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New Year's Eve...An Oral Tradition

Best friends who have had a rough year.
  • January 2022 monthly contest
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Best friends who have had a rough year.

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LLBrownLLBrown10 days ago

Delicious, good paced, I agree with more instruction to him, intensely of him to your sensitivity, as you ride the wave.......

ENFanENFan3 months ago

Part 2 please.? Great job.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Outstanding erotica. Tips for the presenter, men would like it if you made more of playing (gently) with the foreskin and precum. Otherwise, excellent. Thank you.

LuckyLuckyabout 1 year ago

Sound real, fun, humorous and sexy. Very nice! I would have liked to hear more of him pleasing her, with some more commentary and maybe some instruction to him since it was his first time. Still, definitely worth 5 stars!

olblueyesolblueyesabout 1 year ago

first time visit to audio, been a long time lit member,,this was great! liked it very much!

SunsquabiSunsquabiabout 2 years ago

Very sexy! Thank you.

GoldenredDragonGoldenredDragonabout 3 years ago

Found this through the awards. Well I guess I’m in for ~150 other audios to listen through at some point?

CanadianMCanadianMabout 3 years ago

Loved this. Fun, playful and sexy. Just wonderful. Well done sexy lady!

chieftwochieftwoabout 3 years ago

This is what happens when two friends take a moment and express their real needs to one another. Both desire great oral sex. Both never expect it to be fulfilled by their friend. Both are pleasantly surprised. Well Done.

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