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Lion's Toy

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Bratty Fucktoy gets her comeuppance from Sir Leo.
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Written with the ample assistance of Leopald

"Yeah, yeah, I ain't a dead fish, don't try and put me back in the water" It had begun like that, Minx would push her Lion to the edge and back again without ever breaking a sweat; that was his job after all.

It had been a discussion of her numerous polygamous play partners and exploits, then he had attempted to end the conversation with two simple words, "Have fun."

No, it wasn't done and dusted and it couldn't be for her. She needed him to know he meant the most of all. She set out to do that, to seduce her Master and lover and well, entertain them both in the process. He had laughed over the dead fish comment though, perhaps still trying to deaden the conversation but when she really wanted to, Minx could be little more than simply persuasive in her pursuits.

"It's good for you." He told her, the chuckle ending slowly.

"Nah, I don't trust you not to drown me." Her lips split into a grinned, her voice dripping in sarcasm as she spewed his sadism out on the linoleum between them.

"Eh, if I want to end you, I'll find a more imaginative way of doing so." He told her offhandedly, obliterating her words by simply accepting them for truth, well, in a roundabout sort of way.

"Is that right?" She quirked a brow, almost coming off serious before she totally ruined it with another dry comment, "Holding my head underwater is suddenly not good enough huh?"

He simply chuckled in that soft, amused way she was so accustomed to and it brought her to a new level; something to push him with. That outstretched index finger found its target in the dead centre of his chest and she brought it back and forth over and over, prodding him repeatedly for a proper answer.

"Huh? Huh? HUH?!" She giggled like a silly little school girl.

"You're gonna make me demonstrate now?" He asked, perhaps not even seriously but to take the bait of the 'make' he mentioned would be to obliterate all chance of anything happening between them at all.

She giggled even more and attempted her best little innocent girl act, "Did I say I wanted a demo?"

"You're acting like it." He had that dangerous edge in his voice, the one that told her she could become entangled in whatever trap he had laid at any moment now.

Minx attempted to appear uncaring, casting a glance to the ceiling as she spoke, her expression still one of picture perfect innocence, "I never said a darn am I supposed to act about it?"

"By prodding me in the chest. Pretty much tells me that you're tired of living already." He said dryly, rolling his eyes at her with that almost triumphant glint in his eyes. He already knew he was going to win this, so did she but they were both incredibly stubborn and unwilling to admit it.

She wiggled her finger for his observation and held it close to her eyes, acting as though she were a surgeon examining a patient, "I don't think's just a tiny little finger... See?" She held it up for him and grinned sheepishly.

"I will break it if you give me opportunity." He said in his almost too serious voice, bringing to bear that ruthless, uncaring mother fucker inside that she loved, hated, adored and feared like no other.

She wiggled her finger back and forth as you would when tell a child 'no' in an overly dramatic manner before she pouted and snatched it back quickly. Minx was unwilling to risk her finger in the light of Leo's threat, he was a Lion for a reason and her very own unpredictable asshole.

"That's not very nice is it? Gone and hurt my finger's feelings...and it does such nice things for you..." She licked her lips salaciously and those pouty red rose lips dipped into a smug grin of satisfaction.

"What has your finger ever done for me? I think you're confusing it getting you off as nice for me." And so he'd begun to throw her whoring nature into the ring, the very reason she was called 'Minx' started to come to light...but, she wasn't going to take that, you know, lying down.

"Hey, don't even act like you aren't watching when it does what you tell it to!" She giggled and threw her tempting retort back at him, she should have known it would later end up like a pie on her face.

"I'm watching, yeah. Never said I wasn't." He winked at her and it caught her completely off guard but she took that as a very easy green light.

She rolled her eyes, still giggling as she pounced onto his waist, a knee slamming down on either side of his hips. Her arms locked up as she pressed a hand to the back of the couch on either side of his head and strained her neck forward to give her a very predatory pose.

"Been awhile since you have..." She murmured hotly to him.

"Yes it has... Its been a crazy couple of weeks, and you and I have been busy at the wrong times." He watched her closely as a sly grin formed on his mouth slowly, she ought to have been more wary but she never did learn to factor in everything he could do.

She nodded and feigned a small pout, trying to keep an act up to throw him off her next planned moves, "I know, it fucking sucks..." She ruined the pout as a grin crept over her face, amusement was always a weakness of hers when it came to acting. Of course, the same could be said for desperation and pain but she forgot those as her hips rolled up and against his groin quickly while her hands inched down the back of the couch slowly; heading for his shoulders.

"Are you trying to seduce me, fucktoy? Looking for an opportunity to get a cock claiming your needy little cunt?" He asked her flat out this time, no more games on his part and no more subtlety. She was truly inside the Lion's Pride now, she just didn't know it yet. But then, Minx was always a slow learner when it came to her Dominant.

She slipped her hands down to his shoulders as he questioned her, her fingertips moving in a piano playing motion as they trickled down his arms, her lips contorted in a smirk all the while, "Mmm baby, if I was trying to seduce you, you'd already be on top of me..." She cracked that oh so familiar grin that was just synonymous with naughty Minx at work, her head tilting to her right shoulder as she regarded him.

"You think I can't resist your cum slut advances, little bitch? You may as well just lay back and spread your legs for all your "skills"..." He chuckled and winked, it was like half a warning and a tentative search for her mood. She knew he was never serious of course, he would degrade her just as she desired but she wasn't the kind to be called worthless constantly; she couldn't handle it so he needed to be careful lest they end up in an argument instead of in bed. Thankfully, she wasn't too particular about it today.

She snickered and gripped his hands, gently lacing her fingers between each of his digits as she asked him, "Is that right?" Her thighs squeezed his tightly on either side, sandwiched his together, "Hmmm well, maybe we'll both find out huh?"

She took her opportunity and gripped his hands hard, slamming them back against the couch on either side of his head, pressing her upper body into the pin because he was much stronger than her and even with this; it would likely be all too easy for him to overpower her. She brought her lips teasingly close to his as though she were about to kiss him, just dying for him to take the bait as she pulled back slowly.

He broke into peels of laughter and pushed back against her, it became the lift of his hips that would be her undoing as he sent her tumbling backwards, lifting further and ensuring she landed in a heap on the floor. His lips split into a wicked grin as she hit the floor with a yelp and pouted, rolling onto her side as he spoke, "That's where you belong, fucktoy. If you want to be fucked, then show me. Let me see that wet little cunt, let me hear the need in your voice."

She had her head propped up on one bent arm, resting her cheek in her palm as her bottom lip trembled, "No fair Sir, you never let me get far enough anymore..."

She scowled slightly and sighed, giving in to him without furthering the dialogue, (that would surely get her in trouble) she rolled onto the flat of her back, tugging her flimsy white negligee up as she moved. Minx lifted her ass up and tore the white g string beneath it down her thighs, curling her legs up to peel it from her ankles before she placed the panties at his feet with a grin.

"You forget your place far too often, slave... I have to take opportunities to remind you, and you know it." He watched her carefully as he spoke in that ever even and cool tone, he never yelled and never whispered; consistent about how he spoke; she loved that about him, he could so easily command her with his voice alone and melt her entirely when he called her by her nickname 'fucktoy'. A crafty grin manifested on his visage then, keeping her alert for what would come next but, well, she was stubborn if she was anything at all. Unfortunately, she failed to account for one little thing; he was stubborn too.

She licked her lips leisurely and rolled back, her eyes rotating a good 360 degrees while a smirk crept across her lips over his words. Inside? She knew it was damn true and she planned her next move in that moment. Her nails raked a slow trail up her thighs, little white lines emerging in the wake of the passion red and slightly chipped fingernails, they disappeared into her skin just as quickly while the hem of negligee rolled up her milky white legs in a painfully deliberate motion, the pace was almost too sluggish to keep but she managed; keeping her eyes trained to his as her legs inched apart with every centimetre of exposed thigh. She would give him what he wanted...when she wanted to.

His smile grew colder, something cruel as he realized what she was up to and decided to play unfair as always, "You have 2 minutes to convince me, else you go unfucked."

She couldn't help it, her jaw simply dropped and she released a hand to slam her fist down onto the floor in frustration. God-fucking-damn it! Minx seethed silently, glaring up at him and wriggling somewhat as she made her decision with a groan, she tore the hem back completely to reveal her juicy cunt, sopping with need as always. Her fingers flew to her mouth and she daintily sucked each digit while her other hand tempted her dripping slit. More for his amusement more than her own enjoyment, the objective wasn't to get off. He'd have given her permission if that was what he was after.

She heard him start to laugh at her frustrated compliance, she was so easy when she craved him which was almost every second of every hour of everyday, "I still have yet to hear your needy voice, and you're running out of time..." He reminded her, it was taunting more than anything though.

She groaned and pressed her then wet fingers to her clitoris, looking up at him with a mixture of sexual frustration, anger, angst and yearning in her expression, "Please fuck your dirty little cum slut Sir!"

She gasped and half shut her eyes as she rolled over a nerve in her clit and raised her ass off the floor. Minx gritted her teeth in an effort to regain control as her eyes flashed open, "Pleeease Master?!"

He smiled and stood up, slowly dropping his pants and boxers which hit the floor punctuated by a soft, aching groan from Minx. His cock came into view and her tongue lashed across her lips unconsciously and her eyes follow him to the parting of her thighs. He swatted her hands away, letting her pull them away hurriedly with the stings; all too happy to comply. He placed himself at her entrance but refused to push further which brought forth a faint whimper from her lips.

Minx arched hungrily and shot him a pleading look, "Pleeeease fuck your toy Sir! Please?!" She was only too willing to beg him for it, to bury his shaft deep in her and bring her to an orgasm unlike any other could.

He growled and shoved his entire length deep into her, pushing the air from her lungs in a sharp gasp. Her nails flew to the linoleum either side and tore into it, loud plastic drag noises issued from the protestant floor covering. But then he simply held it in place for a moment. He deliberately drew it out and began an agonizingly slow rhythm, while holding her hips in place firmly. She watched him, her eyes widening in a gradual and perceptible manner. Minx knew this game, she knew it and she fucking hated it! She whimpered and writhed beneath him, trying to pull away and then trying to push down on him but nothing would work while he held her like that.

"Don't do this!" She cried out painfully, her voice wavering in a crush of need.

"I do what I want, fucktoy..." He emphasized this by continuing his deliberate teasing pace, freeing one hand from her hip to start slapping her chest hard, over and over.

She whimpered and tensed her arms up, gasping and squeaking as he slapped her chest and she groaned, still attempting to push down on his cock but she was more than distracted as her chest started to sting and burn. She fought that urge, that reflex to protect herself from the onslaught of his hand and her fist came down hard to slam the ground; ripping shoots of pain through her arm. It worked. She didn't block him at all. He hated when her reflexes shot up to defend herself whether or not she liked what he was doing to her, she simply couldn't help it. Her body writhed beneath him and her cunt began to squeeze his shaft tightly, silently praying it would become too much for him to fight his own urges and he would just take her as they both loved; hard and fast.

"Gonna milk my cock, little whore? Is that how badly you want my cum?" He thrust hard up into her, revelling in her loud cry and the near spine snapping arch she made of her own body.

She groaned as he continued that leisurely pace again and her legs wrapped up around the backs of his thighs. Her cunt stopped squeezing him for fear of him doing that again...well...the purposeful clenching ceased anyway, the rest was just her throbbing, wanton cunt all on its fucking own.

"What's the matter, whore? I thought you wanted to get fucked nice and hard..." He pinched a nipple and twisted it savagely, punctuating his words and his fresh breast torture with a single hard thrust.

"Nahh-haa-AHHHHHH!" She ended in a scream and her nails flew to claw his shoulders. Her breathing quickened and grew heavy as she grew concerned about what he was doing to her control over her own body. Her pussy heated up as though it was on fire and soaked his shaft with even more secretion, it clamped down on his cock harder, "Oh fuckkk, please Master?!!"

"What, cunt? What do you think you need?" He twisted the other nipple but had foregone the thrust this time, wary of her being on the edge of climax.

She whimpered and her nails bit into his shoulders more painfully, it went ignored by him as she knew it would. He wouldn't so much as flinch, she'd need to do much worse than scratch him to gain a pain reaction from him. Her head lifted off the ground, trembling with the rest of her body and she swallowed her dry mouth, managing to gasp, "Please...unghhhh fuck..."

Her head dropped to the floor again and strained in the opposite direction until her crown was almost pressed to the flat surface and she slumped, relaxed again, hissing her words out in frustration, "Please! I want to cummm! You know I can't..." She whimpered a little louder this time.

"You can't cum? Why not? You need this cock to ruin your cunt for you to climax? Say it, fucktoy." He said in such a simplistic manner, slapping her breasts as she squirmed beneath him and began a series of sharp yelps with the stings while the slow paced fuck ensued.

Her thighs squeezed his helplessly, she looked up at him with desperation etched into every pore of her face, "Please fuck me into oblivion Sir! I want you, I want you to...pleeease! Please wreck your fucktoy with your cock!" She whimpered and purposefully clamped her cunt down on his hard member once again.

He chuckled coldly for an instant as though considering her offer and the hilarity of her despondency in one evil moment before his nails dug into her breasts, threatening to tear the pillowy flesh from her body as he used it for leverage and began to fuck her hard and fast. The squeals she made out of pain soon faded into her moans as her tits ceased to matter and the only thing that did was his pounding flesh between her legs.

Her moans quickly became cries, she barely got two out before she would have been quite literally reaching to call the noises she made; moans. She lifted her hips into his every driving thrust and her body flexed with pure muscle beneath his pinning hands, contorting recklessly in some attempt to contain the uncontrollable pleasure about to explode from her.

She finally sobbed out her wretched plea, "Pleeease lemmecum Sir!" Her words just collided into one another and it quickly became, "Please, please, pleee-eeease!!"

"Cum, you needy little slut." He issued the permission, knowing that when all she could say was 'please' then it meant she truly could take no more. But it didn't stop him, he didn't slow, one hand released her breast and moved south to quickly pinch and twist her clitoris hard as she started to cum.

She started to orgasm, howling a new crescendo of pleasure but when he twisted her clit, he forced her into rocking spasms beneath him and her cries became screams rather swiftly. Her hips grinded against his slamming ones causing him to groan and somehow, she knew he was truly going to wreck her, to leave her pelvis battered and bruised on this night and she could care less because it simply made her want more of him, "Ohhhh FUCKKKK!!!" She screamed at the peak of her climax, unable to comprehend anything but the explosion inside her.

He released her clit and grabbed her hair, wrenching her head back to force her into a painful arch as he used it for leverage so that he might drive even deeper into her needy cunt.

"Nahh-ahhh-haaaa!!" Her screams became something quite painful but it sure as hell wasn't because of her hair; she hardly felt that. His driving thrusts were forcing her into tears, they rolled from her bright brown eyes and she couldn't make an audible word if someone paid her a billion dollars to do it in that moment. She shuddered beneath him in her raging ecstasy and her cunt continued to milk him, it kept spasming and it kept cumming.

He groaned and shivered suddenly, stopping as he closed his eyes tightly and released at long last to the sounds of their combined heavy breathing and Minx's uncontrollable moans. Wave after wave of his hot thick ropes of seed coated her inner walls, filling her until he was finally spent.

Her nails slowly relinquished their firm grip on his him and she looked up at him with glazed over eyes, managing two simple words, "Fucking....amazing...hah!..."

He chuckled and kissed her smiling lips as he pulled out slowly, "Think so? Clean."

She nodded and shuffled with a groan for her bruised hips, looking up at him as her body bent down to his softening cock, "Oh yes Sir, every time..."

She grinned and dipped her head down, wrapping her mouth around his shaft; she spent more time than necessary licking and sucking their combined juices from that fantastic fucking cock she worshipped so much before she finally pulled back, licking her lips slowly.

"Feel better, whore?"

"Much Sir, thank you."

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