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Naked in the Office Ch. 02

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How I ended up naked on my first day.
1.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 07/25/2010
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To clarify the story so far, I went to a job interview where, due to various mishaps and misunderstandings, I lost my clothes. I was then caught masturbating in my boss's chair in her office although at the time, Sally wasn't my boss yet, it wasn't her chair yet and it wasn't her office yet.

So far so good.

I arrived at work the next day ready to start. Despite Sally telling me to wear what I liked, I thought that I should dress smartly to make up for the previous day's interview so I turned up in a purple vest top, ankle length white skirt, bra, knickers and white shoes (though the last three should be fairly obvious). Sally was waiting for me dressed in a business suit.

"Hi Helena, you look very nice."


"No, what I mean is that when I said to you yesterday to 'Wear what you like' I meant 'Don't come to work looking too smart'."


"Because the room in which you enjoyed yourself so much yesterday needs to be set up as my office. That means unpacking the computer, setting it up and sorting out the phones and that sort of thing. Today may be more physical than secretarial."

"Isn't there someone you could call to do this? I don't really know what to do."

"You may have noticed that this is a small company, Helena, as there is just the two of us. The way I see it is that a PA is a personal assistant. That means assisting. In a small company, you might end up doing all sorts of jobs from answering the phones to doing the payroll (which will probably be quite a quick task) to fixing the photocopier. You need to be willing to get your hands dirty as it were."

Well you can't argue with that and, to be quite honest, it sounded more interesting than typing.

"Right! Well I'm off to a few meetings. See you later" and with that, Sally left.

Sally's business is based in a start-up unit with two small rooms connected by a door. I will try to describe it rather than draw it because firstly it isn't that complicated and secondly I am a PA and not an architect.

The office is L shaped. The front door is at the top of the L, my desk is on the bottom left with a window to my left which looks almost directly into another office window. This office appeared to be occupied by a very bored secretary and a door so I guess it is similar to ours. To the right of my desk is the door to Sally's office and then at the far right is her desk which faces the door and a window behind her. It was in here that Sally caught me pleasuring myself during the job interview.

I walked into Sally's office and looked around. It was a little dirty and there were computer boxes there so I started to unpack them. I put the computer onto the desk, and then the screen. I plugged them together and felt really impressed with myself that nothing had blown up yet. I switched the computer on and nothing happened.

Then I noticed that nothing was plugged into the mains power.

I looked down and realised that I was going to have to crawl around under the desk. It didn't look very clean down there so I took off my white skirt to avoid it getting dirty and quite frankly to make life easier. Have you ever tried crawling around under a desk wearing a long skirt? I also took off my shoes because (and here is the odd bit) I thought it may look strange wearing shoes and knickers with not much else in between.

I squeezed under the gap in the desk, found the power points and plugged in the computer and screen. But as I was reversing back out, I felt my progress halted and a small tug on my boobs. I had snagged my bra on something. You may think "Crawl forward again and everything will be fine" and so did I but it wasn't. I must have caught the catch because my bra was staying where it was.

Now you may think "Well Helena, just unsnag yourself" and I thought that too until I realised that if I brought both hands back and undid my bra then nothing would be supporting me and I would fall flat on my face. So I reached back undid my bra with one hand and then reversed out leaving my vest and bra behind.

I was kneeling in front of the desk in just my knickers trying to free my bra and thinking "Does this really happen to people? I thought this sort of thing only happened in soft porn stories." when the phone rang in my office. I went through to answer it leaving my clothing behind and started talking to a customer who had lost an order. During this conversation, I was put on hold and so, like I am sure you would all do if you were put on hold while you answered a phone in just your knickers, I put the call on loudspeaker, stood in the doorway and did a kind of stripper dance, using the frame of the door between the two offices as a pole and massaging my tits in time to the hold music (which was Mozart and but then I didn't choose the music).

Do you remember the bored secretary whose window looks directly in through this window? Well now she was looking through the window and was looking really puzzled. I saw her as I turned round while I had my hair scrunched up in one hand and I suddenly froze. Here was a woman of about my age looking directly at me while I danced like stripper. I couldn't think of anything else to do so I waved.

She smiled, cupped her hands under her tits and then gave the thumbs up sign.

Suddenly, I was taken off hold and quickly snapped back to reality. I finished the call and looked out of the window. The other secretary was looking at me massaging one of her boobs. I smiled and walked back into Sally's office to free up my top and bra.

Now if you had read the story of the interview, you know that I am prone to getting the wrong end of the stick. She may have just had an itchy boob or she may have been watching me the whole time I was finishing my call, massaging herself and being turned on by what she saw. After all, she had approved of my tits.

Well I can tell you that if you are ever at work and someone catches you doing a sexy dance and then looks at you massaging their tits, you too would probably think it was option 2. Which I did.

And if you were turned on by seeing other people turned on and you thought you had selected option 2 as I had, then you too would have been turned on. Which I was.

And if you knew that nobody else was about, you would sit down in the nearest chair even if it was your boss's, slide you knickers off and rub yourself slightly between the legs. Which I did.

And then harder and harder. And then you would slide in a finger and massage your clit and keep going on and on, pleasure increasing all the time until...

"Twice in two days, Helena!"

I sat up quickly. Sally has come back to the office and caught me again.

"I just thought that I would pop in between meetings to see what you were up to." she said

" could swap them over so I would sit on this one." I said desperately looking for something on which to wipe my cum soaked fingers.

"I did that yesterday. Tell me, is it worth me getting some kind of waterproof covering for the chairs?"

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

GREAT STORIES THESE shame there are no pictures

dearsweetcakesdearsweetcakes12 months ago

This was perfectly well done uwu

GeorgieHGeorgieHover 11 years ago
Feels so Real

I love to write realistic-feeling/sounding stories, but i have been pleasantly amazed at how real Helena's tales feel to me. Along with that, the writing itself is top-class. What can I say but thank you - for the stories and for making me feel quite so envious!

Lulu73Lulu73over 13 years ago
More Soon Please

I hope you are going to do some more of this story soon. I am waiting for the two of them to do some things together or maybe the bored secretary next door will join in, lots and lots of possibilities.

Love and Kisses


cutiegirl4004cutiegirl4004over 13 years ago
Great part 2

Thoroughly enjoyed this!

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