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Our New Life Together

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My new existence as a cuckold begins.
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A few days after accidentally seeing my wife, Angela and her new lover Nate in action, I was scheduled to go out of town on business. I was at the airport, in the terminal waiting to board when an announcement came on cancelling our flight due to mechanical issues. No other flight would be going to my destination until the next day. After getting rebooked, getting my bags, and retrieving my car it was time to eat dinner.

Technically, I was still on my company's dime so I was going to reward myself with a good meal at my favorite bar and grill and catch the hockey playoffs. I tried to call Angela, but her phone was going straight to voicemail. I could be feel my face flush in part anger and part excitement. I was barely out of town and my lovely wife was out, I am sure, with her new man Nate. I didn't bother with a voicemail. I was too...I do not know what...angry, embarrassed, excited...there were a lot of things going on in my mind. None of it, normal, to me at least. I just knew that I had lost control of the situation, like I had any to begin with.

As I was driving to the bar, I was trying to figure out what I was going to do after dinner. Go home? Walk in on another crazy scene with my wife getting her mind blown with the most amazing sex she ever experienced and hide and watch again? Confront her and Nate? Or just get a room and jerk off thinking about whatever was going on in my bedroom. Assuming they were at my home. I had no good options. None of the outcomes I was gaming out in my mind had a real positive outcome for me or my relationship.

After parking my car, I stomped into the bar and headed back to my usual table in the back corner. I walked around the corner of the bar and BOOM! The World imploded in front of me, reminding me just how little control I had over this situation. Sitting at MY table was Angela and Nate. She was seated very close to him and they were clearly engaged in an intimate conversation. I just stood there for a moment trying to make sense of what I was seeing and how to handle it.

Again, my lack of control took control. Nate looked up and saw me, "Jay! We thought you flew to Phoenix! Come and join us, we were just talking about you."

I am sure I had a look of a man who just had dog piss thrown in his face. I could feel my face get hot with anger for the umpteenth time since my flight was cancelled.

"Hi has been a shitty day and I need a drink," I said.

I pulled a chair out at sat down. I noticed that Nate had his hand placed in Angela's lap, the fun way. I looked at Angela and she look me dead in the eyes and shrugged. This guy was not going to give an inch, as it were. He kept his hand on my wife's crotch. My wife's crotch. No control, whatsoever. I sat down a defeated man and looked for a waitress. Nate just waved at the bar and here came the waitress. No. Control.

The waitress was my usual waitress, Bonnie. Bonnie came over and saw the seating arrangement and was taken aback briefly. "Hi Jay...uh...hi Angela. The usual Jay?"

"Yes please Bonnie."

"Burger and an Old a shot of Patron with that, Jay?

I said looked at her and she said, "I will make that a double."

He she shuffled away, taking a second glance back as she headed to the bar to put in my order.

"Well now," Nate began, "We were talking about talking to you about the situation we find ourselves in."

"Jay," Angela said, "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I do. But Nate as opened my World up to levels of pleasure I never thought possible. It is just sex, incredible sex, but you are my partner and I...we want to be honest and up front about what's going on. Right Nate?"

"Yes absolutely! You are her husband and I respect that. You have built a life together and I do not want to destroy that. That's is just mean. That said, Angela wants me as her lover now. So, I guess, we are officially informing you of your new status as a cuckold."

No. Control. Except how I handle the next few minutes. I looked at him and my wife.

"Well, could you at least not play with my wife's pussy in public and wait until we get home?"

It was the only thing I could think to say to salvage my dignity, but calmly acknowledge the situation as presented. It turned out to be a wise move.

"Oh sure, Jay. You are right. I guess that is a little low rent, huh. We just got carried away."

"Thank you, Nate."

Just as he was bringing his hand up from under the table, Bonnie showed up with my beer and huge shot of tequila. She saw what was happening, left my drinks and beelined it away from our table.

"She seems nice," Nate said laughingly.

"Yeah," I said as I pounded the double shot of tequila. It really burned going down, but I instantly felt a bit more relaxed.

"No salt and lime there, Jay?"

"Training wheels? That's for amateurs."

Both of us shared a laugh and some more tension evaporated from the scene.

"So, Jay, you seem to be kind of ok with this. I figured you would be, since you did see us the other day."

"JAY?!" Angela exclaimed, "Did you..."

"Yes Angela, he did. I was not going to say anything until it was time. And now is the time, isn't Jay?"

Again I felt my face flush, this time with embarrassment.

"Yes honey, I came home early and accidentally saw you guys in the bedroom. I did not want to say anything because I was embarrassed and it also really turned me on to see you like that. There...I said it."

She scooted over closer to me and said, "Oh Honey, I love you so much. I did not want to hurt you. This just sort of happened and it seems, correct me if I am wrong, it might be for the best?"

"Honey," I said, "Clearly when it comes to you coming, as it were, what I saw, I know I have never made you feel like that. I can't. I get that. As shitty it is to say and deal with. But I want you to be as happy as possible and I don't want to lose what we have. If that means, I am..."

I could not say the word.

"In this situation, then... it is what it is, Angela."

"I will tell you what, Jay. We are going to leave you to your dinner. We will be at your house, come on over when you are finished here," Nate said with a self assured smile on his face.

I watch my wife and her lover walk arm and arm out of the bar. With a strange mix of anger, humiliation, and excitement. Not long after they left my food came and I ordered another round of drinks. I found myself eating fairly quickly. I really wanted to get home, for whatever it was that was waiting me.

I ate, paid my tab and left for home. It was a fairly short drive. I pulled in front of the house and parked. Not in the driveway though, Nate had parked there. Jesus, I even had to give up parking in my driveway. I walked up to the door, took a deep breath and walked inside.

My wife and Nate was on the couch engaged in some very heavy petting and passionate kissing. They stopped and acknowledged I was there.

"See Angela, I told you he would be home quickly."

"Jay, your wife is really a beautiful woman and she needs to be treated as such."

As he was speaking he was buttoning her blouse and removing it. Angela was not wearing a bra so her breasts were quickly exposed. Seeing Nate's big black hand kneading her breast sent a bolt of electricity straight to my crotch.

I went over and sat in my recliner just staring at what was going on. I did not know what else to do, besides, what was there for me to do. I was officially cuckolded.

Nate then stood up. It was almost an out of body experience, looking over at Angela and noticing how intently she was watching him. I heard the clanking of his belt buckle, and the distinct sound of a zipper being pulled. Neither one of us could not look away, nor conceal our reaction. I saw her eyes widen and her jaw drop slightly, her cheeks turning a blazing shade of crimson. I looked over at Nate, and felt a powerful surge of embarrassment as I was stunned by the behemoth bulge of his manhood that came into view as he slid his pants down. His dark blue boxer-briefs were nearly bursting at the seams as they restrained he big cock. 'What the fuck?' I remember thinking to myself, as he stepped out of his pants, his immense bulge jostling beneath the cotton as he did so. I quickly averted my eyes, and noticed that Angela did not.

Angela gasped audibly, as Nate pulled the boxer waistband down his thighs. It was an out of body experience, watching as his thick, black shaft came into view. I was was in awe as his hulking cock sprang into view. His penis kind of bounced, hanging heavily, long, and very thick. My mind raced with a burning sense of inadequacy, as I saw my wife's enraptured eyes locked right on another man's massive cock. It was shocking in every sense of the word, as I considered how Nate's cock was two times my size, before he was even erect and aroused. The whole presentation was intimidating and sexually overwhelming.

"Well Jay, now you can get a good close up look at my dick. I know you did not really get a solid look the other day," he said with an arrogance backed up by the two people in the room marveling at his huge manhood. Both of us, my beautiful wife and I were mesmerized. I knew that my marriage would never be the same. I sat there, mind racing, embarrassment surging, as I struggled with the current reality.

"I will tell you what Jay, I am going upstairs to the bedroom and leave you two down here to talk. When you are ready, bring her upstairs for me, ok?"

With that he headed upstairs to leave my wife and I there to figure out the rest of our marriage. Quite literally, the rest of our lives together.

Angela looked at me with pity in her eyes, which really made me feel awful. "Honey," she began, "you are my best friend and I love you deeply, I do. This just kind of happened, and I would be lying if I said I was not happy about it. I know that is completely selfish. I hope you can forgive me for that."

"Well...," I stammered.

"Let me finish, please Jay. If we are being truly honest, there is apart of you that is excited and intrigued about this. Yes?"

"Well...honestly, yes. I don't know why but, yes. I do appreciate the honesty and we will need that going forward now I guess."

"Ready to take me upstairs, baby?"


That fact that Nate put us in the position of coming upstairs together in an act of free will is something, upon reflection, I did come to appreciate. I gave me, gave us, the opportunity to exercise some control of a situation as I have noted, I felt zero control over.

Angela walk over to me extended her hand, I took it and we began the walk to our bedroom.

When we walked in Nate was lying in our bed. He looked at my wife and patted the bed next to him signaling where he wanted her. He looked at me and said, "Why don't you take a seat over there and just sit back and enjoy this, Jay."

With that wife wife released my hand, took off her clothes and snuggled up to her new man and a retreated to the chair in the corner.

I felt numb as I watched my wife melt into Nate's arm and felt my dick stir as they began kissing passionately. I could see my wife from time to time completely sucking on Nate's big bottom lip. Their tongues lewdly intertwined with equal passion. He wanted her and she wanted him, clearly.

After awhile, he asked her, "Angela you want my cock don't you?"


With a gentle nudge he let her know he was ready for her to pleasure him with her mouth, an invite she greedily accepted.

She grasped his thick cock and just looked at it. "Look at him Jay! Can you see why? Why I need this?"

While she was looking at me she took the head of his cock into her mouth and I could see her tongue spiraling around it. "She used to do that to me"I thought to myself.

Soon the room was filled with the wet sounds of my wife sucking this man's impossible large cock. It became shinier and shinier with the mix of his precut and my wife's saliva.

"Oh Angela, you are getting better at handling my dick in your mouth."

He just laid back quietly moaned and breathed heavily as Angela was working him with her mouth and and hands. I had to release my very hard cock from my pants. The front of my pants and underwear was wet and sticky from my own precome.

"Here Angela, get on all fours and face you husband. I want him to see your face, your pleasure when I enter you. You still want this inside you I take it..."

She obeyed his commands and was looking at me with overwhelming lust in her eyes, glassy and a bit bloodshot as he mounted her from behind. I could hear the heavy sounding thuds as he smacked his huge cock on her lower back. I could see him teasing her opening and her hips wiggling in response trying to get him inside her.

"Tell Jay what is going to happen next, baby."

"Oh Nate, you are going to put your big black cock...uhhhh!!"

Has she was speaking to me Nate began into enter her wet pussy causing the interruption in her description. Her mouth opened and she made the half moan/ half grunt sound I heard the first time I saw them together by accident. But this time, it is right in my face, in living color, as it were.

He very slowly and gently was taking my wife and she was clearly enjoying every inch.

"Oh my god, Nate! Your cock feels so wonderful...oh it is so deep..."

Her eyes widened and her breathing quickened when he was reaching space that only he has explored. From that point on nothing else was said. Just the animal sounds of raw passion and pleasure. Both of them just lost in each others pleasure. It was then that I finally began to touch my own cock, completely hypnotized by the sight in front of me; these two very beautiful people fucking each other.

After I don't know how long he put her on her back and mounted her again. Her muscular legs complete opened for him to continue taking her to new heights of pleasure. For this phase, she was not facing me anymore. For this phase was completely about the two of them, I was irrelevant.

"Take it baby." He grunted, clutching into her rear, stuffing more of his member into my wife.

"It's s-so- It's so biggg!" Angela moaned, gasping loudly, her toes curling as her feet twitched, her legs spread outwards of his own. He plunged upward, his heavy testicles slapping into my wife's ass. I couldn't believe my eyes as I realized that she had taken all of him with an ease and welcoming that stunned me.

"I'm c-c-cumminggg so harddd!!," she screamed out. He had barely entered her in this new position and she was already in the throes of an intense orgasm. Her legs wrapped around him and she grasped on to his buttocks pulling him into her as he increased the force in which he was fucking her.

Later when I had time to think about what I saw I was amazed by both the gentleness Nate displayed at the beginning then the raw power he was fucking her with now, in this moment. I knew I was completely incapable of those two things simultaneously like Nate demonstrated that night.

"Do you like watching me fuck your wife, Jay?", Nate asked.

"Yes...Angela you are the sexiest woman alive..." I said.

"I'm fucking you with it right in front of your husband."

His thrusts took on a new tempo and power. I could see the muscles in his back rippling has he was obviously get closer to his own orgasm.

"I am going to come inside you baby!"

"Oh god yesssss!! Give it to me...I love your cock baby...I have never come so hard with anyone else...fuck me...f-uck...meee..."

He gave her one deep, deep thrust and began to grunt has his seed was filling my wife. She at this point lost complete control of herself and her legs were wilding shaking as he was filling her with his come. He continued to grunt and would slam in and out of my wife in a wild non-rhythmic manner.

I had long ago reach my orgasm, but was still hard as a rock.

They both just sank into the bed spent, softly kissing.

I took that as my cue to leave and go sleep in the guest room.

This was the beginning our new life.

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Buster2UBuster2Uover 1 year ago

5 Big Blazing Stars! So, now the cheating slut of a wife has completely gone black. Stretched her pussy out with the big BBC and is "in love" with this monster cock. Which leaves hubby out completely. Oh, Hubby may be "turned on" thinking about his wife's fucking BBC but other than that, what is he going to get? The nights are going to get really "cold and Lonely" by himself while wifey fucks Nate every night. Sounds like they don't have any kids yet. Hubby only has two choices. Shoot them both or divorce the slut wife. He should probably get some photos first for proof of what a slut whore she is. Divorce her and try again. Otherwise, he won't ever have intimate relations again and just grow to hate himself for NOT being good enough to keep a loyal wife. Thanks, Buster2U

jblacklovejblackloveover 3 years ago

I loved the story.

Let's make her go proudly for a black baby.

Paul PinesPaul Pinesover 3 years ago

Good story, and I hope you continue it!

I do suggest you get an editor or proofreader - seems like you dictated the story and didn't correct the autocorrect errors.


Cuckold Paul

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