, but with an excuse. Maybe a bad excuse but an excuse.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Jenny was a good true loving wife. The MC had to mature and grow to be even remotely worthy of her. Glad they reco nevted though at the expense of her second husband's death.

AllNigherAllNigherover 1 year ago

Great story. Very real in that people make mistakes and can grow and learn. That said...i with similar stories where a woman chests, regrets, and changes i note a very different set of comments about the slut who would always be a slut etc etc etc. Strange people. Some people hurry others out thoughtlessness and immaturity. Some to be cruel. Some because they lack a conscience. The latst is seldom repairable. The second is less likely than the first to change but certainly can be. The first is very likely to be fixable though not guaranteed. These are just stories and i get people come here to be entertained by fantasies of revenge. Those can be fun... but a story like this is special and enjoyable and so much more satisfying to me. Nice with! Hope you continue!

BillandKateBillandKateover 1 year agoAuthor

We're leaving the Anonymous commentator's "BOTH CHEATED!" below to illustrate our thoughts related to the knuckle-dragging misogynists who dwell here in LW. The commentor stated that Jenny cheated and got double-teamed. NO, Bobby cheated with a co-worker named 'Lynn', it was Lynn who had two men, not Jenny. Jenny was faithful to both Bobby, then John after her divorce from Bobby. Jenny was a traditional, faithful Loving Wife, not a "slut". We'll say it once again - people, get help.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Shit story about a couple who BOTH CHEATED!!

Bob cheated and so did Jenny, the bitch even got double teamed and god knows what else. Divorcing the slut was right but not moving on is pathetic. This story is for Feminazis and Simps, its absolutely disgusting doublestandarded story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. Notnsure why he went to Africa for four years while his son was in high school. Haiti was different as his son had graduated from Georgetown. Jenny was absolutely right to divorce the MC. He was being a turd blossom. Glad she found love with John. Beth was a walking time bomb. Glad the MC grew up and found happiness reconnecting with Jenny.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

He got lucky.

A story of honorable people... all of them, once he grew up. Until then, he got the punishment he deserved.

It's just such a shame when so much of life's restricted time is wasted because people fall for a cheap thrill over integrity and honor.

A good story. A lucky outcome for the protagonist, but there is still an element of punishment for him: if John had not died of cancer, he would never have had the slightest chance at the most important aspect of real life... the chance to spend it with the person who really, really meant everything to him.

If only people could understand this lesson before they go through some experience that teaches it to them... at their loss.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Top shelf.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Another great story. One minor point, doesn't the grooms father normally pay for the rehearsal dinner?

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyabout 2 years ago

Very nice story… very nice. So enjoyable to read. Thank-you

CriosCriosover 2 years ago

Really enjoyed the story. Got a kick out of the Michigan references too 😊

PierremanvisPierremanvisover 2 years ago

Wonderful story. So enjoyed the real characters depicted here. And coming from Africa I appreciate any person who tries to make it a better place. Thanks B and K. Definite 5 plus

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

3 stars and no comment

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I would rather have a new car as the best gift. No one marries their first. First time sex is awkward. Sure you remember them but who cares. It's all rose colored glasses

You can always tell a too sensitive man when they write that BS about "the greatest gift of virginity" please.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 2 years ago

agree with flawed, also look back at your stories. The wife divorces the husband fast as hell. Yet all the men get fucked over and can't ever get over the ex, while the ex moves on has a wonderful life regardless of her cheating or not.

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

He gets promoted,but then goes to Kenya,severing direct contact with his son,no way.He didn't go back to the States because Bobby was going to university,he left because of Josef going missing.Also why pay Bobby's fees,it was Johns responsibility,don't forget Bobby called John dad.

secretsalsecretsalover 2 years ago

Respect to Beth for being upfront about that shit, especially considering it was just a sentimental manifesto which would hold no weight in court.

Lector77Lector77over 2 years ago

Thanks for a well told story. You write well. As to the “domino theory” espoused by the Australian character, it has been debunked by everyone up to and including George Kennan. It served as potential solace for a dying man in your story, but outside the realm of fiction it's thin gruel.

mainer42mainer42almost 3 years ago

you two certainly can tell a loving wife's tale. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

absorbing good story. this story and your others I have read so far are a level above most on this site. they are enjoyable as they are well written and foremost, believable. as good authors you have learned and put to use the secret to good fiction, believability.. JK

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Another BillandKate 5. Beautiful. Bobby (senior) made a real big mistake, paid the price, and didn't make any excuses for himself. Fate gave him a second chance. Also refreshing in this category to have the husband be the cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Amazing. Thank you for writing.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xalmost 3 years ago

The excuses people gave for his cheating on Jenny are the same ones that would never be accepted from her.


I was a little confused. He said the first two times with Bobby were positive, making me think that the third time wouldn't be, but it was fun.


"Did you fucking that skank when you were married to Jenny change how you felt about her?" - No, but it changed the way Jenny felt about him, and he regrets that.


"I didn't have plans, but also didn't need to be a fourth wheel." - It's not being a "fourth wheel" when you're celebrating your son's graduation. I would understand not joining Jenny and John if Bobby wasn't going to be there.


John Fry went in for cancer treatments. Ir was obvious he was going to die and Robert would remarry Jenny.


, I'd agree with you if Jenny had been the one to cheat, but why should he begrudge her finding a good man after he had cheated on her?


, he didn't dump Josef, Josef took off and Bobby spent thousand of dollars and much effort to try to find him.


Re: "Wasted the best years of their life" - Maybe wasted the best years of HIS life, but I don't think hers were wasted. She loved and had the love of a good man who helped raise her son into manhood, and had two wonderful girls. Even Bobby, while his life might have been rough and filled with regrets, he did work to at least TRY to bring some good into the world.

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 3 years ago

Docudrama? Good story, predictable and realistic but without much excitement.

francemanfrancemanover 3 years ago

Vert great story.

Here we have a different story of a man cheating on his wife.

And in this case the man accepts everything: he accepts that he is a cheater, he accepts that he is unforgivable, he accepts that she must divorce, he accepts that he has disrespect on his wife.

It's a shame that there is no equal treatment between men /women.

Man is always treated as more loving and responsible while poor women are often treated in the worst possible way: Irresponsible immature selfish egotistical.

Maybe you can make a story valuing women.

Thanks for the story.

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

What a great story. Bobby found out that you never know what you got till you loose it and if John had not died her never would have regained what he lost. Well written 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Pretty Good Story

Although I have to say, I would have never remarried her. Regardless of whether the divorce was warranted or not, if my wife ever divorced me, any and all contact between her and me would be on a strictly business level. I suppose it’s just a personal idiosyncracy of mine, but anybody who shuts me out, be it wife, a child, other family, or even a friend, will never be allowed “back in”. Right, wrong, or crazy, it just doesn’t matter, it’s just the way I’m wired. But like I said, it was a good story, and I enjoyed it.

knoxhardknoxhardover 3 years ago
vision issues

This one can cause some blurry vision.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

Stories always so well written they just wrap the reader up in The middle of the action

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great story

I comment as anonymous only because I refuse to become a member under a different name, someone is a member under my name but I have never seen any of his comments. I just work with writers to hopefully improve their work.

Loved the character development and the angst in the lines. Great dialogue that is very realistic. The story line shows a lot of imagination and skill. Keep em cuming!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I really enjoy stories that include places I'm intimetly familiar with even though in this case it was a while ago. Memories of the Holland Tulip Festival with my parents, brother and sister then much later with my wife and daughters. Acres of tulips everywhere in every color imaginable and the windmill imported from Holland. Concerts at Miller Auditorium; Henry Mancini and his orchastra, Gordon Lightfoot at Wings Stadium, Gary Lewis and the Playboys in the park downtown, Frankie Vallie at the Central Field House...

I was a contractor at Upjohn's for over a decade, tremendous, good people to work with. Then came the Pharmacia disaster. W.E. Upjohn's motto was "Keep The Quality Up" and it worked until the heirs sold the company and the employees out. It wasn't taken well to mention the motto and the big letters in Bldg. 41 reminding everyone came down. In came 'Just in Time' which doesn't work well when so much of your product is based on fermentation, one little problem and it's all flushed down the drain. Now you are weeks if not months behind with no product to package and ship. One thing that made the company so attractive to buy was Rogaine which wasn't originally manufactured to help cure baldness, that was discovered by accident. Another was the huge amount of cash reserves on hand, so much that they built a new headquarters building. Unfortunately that meant abandoning the existing HQ (Building 100, nicknamed "The Body Shop"), I'll leave it to the imagination why it was called that other than to say it was true. The building was designed by architect Bruce Graham who also designed Chicago’s John Hancock Center and the Sears Tower now, Willis Tower which actually has it's own zip code. One unique thing about Bldg. 100 was that each office had an exterior view, the interior one looked out into a large beautiful courtyard. Eventually the powers that be had the building torn down. Then along came Pizer and I'm just going to stop there.

June 14th, Flag Day every year, an important date in my life, thank you.

The VA Hospital, probably not the one in Battle Creek but it could be. I have over a thirty year connection with that facilities long history located at Fort Custer.

John and Jenny weren't the only ones haunted by the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam. Admiral Elmo Zumwalt was the one who ordered it's use after being assured by Monsanto that it was safe. Zumwalt's son died of cancer having been exposed to it.

Jenny's breast cancer surgery could have happened at Bronson Hospital in Kalamazoo. The place where my daughter was first diagnosed.

Bit of trivia; Bobby Hatfield of the Righteous Brothers died in bed in his room at the Radisson Hotel in downtown Kalamazoo shortly before their scheduled concert at Western Michigan's Miller Auditorium.

My college tech instructors used to beat it into our heads that it took at least two years out of college to get an education. Bobby proved it in his actions. Even if you pull out there are still pollywogs floating around loose before you cum. Having unprotected sex like he did in threesomes isn't the smartest thing to do since you now have had sex with everyone your partners have done it with. Pretty obvious Jenny was the smart one of the two, she dumped his ass even though she never stopped loving him. A winding tale of a man who threw away two of the most important people in his life, traveled the world, saw hardships and tragedies, grew up, became a man who reunited with the woman and family that still loved him and he them.

A very good story that includes numerous landmarks from my life, some good, some not so but thank you for some powerful memories. Signed: BTW

NicealloverNicealloveralmost 4 years ago
Enjoy the story

It’s a good tale of character development and how love can forgive eventually even the most serious transgressions. I just think he suffered too much!

jimjam69jimjam69almost 4 years ago
Great story

I thought it an interesting and apprapo story about a not so bad guy who made some really bad decisions which he paid immensely for. He was very fortunate to have a second chance and at least finish his life with her.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Great story. A true romance

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Depressing and a wasted life. Wish I hadn't read it

rightbankrightbankabout 4 years ago
mixed emotions

yes, he screwed up, fortunately he learned his lesson.

sorry John had to be a casualty to fulfill a plot device.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Wasted the best years of their life

This story manages to be both a downer, and kinda boring. It doesn't really have much of a plot.

And Bob lost the best decades of his life with Jenny for a cheap fling, they might be together in their old age, but they lost all of the years in their prime.

As I said, it's a downer, and not really satisfying to read.

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 4 years ago
Nice Blend

My compliments on an excellent blend of fictional lives' time lines with real history. Nice "goes 'round, comes around" resolution to an interrupted love linkage between the star-crossed lovers. You have already been scolded for your rare grammar errors in previous comments so - no comment! Thanks for a delightful few minutes of C19 isolation relief.

driv2u2driv2u2about 4 years ago

Spent a lot of his life mopping about a lost love , move on she did

patilliepatillieabout 4 years ago
Really good

that is a 5* in my book. Your writing is near Lit HOF for me. As always, what separates the truly great is consistency, and your body of work is approaching that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Good story. Wish the second cancer was not there...

I am not sure about the breast cancer, it was a device to put pressure on him to convince us he really loved her. Maybe it works, maybe not.

The war was a mess. Cowards and fools ran it from US. Wars should be brutal and NEVER MEASURED. If it is worth fighting, then overwhelming power used in overwhelming amounts.

WvrjjrWvrjjrabout 4 years ago
Very touching story. 5*

I have enjoyed many of your stories. This one did it for me.

In these strange times (Covid 19 pandemic), I can imagine many folks will be in positions of terrible loss. I’m married for 42 years - I would be devastated to lose her. And I have have never strayed, never will

Thank you


AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
It was a good story. A bit heavy on the virtue signalling, but good.

Divorce is a great way to end a toxic relationship, but a stupid way to punish someone you love. Jenny didn't hate him, she just wanted to punish him. Or more likely, but left absent from the story, is the reality that their relationship had become toxic, and his adultery was just the most flagrant symptom. Of course by the time they reconnected they were two different people, so its not impossible. The way this guy fucked around I'm surprised Jenny didn't make him get an STD test before starting to date him.

The Nam debate is pointless. Gutless politicians, and voters, wasting the lives of heroic Americans. Barry Goldwater told one of the CBS reporters, "If I had been elected President there wouldn't have been enough left of North Vietnam to plant rice on." So now we have reefs built up into Chinese naval bases in the formerly International waters of the South China Sea. We get what we vote for, and deserve it.

I thought it was odd that Jenny getting a partial mastectomy was used to question Bob's love for her. If that was considered to be a possibility than they must have had zero respect for their future step father. Felt like a bit of signaling going on for no purpose, other than to question his depth and sincerity. Whatever.

Thanks for the effort. It was an ok read, but I'm still not sure what the moral of the story was supposed to be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
She got her pussy streched

And he got fry's leftovers. Yeah right ...

DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 4 years ago
Beautiful story.

Having recently lost my wife and companion of more than 50 years I can identify with your main characters to some extent. Although the loss I suffered was solely to disease.

enderlocke27enderlocke27about 4 years ago

i guess, couldn't really relate to any of it. was a bit less edited than most ur stories. was even a broken English sentence in there was weird to see that. but i laughed and enjoyed the name play in there was a hoot ty for the read. oh here let me copy and paste it. well crap cant find it without re reading it again. anyway it was in present tense when the context of the before suggested it was meant to be past tense. lol sorry

MormonJackMormonJackabout 4 years ago
Awesome - thanks

Great story - as always from you two.

Funny: I can't say I loved it - it strikes too close to home for me.

kiteareskitearesabout 4 years ago

I'll make you cry one day too! :D

Possibly a felt a lil long winded in the middle, but hell Robert's journey was long winded too, poor sod.

He, they got there in the end, lucky they didn't lose that love over the years.

Thanks for sharing.

texxmantexxmanabout 4 years ago
Good story but sad

Seems right that they ended up together, but damn sad trail for Bob along the way. He paid for his mistake for 30 years. Yes he deserved the divorce and some punishment, but really a long road. Now they have the golden years together while they spent the really sweet years apart. At least for him.

Anyways just rambling. Well written as always!

Richie4110Richie4110about 4 years ago
Wonderful, heart warming story

This story could have/should have been in both LW and Romance so both audiences would have the opportunity to enjoy it.

Thanks and I look forward to your next adventure.

The Style GuyThe Style Guyabout 4 years ago

As usual, a 5* offering from BillandKate!

Froggy63Froggy63about 4 years ago

Beautiful story 😊

johnadpjohnadpabout 4 years ago
Enjoyed It... 5 Stars... My Usual Score For Your Stories

I actually would have enjoyed more detail on his different adventures. The expanded version of this story, if well put together, could have easily been 10 plus pages long and worthwhile reading. Lots of events that were barely skimmed over, that would have been nice if you expanded it.

But maybe that's just my inclination. Since writing my stories I've had close to 10 ideas for other stories, but I don't think any of them would be less than 6 pages long, and some more than 10. Seemed like too much work, but now that we're all shuttered in, who knows. Maybe I will put some of them down on paper (figuratively speaking).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

"I felt her little shutter"

It's SHUDDER, look up the meaning of shutter. Way too many writers use shutter when it should be shudder.

Overly cute story, 2*

what4mewhat4meabout 4 years ago

Just love a happy ending! *****!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
I dont know.

I am not there with this one. He cheated and they divorced. She lived a traditional married life with husband number 2. He really didn't have a good love life but easily settles into a second try with ex wife. I kind of feel like ex wife just doesn't want to be alone now that kids are gone and second husband died.

robroy93robroy93about 4 years ago
My kind

This is really the kind of story that I enjoy reading the most. Definite consequences for the cheating, but a happy ending for both. A real story as opposed to a silliness scene. Thank you for a.much needed great story.

gordo12gordo12about 4 years ago
Well done

Couldn't help myself, my fingers just headed for the 5 button.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

You write about people I'd like to know, and you do it well. Not exactly the norm on this site! Congratulations!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Pearl Necklace

Interesting that the Italian asked for one but the wife got one!

That 'conscious' vs 'conscientious' thing seems to be springing up all over Lit these days. Never trust spell checkers, they don't know what you mean.

JbRobertssonJbRobertssonabout 4 years ago

Very well done. A great story, great writing, and a happy ending. Excellent. Thanks for posting.

26thNC26thNCabout 4 years ago

With the recent proliferation of garbage posted here, LW doesn't deserve any thing this good. A beautiful story of a couple ,broken by infidelity , who make their separate ways through life and end up back together as they had planned. A little different from usual in that the husband is the cheater, but no less enjoyable. This story is a solid addition to your great work.

LordGeoffreyLordGeoffreyabout 4 years ago

Thank you for a wonderful story with real people instead of heroes and villains.

robinhodrobinhodabout 4 years ago

Second offering. I've just read the positive comment by Overcritical, querying the liklihood of his son's loyalty despite his absence. I'm an old Brit, born in 1938. That experience was common amongst my peers. My father was born in 1908, joined the Royal Navy as a boy rating in 1924. WWii started in 1939 - they weren't letting experienced sailors out at that time. I saw him VERY occasionally until early 1946 and we never corresponded. I was loyal. Why not? I'm with BillandKate.

robinhodrobinhodabout 4 years ago


Just two little problems:

Josef. He took care of a child who'd been traumatised in the worst imaginable way. He dumped him. I couldn't have done that, and I'm not nearly as nice a guy as your hero is painted.

Money. He seems to have plenty. His career doesn't appear to me to be lucrative.

alfiemoon1alfiemoon1about 4 years ago
Beautiful story

Another beautiful story, my wife and I enjoy your stories so much. Thank you for sharing your talent.

baconbennybaconbennyabout 4 years ago
Out of character

Bobby's unfaithfulness was over the top. How does someone with the moral character described by the vast majority of this story perform the kind of debauchery described?

I can see the infidelity causing the divorce, but it did not have to be so egregious. Did Jenny get the STDs?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Your one of the best!

I had tears near the end. Great story telling. Bill and Kate what’s a team!

OPrimeOPrimeabout 4 years ago
Great Read

Almost to close to reality.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 4 years ago
A wonderful story

It is amazes me that even as heartfelt as this story is, critics can still find reasons to be negative. Why can't people just enjoy a tale for what it is. I thoroughly enjoyed it. A 5 Star Rating. Thanks.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 4 years ago
Very nice

Thank you for a sweet story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I was kind of hoping they would have dedicated this story to me, the anon who left the flaming bag in the comments section of their last story. (Never going to happen, not expecting it either) LOL!!!

Liked the story. Cheers!

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989about 4 years ago
Worth the read

Super job. I am not good enough to pick apart the story looking for faults, To me it was an easy read and I simply enjoyed it. Thanks

cybojicybojiabout 4 years ago
I wish

Things really worked like that. Good story. 5 as always.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I don't she her divorcing "on principal" if she still loved him, like she apparently did. That is a guy thing thing to do. It is possible, just not very likely. Any guy with that much to work with- his wife still loves him, and they have a child together, could have saved the marriage. After all, they made it through an unplanned teen-age pregnancy and early economic hardship.

Of course if the guy thought he could make a difference in Sudan or Haiti, he was a complete idiot, which might explain things.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

- Good point, though maybe he simply hadn't moved yet.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

- "June 29, 2001

Bobby's wedding is tomorrow. Bobby met his future bride at the VA hospital the first time John Fry went in for cancer treatments."

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 4 years ago
I'm So Absolutely Apoplectic at this Story!

So what if the Narrator made amends after cheating ? He's a cheater. Adultery is a sin you can never undo, it's permenant. Therefore I absolutely have to one star this story in spite of BillandKate's first class writing. Arghhh! My FINGER. slipped and accidentally five starred this abominable tale of forgiveness and empathy. Dammit! Another action that like adultery just cannot be undone.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 4 years ago

Always a pleasure to read your stories!

MightyHornyMightyHornyabout 4 years ago
Only one thing doesn't compute...

"I bought forty acres of wooded land just outside Paw Paw and built a house."

And then:

"The next morning, Maggie, their oldest daughter, stopped by my apartment."

So yeah, obviously: what happened to the house?

Everything else was stellar. Thank you for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
well written...

a solid 4*. But can't help but thinking how all the people giving you kudo's would react, If you had switched Jenny and Bob's parts.

imhaplessimhaplessabout 4 years ago
Cute and entertaining

I liked it -- 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

I don't recall you mentioning that John had cancer in the first place. I was confused when you said he was in the hospital because the cancer "came back".

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
That was a home run! 5*****

That was completely engaging and genuine. Also, it's refreshing to have a story where the husband is stupid rather than the wife. It certainly goes both ways. Lovely effort.

timrivtimrivabout 4 years ago

He’s a better man than me. Doubt that I could ever re-marry my ex after 25 years even if the divorce had been my fault. Why because I doubt that I could get over her loving someone for 20 years other than me and world never have given me another chance had he not died. Just me I guess, but the reality that I was second best would eat away every time I saw her looking at his picture knowing she loved him more than me and I was just a safe easy comfortable replacement. Sure we would grow old together but she would always have preferred it to be him not me.

heathrowinneoheathrowinneoabout 4 years ago

another winner and 5! love your work and your stories are a great read

mindmeld31mindmeld31about 4 years ago

No tired cliches to detract from the story. Well-grounded and thought out. Loved every bit of it, even the heart-breaking parts.

Thank you.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 4 years ago

"you only had one woman and any man would want to know what he's missing". - Yep, just an excuse as we tell the women, that's true for the men, too.

"Twice as much was going out to the people in the South Sudan villages who were supposed to receive the aid; half was being lost to 'shrinkage'." - Twice as much as what? As before? If half is being lost to "shrinkage," then the amount going out isn't twice, it's the same.

When he went back to the states, why the need to define NGO, when it had already been used without explanation?

"Wouldn't you have been happier the past eighteen years if Jenny had accepted that it was just sex and hadn't divorced you?" - HE might have been happier, but would Jenny? They'd BOTH have been happier if he DIDN'T "fuck that skank."

"I didn't have plans, but also didn't need to be a fourth wheel." - Um, it's his son's graduation, he's been as much a part of his son's life as possible, he's hardly a fourth wheel!

Why were she and John worried about Bobby?

It was SO obvious that Jenny wanted him!

Unlike "He Who Shall Not Be Named," the politics here, whether you agree or not, didn't hit you over the head.

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 4 years ago

they were meant to be together

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
yea, it all made sense

she was brutally betrayed by him.

he felt genuine remorse from the get-go.

they did the right thing by breaking it off, and trying hard to keep their son happy.

he became her biggest supporter in happiness, even if it drove him away.

they both grew old together. it's short, and even has a few hot sex scenes in it.

you really can't ask for more in a story. both people were mature enough and respectful enough not to try to lie, manipulate, or gas-light. of course not counting the lying that led up to his STDs. We can't just ignore that. That's the whole reason he missed decades of his life with her. I can't think of a better punishment for someone that actually felt remorse.

TelleophoneTelleophoneabout 4 years ago

Love, unfaithfulness, regrets and redemption. Very well constructed story. It was a pleasure to have read this. Always a fan.

ColdCountryColdCountryabout 4 years ago
I enjoyed it


ReedRichardsReedRichardsabout 4 years ago
Anony: Dominoes

Yeah, we were wrong with the domino theory, but who knew that in the 1960s? The USSR was an equal rival in the space race, and if their domestic economy wasn’t up to snuff, their military was huge and powerful. In the sixties, Red China was still under Mao, and aggressive in spreading Communist doctrine around the world, working with would be dictators in Africa and South America.

Eventually Communism failed as an economic system, leaving only the one party dictatorships in a few countries; China and Vietnam and now capitalist successes, but remain unfree dictatorships.

Ho Chi Minh wasn’t the only one who wanted to win, but he was the only one who knew how to win.

Crazy2WheelerCrazy2Wheelerabout 4 years ago

Not much I could really add to the previous comments but felt I really needed to. This was an effort that certainly needs to be applauded and to remind this author to continue sharing!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Cheats, pay the price, learns from his error and puts his sons wellbeing 1st always. Cant dislike him as paid the penalty for his 'crime' and became perfectly rehabilitated. So well written that I was hoping for reconciliation. Usually a BTC burn the cheater person...

OvercriticalOvercriticalabout 4 years ago
Very well done

Amazing how this author managed to get 40 years of life into three pages of prose, but it did get done and the story flowed well. It seemed very real to me although I couldn't identify at all with the motivation that drove Bob to give up good jobs to try to save the world. I have come to realize that's a fool's errand and perhaps he did too.

I was amazed at his lack of faithfulness to Jenny when he was first married to her, but perhaps it was the fact that they got married too young. Young Bobby's loyalty to his father was also a little hard to understand, considering his absences from the boy's early years. I still liked the tale and gave it 4*

Bebop3Bebop3about 4 years ago

Sweet story and a much needed break from the usual stories in LW of late.

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