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Sister to the Rescue Ch. 04

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Brother's night time visit to her room.
4.1k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/14/2016
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I waited in my room until long after the house had quieted down. I lay in darkness on my bed, still dressed in jeans and t-shirt from the day. From my own room, half-way down the landing, I could imagine the others slowly falling asleep. Mom and Dad were upstairs, the master bedroom at the far end of the corridor. My sister's room was just next door.

My thoughts were flooded. Firstly with memories of sitting on the couch that evening, my sister changing the channels to find an erotic show on cable, and then stroking herself off in my arms to its images of lust and violence. And then with how Mom had come downstairs in her nightgown, ostensibly for something she had forgotten, but in fact to talk with me. An intimate talk. It was the contents of that conversation, about Mandy's breakup with a boy a couple of months earlier, that was now forefront in my mind. Or at least was my excuse.

Finally, I rose from my bed, quietly opened the door, and, in stocking feet, ascended the landing to sneak along the corridor towards Mandy's room. The only light was from the night-light on the landing behind me.

Her door seemed closed, but as I put my hand to the hand-drawn sign she had proudly placed on its panel several years earlier - Mandy's Sanctuary - I discovered she had left it open a crack. It slid wider at my pressure. Inside I could see light cast across the room from the 70's lava-lamp that she had recently picked up at a garage sale. Her bed was in shadow, but it softly illuminated the rock-star posters on her walls, and the line of stuffed animals - mostly giraffes - across her window sill. Clothes lay strewn on a chair - Including, I guessed, the tight pants and creamy top she had put on for the evening she had shared with me. An evening of sitting on the couch together - with her nestled between my thighs, and stroking herself off to the raw images on the t.v.

But, I told myself - trying to ignore the sensual draw of these images - what was leading me to her room was what Mom had shared with me at the end of the evening. About the last few months, tough months, for my sister.

I stepped over the threshold, glad of my bare feet, and gently closed the door behind. As the handle clicked shut, I heard Mandy shift in the bed, and then all was quiet again. I forced myself to venture forward and to the side of her bed. She was sleeping on her side, face turned away, sheet half-down to reveal a faded t-shirt, loose-hair splayed across her pillow. I sat on the bed beside her, and as my weight gently shifted the mattress, she stirred again.

"Hmmm, is that you Mom?"

My heart pounded. "Uh, no Sis, it's me..."

Mandy's head turned sharply toward me, and there was a long pause. Her face was in shadow, but I had the sense of her drinking me in with her eyes. It seemed her body started to respond, but not in the usual way of awakening. Instead, she seemed, even from the soft state of slumber, to become if anything more languid. Finally she rolled over, slow and unhurried, as if pouring that girlish body - supple as a gymnast - around to face me.

"Hi John," she said finally, soft but clear. "You're here in my room."

There was no accusation in her tone, but still I felt awkward. Awkward and yet also excited. It did feel wonderfully forbidden - and yet welcoming. I settled my weight more fully onto the bed as Mandy curled on her side once again, this time facing me.

"I, uh, just wanted to..." I started.


"Um, isn't that the t-shirt you got from Aunt Penny?"

My sister glanced down at the faded cloth covering her narrow chest. In the dim light I could just make out, in large yellow lettering, the word PRINCE.

"Uh huh. Can you imagine what that concert would have been like, John, live?" I could hear the excitement pick up in her previously sleepy voice, and I followed the movement of her tousled head over to the wall. It was too dark to make it out, but I knew that tacked there in place of honor was the Musicology 2004 Tour poster which Mom's sister had given Mandy one year as a birthday gift.

"Yeah. Our crazy aunt. Must indeed have been pretty wild. I wonder how she got to be so different from Mom."

"Mom?" Mandy responded. "She might surprise you."

I didn't reply to that statement. Mandy might be right. And anyway, it was time I explained why I had sneaked into her room in the middle of the night.

"Um, speaking of Mom, she mentioned something that kind of took me by surprise..."

"She did?" Mandy sounded cautious.

"Um, yeah, that...that you'd had kind of a hard time? At school. These last few months?"

"Oh, that? That's what she told you about?"

"Yeah, she said that you were seeing a boy? But it didn't work out?"

"Um, yes, you could say that."

"Why didn't you tell me about it? What happened?"

"Um, you've moved out to college, in case you haven't noticed. Not sure when I would have told you."

"Oh Mandy, you could have called. Any time."

"I assumed you've been pretty busy. I know that's a pretty full load you've taken on. And anyway, there's not much you could have done."

"I could have cared!" I was surprised by my own bluntness. Maybe Mandy was too, because she paused, and then continued more softly.

"I guess. I guess I wasn't sure John. Would you have?"

I leaned forward, my hand seeking her arm in the darkness. My throat felt like I was choking, but I forced out the words.

"Hey, Sis, what the fuck happened?"

"Oh John. Just the usual I suppose. You know. Girl comes on to boy. He turns out to not be into her. She feels like an idiot."

"For months? Were you dating?"

"Well, we were seeing each other. I guess you would say we were an item at school."


"Since January."

"And did, he...did he take advantage of you?"

Mandy snorted. "Not exactly, no."

"Well, what happ..."

"Look, bro, I feel kind of stupid. I just thought, you know, he'd be the one. No, not like The One. I mean, oh, you know? The one I'd lose my virginity to. The first one."

"Oh." I could feel my face going scarlet in the darkness.

"Is this TMI?"

"Um, no Sis, actually no. I want to know. Really. You know... I do care!"

I felt Mandy's fingers find my hand and squeeze.

"Thanks," she whispered. Then she continued.

"So, anyway. It's just, gosh, everybody else was talking about it. And, you know, like I told you last night, Anna and I had played around a little bit. On a few sleepovers. That's when she taught me how to masturbate. But I hadn't been with any boys. Beyond sitting and talking at parties. Flirting I suppose. And the thought of going on to college like that, of still being such a virgin. Well, I figured it all out in my head. I guess that was the problem, really. I kind of over-thought it. I reckoned the best way would be to have a hot summer romance. Some boy who would go on to another college, and then we could be friends forever but not have to hold each other back. You know, like Mom says, marrying so young, not necessarily the best choice. And then I picked him, and started talking to him after class, and pretty soon we were going out on dates, and I thought it was all working out great. And in my mind I had kind of planned for the actual sex, you know, to wait until summer. But I guess that wasn't his idea of it."

She was quiet. I had to prompt her. "And then?"

"Well, he kind of put it out to there that I was being just a flirt. His actual words were that I was, you know, that I was a 'cock tease'. That I was nothing more. And it kind of got out of control. It seemed everybody was saying it and posting it and he wouldn't even talk to me in class anymore, and...Oh John, it was miserable for a while. I just...I just wanted to hide."

"You didn't do anything wrong!"

"I know, I know, but I was so ashamed. If he had just really talked to me...the truth is, I probably would have said yes. I was actually having all kinds of fantasies about him. Not just wet dreams, although those too. But day-dreaming during class - imagining what we would do in the summer. The fact is, the times with Anna, the sleep overs, they had been really hot. Afterwards, I had, well, I had felt like I had to hide from her quite how turned on I had gotten. She had made it sound like she was just going to teach me, but I had pretended that I wasn't very skilled, that I couldn't get the hang of it, and had persuaded her to really show me. I...I think I've probably always had a bit of a crush on her, you remember her, right?"

In the darkness I nodded. Dark skinned, almost Italian looking Anna, with jet black hair and brown eyes, was unforgettable. Unlike my sister, her friend had developed curves early. I had been careful not to stare when she had brought her over on playdates, but to be sure I remembered her blossoming femininity being in our house. And my sister's earlier confession of their sleepovers becoming intimate? Wow, those had already fired up those images again in my mind. So I was like a deer in the headlights as my sister continued, though I tried to hide the effect her words were having on me.

"Well, it was so exciting to have her reach around and use her hand over mine, showing me. But I kept saying I wasn't getting it, until eventually she was stroking my slit with her own fingers. And eventually I got her to press two of them inside as she helped me find my clitoris with her thumb. I don't think I actually came, but that's when she commented on how wet I had gotten. I felt super self-conscious. I just assumed that all girls got that wet, but she said no, she didn't think so, that I was more than usual."

I reached out to stroke her hair reassuringly. "Um, that's actually a good thing, Mandy."

"Really? Good. Because, since then, it just seems more so. I mean, I used to notice that sometimes my panties would be damp, when I was, you know, a little girl. But recently, when I think of something really stimulating, I find that I get myself, not just wet, but well..."

She paused, and I surprised myself by completing for her - "Creamy."

"Um, yes." In the darkness, I could hear the smile in her voice. "You are right, Bro. I do indeed cream my panties, literally, when I dwell on...something really stimulating."

I was hot and self-conscious. She drew closer -

"And sometimes I can't help myself going there in my mind..."

"But you never went there with him?"

"No, not even close. But you know, gaaah, I had the whole thing planned out. I even went on the pill, got Mom to take me to the clinic, so I would be all ready. Again, I feel so stupid."

I don't even know why I asked the next question, but somehow it just blurted out.

"And you stayed on it? I mean, you are still on the pill?"

There was a pause before she answered. "Um, yes, John. As a matter of fact, I am."

Silence between us.

Then Mandy let go of my hand and reached up to pull herself up toward my ear. She whispered. "John, I love the gift you got me. My new panties. They are so beautiful. I haven't worn them yet, saving them for something special, but when I won't be upset, will you? You won't be upset if I, you know...creamed myself all over your beautiful gift to me?"

I groaned. "Oh god, no."

"Good. Because, you know, just thinking about you buying them for me, just thinking about that gets me wet."

I couldn't respond to that, except grip her tighter.

"You know what else gets me wet? The thought of sucking your cock."

"Oh Sis...that would sure?"

"Oh please?" She giggled. "That's one thing Anna couldn't teach me!"

I felt her body sliding closer to mine. "Does it gross you out to hear your sister talk about making out with another girl on a sleepover?"

"Oh, my god no, the opposite."

She giggled again. "It was pretty hot. To be honest, I really think Anna was into it too, she just didn't want to admit it. By the end I was bucking my hips into her hand and she didn't stop, she just kept slipping in deeper and then circling my clit. And she said I was acting like a real Lezzie, but I didn't mind. I've always thought that word is kind of a turn on. And after, even though she made a face at how wet I was, I watched her secretly lick each one of her fingers. I told her she was the real Lezzie and she just poked her tongue out at me."

"Yes, Sis, really hot!"

"Really? Cause the next time we slept over, I talked her into each us taking our tops off to compare. She has beautiful breasts, Bro. I'm sure you'd love them."

The image of the dark-skinned girl, buxom beyond her years, playing a game of naked show and tell...and with my own little stunned me. But my response was cautious. After all, Mandy was the one sitting next to me in the dark, not Anna.

"Oh, Sis, you have beautiful breasts!"

"That's sweet. But not like Anna. Seriously, she isn't huge, but they are really rounded and heavy-looking. I'd love you to see them."

As usual, my mind was reeling in trying to keep up with her.

"Uh, I'm sure I would too, but I love your breasts..." That much was being truthful.


I couldn't stop myself. I reached out with a palm and ran it up the faded Prince t-shirt that covered my sister's sweet tits, and felt her quiver in response.

"B...but," she stuttered, "I'm so flat."

"Not flat. Small. Beautiful small tits." I continued stroking, finding and tweaking the little points that pressed against the cotton. She moaned lightly and I heard her breath quicken. Pretty soon I had one hand behind the back of her neck as I alternated between running my fingers up and down her breastbone, and then sliding left and right to give equal time to each breast.

"Oooooh, Bro. That feels soooooo good!"

I could have kept fondling my young sister's tits all night, loving the quivering of her body and the little bird-like coos that slipped from her lips as I toyed with her nipples. But suddenly Mandy shook herself loose from my hands, although it seemed to take an effort, and reached towards my belt.

"Please, John. Please let me..."

My cock, already swelling with desire, was suddenly painfully hard against my jeans. I helped her fingers find my buckle and then loosen it. Together we undid the fastener and pulled down the zipper. I felt her hands ease around the sides of my waist, and lifted my hips to help her. My heart was pounding, hardly able to think beyond the sensation of my sister touching me so intimately.

At her prompting, I pulled off my t-shirt and then finished pulling off my pants and lay back down in just my underpants, on the bed next to her eager body. But somehow I couldn't make the next move. Not that I didn't want to - it was all I wanted to do, to let my sister have access to me. But to cross this next line, to be naked with her, seemed momentous. Mandy, however, eagerly knelt beside me and slipped her slender fingers under the waistband of my jockeys. She paused. In the semi-darkness she looked up at me.

"Is this ok?"

"Yes," I squeaked.

That was all the permission she needed. She pulled my underpants down my muscled thighs, and my cock sprang out to greet her. She gasped, and my heart swelled for her. She took her time, stripping them off my ankles one at a time. And then returned her attention to me. Waiting, breath held.

Finally I felt her small palm cupping the root of my cock, spreading my balls apart as she took possession of my manhood. I groaned. She leaned forward and placed her lips in a dry kiss at the base of the shaft. I groaned louder.

"Shhhh, John."

"I...I'm trying Sis."

"We mustn't wake Mom and Dad." Her words should have been a caution, but somehow they inflamed me, such a visceral reminder of the taboo line we were crossing, and of our parents asleep next door. I struggled not to groan louder into the silence of the sleeping house, biting my lip to suppress the sound.

"John, darling brother, I so want to suck your cock, but you must keep quiet!" My sister's directness speared me even more.

"I...I don't know if I can..."

From the way I felt my sister quiver at this, I am guessing that she was delighted by my confession of losing control to her. She pulled up close to kiss me on the lips, pressing her chest against mine so that I could feel her hard nipples through the Prince t-shirt. I was overwhelmed with the scent of her hair. She giggled and whispered into my ear.

"Well, then I may just have to gag you to keep you quiet!"

Suddenly she abandoned me, pulling away, and in those heartbeats I felt bereft, ridiculously aching for her body. Just as suddenly she was back, and I felt her press something against my lips. Soft fabric. Only when I tasted their forbidden essence did I realize that she was gagging me with her own panties.Her wet-girl panties as she had made me repeat in the car. I groaned into them.

She pressed back against me, her torso quivering so that her tiny tits rubbed against me. I could feel the delight course through her body as much as her words.

"Oh yes, oh yes, darling brother, I'm here for you. Always here for you. I want you to suck on my panties, taste me. Even as I'm sucking your cock, I want you to be tonguing my...tonguing my cream!"

She was all over me. Her touch was light, but I could feel her lips, the tendrils of her hair, her fingers. And then finally, she slid down my fully naked torso, and I felt her wet tongue embrace my cock as she slid the tip between her lips.

I'd had blowjobs before. From two different girls, actually. Once had been in the car at the end of a date. The other had been from Georgina, my girlfriend of a few months in Freshman year. They had both been...okay. It had felt exciting, sure, but kind of like an act. As if somehow, in their heads, they were performing for some hidden observer. Georgina even took to pulling her hair to the side, as she carefully positioned herself to go down on me. I wasn't sure if this was imagining some camera shot she had seen in porn, or making sure that she didn't muss up her hair with saliva or worse. I mean, on some level I believed what she said, that she was enjoying it. Or at least enjoying pleasing me. Succeeding in the role of girlfriend.

Whereas now. At the first intimate touch of my sister's mouth - it blew away everything I had experienced before. She was touching me. Really touching me. Every fiber in my body felt how eager she was. I could feel in my bones that she didn't want to be anywhere else on this earth. She wasn't even aware of anything else. My little sister was kneeling beside me in the dark and sliding the tip of my cock against her wet tongue. That was the whole of both of our worlds. Then her lips were closing around the base of my hood and I felt her sucking me, literally. It was as if all she wanted in life was to draw the salty manhood of my being deep into her mouth.

And at the same time, rather than ignoring the rest of me, her small hand reached out and stroked over the expanse of my chest, as if her fingers were seeking the most sensitive spot above my heart. It felt as if she was casting blindly for the entryway into my soul.

I sobbed into her panties, struggling to hide my moans from the sleeping house. Soon they were soaked with my saliva, mingled with the fragrance of her cunt-juice. My sister shifted so that her narrow thighs straddled the solid breadth of mine, and the next thing I felt was her rubbing her mound against my knee, stimulating herself even as she sucked me off.

As she started to move rhythmically against me, I could feel my spunk rising up inside. Pretty soon it would be unstoppable. I knew from experience with Georgina that this would not likely be welcomed. I tried to call out past the gag, to warn her that I was in danger of exploding, but my words were indistinguishable from my moans, and I was already slipping past the point of no return. My sister was making no sign of slowing down, now pressing with her hand at the base to slide my shaft into her mouth. Weakly, I put my hands around her head and tried to pull her up, but she didn't seem to understand, and instead sucked me deeper in, her body pulsing with excitement.


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