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Rodney's Travels - Germany

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The trip started when I met Inga and her mother.
7.3k words

Part 2 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 12/23/2022
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It was mid September. I was bored.

It's been more than a month since my last travel. I needed fresh air. And good beer...

As usual, I contacted some of my friends around the world to hear their suggestions.

'Rodney, your best bet is Octoberfest in Munich, Germany,' e-mailed Peter from Austria.

I e-mailed him back, 'But I want to leave now, not in a month.'

Five minutes later he sent me another e-mail, 'Octoberfest starts in mid September and ends in early October!'

I checked on line and he was right.

The most impressive festivities are in Munich and last more than 2 weeks, starting in mid September.

Getting flight tickets was fairly easy, but finding a decent lodging place was not...

All the reasonable hotels in and around Munich were full.

Obviously too many people love Germany, Munich, festivities and... good beer!

After extensive search I found a mid range bed & breakfast place about 30 km from the city.

Two days later I landed in Munich and took an Uber to the B & B.

I arrived to a small village sitting along a narrow stream with nice view of the mountains far away.

Well, if I wanted quiet, this would have been the perfect place for me, but I was ready for more...

At the door I was greeted by a traditionally dressed young girl, I'd say around 20 years old.

She smiled warmly and with a heavy German accent introduced herself as Inga.

Inga showed me the small house that had 2 bedrooms, small living room with a TV set, one bathroom, kitchen and a tiny storage place.

She explained that only she and her mother lived in this house.

I checked the bedrooms. Both had king size beds and looked comfortable.

"Inga, how are you two going to manage if I sleep in one of the rooms?..."

"Rodney, don't worry. We never use the guest room. We sleep together in the same bed."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but I let it go.

I arranged my luggage in the small closet and 2 drawers and walked around the house.

There was nothing unique about the small town. It had a small store, one restaurant, post office, church and a cemetery.

I went back inside the house.

Inga smiled at me and asked if I was up for a coffee and a strudel. I happily accepted. Very tasty...

We started talking and I found out that her father died when she was just a child. Since then her mother raised her by herself. Inga currently attended Ludwig university in Munich, but was on a 2 weeks vacation during Octoberfest. Her mother was working part time at the post office and back at home early afternoon.

In order to supplement their revenue, they decided to rent the extra room for the summer. They had 2 German female guests before me and I was their first foreign guest. They accepted me because I reserved it for more than 2 days and they needed the money...

The mother, who was about 40-45 years old looked slightly older than her daughter.

Both were about 5'6", 130lbs, cute face and reasonable figure... As far as I could judge with their heavy dresses.

The mother said with similar accent to her daughter's, "Hello, I am Helga. I see that you met my daughter. I hope that she was polite and offered you coffee and cake."

I smiled, "Your daughter was very nice. She showed me the house and afterwards we both had coffee and an excellent strudel. I heard you made it yourself!..."

"Oh yes, I like to cook. I tried to teach Inga, but she is more interested in important studies like sciences and politics..."

Inga smiled lovingly at her mom, "Mama, I love you. When I have free time from the university, I want to spend it with you having fun. I don't want to waste it on cooking..." Then she kissed her mom lightly... on the mouth...

I said, "It is so rare to see such loving family these days. In America most young adults follow their dreams and carriers. They usually end up far from their parents and the connection is not as strong, even though the family members still visit during big holidays and special occasions. Occasionally they phone, e-mail or skype, but it's not the same as living together."

Helga embraced Inga, "She is the only one I have left and I love her!... Inga may be stubborn at times, but I tell her that it comes from her father..."

"Mama, that's not nice of you. You tell Rodney all our secrets on his first day... He will run away..."

Helga gazed fondly at her daughter, "Not ALL the secrets yet, honey..."

Inga glanced at her mother and winked at her, "Mama, you are naughty!"

This exchange between mother and daughter revealed a strong bond between them. Lovely!...

In the evening the options for entertainment were limited. They included watching TV in German, reading a book that I brought with me from the US, or do something with these pleasant ladies.

Inga suggested to play a German Monopoly.

There were 4 chairs around the table. I sat on the one in the front, Helga sat opposite to me and Inga sat... on her mother lap, hugging her mom's shoulder.

I joked, "You two are too close. Are you going to gang up against me?!..."

"No," said Helga, "but we love each other and we do almost everything together."

We played for about an hour.

I lost big and at the end of the game I owed each one of them thousands of deutsche marks...

The jetlag began taking it's toll and I needed to go to sleep.

I apologized and went to take a shower.

After I was done, I noticed that I forgot my clean underwear on my bed.

I opened the door slightly and didn't see or hear anybody, so I ran naked into my room and closed the door.

I fell asleep like a baby. However, I woke up at 4 am and couldn't sleep anymore.

Was it the jetlag effect? the extra heat in the house?

I was having only my undies on. But everybody was asleep anyway...

I went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich with ham and cheese.

On the way back to my room I saw that the ladies door was ajar...

I peeked inside.

Inga's front was toward me and Helga was spooning behind her, hugging her waist.

Inga was topless with the thin blanket covering only the bottom parts of both women...

It was an unexpected scene, to say the least...

I stood by the door for like 2 minutes with my cock stirring...

When I was back in bed, I couldn't stop thinking, 'Is it common in Germany to sleep like that? Is it only an act of love thy family? Is it more than that?...'

An hour later I was sleeping again.

I woke up at 9 am smelling fresh coffee.

Helga has already gone to work.

I heard Inga singing quietly in the kitchen.

"Inga, the smell of coffee is wonderful. Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"I had one toast with mama earlier, but I'll have a full breakfast with you. Give me 10 minutes and everything will be ready."

I sat in the kitchen, watching her making the eggs.

"Inga, I wanted to ask you a question, but if you think that it's too personal, you do not have to answer..."

She smiled, "Rodney, what do you want to know?"

"I noticed that you share a bed with your mother. How common is it in Germany?"

"I am not sure really... But I know that we have done it since I was a child. After my father died, I had nightmares and mom took me to her bed. When I was very young, she would sing to me and tell me stories until I fell asleep. We never had a lot of money, so we lived in a smaller house before moving to this one and we continued sleeping together. This house we bought 2 years ago, when I was 19. By then we got used to sleep together... So 6 months ago we decided to use your room for renting to paying guests..."

"By the way, last night it was very hot in the house. I looked at the thermostat and translated the temperature to Fahrenheit. it was 73 degrees. Do you always use so much heat? In America my night temperature is never above 68 degrees..."

"We set the temperature higher than you in the USA,because mom and I like to sleep naked, with only a small blanket covering us during the night. Actually, I didn't need to tell you that, because you saw us already..."

I blushed, "I didn't want to spy on you, but it looked so unusual..."

"Rodney, you'll find out that in Germany many things are different than in your country. Nudity in Germany is tolerated much more than in America and many of us feel very comfortable being without clothes in public places too... But sleeping with my mother at my age may be less common. Look, I do not want to bore you with details about us..."

"Inga, it sounds actually very interesting..."

"Rodney, suffice to say that mom and I were isolated for many years from prying eyes and we learned to trust and enjoy each other's company. And for the question that you are dying to ask, but not dare to, the answer is 'yes'.

Since I was 18 I had sex with 2 guys. Both of them were my classmates in the university. Two years ago I went with another friend to a bar and we drank too much. This guy kissed me and started touching my body. He aroused me. Then his wife showed up. She made a fuss about it and they left together. I came back home horny and somewhat drunk. I saw mom relaxing naked on the bed and hugged her. She caressed my hair. I started playing with her breasts. She let me. I became bolder and touched her down there... She spread her legs and never objected. Rodney, I was 19 years old and never touched a woman before. Being drunk gave me courage, but also clouded my thought process. That night mother had her first orgasm in many years. Then she embraced me and said gently that it was her turn to make me feel better. She fingered me and licked me until I climaxed too. Since then we are more than a mother and daughter. We are also lovers..."

"Inga, your life story is very interesting! So now you consider yourself a lesbian?..."

"Of course not! I like to have sex with mom, because we love each other and never dream of betraying one another. In addition we know what the other one likes and how to please one another. It is safe and fun! But I am not exclusively into females. I told you that I had already sex with 2 males... By the way, I find YOU very handsome and attractive guy too..."

I blushed again, "Thank you... And not to return your compliment, but in my opinion both you and your mother are nice and beautiful!..."

She smirked, "Do you mean to say 'nice ladies but...' or you mean 'nice and attractive'?..."

I chuckled, "What do you think?..."

She looked at me seriously, "I think I know the answer..."

I was surprised, "How do you know?... And what do you think the answer IS?..."

Inga smiled at me, "Rodney, I do not want to embarrass you... I saw you standing at our door last night. As you were staring at our naked bodies, your penis grew and almost ripped your briefs... I think that if you didn't feel some... sexual attraction, it would not have happened..."

"Lady, are you always that direct?..."

"I believe that there is no need to hide what we think, as long as it does not harm anybody..."

"So you saw me at the door getting aroused watching your body... What did you think at the time?"

"If you imply that I had to cover myself, the answer is 'no'. You saw my breasts and I watched your dick hardening. It was covered, but the effect of peeking at our bodies was very clear... 'What did I think last night?...' Well, my first thought was that it was nice to see a young stud looking at us with hungry eyes... I think that if we drank some alcohol last night, we would all be in bed together..."

I chortled, "Your idea is very tempting... Let me know if and when..."

Inga gave me a strange look, "Rodney, I am not joking!... But you need to know that in our house I do not do anything behind my mother's back... And I prefer to play with her too..."

I glanced at her to make sure how serious she was. Inga's eyes did not flinch...

"Inga, can we drink beer right now..."

She laughed, "Rodney, I was telling you MY thoughts and opinion. But nothing will happen without the participation, or at least approval of my mother! Period. Now how would you like all of us taking an Uber tomorrow to Theresienwiese, the Octoberfest grounds in Munich?"

"I'd like it a lot! That is the main reason why I am here in the first place..."

"Good. Mother doesn't work tomorrow, so the 3 of us can leave after breakfast.

The rest of the morning I watched German TV, having on short pants and no shirt.

The 'official excuse' was that the house temperature was higher than I was used to, but I was happy to brag about my fit body too...

Inga was doing some cleaning and later sewed a shirt.

Every couple of minutes she was glancing at me, but stayed silent the whole time...

Around noon Inga said that her mom would be home soon.

She was preparing for lunch braised pork shank with spaetzels and sauerkraut. It sounded good.

The smell from the kitchen was intoxicating.

I was very hungry and the smell of pork being slow cooked was overwhelming...

Inga left the food on the stove and went to the bathroom.

I heard her exiting the bathroom walking to the kitchen.

Without taking my eyes off the screen I said, "Perfect!..."

She stopped in her tracks and stared at me.

I glanced back at her and realized why she didn't move.

In the bathroom she changed her clothes. Now she was having on a short skirt with short sleeve blouse that showed her pale skin, but highlighted her ample breasts...

I was thinking about the delicious smell of the food, while she must have thought that I was referring to her looks...

Inga's face became beet red/purple... "You like my dress?"

"Inga, you look much better in these clothes!..."

I didn't dare telling her that initially I meant to say it about the upcoming meal. And I didn't need to...

She really appeared much more feminine now, comparing to her traditional costume the day before.

And she had a nice figure...

"Inga, you have beautiful clothes on. I'll go and dress up for lunch too, so both of us look decent for your mom."

Helga entered the door 5 minutes after I finished dressing up with clean long pants and a Hawaiian short sleeve shirt.

Helga smelled the air and laughed, "Inga, I see that you want to impress our guest with your specialty food... That's nice. I like it too!... I'll freshen up and we can eat."

The food was amazing! It had million calories and enough cholesterol to kill 2 elephants, but the taste was divine!

I gazed at Inga, "Inga, the meal was amazing! Will you marry me please?..."

Both women chuckled and Inga said shily, "Thank you Rodney..."

Helga pulled 3 vanilla puddings from the fridge, "I hope you like it. I made it last night when you went to sleep."

"Helga, I like it a lot! But you girls need to know in advance that when I leave here, I'll probably hate you!..."

Both women raised their eyebrows.

"You ladies spoil me rotten and I won't be able to eat American cra... I meant, much less edible food...

And I'll be gaining weight for sure, which is another problem!..."

Inga, "If you exercise, you will not gain weight..."

"Well dear, any suggestions?..."

She blushed again.

It was interesting to see that Inga was not shy or hesitant talking about watching nakedness or the hint of erect cock, but her face became reddish hearing compliments or a vague suggestion of 'another kind of exercise'...

After the lunch I thanked them again. I went to my room to read my book.

I changed back to my shorts and kept the shirt on.

Since other doors in the house were open, I left mine open too.

Helga & Inga were doing the dishes, speaking in German.

After 10 minutes Inga's voice became quieter, almost a whisper.

Helga's tone was lower too and she looked in my direction a couple of times.

I ignored most of her stares, but one time I caught her peeking and I smiled at her.

Now Helga blushed and she turned her face to Inga. She nodded with her head 'yes'.

Then the 2 women went to their room to rest.

An hour and a half later Helga came out and said, "Rodney, it is too late now to go to Octoberfest. The roads will be blocked due to the large crowd, but we can do it tomorrow morning, as Inga told you."

"Helga, going there together will be fun. My expertise in German language can be summarized with 'Bitte' and 'Danke', so having you with me will help me a lot..."

"Good! By the way, if you want to try German beer, we have several ones here. I can give you a beginner's course, so tomorrow you know what you like and order it on the street..."

At last I'll taste real German beer! Not just the ones that marketers advertised in America...

Helga took me to the basement. Inside a big cooler there were several shelves with beer bottles and cans of all colors. I was able to recognize few ales and lagers, but most I had no clue what they were...

Helga gave me a bag and put inside 10 different beers. I carried them upstairs.

All three of us sat at the main table. Helga & Inga opened the first bottle and poured it in equal quantities to 3 typical German mugs.

Inga lifted hers, "Cheers to everybody!"

We each drank the beer. It was light yellow color with a fairly mild taste.

"Ladies, I thought that German people drink stronger beer..."

Helga laughed, "That is the lightest one that we have in Germany. We usually serve it to foreigners who are not used to our REAL beers... Rodney, don't worry, we'll find something you like..."

The second one was slightly stronger, less sweet and somewhat more bitter.

"That is better. I like this one..."

Inga blurted. "This one is still too weak for an average German, but if you like it, I can bring more of this kind."

"No, I'd like to taste the others you have, especially the ones that you girls like..."

Helga chortled and poured another bottle into our empty mugs, "OK, this one is Inga's favorite. Tell me what you think."

I chugged it and waited for the full taste to settle. It was slightly sweet, but much more bitter than the beers I drank in the USA...

I mumbled, "It's a little bitter, but not bad at all..."

I felt slightly lightheaded, but I was determined to try also Helga's favorite beer.

She opened a dark one and served me a third.

Then she started drinking the rest, with Inga sticking to her favorite one.

This beer was much too bitter, too strong and with no sweetness to it... I didn't like it...

"Helga, I think that this one is not for me..."

She laughed, "I knew you won't like it. I haven't met any non-German who liked it. But I love it and it makes me feel very good!"

Inga began clapping, "In Germany we drink beer and sing and dance..."

"But I don't know German songs..."

"You are a guest, so we can sing songs in English. We know some Michael Jackson songs... And Beatles. We just want to be happy together..."

Then Inga stood up, went to her mom and kissed her forehead, "Mama, I love you so much..."

"I love you too, my baby..." and then she kissed her daughter on her lips.

I smirked, "That is not fair! What about me?..."

Inga smiled, "Yes Rodney, you are right. We are no longer only two. We are now 3 in our family. We need to share our love also with you!"

She approached me with her luscious lips and I kissed them lightly.

She glanced at me with her eyes shining.

"Helga, I think that you and I should kiss as well. Right?..."

"Rodney, do you really want to?..."

"Helga, why wouldn't I? You are nice to me... You shared your beer with me... And you are a very attractive woman..."

Helga hesitated, "Rodney... You don't have to say it... You are a guest here..."

I stood up and moved in her direction. She was staring into my eyes, trying to guess my next move.

I lifted her chin gently, kissed her lips and then my face backed.

I knew that the amount of alcohol I drank was more than I was used to. It gave me courage...

I looked at her pleasant face and kissed her again, this time applying more pressure.

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