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I gathered the sheet around my body and then said to hell with it. I hopped out of the bed, shimmied into my tee shirt and pulled my jeans on. As I was standing there trying to find my sandals, Jim came out of the bathroom naked with his cock sticking up in all its glory.

"Where are you going?? I'm ready again."

I just nodded toward the angry woman in the corner and said I'd be going.

"Not on your fucking life." She said to me. Now, I had already assessed her physically. She was a bit bigger than me but I was at least 15 years younger and as physically fit as a tigress. I could kick her ass but that's not what I wanted. I just wanted out. She told us both to be at the kitchen table in five minutes, dressed, and she turned around and stormed out of the bedroom.

I was at the table in about a minute and Jim came in a few minutes late.

"I'm sorry, Pam, I was going to tell you."

"Pam, Shit! I don't give a shit about Pam. When were you going to tell me, you fucking peckerwood?"

Jim stood there, all 6'6" inches of him, shrinking before this woman who was his wife. I threw caution to the wind.

"Hold on, Peckerwood and Mrs. Peckerwood or whatever your name is."

"It's Debbie."

"OK, Debbie, Jim or Peckerwood, I guess. Whatever. You fucking deceived me, Peckerwood. That's a good name for you too and I'm pissed. I wouldn't have touched that fucker in a million years if I knew he had a wife." I said it looking at her.

"He didn't have a ring on his hand. There was no sign of a woman ever living here so I assumed he was a single man suitable for what I was looking for. Obviously, I was wrong. So that said, I appreciate the hospitality, Debbie, but if you don't mind, I'll take my leave. As for you, Peckerwood, don't you ever."

I walked right by him and cuffed him on the side of his head on the way out. Mrs. Debbie just laughed. Looking back on it I guess I laughed much later but at the time I felt used. I mean I had spent two years with this man on a fairly regular basis enjoying fantastic sex and there was never even a hint of another woman in his life.

I found out why a few weeks later. There was a buzz at my gate on Saturday afternoon and when I looked at the security monitor, I saw Debbie standing there. I didn't recognize her at first but when she told me who she was, I buzzed her in.

After the niceties we sat in my living room and she proceeded to explain how it was that she was never there and why she was pissed, aside from her husband fucking another woman.

"You see, I have my own company and expanded to Europe three years ago. I've been living mostly over there. I would fly back occasionally or Jim would travel over there but we were apart for long stretches. I guess it was just circumstances or timing that kept me from finding out earlier.

My Jim, you see, has an enormous sexual appetite but I guess you already know about that. He told me about the two of you. But, I was being really selfish too. I insisted on moving to Europe and Jim's career was just taking off downtown so we tried living in two places but as more time passed I just didn't get back much.

Worse, I know that Jim needed sex but I wasn't here for him and the same with me. I needed it too. The two of us sat down after I found you in my bed, well, Jim's bed I guess, and had a long heart to heart. OK, I don't know how to say it any differently so here it goes.

I want you to fuck my husband, fuck him regularly. No strings, just give him the fucking you've already been doing. I won't like it but I know that's the only way I'll be able to keep him."

Jesus H Christ! Now she was crying on my sofa. I didn't want to fuck him anymore. I don't like being deceived. If he had been up front with me, I of all people would have understood. I've had The Arrangement. Well, I proceeded to explain to her the ins and outs of my own experience with these arrangements and finally I got to the point where I told her I didn't want to fuck him. I think she understood when I was finished but she seemed a bit downtrodden when she left. I never did hear from either of them again and I know they have new beverage manager where he was working. Maybe she convinced him to go to Europe. Whatever the outcome, Jim was one of the best fucks of my life and I missed it for a while.

David and Marylyn made a visit out west a couple months after that, staying at Stephen and Cindy's place in Clearlake. I loved the both of them and their kids but if the truth were known then, I had a really strong physical attraction to David as well as an emotional desire that I was able to keep in check. Friends don't fuck their friend's spouses, at least without an invitation. In any event, David seemed preoccupied on that visit and I noticed that he and Stephen would huddle in conversation a lot.

Something about Marylyn seemed off as well but I couldn't put a finger on it. She was still her exuberant self but something was tugging at her. I counted it as merely bumps in the road between the two of them thinking maybe they had a fight or something. I can only remember one fight Bob and I had and in hindsight it was trivial. Nonetheless, we should have stayed home and worked it out before going out. It cast an air that I knew others were aware of.

I talked to Cindy about it after they headed back and she intimated that she guessed one of them was stepping out or something serious like that but that she didn't know for sure. She was staying out of it. I headed back to Napa.

He was eye candy, beefcake, my toy for the night. I had just turned 32 and I wanted a hard body to use for just a few hours. I would send him back to momma when I was done. If he was a day over 18 I would have been surprised but he turned out to be 22, blond, blue eyes, chiseled like an Adonis with a full multi-functional package.

It's probably a sin to take such a toy from the girls his own age but I was feeling greedy and he was perfect. I think we fucked each other silly until the wee hours of the morning and then he dressed and left me with a kiss.

"Will we see each other again?"

"Nope." I smiled. "But I'll always remember it."

When he was gone, I basked in the glow of being a satisfied woman. The kid was the first since the Jim and Debbie thing and I'd stay satisfied for a while. I felt sated.

The work world shifted a bit. I was working with one of my newer accounts, the Meritage Resort in Napa and they had given me a free hand at stocking their wine cellar. The commission work on that was close to 15% and they were running through 1,500 bottles a week between the bar, two restaurants and the pub as well as retail sales. They were just one client among many. So, life was looking good. My workout regimen intensified when I shifted to bulking for a bit of body building. I started doing intense runs. My body hardened and I felt great.

I saw him when he walked through the lobby but he didn't notice me. David had a unique gait. It was confidence and purpose that he showed with his steps. One of the things I had noticed about him over the few years I had gotten to know him was his reserve and soft-spoken nature. He nodded a lot and pondered what you said to him. It might drive some folks crazy but I liked it. It defined his unique character.

Later that afternoon, I changed into skin tight yoga pants and a midriff tee to go for a run. I watched him head out to the trails a short while ago and followed him at a short distance. If he noticed me, he never let on. Eventually I caught up to him.

"You are getting a bit soft there, cowboy. So you just work when you want to?"

Without breaking stride, he replied. "It's one of the benefits of being at the top of the game. I get to choose my work hours and playmates."

Yeah, right. David is a workaholic if ever there was one but Cindy's comment about thinking one of them might be stepping out had me wondering about the last part.

"What's the application process for a playmate?"

"You have to be 5' 6", 110 lbs with dark hair and eyes and have a unicorn tattoo on your left shoulder AND know the difference between a Merlot and a Cabernet. "

"You bastard, you know my Tattoo is on the right shoulder!"

We both laughed and I took off at that point yelling back at him that I'd meet him for dinner later that evening. I did a few minutes of sprints and jogs and called it quits.

Knowing David was in town put a boost to my steps. It's probably irrational especially since he's off limits but he has always had that effect on me. There is an attraction about him that I think most women find highly appealing. It isn't a GQ thing or an alpha bull effect. I think it's that full confidence, attractiveness and knowing what path he is on that women find interesting. I know I certainly did.

I headed down to the lounge around dinner time and watched him from a short distance. He was chatting with an attractive, really big breasted woman around my age and as she moved away, she was flirting with him with her big toothy smile. She also put a bit more swing into those hips. I guess it's something we see in other women, our competitive nature.

"Enjoying the sights. David?"

He looked up at me and smiled and extended a couple flirty compliments that I had no intention of refusing. After chatting for a while, we chose a quaint little restaurant nearby, had a wonderful dinner and decided to stroll back along the greenway.

Right out of the blue he asked me the most direct question but in a disarming way.

"Pam, did you ever cheat on Bob or come close to it? Of course you don't have to answer that if you care not to. I'm just curious."

I didn't know how to answer him at first. Margo and Cindy were the only two people I had really talked to about Bob and how we coped with our separation. In the end I just jumped in head first.

"David, between you and I, yes, I cheated on Bob but he made me think of it as something else. It's hard to explain. He wanted me to even though later I felt horribly guilty, well, until he told me he had done the same thing."

Jesus, now I was starting to cry but I recovered pretty nicely.

"Don't mind the tears. They aren't for the guilt. They are for the happy memories. So, where was I? We both had sex with other people. He did it in Germany between field deployments and I did it here in California. There was certainly no love involved. For both of us it was a sexual release although I'd be quick to say it was a damn fun way to release tension. Now, we both struggled with it at first when he came back that first time but we got over it quickly. He showed me that what I had done was no threat to him and while I didn't feel the same at first, you know, my double standard, I came around with it."

I knew there had to be a reason for his question so I pushed back and he laid it all out there. When he finished his tale, I was shocked. Not in a million years could I have ever even made up what he told me. Marylyn had cheated on him with her boss over several months and was even planning on leaving him. The why was even worse. She didn't want to but felt she needed to rather than have him find out but he had already found out. What a fucking mess. Then the shocker. He burned them both and did it with her boss's own wife. To top it all off, they are trying to reconcile while having a ménage à trois relationship with the other wife. When he asked me what I thought, I just kind of looked at him and squinted with a sly smile growing on my face.

"Ha!! I think you are a fucking bad ass, that's what I think. When can I get some of that??"

On a more serious note, I told him what I thought, that if they were both happy or content with the relationship, to go for it and if it works great. If not, go your separate ways and make it good. Of course, that's just empty rhetoric from one who doesn't have to live through the fallout.

We shot the breeze a while longer until the jazz band started playing and I dragged him onto the floor for a few songs. After we returned, a young boy toy asked me to dance and while I didn't want to, David insisted I enjoy myself. If only he knew I WAS enjoying myself with him! So I went off with the little cutie and as soon as I was gone, the cute stacked blond David was talking to earlier got him out on the floor. Then it was a different one that actually ended up being a twin to the first one. OK, twin bimbos in short dresses and David was lapping it up. A worm had turned somewhere in his life.

I made a decision at that point and ditched the eye candy beefsteak. I headed for the table with David and the two bimbos. Introductions were made and I discovered that they really were not bimbos. They just looked that way. They were actually a couple of divorced twins, each of them investors and had decided to sit back and enjoy life. We actually ended up talking about my specialty, wine vintages and hit it off really well. That said, my hormones were kicking in and I let the dreamy eyes rest on David at every opportunity. I don't know if he picked up on it or not but the divorcee twins did.

After they excused themselves, I got up and took David's hand in mine and told him. "Come on, we are getting out of here."

I nearly dragged him to the elevator and when inside, I threw my arms around him and told him in no uncertain terms.

"David, you are going to fuck the living daylights out of me."

And, that is what he did. He took me to his room. I dropped to my knees, unbuckled his trousers and pulled his growing erection to my mouth. It was beautiful, strong, potent and when he was ready he lifted me up, stripped my clothes off and laid me down on his bed.

"Motherfuck me ... yes, just like that. Hit it .... Oh my fucking god ... hit it.

Oh my fuck ... that is good ... fuck it, baby. Take it like you always wanted to ... oh honey Fuuuuuck I'm gonna cum ... Oh my God! Do it."

I milked him and stroked his cock until I felt my vaginal orgasm building and I then let go and fucked myself into a bliss. As soon as I started to come down, David emptied his nut deep inside me and I lovingly held him locked in my arms until he went soft.

Reaching for my post coitus bliss cigarette I said. "This is the only time I ever smoke and only after a really great orgasm."

We did it again and I let myself fall to sleep in his arms totally content and satisfied and feeling closer to him than ever. I let myself out in the morning after leaving him a note. That wasn't the only time I was with him that week. I slept in his bed the following night although we didn't have sex until morning. By then I needed to see a client in the city and wouldn't see him again on that trip. We cleared the air before we parted. There was no guilt. David and Marylyn's intimate lives had changed and David told me he would tell Marylyn about our intimacy. I told him I thought I needed to talk to her as well, woman to woman, and assure her there was no threat, even if I didn't totally believe that myself.

So off I went to my happy fulfilling life with a big smile on my face but with a tinge of sadness that a man I could easily fall in love with could never be mine. I think I tempered that sadness with the argument that I had already dismissed marrying again anyway but somehow that seemed empty.

I never did initiate the conversation with Marylyn. She beat me to it. Cindy and I were visiting friends in Nashville and later, we did a stopover at David and Marylyn's house for the night. She hit me right straight out of the blue.

"Do you want to fuck him again?" She asked me.

OK, I didn't know what to say really. These were good friends. I loved their kids. I spent a lot of time with them. I was at a loss for words. I was hoping to kind of slide into a discussion really low key at first, No, she just went right at it.

"Pam, it is OK with me if you do. I just want you to know that. David and I talked about it a long time and I made it clear to him that that I know he loves you. We both do and if the two of you are together when he goes west, I really am OK with that."

She had tears in her eyes when she told me this. I knew that she loved her husband unquestionably but I also knew that the tears belied some other feelings that were deep inside. I clutched her into my arms and kissed her and whispered in her ear.

"Marylyn, I won't say what David and I did was a mistake. I can't. I will treasure that always. I do have a love for him and for you too and the kids. You are family to me. So, look at me when I tell you this." I raised her face to look into her eyes.

"Your husband and I will never be together like that again. As much as I would love to be with him every day, David is your man, your husband and whatever thing the two of you have going on now is between the two of you. What we did was a circumstance of that time in our lives, yours, his and mine and I can't replicate that again. He's your Baby and only yours. And, listen to me, I'm going to do what I can to make sure he is only yours. It might take some time but it's going to happen. Now, let's get cleaned up and enjoy the evening. Cindy is probably wondering what's going on."

I meant it too. When I saw the tears in her eyes I knew she wanted her husband back and a small ache began to grow in my heart for her. I had heard the full story by then and knew what she had done and what was done to her lover. I had heard about Sarah, the other wife, as well although I had never met her.

On David's next trip out west, we had dinner and a chance for a long talk. I think he half expected to make love that evening and it would have been making love and not just fucking. I had other thoughts.

"David, Honey, when are you going to go back to being man and wife?"

I don't think he knew what to say for a moment so he just kind of nodded.

"I guess what I mean is your wife, your bride, would give you any woman you desire on a silk pillow if it was in her power to do so but you know something? She hopes that it will always be her on the pillow. Her heart is breaking every time you go to that Sarah woman. I saw it in her tears. You know, she gave you to me, any time I want you and believe me that is a treasured gift if I were to accept it but I can't. I told her so.

David, at some point, you have to become man and wife again. It's been a year now and if you don't, I don't think you'll be together a year from now. Remember, when I told you it was OK if it worked for both of you? Well, it's not working for Marylyn even though she won't admit it. I can see it inside her. David, you need to save your wife."

He looked me over for a long time before he spoke.

"You know, Pam, I think you are the smartest woman I know. Let me share something with you. Marylyn sometimes quietly weeps herself to sleep. I know I've been the cause of it sometimes but other times I think it has been the grief she brought on at her own hand. I want to get her past all of that but I'm not sure how to do it."

"David, here is a thought. Move your executive operations out here. Don't you have offices in San Rafael? So, there is a solution. Leave Tennessee and move your immediate team out here. Bring Marylyn out here. Get away from the influences and environment back there. Bury the old ghosts, David."

"Pam, I'll give that serious consideration, I promise."

It was getting late so we hugged, kissed each other lightly and I told him I loved him and all of us out here would do anything we could to help out.

My experience with Marylyn was an epiphany for me. I was a single, widowed woman, 33 years old, with no lack of company if I chose. I had a thing for older, strong men yet satisfied myself with young beefcake when I got the urge. I had convinced myself I had no interest in remarrying but Bob had been gone 9 years now. What I saw in Marylyn was a fear of being alone. David's mention of her weeping alone at night convinced me of it. I couldn't help but wonder if I too might find myself weeping alone at night even when a hard body lay at the edge of my shoulder.

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