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She's Into Denial Pt. 01

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She's into denial, maybe more than he realizes.
902 words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/22/2020
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"I just want to deny you."

He leaned forward, just a little. "Deny me what?" He asked, smiling.

She sighed and looked away. She really liked this guy. They were a month into dating, and she liked how sweet and empathetic he was towards others. He was also very sexy, even though he wasn't trying to be.

He leaned back in his chair. "Food's here."

"Thank you!" She perked up for just one second, trying not to show how embarrassed she was. She picked up her spoon. It looked good.

"Deny me what?"

She looked down into her soup and took a big slurp. And then, very quietly, so no one around them would hear: "your orgasm."

Shit. She'd freaked him out. Now would be the time he'd leave. Pay for the bill, say he'd call her back, and then leave. Sorry, you're nice and all, but actually, I'm not sure this is going to work. She closed her eyes, sighed again, and looked up.

He was blinking at her, several times, expressionless. A bit stunned. Then he laughed a bit. "So what, I won't cum or something?" He whispered it a little too loudly, trying to hide his shock.

"...basically, yeah." She looked back at her soup and took another big bite. It was spicy and was making her snot a little.

"Alright. Well, now I don't feel bad for telling you I liked hentai."

She smiled softly and looked up. Yeah, he had told her that. And even though she thought hentai was weird—your boobs should never be as big as your head—she had thought it was fine. Normal. Not a big deal. Said she wouldn't mind it if he watched it while they were together. No problems there.

"Can I actually tell you a secret?"

She searched his eyes meaningfully, trying to guess what he would say.

"I'm a virgin. All of this is new to me."

"Me too."

It came a little more hurried than she'd meant for it to. He seemed more surprised by that than by the denial thing. He grinned.

"That's perfect! Now I won't have to feel so weird. Let's not rush it, alright?"

"Yeah..." She blushed. Snot leaked out her nose, but she didn't notice. "Let's figure it out together."


A few days later, and he was pressing her against the wall, and she was giving him deep, hard kisses. He would open up his mouth and she would twist her head, putting her tongue in deep. She wanted to give him all of herself. He'd respond by reaching down and kissing, licking, nibbling—she groaned as he bit her neck. He pushed his hard cock on her further, and she felt her pussy throb. She was so wet. All she wanted was for him to push it in her, now—

He backed away, breath heavy. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah... yeah, why'd you stop?"

"You're shaking."

She realized she was. Her breath was uneven. Raspy. "Here... let's sit down." They held hands as they walked to his couch, and he didn't let go until she was comfortable. "I'll get you a glass of water, alright?"

"...thank you." Those two words felt like an effort. He disappeared, she heard the sink, and he was back. The water was cold, soothing, and shocking at the same time. She didn't realize how warm she'd felt earlier. She drank it all at once.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Let's try that again later, alright?"

She nodded.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?"

She swallowed another gulp. "Sure. What's on?" She leaned on his arm, and he held her close.


She got home, threw her clothes on the floor, and got out her vibrator. She ramped it up all the way and sat in her chair, legs wide open. When the cheap plastic touched her clit, she groaned. She had it touch her directly, and at first it felt amazing, and then it started to hurt at the same time, and it was this incredibly odd sensation of feeling too good to cum. When it was hyper focused on her, there was nothing else in the world.

"Oh, fuck. Please..." he'd be looking up at her, his face red. He wouldn't be able to breathe, she imagined. She would be hovering on him, putting his cock right on the entrance of her pussy but not putting it in, just getting him wet.

"Please what?" She'd say in a voice that wasn't hers.

"Please, just let me cum, mistress... I'm so close..."

She'd grin, lean down, and kiss him hard. "But good boys don't cum. And you're a good boy, aren't you? Don't you want this..." she'd reach down and grab his hot cock, dripping in pre cum, "to be a good toy for me, right? Say it."

There'd be no hesitation. "I want to be a good toy for you. My... cock is just a dildo for you. I want to be good toy..." Satisfied with his begging, she'd pop the head inside, just enough to make him squirm more, but...

She yelled. She finally let herself cum, her pussy throbbing hard for what felt like a full minute. Finally, she clicked off her vibrator. She sighed a deep sigh of relief before getting up to make dinner.

And she had one thing set in her mind.

He would not be allowed to cum.

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redrun11redrun113 months ago

Loved it - more please

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Premise with possibilities.

But too short. Barely a beginning.

Four Stars

denny_micumdenny_micumalmost 5 years ago
Love the story

Can’t wait to see it develop. Like how you mix her fantasy in as she makes up her mind.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
No cumming!

Great start! A lot of guys love having their orgasms controlled. And, a lot of those guys regret it when it's too late. ;-)

sublandsublandalmost 5 years ago
Interesting start

A well written first part to what looks like being a good sexy story. Edging is something my wife loves doing to me and something that can be heaven and hell at the same time for me. Interesting to see where this goes.

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