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Pitching a Tent Ch. 07

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Grant and Nora's night continues.
919 words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 03/21/2022
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"You coming?" Nora called from the bathroom. Languid steam poured out the bathroom door. The shower curtain swung open and I caught a glimpse of her ass and legs as she stepped inside. I shook my head to bring my thoughts back to Earth. Nora was right that moment waiting for me naked in my shower. I had just had her in my bed. This was all really happening. It all felt like a dream. I followed Nora into the shower, pinching myself to confirm I was really this lucky.

I pulled the curtain aside and joined her. Nora was in the middle of getting her hair wet. "Hey, you," she said. Somehow she seemed shy. We had just finished fucking, but standing in the shower together she felt a little bit awkward. I understood though. I felt the same way. It was suddenly nerve-wracking to figure out what to say to her.

"Hey," I said lamely.

The distance between us was unbearable. I moved up against her, pressing my body against hers. Nora settled into me. A little bit of tension diffused. I reached down to squeeze her ass. Nora pulled my head down to her and met my lips with hers. There was heat in that kiss. So much that it caught me off-guard. I pulled back and looked at her quizzically. Nora just flashed me a smile and turned around to face the water.

"You know," I started, "I was thinking..."

"Hmm?" Nora replied. She had picked up my bottle of 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner and was pouring some into her hand. She started to rub it into her hair. The sight of Nora's wet red hair clinging to her back reminded me of flashes of that summer camping trip when we had hooked up all week. Parts of that week felt unreal, like a fever dream. Almost like how this night was starting to feel.

"Yeah, it's already late. I was thinking maybe you should just stay over."

There was a very slight, almost imperceptible pause in Nora's lather motion. She spun around to start rinsing it out. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. I'm so tired it would probably be unsafe to drive home." She said this with a barely concealed grin.

I nodded, playing along. "Oh, definitely. It's way too late for that."

"Yeah, I wouldn't feel safe at all. And maybe, since you're such a gentleman, you would be willing to drive me somewhere for food. I'm practically wasting away."

I smiled, "I insist."

"Perfect," she beamed back. "First though, I really need some help soaping up. There are some spots I can't quite reach. She handed me the bar of soap and turned around so that her back was facing me.

I swear to God when I started soaping her up that's all I was planning on doing. She looked so good though. She had these perfect shoulders that I just wanted to rub. And she had these adorable back dimples that seemed like the perfect place to rest my thumbs. I found my hands drifting down her body as I thought about bending her over and holding onto her hips for Round Two.

I ended up not being able to resist reaching down to soap up her ass cheeks. They were a perfect handful and I was enjoying giving them a playful squeeze.

"Having fun back there?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I laughed, "I got a bit distracted."

She turned around to face me. She sure didn't look bothered. Exactly the opposite actually.

"Make sure you don't miss anywhere," Nora said, grabbing me by the wrists and placing my hands on her tits. I happily complied and soaped them up for her.

Soon I found myself unable to resist letting my hands drift down from there too. I wanted to run my hands all over her tanned and toned tummy punctuated with her belly button piercing.

"Fuck," I whispered.

Nora leaned in close and whispered, "What are you waiting for?"

That was all the encouragement I needed. I grabbed her hips and spun her around. She reached out and rested against the shower wall. I slid inside her and she was so wet for me.

Nora cried out, "Oh fuck, Grant. Yes, fuck."

That made me want to rail her even harder. I held her hips firmly and gave her everything I had. When I finished and pulled out her legs were shaking a little. I gave her ass a playful little slap. "Good girl."

She turned around and pulled me in for a kiss, deep and long. "Fuck, Grant. I missed you," she breathed.

"I missed you too, Nora." I planted a kiss on her forehead. It was a relief that our time apart hadn't cooled the passion we had for each other's bodies. Nora was still pressed up against me, absent-mindedly rubbing my chest.

"How about I take you to grab some food?" I suggested.

Nora seemed to snap out of a daydream. "Oh, yes. I'm starving."

"Me too," I laughed and reached around her to shut the water off. "I'm also so fucking tired."

"Ok so we'll get a super quick bite and then right to bed."

I nodded. It sent a little thrill through me that she was talking so casually about sleeping in my bed, but I couldn't help but wonder if we'd be getting to sleep at any reasonable hour that night. Knowing how we got around each other, it seemed unlikely.

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SmokeylinkSmokeylinkover 1 year ago

Hope you keep this story going!

cozywecozywealmost 2 years agoAuthor

I have good news for you. The next two installments for those characters are already written and ready to post. I'm going to be putting up a new story every Friday. So you can check for them on these dates:

5/19 In Emily's Pocket Ch. 03

5/26 Obedient Ch. 07

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I have been waiting for the story of Sophie and Emily for a long time, hoping to see an update on such a wonderful MC story

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