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Loving Silver Eyes Ch. 06


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"What about walking in the sun?" I asked before it hit my mind... I was very curious about that one in particular.

He pointed at the leather band.

"This was crafted with magic. All of my family members have one, except Hidie of course and others cannot make a use out of it because it was crafted for us by the druids. They have been friends with us for more than 5 centuries. But unfortunately, they don't live anymore."

"Druids as in..."

"Yes, witches. They have the power of natural elements and they used their powers to make this silver piece on my band. It makes some kind of shield around us which blocks us from the sun rays. We do not combust as long as we have this on us but we do have some irritation."

I tried taking in all the information. I thought everyone in this world was human but how wrong I was. Now the only thing lacking were the werewolves.

"Yes, they do exist. It's not like we have an eternal war between us. We can definitely tolerate each other but we do have issues."

Well, whaddya know...

"What about Hidie?"

"She was turned by someone. But he never claimed her so mother and father let her stay with us. She's family now..."


"Yes, vampires have a special bond with their creations... kind of mentally connected but her creator never summoned her and its been so long, we don't think that's going to happen."

"How long?"

"Uh... 50 years."

"How old are you exactly?"

"Uh... I don't exactly remember..." he said trying to act out. "Maybe a hundred and seventy..."

"You've seen the world war?"

"Yes I have and I'm proud of that!"

"Show off..." I muttered and he smiled.

"What about your..."

"...diet." He completed my sentence and I nodded. I was going to take it all in and I was still going to love him. I knew that.

"We are modern but we still drink blood. Nothing has changed on that part but I guess we've grown to like human food as well... especially me and Annabell. She goes crazy about burritos."

"She's also an awesome cook..." I agreed.

"We get blood from healthy donors. We don't bite them as such but we sort of buy blood. Animal blood is also OK but it lacks some things... human blood gives us the highest amount of energy."

"How many times do you feed?"

"Depends... usually we feed once or twice a week... but when I have to be with you it gets a little difficult. Its OK now though, I can control myself these days."

"What do you mean?"

"Your blood has something special to it... not just for me, my family also agreed on that part. It has a different smell... although I don't know what it actually is." He replied, trailing a finger down my cheek.

"OK..." I tried digesting it all.

"Now it's your turn..." he said softly.

"What turn?"

"Turn to tell me about your dreams. I've seen her, May. I was with you in some of those dreams and she looks like you... I need to know all of the dreams when I wasn't with you."

"Well... I told you about the creepiest one, right... there isn't much. She's always crying and asking me to help her. Last night, she even said my name... its really weird. Maybe it's nothing... maybe I need to go see a shrink." I sighed. It did feel crazy...

"Nothing's wrong with you May, so stop thinking like that. I'll see what I can do about it. And about those men, I can't see it in your mind- the incident..."

"Well, I sort of ordered it to stay away from my head,... those memories..."

He looked surprised.

"What is it?"

"You've got to tell me what happened."

"Uh... my car broke down. I was a 10 minutes drive from the theater so I decided to walk. I didn't want to turn Amy down and it was a nice evening but then the guy stopped me. He was talking to someone on the phone... he was addressing her as 'ma'am' and he was telling her that her job would be done and I'd be dead before I knew what was happening. I tried to run but then he caught me again and I got hurt... he was on top of me and I was trying to get him off when he suddenly disappeared from above me and somehow landed like 5 feet away from me... it was then his friends came and you know the rest..."

The image flickered in my head and I pushed it back again but he winced, he must have seen it.

"Do you have any idea who the woman was?" he asked in a low voice, like he was trying to hide the pain and I shook my head for a no.

"This much is enough for now. Go to sleep." He said pulling me to my feet. I stretched and walked towards the bed but stopped at my desk. I took out a pill and popped it into my mouth.

"Prevention is better when you're too young to support a family..." I said smiling.

He nodded and smiled back but his eyes looked distant.

"You will stay, right?" I asked, unsure.

"Yes, I'll stay."

* * *

"Hey Mum!" I exclaimed into the phone.

"How's my baby girl? How's your hand, is it OK now? I'm sorry again honey, I couldn't be there when you needed me..."

"Mum... I'm fine now. That was weeks ago... and you've already chided me a hundred times for being so careless."

"I'm just worried honey. Is granny back? You know I hate it when you're all by yourself."

"Ya, she's back. She returned yesterday."

"That's good. I hope Clarise gets well soon. All of us are really close to her. Anyways the reason I called is I got a birthday present for you."

"Mum-." I tried to complain but she cut me off.

"I know it's a week away but you're going to be 21 and this is a big day."

"That's what you said when I turned 16 and when I turned 10 before that..."

"And back then you were still a kid. Now you're a responsible young woman and I know I can rely on you. I can believe that you'll never make any rash decisions. I'm not saying you can't make mistakes, mistakes are good. You know some wise guy said 'learn from your mistakes' but there was a guy better than him. He said, 'wise men learn from other's mistakes, fools learn from their own.' So, no matter which quote you choose to follow, you'll end up wise none the less."

"Mum, why are you saying this now? That's our birthday ritual remember?" I said smiling. Every birthday I got a new piece of advice followed by some quote some wise man said. She usually forgot the names but I liked it. It had made me a better person.

"Anyways, back to my main point. I got a present for you and it'll reach you in a few days. And I will see you on your birthday OK?"

"You're coming back?" oh my god!

"Yes, and I am coming to stay. No more work until my daughter graduates from University."

"But I guess you'll stay in New York and I really can't move again mum... I like this place."

"Hmm... something tells me that my daughter is hiding something. So who is he?"

"Mum!" I exclaimed. How would she know?

"Now honey, I'm your mother. I know you and I also know that you've changed a lot. Are you going to tell me or shall I torture Lizzy and make her say it out for me?"

I rolled my eyes. Mum torturing Lizzy, never gonna happen! The only way mum would torture Lizzy would be by holding a pair of ridiculously expensive high heels in front of her eyes and keep them away from her until she spills it out.

"Fine, I'll tell you. His name is Ayden Castellan."

"Is he good looking?" She teased and I started blushing.


"Ok, OK I'll learn more about him when I see him OK? Got to go now... I'll see you in a week OK?"

"Bye mum!"

I sighed. Well, that took up most of my energy... I wondered about the up coming gift as I resumed my cooking. I hoped and prayed that it wouldn't be anything too noticeable. I'd recently gotten out of the 'New York girl' thing.

* * *

"My mum's coming home..." I was literally squealing with delight.

"Awesome!" Amy blurted with a mouthful of pizza. Ayden had to go hunting. It was the 'animal' week this time. Well... he tried to make it sound funny for me. I didn't want to be alone since the nightmares were getting frequent so I called Amy over. The TV was on and some lame stand-up comedy was going on and I was too exited to watch it.

"So we'll have a great birthday bash, right?" she continued.

"Ummm... I wasn't planning on a bash but I'm really happy she's going to be here."

"No..." she said chewing. "You need a bash. You actually deserve a bash. I need to talk to Ayden about this."

Great. Best friend teams up with boyfriend.

"Yeah yeah OK. Its already 1 AM and we need to get some sleep. Let's go alright?"

She nodded so I picked up the left over pizza and dumped it into the bin. I turned around to head upstairs when it hit me. It was just like the last time. I got dizzy and then it was there, the voices were there again. I tried breathing but I felt like I was being smothered. I tried crying out for help because Amy was in the next room but I couldn't find my voice. I could hear them, they were screaming in pain. I could hear men, women and children all screaming in agony. I tried covering my ears but that didn't work. My head was hurting and so were my eyes and I couldn't keep them open. I tried moving towards the living room but I tripped. I don't know for how long I lay on the floor writhing when I heard Amy's voice.

"May, are you OK? What happened?"

She was by my side, helping my head onto her lap. I gasped, trying to breath and I knew if I didn't get a gulp of air soon, I'd die.

"May!" she was shaking me and then suddenly like the air followed my command, a gush of sweet oxygen flowed into my aching lungs. I laid there gasping and sweating as I held my head on my hands trying to soothe the pain.

"What happened?" she asked again and I shook my head. I wasn't in a situation to come up with excuses. I tired getting up but I winced as my whole body trembled in pain.

"Here, let me help you." She struggled with my weight but managed to help me get to the sofa.

"I- I need an analgesic. It's in the drawer beside my bed... please get it for me..." I whispered and she rushed to get it.

My vision was getting blurry and the headache was making it worse. I was sweating and hot... all I could think of was his cool hands on my face. They always helped me. I could see smudges of shadow moving in front but then darkness consumed me.

"What's up?" I spoke into the phone.

"I need to see you now. I'm waiting for you at home." A sweet melodic voice came through. The voice didn't sound familiar but somehow I figured it would be Ayden so I got into my car.

Beyonce's 'Irreplaceable' was playing through the speakers in the car but I didn't remember taking the CD back from Amy but I shrugged it off. I was in a hurry so I drove off.

Even the streets were unfamiliar but again I seemed to know the way. The roads were dark and deserted but I was so engrossed in my thoughts, I only realized the fact after my car came to an automatic stop.

Great! I thought as I got out to check what had happened. One of my tires was flat.

I kicked it in frustration and looked around. Both sides of the road were covered with trees and the only source of light was the headlights of my car. I sighed and started to get into the car when I was grabbed from behind.

"Wha-." I tried to see who it was but I couldn't because I could see my reflection in front of me. There seemed to be some kind of mirror in front of me because I could see the masked person behind me.

"What's going on?" I shouted to the man but he remained silent.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to kill you..." the same silky voice said. I moved my focus to the edge of the road from where a man materialized. He was dressed in similar dark clothes but he held a dazzling dagger in his hand. Its silver blade shimmered in the light as he moved towards me.

My eyes moved up to look at his face and I was shocked. Cold silvery-white eyes were staring at me from beneath a mask.

I struggled against the man but it was fruitless. There was a feeling of desperation inside me, like I was trying to summon something or somebody and I couldn't. I was feeling helpless as he got closer but it felt like the helplessness wasn't mine... I was confused. It was like I was feeling somebody else's feelings.

"Let me go..." I tried begging but he reared the knife and stabbed it deep into me. I screamed at the pain but soon my screams turned into gurgles as blood poured from my mouth and the last thing I saw as I crumbled onto the ground was the reflection in the mirror...

It wasn't me, it was her.

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shortydeeshortydeeover 12 years ago
Having Fun!

It is a little scary but fun to read...LOL

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

What's going on? Is she dreaming? You seem to have trouble going from scene to scene. Try to indicate a new scene.

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 13 years ago
This story is really, really good!

Is she re-living her mother's death? It's all so mysterious!

EroticLitKittyEroticLitKittyover 13 years ago
Well, go on then...

and give us the next chapter! Love this story and your style. Keep up the great work :-D

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 13 years ago
Good chapter

Some of the transitions were a little abrupt and I didn't know if it was a dream or real life at first. A little more indication of that would be great.

Truckerdude92Truckerdude92over 13 years ago
Good job

Definately worth the wait, waiting for more

canndcanndover 13 years ago

Loved the ending! I really can't wait to see what she is and why her mother was hunted and why she's coming to her. I have a feeling she's going to be one of the druids that are thought to not live anymore. Can't wait to see.

The only thing that surprised me was that she never said 'you're a vampire' or asked what he was.

I hate when a guy is so blind to a manipulative Bitch...ie- Hildie

green2ballsgreen2ballsover 13 years ago

I love it, can not wait for the next one. It s a cliff hanger, suspense around the corner ,your really good at it.

MizTMizTover 13 years ago
Worth The Wait

and I really hate waiting. It truly is the best and worst of reading a story. Being excited that more is coming and being mad at having to wait for the next part, well this chapter was worth the wait. You left me at chapter 5 w/jade eyes and now you leave me w/being stabbed only it's not me. Again I will wait, but not to long I hope. hehe he

NightpleasureNightpleasureover 13 years ago


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