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The Adventures of The Hellcat Pt. 04


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"Cover yourself up and stay out of my way." Said Enforcer as he strode past her. This snapped her back into reality, and she pulled the tatters of her costume over her breast, and adjusted the crotch of her suit. She rose to her knees, and watched the scene before her.

Hammer stood up and locked his eyes on The Enforcer and he glared.

"Well well well, Cupcake finally decided ta show up. Now it's a party."

Enforcer said nothing. He simply advanced. Hammer seemed a bit insulted by the lack of banter, and charged in a fit of rage. He led with his fists, which Enforcer easily dodged. Hammer punched forward, off balance, and Enforcer delivered a swift but thunderous punch to Hammer's side, causing Hammer to drop to the ground, gasping for air. Enforcer gripped Hammer by the crown of his head, raised his fist, and with three swift and brutal punches, hammer crumbled to the ground unconscious.

Hellcat watched in awe. The animal which had beaten her so completely. Which had taken everything out of her. Had crumpled before The Enforcer within seconds. She was both amazed and humiliated. Then she became terrified, as the Enforcer left Hammer's limp body and approached her.

Hellcat felt meek and pathetic squirming on the ground, covering herself up with her tattered costume as the Enforcer loomed above her. She felt her cheeks redden, and the sudden urge to avert her eyes, yet not the ability. She simply had to do something about this.

"Well...I tired him out for you. You're welcome."

This didn't seem to amuse The Enforcer. He merely stood there, staring at her for a few very awkward moments.

"Who are you?"

"Hellcat. I'm calling myself Hellcat."

"Well stop. Whatever it is you think you're doing, quit. If I'd been three seconds later, you'd be dead. Go home, through that bargain bin costume in a dumpster, and chase any dream you want that isn't this."

What little air Hellcat had left in her lungs was knocked out. She tried to reply, but what could she say? She just lay there in stunned silence, while Enforcer reached to his belt and pulled out a small radio.

"It's me. Hammer's down. You can send your men in now." With that, The Enforcer turned and walked off. Hellcat, full of indignant rage, scrawled to her feet, and followed after him. She could hear police and emergency responders flooding into the area behind her.

"Hey! Who're you?" An officer asked upon coming across her.

"What? Oh, Hellcat. The Hellcat. That's what I'm calling myself."

"Great. What're you doing here?"

"Probably bleeding internally, thanks for asking. Do you mind?" Hellcat turned and chased off after The Enforcer, but she could still hear the cops behind her.

"Great, another one."

"I'm ok with them, as long as they have asses like that. Damn!"

"I know, right? I love how they never wear pants."

"Hey!" Hellcat shouted as she finally caught up with the Enforcer. He didn't bother turning around, but simply walked into an alley. Hellcat followed him, making sure the stomping of her feet adequately expressed her anger. "Firstly, I'd like to say that I'm a huge fan, despite the fact that you're acting like a bit of a dick. Secondly, I know you're Mr Billy Badass of Empire City, but that doesn't give you the right to tell me what I can and can't do."

"I'm not telling you what to do. I'm telling you what you should do." He said, walking into a damaged and apparently abandoned building. Again, Hellcat followed.

"And just what gives you the right to do that?"

"Saving your life, from the biggest joke of a superthug in the city."

"Well...besides that, I mean."

The Enforcer started up a flight of stairs, onto the middle floor.

"I watched you fight him for a bit before I walked in. Not sure how long you were fighting before I got there, but I saw you come out of the shop. You're sloppy. You lead with your feet. You don't think about your next move. You don't maintain eye contact. You pause. You've got moves, I'll give you that, but you don't know how to use them. You've got no clue what you're doing out there."

"No kidding! I'm brand new at this. This is only the second time I've ever worn this costume. The first time was a few street thugs. This was completely new to me."

"Then why'd you jump in?"

"Because no one else was there! I couldn't just let him..."

Enforcer spun to face Hellcat, which caused the words to catch her throat, and instead come out in the form of a muffed "eep."

"You couldn't just let him do what? Rage on harmlessly in an area which had been completely evacuated? A place where no one was in danger of being hurt? Nobody, that is, until you rushed in." This caused Hellcat to pause for a moment. Her arm holding the tatters of her suit in place was getting tired, so she switched hands and covered her action by shouting defiantly.

"Well that didn't occur to me at the time! I just saw him causing massive property damage and I thought..."

"Stop. Whatever you say next is a lie. Simple fact of the matter is that you weren't thinking. You acted without thinking, and you almost got yourself killed."

"You're right. Lesson learned. I want to learn more. I want to do this."

"I don't have time to teach anyone anything."

"Then give me a name, or a book, or a bloody website. Something. Anything. Just don't tell me to pack it up and go home! I won't! I want this! I need this! I'm not quitting."

"Then you're going to die."

"Then I'll die! I can accept that! What I can't accept is going back to a life of being afraid! I don't want to hide meekly in the shadows, waiting for my next opportunity to be a victim! I'm not going back to that life! I'd rather die fighting in the streets than go back to that! If you won't help me, that's fine. I never asked you to. But if you think you can toss some attitude my way and I'll run home crying, then you can go fuck yourself!"

With that, The Enforcer's hand shot out, gripping her throat tightly and pinning her, for the second time today, agienst a wall. It wasn't like with Hammer. He didn't hurt her. At least not much. Just enough for her to know he was serious. She gripped his wrist with both her hands, the tatters of her tights falling away, exposing herself yet again. She froze. He wasn't attacking her. Was this a message? A test?

Not even a week ago, Hellcat had woken up after a dream about this man, filled with lust and unable to keep her hands out of her knickers. Now, here he was, inches away from her, with his hand roughly around her throat. She could smell the sweat on him. She felt more exposed than she had at any point in the day.

She felt stirrings in her pussy again, and gritted her teeth. She was getting more and more out of control. She had to focus. He wasn't going to hurt her, but she wasn't going to sit idly by and let him man handle her either. After her moment's pause, she narrowed her eyes, and tried to repeat the maneuverer she had used with the Hammer. She kicked her feet up, and attempted to trap Enforcer's arm.

The Enforcer had seen this earlier, however, and was expecting it. He merely let her go and Hellcat fell on her arse to the ground, with a thud. She looked up to the vision of the Enforcer starring down at her. How many villains and criminals had trembled at this very sight? Now Hellcat trembled for a different reason.

He stood above her, starring down at her. His eyes were hidden behind the dark goggles, but she could still feel his gaze roving freely over her body. She didn't move to cover up. She didn't want to. She felt her exposed nipple harden underneath is gaze. She revelled in the sensation of being vulnerable in front of him. She must have looked terrible, but he wasn't looking away. He was looking directly at her. Every inch of her. She saw a bulge stir in his trousers, and could feel herself growing wet.

"You hesitated."

"I thought."

"What did you think?"

"That you wouldn't hurt me."

"Then why did you act?"

"Because you had your fucking hand around my throat."

She thought she heard a scoff behind the mask. He pulled apart his vest, exposing a small length of his well-muscled chest. He reached inside, and withdrew a small notepad and a pen. He scrawled something onto a sheet of paper, and then tore it out, throwing it down onto ground next to hellcat.

"Tomorrow night. Be at that address at that time. Third floor. Be one time or don't bother coming." With that, the Enforcer turned and left.

Hellcat waited for several moments, trying to catch her breath. She grabbed the piece of paper and saw and address and time written on it. Hellcat tucked the note into her boot, and slowly rose onto shaky feet.

"Well, I'd say this qualifies as being labelled on hell of a day." He said, as she walked up onto the roof. She took one last look at herself and let out a defeated sigh, at the state of her. She was an absolute mess, from head to toe. "Yeah... this is going to be a fun trip home." Looking around, she realised it was getting dark. Hopefully that would provide some cover for her. Hellcat took a deep breath, and with a running leap off the rooftop, she was headed back home.

~~~ Showing Her Assets~~~

The trip back home was simple enough. To her knowledge she hadn't been spotted once. She was thankful for this small piece of luck, and sighed happily as she stretched out on the rooftop of her building before making her way back inside, and sneaking through her front door. Never had Hellcat been so relieved to live on the top floor.

As Hellcat shut and locked the door behind her, she could finally relax. Without bothering to turn the lights on, she strode through her apartment towards her bedroom. Apparently she could see fairly well in the dark as well. Every day she was learning something new about herself.

She winced and hissed as she tugged the tatters of her uniform off, due to a thousand different pains from parts of her body that she didn't even know existed. She grunted heavily as she pulled each boot off, and lastly came the ears and mask.

Maggie sat naked on her bed, hunched over; feeling as though the weight of the world had just beaten her down. She stood up and gingerly crossed the room to turn on her light, and caught herself in the mirror. She looked a fright. Everywhere she looked on her body she saw bruises, or cuts, or bruised cuts, or cut bruises.

"Oh yeah," Maggie said to herself, a defeated tone in her voice. "You're a real superhero all right."

Maggie crawled into the shower and almost melted in the perfect sensations of the warm water trickling down her skin. She hissed at first, as the water cleaned her wounds, and washed away the dust and the blood. She tried to wash her hair properly, but gave up as her muscles were just too sore and fatigued. She simply lathered up, let it rinse away, and crawled out of the tub.

She dried off as best she could, but gave up and just let the towel drop to the floor. Maggie grimaced at the myriad of cuts and scrapes along her skin, and thought about how she was going to explain this to Molly, or anyone else who asked.

Maggie grabbed a bottle of peroxide and bag of cotton balls out of the medicine cabinet, and walking back into her bedroom, she sat them down on her computer desk. Then slowly lumbering, beaten, wet, and still blissfully nude, she went into the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of beer. Returning to her desk, Maggie turned on her computer, and began checking her email, while applying copious amounts of peroxide to her multitude of wounds.

She finally felt herself winding down when a thought struck her. The phone call Hammer had taken, right before The Enforcer had arrived - he'd been working with someone, but who? They were going to meet tomorrow night at O'Rourke's Pub in Old Town, he'd said, but surely that'd be off once news of Hammer's arrest had gotten out.

Maggie decided a bit of research was in order. She went to her favourites, and clicked on the link to her favourite Super Hero gossip page, It was the TMZ of the super hero community. All she had to do was look up every story involving Hammer, and see if she could figure out who he'd logically team up with. That plan, however, fell apart the moment she saw the headline story on the main page.


There, right underneath the headline of the most popular gossip site for Super Heroes, was The Hellcat. The photograph was taken right after the fight with Hammer. There she was, running off after The Enforcer, but she was turned around addressing the police officer which had first called out to her. Hellcat's arse was almost completely exposed, and the viewer could clearly see her hand holding up the tatter of her shredded uniform, barely concealing her breast.

Maggie simply sat there for several moments, jaw hanging open in horror, before she scrunched up her face and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Fucking camera phones..."

Fearing the worst, but lead on by morbid curiosity, Maggie right clicked the image, and did a Google search. At first she was relieved, as there were very few copies of the image found elsewhere, then she saw the address of a few of them, and her heart sank.

"No, no, no, God almighty, no! Not Tumblr! Now every suicidal hipster with internet access in the western world is going to have a go at me!"

Whimpering in defeat, Maggie tabbed back to the news story and, readying herself for more punishment, read on.

"This just in! It appears Empire City has a brand new super hero, folks! Not much is known about The Feline Fury as of yet, but her big public debut happened in Borough of Dreyburg at the corner of 14th and Ave C, against none other than one of Empire city's most prolific villains, The Hammer."

"According to police officials on the ground, the newest member of the Cape Community identified herself as The Hellcat. Sad to say, the name matched her appearance as our reporters made the scene. According to eye witnesses, she battled with the Hammer for several minutes, taking one heck of a pounding, but keeping him occupied from doing any more damage until The Enforcer was able to arrive and bring the situation under control quickly."

"Emergency Medical Services report very few injuries, and no serious wounds. From all accounts, the Meta-Human response unit of E.C's Emergency Response Team had the situation well in hand, getting the entire area evacuated without issue, before The Hammer had an opportunity to put any lives at risk."

"Not much is known about The Hellcat as of yet, but taking on a Super Villain right out of the gate isn't a typical way for a Hero to launch their career. We here at Super Scoop hope that The Hellcat has a speedy recovery, and that we see even more of her soon."

Well it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Still though, when the Sparrow had made her debut on the scene, it had been for stopping a bank robbery in broad daylight, and then two weeks later, for stopping a human smuggling ring. It had been three months before she'd had her first crack at a Supervillian. The Red Mask had been planning on poisoning the city's water supply - again. The police found him hanging upside down from a street lamp, with a picture of a sparrow tucked into his pants.

That's the sort of intro Maggie had wanted for Hellcat, not this. This was just humiliating. Sure, Super Scoop had been generous. They tended to go easy on new blood. The subtext was there, though. Hellcat had been used as a punching bag until The Enforcer came in to save the day.

Maggie decided that she'd had quite enough punishment for one day. She shut the computer off, finished cleaning her wounds, and crawled into bed. Her head plopped down onto the pillow as she pulled the covers over her naked and battered body, and before another thought could enter her head, she fell into a deep sleep.

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PslyderFTAPslyderFTAalmost 11 years ago

Nicely done! I like the departure from the cliche of "hero starts out, fights first villain, trounces same, gets glory" career start. It'll be interesting to see where Hellcat gets with a bit of experience under her belt!

duke1951duke1951about 11 years ago
More good stuff!!

Welcome back NIG - another well crafted story to enjoy! I've been looking forward to the follow up from Ep 3 and I wasn't disappointed.

More hot action with Mags and Molly to further develop their characters and then a few setbacks for Hellcat to bring in a dose of reality - great stuff - please keep at it!

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