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Nebula's New Emotions


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"It's okay. You don't have to say anything really. Just relax." Peter said. He continued to massage her. Nebula couldn't believe it. No one had ever touched her down there unless they tried to kill or torture her. He was slow and patient. Careful not to make any wild moves but, at the same time, seeing what she liked. Peter loved her smile. It was rare. Something he'd only seen once or twice, but that was what made it more beautiful. Now, she was all smiles. A nervous yet excited smile with deep black eyes shining.

Peter pushed her legs open to finally see her sweet, deep blue folds. Peter ran two fingers around her lips before leaving a quick kiss at her soaking-wet entrance. Nebula squealed at the new sensation. Peter wrapped his arms around her thighs and continued to place loving kisses and blow air into Nebula's pussy. Her entire body shuddered, and her toes curled. Peter knew his beard's effect on girls when he went down on them; most of the time, he was told it just tickled, but Nebula was experiencing pure bliss.

Peter loved the taste of her juice and savored every drop with every lap of his tongue. Her insides were soft, wet, and creamy. Nebula instantly dropped her natural arm into those curls she loved to hold.

"Peter... Peter, I don't... I don't know what's happening..." Nebula moaned while biting her bottom lip. Peter closed his eyes and dug his face even deeper inside of her. His tongue drove her wild. Her pussy felt like a water balloon just about to pop. Every push of his tongue and slurp made Nebula's eyes flutter until her first orgasm finally washed over her.

"Euuuugghhh Pe-Peter... AOOWOAH!" She shouted. Her bionic hand gripped the ship's floor so tight it left a series of finger-sized dents deep into the metal. Peter drank up the juice that fired right into his mouth. She tasted better than anyone he'd been with before. After Nebula slowed her breathing, Peter pulled off her, licked his lips, and moved his body up to lie on top of his beautiful blue lover.

"Thank you, Peter..." Nebula mumbled into his ear. He planted a kiss on her forehead.

"You're welcome, Nebula. You did good. Real good."

"Is there anymore?" Nebula asked before wrapping her arms around his back.

"More sex?"


"Sure, plenty. I just figured you'd want a little cooldown, Blueberry."

"Blueberry?" Nebula opened her eyes at the pet name. Peter lifted his head up and did the same.

"Sorry, is that too much? I can stick with Nebula... if- if you want." Peter stammered, still lost in her eyes.

"No, it's fine. I like it, Star-Lord." Nebula smirked before kissing him on the chin.


"Yes, I do."

"Great." Peter smiled.

"Why Blueberry of all names?" Nebula asked while mindlessly drifting her fingers across his collarbone.

"Well, on the outside you're dark and um... well blue, but on the inside you're sweet and soft." Peter awkwardly explained.

"Mmh." Nebula grumbled. Peter kissed her cheek.

"I've never had blueberries. Are they good?" Nebula asked.

"Yes. They're delicious. Like you. I'll see if I can find some one day."

"Like me... that's funny." Nebula grinned.

"It's true."

"I never understood how my sister could fall for someone like you, but now I... I get it." Nebula said.

"Yeah well, the ladies love the Star-Lord charm."

"I don't know about loving it. I tolerate it, Peter."

"So you tolerate me?" Peter winked.

"Yes. I do. I tolerate you a lot." Nebula yawned. Peter kissed her on the lips once more before wrapping her up tightly in a bear hug.

"Get some rest, Nebula."

After a few minutes of cuddling, they fell asleep in each other's arms.


"I found them. Drax, Mantis, get ready for any trouble. Groot, keep the ship running." Rocket said while preparing to land the ship.

"I will kill whoever or whatever attacked our friends." Drax said while holding a blaster bigger than himself.

"I am Groot." Groot said.

"Yeah I see my part, Groot. I'll grab it when we're sure Quill and Nebs are okay."

Rocket landed the ship and opened the doors. Drax hopped out with a primal shout, and Mantis followed behind.

"Where are you monsters?! Where is-." Drax silenced himself when he saw Peter and Nebula on top of each other naked.

"Why are they naked?" Mantis asked.

"It's obvious. They were having sex." Drax said.

"I am Groot?" Groot said while trying to peek into the rented ship.

"No Groot, cover your eyes. You shouldn't be seeing that." Rocket exited the ship.

Drax dropped the blaster and climbed through the broken glass to view the lovers who were still fast asleep. Nebula's face was buried in Peter's collarbone. Drax tapped the side of Peter's head, waking him up with a start.

"Drax? What the hell?" Peter whispered.

"Congratulations, Quill. You managed to get Rocket's broken ship part and tame the wild Nebula." Drax whispered back with a proud smile on his face.

"I didn't tame her. I just... I don't know." Quill whispered back with a confused look on his face.

"You shouldn't be confused, Quill. You've managed to get both daughters of Thanos to be with you. You should feel like a God." Drax's eyes shot to Nebula's naked body.

"She is more feminine than I expected." Drax said loud enough to wake Nebula up. Her eyes shot up to Peter and then to Drax.

"Peter, what the hell is he doing here?!" Nebula shouted. She climbed off Peter and covered her breasts and vagina.

"You guys called us." Drax said.

"We called Rocket!" Nebula and Peter said at the same time.

"Aww you guys are already reading each other's minds!" Mantis said while peaking over the broken window.

"Mantis!?" Peter dropped his hands down to cover his penis.

"Both of you leave right now! Let us get dressed!" Nebula shouted.

Peter and Nebula put their clothes back on and entered Rocket's ship with the missing piece sitting in the back with assistance from Drax and Groot. Peter and Nebula stared at the floor for half the ride, but Nebula noticed Mantis staring at her out of the corner of her eye.

"What is it?" Nebula groaned.

"You're not going to break Peter's heart are you?" Mantis asked.


"You aren't going to take him away from me are you?" Mantis said with a smirk.

"No, Mantis, what's with all of these questions?"

"She's only curious. It's nice seeing you and Quill happy." Rocket said from the front seat.

"I am Groot?" Groot said.

"No, no no no, absolutely not Groot. That's personal stuff." Rocket responded.

"Thank you, Rocket. No more questions or advice or congratulations. Can we just get back home?" Peter chimed in. Nebula looked at the floor again.

"We're almost there, keep your shirt on."

When the Guardians landed on Knowhere, Rocket took his ship part to a nearby shop to remove the rust and grime. Mantis and Drax sat on the couch. Groot stayed outside for some maintenance work. Peter went into his room, and Nebula followed behind him.

"They know." Nebula said, stating the obvious.

"It's not that bad. I'm happy." Peter smiled, slowly melting away Nebula's hard exterior.

"Good," Nebula held his hand. "I want to do more." She stared into his eyes before kissing him on the lips.

"Don't you have work?" Peter asked.

"No. Not today. I want to be with you."

"Like a date?"

"Yes, Peter." Nebula smiled. Peter's heart melted.

"Get comfortable then, Blueberry," Peter kissed her forehead. "We have all night."

Nebula looked at the corner of the room to see a mess of clothing strewn about.

"Are any of those clothes clean?"

"Yes, well... maybe. Sure," Peter said. "Why do you ask?"

"You told me to get comfortable," Nebula removed her pants, tank top, and boots in the middle of the room. "So I am."

In a very short amount of time with Peter, Nebula became more comfortable with her body. She knew Peter adored her. It was a fantastic feeling. She picked up an oversized short-sleeved black t-shirt with faded text of a band she didn't know. Nebula slipped it over her body and plopped down on Peter's bed. She looked up at him with big black puppy dog eyes. Her lips were curled into a slight pout.

"You're adorable," Peter began to strip himself of his dusty clothes. "I'm going to take off these bandages and take a quick shower. If you want to watch anything, open the box next to the DVD player and take your pick."

"Alright." Nebula played with the collar of the shirt.

"Back in a bit, Blueberry," Peter said, making finger guns while entirely nude.

"Just take the damn shower." Nebula tried to hold back her smile. Peter kissed her cheek before entering the bathroom. Nebula got up and walked to the box, thumbing through Peter's collection of old, discarded tapes and videos he had picked up over the years. She eventually picked up a banged-up copy of the first season of Cheers.

The faces were faded, and the text was barely legible aside from the bright, stylized title of the show. Nebula didn't know how to work the DVD player, so she waited for Peter to exit the shower. She sat back on the bed and heard him humming a tune after turning off the water. Nebula felt a strange heat rising between her legs, the same heat she felt when she performed oral sex on him. The same heat that was finally set free when Peter performed oral sex on her.

Peter exited the shower with the bandages removed and a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was fluffy and unkempt. The scar was still deep, but the bleeding stopped.

"What'd you pick?" Peter sat down next to her.

"Cheers. I don't really know what it is." Peter wrapped his arm around her body.

"Shoot. That one doesn't work. Believe me, I've tried."

"Sorry." Nebula snuggled against him.

"It's okay. You didn't know. We don't really need to watch anything. We can just enjoy each other." Peter said. Nebula's eyes widened.

"Each other's company." Peter smirked.

"It's nice. To be touched like this. To be held." Nebula said.

"I know right. Especially when it's with someone you care about. Sometimes it's better than sex."

"I don't doubt that. Is your head okay?" Nebula asked while lightly running her metal arm over the red mark.

"Yeah it's fine. You patched me up well." Nebula smiled. Peter smooched her nose.

"Pete... I'm not good at this." Nebula had gained confidence in her looks but not her ability to conversate.

"It's fine, Blueberry. You don't have to know how to flirt to enjoy yourself. We've already gone farther than that."

"I know, but it feels like..." Nebula trailed off.

"Like you're being someone you're not?" Peter was all over her now. His hands wandered her face, neck, and back.

"Yes." Nebula admitted.

"What can I do to make this easier for you?" Peter asked with heaps of affection behind his eyes.

"I don't know." Nebula sighed in frustration. Peter kissed her cheek.

"Are you ready to be in a relationship? A romantic relationship?" Peter asked.

"With you, yes." That made Peter's heart skip a beat.

"Are you prepared to make love?" Peter asked, getting lost in her eyes.

"Make love?" The words came out of her mouth like they were in a different language. To her, they were.

"Well, there's two things. There's sex and there's making love." Peter said.

"What's the difference between the two?" Nebula asked.

"Sex is... sometimes it's just a means to an end depending on the context. Making love is when you want to make the person you lo- care about feel good. It's mutual." Peter tried his best to explain. Nebula turned her head and stared into Peter's eyes for half a minute.

"I love you." Peter said. Nebula grunted.

"Say it again." Nebula closed her eyes tight.

"I love you." Peter hugged her.

"Peter... keep..."

"I love you." Peter kissed the side of her head.

"I love you, Nebula. I love you."

Despite squeezing her eyes shut, the tears still fell down her face.

"I love you too..." Nebula choked the words out, but she meant them. Peter gently wiped away her tears and kissed her wet face. Peter's hand crept down her body and between her legs.

"Peter... I want you to..." Nebula grabbed his arm to get his attention.

"What is it?"

"I want you to make love to me. I want us to make love." Nebula answered. The heat had traveled from her crotch to her entire body. She shook with anticipation. Peter smiled and laid her down on her back. Nebula's hands gripped the collar of her shirt. Her eyes were locked onto Peter's erection poking through the towel. Peter slipped the towel off his body and cuddled next to her.

"I want to make love... down there again." Nebula found it easier to get the words out, but she was still emotionally overwhelmed.

"I'm all yours, Blueberry." Peter whispered in her ears. Nebula giggled before moving down the bed toward her lover's crotch. Nebula gripped the base of his cock firmly with her blue arm and kissed the tip. She swirled her thick tongue around Peter's sensitive cockhead.

"Mmmh..." Peter breathed a deep masculine sigh as Nebula enveloped his cock with her warm, eager mouth. His cock slid nice and smooth.

"That's it..." Nebula continued to pleasure the man who'd stolen her heart in a short amount of time. All she wanted to do was please him. Peter's hips reflexively shot up, forcing his hard cock deeper into her mouth. Luckily for both lovers, Nebula didn't have a gag reflex, so she held his cock in her mouth while running her tongue around every inch of it.

When Peter stroked her bald head, it felt like something came over her. She needed that release. Nebula tapped his inner thigh to signal him to lower his waist. Nebula took his cock out of her mouth and planted wild sloppy kisses along his lower abdomen and pubic hair.

"Are there more ways to have se- make love?" Nebula said with thin lines of saliva dripping down her chin.

"Yes. There's penetration. It's the best kind... In my opinion." Peter sat up.

"Let's do that. Now." Nebula wrapped her arms around his neck and smothered him with deep, loving kisses. Peter grabbed his cock and ran the head around Nebula's soaking wet entrance. He wanted to warn her and ease it in, but she didn't stop kissing him. So he slowly slipped the tip into her, but Nebula automatically moved her hips down, so she took half of his cock immediately.

"Ahhhh!" Nebula stopped her trail of kisses and shouted in pleasure. She arched her back and sank down on his cock even further until he bottomed out inside of her. There was no pain. Only pleasure.

"Peter..." Nebula didn't move a muscle. More tears fell down her face as Peter's hands lay on her perfect blue hips. She rested her head atop his, their foreheads touched. Nebula's tears fell down Peter's face. Peter just held her in his strong arms.

"Thank you..." Nebula hugged his neck tightly. Peter felt her breasts pierce the thin fabric of her oversized shirt. He slid his hands under her shirt and took both handfuls of her firm, soft tits.

"You're welcome, Nebula. You okay?" He looked at her with those puppy dog eyes that made her heart melt even more.

"Yes... this feels... It's perfect." Nebula stammered.

"Now just go with the flow, love. Whenever you're ready." Peter used all of her willpower not to explode inside of her. Nebula's hot, tight insides gripped him hard. Nebula kissed him and began to grind her hips. Tiny little squeaks escaped her lips, much quieter than her moans on the ship. It was the cutest thing Peter had ever heard. Nebula quicked her pace as Peter squeezed her tits. Nebula threw her head back and silently moaned; her eyes were squeezed shut as her second orgasm came soon.

"I love you, Nebula. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you." Peter repeated it until it was all Nebula could focus on. Her pussy clamped on his cock like a clamshell. Nebula cried for the third time tonight. While she didn't scream to the heavens, her orgasms still rocked her entire body. More tiny, frantic whimpers came out of her mouth. Peter gave her a minute to recover from her orgasm.

"Pete..." Nebula whispered. Peter took his hands off her sweaty breasts and grabbed the back of her bald head.


"You're... you're the best."

"So you've finally admitted to loving that Star-Lord charm?" Peter smirked. Nebula flashed her rare smile.

"Yes. Yes I have. You got me." Nebula said before leaning in to kiss him.

"Do you want to do it again?" Peter asked.

"Yes. Please." Nebula responded.

"I'm going to lift you up okay?" Peter put his hands on her sides.

"That's fine, Peter." Nebula kissed the curls on his head.

Peter lifted his lover off his lap; she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Peter stood up and placed sweet kisses on her chin and bottom lip. He turned around and laid her on her back. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her pretty blue and purple tits. Peter gently lined his cock up towards her pussy and slid in slowly.

"Shit..." Peter groaned. He placed his thumb against her slit and worked it quick while pumping her pussy. Peter's eyes were locked onto her bouncing breasts; her divine feminine curves glistened with sweat. Both lovers' moans filled the air as Peter dug into her even faster, slamming her tight. Peter bent forward and sucked on Nebula's left tit.

"Ah! Peter! That feels so good! PETER!" Nebula shrieked. She came once again.

Violently. Her pussy was so unbelievably tight Peter couldn't hold it in. He pulled off her breast and buried his face into his neck.

"Mmmmhhh Nebula... You're so beautiful..." Peter groaned into her ear before unloading deep inside of her. His warm spunk filled her spongy insides. Every muscle in their bodies spasmed and shook. Peter eventually stopped cumming and wrapped his arms around her. They lay on each other, savoring the warm embrace and whispering sweet nothings until they drifted off to sleep, dreaming about each other.



Nebula woke up wrapped in the covers of Peter's bed. She looked around but couldn't find him. She got up and took a whiff of her sweat-soaked shirt before replacing it with a regular gray turtleneck sweater and black sweatpants. Nebula made the bed and exited the bedroom. She walked down the hallway and saw Mantis sitting at the dining room table, blushing.

"Good Morning, Mantis." Nebula said.

"Good Morning, Nebula." Mantis hid her smirk.

"Where's Peter?"

"He went out a few hours ago. He told me he'd be back tonight."

"Thank you. I'm starving. Is there anything in the fridge?" Nebula asked.

"Yes, Peter left you something."

"He did?" Nebula rushed to the fridge and found a note taped to the top of a plastic pack of fruit. Nebula picked it up, and Mantis snuck behind her.

"(I found some Blueberries this morning, Blueberry. Hope you enjoy them.)"

Nebula giggled at the note. It was the happiest Mantis had ever seen her cybernetic friend.

"So," Nebula jumped when Mantis spoke. "When are you two getting married?"

"Don't sneak up on me like that!" Nebula's cold voice returned.

"You didn't answer my question." Mantis kept grinning despite the threat.

"Mmh." Nebula grumbled. It was something to think about.

"Don't worry, Kraglin and I already have our wedding speeches planned." Mantis said.

"Funny." Nebula opened the pack and popped one in her mouth. Peter was right. They were delicious. It made her feel good on the inside and out. Something she'd always wanted. The thing she finally had, and she refused to let it go.


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