by Literotica
Thank you so much for having me on, and for being such an incredible and supportive platform <3 I'm really happy to be here :)
I wasn't planning on listening to this entire episode but it was incredibly easy. I had my eye on that script by Liam as well for maybe obvious reasons, other than the really good writing. So many of your points resonated with me, Ella and this episode really humanized you as a creator. Thank you for sharing so much. From a fellow shy gal. <3
Thanks for interviewing Ella! I really enjoyed listening to her talk about herself, almost as much as I enjoy her audios.
I just want to throw out that I love the farmer's market shout-out in Ella's usual intro. Maybe it's not 'sexy', but it makes me grin every time.
Signed up on the podcast. Only had 2 episodes. But I am sure there will be more. Thanks
The first two podcasts were great. They were both interview of audio authors. I'd like to hear interview of some of my favorite written authors. Suggestions: Tx Tall Tales, Harddaysknight, PAPATOAD, The Style Guy, ohio, other2other1, dangerouslydead, OldHideki, cpete, radk, BigK10, FancisMacomber, DeYaKen, qhml1, imhapless, Jidoka, DFWBeast, oshaw, dtiverson, rogue9_815, Vandemonium1 and/or CreativityTakesCourage, Hooked1957, plsplsme, moreandmore, Charles_Bovary, Tnicoll, PastMaster, saddletramp1956, TRYTSTYN, ThatNewGuy, StoneyWebb, Kilty11, Gumbo25, delayedaction, Griscom, JClife, LiteraryRanger, ttt59 and NoTalentHack. So many opportunities!
Please continue this series. Interview SelenaKitt.
Another suggestion on the Audio stories end the podcast with that person's favorite story.