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All Comments on 'The Bench'

by Salamando_Flames

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
But he did survive

He concentrated on the pain and humiliation. When she released him he threw a quick hand into her throat, crushing he larynx. She died at his feet, struggling and failing to catch a breath. He walked away, satisfied. Epically stupid story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
ignore the haters

This story was hot. Made me cum. Twice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Are all the men magically prevented from committing suicide?

Why would any guy want to exist in such a world? Even the most twisted masochists have their limits!

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 9 years agoAuthor
In order...

- Your anger and disgust fuel my erection.

- Thanks! Glad you liked it! :)

- Of course, the men are magically prevented from committing suicide. If they weren't, there would be less boytoys to play with!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
What happened?

"Amy's Trepidation, Joe's Panic" takes place early in the Sex Mage revolution. In it you have Amy say to Joe, "A few women out there are going to abuse their powers. But have faith in us. We're not going to let them get away with it. We'll protect you. We'll keep you safe. Good men protected women from evil men, we can do the reverse."

In more recent stories, every woman does horrible things to every man they can get their hands on. If a man did things like these to women, he would be deemed a monster.

What happened to women? What happened to you?

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 9 years agoAuthor
What happened to me? What happened to YOU?

- Power corrupts. Hence you end up with some (not all, but some) Queendoms where the women fully revel in their abuse of men.

But more to the point, I also got very quickly bored and irritated with every story turning into a morality play about how "rape is bad and shame on you if you enjoy reading stories like this." Amy and Nikki were interesting character pieces for me, but they set a tone for the Sex Mage World stories that I didn't originally intend.

The entire point of the Sex Mage World setting in the first place was to write stories that revel in the ludicrously over the top dark fantasy of the fetish. Whether the women are cruel or kind is really an after thought of sorts, as I get into the heat of the moment of the writing. Sometimes, I like doing the kinder stuff. But a lot more often than not, the crueler fantasies are what gives me the boner, so that's what gets written. In the end, it's supposed to give the people who enjoy the fetish something to jerk it to. It's not supposed to be about assuaging other people's paranoia about gender relations.

Now, sometimes, what starts as a mere stroke piece instead blossoms into an actual story with more fully fleshed out characters with an actual moral dilemma to face to give the story more actual substance. Hence longer stories like Amy's Trepidation, Nikki's Struggle, and a few others. And those stories are fine, but I've already written enough of them to make my point. At this junction, I'm settling back into just enjoying the fantasy for what it is. And that's something to remember: it's JUST a fantasy. Has nothing to do with reality, or my real life views on women, or anything like that. Don't worry about it so much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Not sure if this has gone through on your blog so putting it here.

I really really get where these people are coming from. I don't think it's the "rape" part of your stories, it's the "universally accepted rape" part. There are plenty of rape & slavery & torture stories out there, and they aren't "morality plays", you don't have to have characters discuss the ethics of stuff at all, the trepidation & struggle pieces I've never even bothered to read because no-one is here for's just your setting is hell. You've created a world which is far worse than anything that has ever happened anywhere ever...of COURSE people react badly. The actions of Sara (or Violet, I forget) were (probably) the most straightforward evil (that I recall) in a major story, but that story doesn't trigger this sorta stuff because it's not portrayed as being right. I don't mean because the sex-police turn up, or because it's fought against, but just because unlike many of your other stories the text doesn't imply that it's correct & everyone would accept that behaviour.

You should check out something like maddigitalsurgeries captions. Many many cases of evil acts & no trace at all of any morality play or revenge or whatever, but people aren't bothered because it doesn't imply that what happens is morally justified & 100% of people would endorse it. The way your setting works is an attack on humanity itself: every single person is an evil sadist if they have the power to be capable of it. I keep coming back here because your stories & captions are far as the sex scenes go....but I would urge you to do more in the "Centurions" universe (or just anywhere, anything you like) and less in the "infinite slavery torture & rape is a-ok" universe.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 9 years agoAuthor

- At no point have any of my horribly cruel stories attempted to say that "rape was a-okay" and "correct" and that "infinite sex torture is the way things should be."

It's just a ludicrously over the top sadism fantasy. If you think it's an "attack on humanity" or if I'm making some kind of exceedingly negative statement about the human condition with these stories, you're reading too much into it.

I understand if people don't like these types of stories. Certainly, they are pretty dark and cruel. Feel free to dismiss them as trash not fit to wipe your ass with. It's just strange to me how some people seem to treat these stories almost as a personal offense and/or let it freak them out so badly. Like they think I'm making some kind of message on human morality, or that my stories are some kind of insult to all real women and men.

Of course this kind of universe is hell. Of course it isn't okay. The stories aren't saying that it is. Just like how neither are all the millions of more "traditional" hardcore rape stories enjoyed by millions of people all over the world, which are NOT saying that rape is okay. But a rape fantasy is just that, a fantasy. I know it raises some hackles, but I'm just saying, don't take it so personally and don't read into it more than is there.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 9 years agoAuthor
Alright, Look

Maybe I'm getting a touch defensive, but I get comments like this, and it just makes me wonder. I mean, I can see why it would disturb some people. Believe it or not, I had my own "crisis of conscience" over the whole Sex Mage World not too long ago, and I'm the guy who made up the setting. So yeah, I can see people having a rather vehement reaction, so maybe being so dismissive isn't the best way to go about it.

But the thing is, what allowed me to get over that moral quandary and just enjoy the setting again was exactly that: just realizing it's nothing to get worked up over. It's just a fantasy. If you don't like it, don't read it. And if you're only just discovering my stuff for the first time, and you don't like it, okay, fine, leave a comment, tell me it's shit, and have a nice a day. Fair enough.

Callous as it may sound, I got over the "getting freaked out by the concept" stage a while ago, and looking back, it all just seems very silly and kind of weird to me when it crops up again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Yeah, I get what you're saying wrt all the other rape/torture/etc stories that don't get this response, but the thing is, other rape/torture/etc stories don't get this response. You've written a lot of stuff that doesn't trigger this thing, it's nothing to do with the magic, or the intensity or sadism or evil of individual (or even mass) acts.

It's different. I'm maybe not explaining myself well, and perhaps not sure how to explain myself, this has me thinking something which goes against everything I believe in:

"Maybe an English Literature degree would actually be useful right about now."

It's something about the subtext, if that's the right word, or something.

I get the difference between your characters/fantasy-culture saying something and you or your story trying to make a point, but it's pretty dodgy. This comparison is going to sound weird, but go with's like hollywood movies changing history. Something like The Patriots' church burning scene. It's a work of fiction, so it doesn't matter that it never happened, except it's portrayed in the movie as something that did happen, or an example, or whatever. Most people watching it had no idea whether or not that had actually happened, I'm not explaining this well either. Stuff that's historical fiction & changes history is on dodgy ground. Blurred lines between fact & fiction. Independence Day: people object to hacking the alien ship, but not the presence of alien ships. One is clearly part of the story, the other is supposed to be based on our world. It's the story of an alien invasion of earth, not of a parallel earth where computers are magical.

But instead of history it's human nature you're changing. Many of your stories aren't about x or y bad thing, they're in settings where x or y isn't even considered a bad thing. Some of your stories refer to individual (though numerous) "queendoms"/whatever, others it seems to be global...your setting has rewritten the human race to barely have concepts such as good & evil, justice, empathy. You've made humanity, as a whole, sociopathic. The setting is earth + magic, not the earths evil twin + magic.

"Feel free to dismiss them as trash not fit to wipe your ass with."

Oh no I think they're awesome. Not this one so much (seemed kinda less-sexual), but you're probably my 2nd fav author after SensoryOverlord, who has a similar global perversion sex sci-fi thing going on in the "Cuntanamo bay" vignettes, but doesn't really trigger this reaction outside of C Bay itself. Also I can't afford to keep ruining Kindles like that.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 9 years agoAuthor

- I think I get what you're getting at, but I dunno, I still think it's reading too much into it or worrying about the implications overmuch. My stories are not trying to say anything about anyone; they're just fantasy entertainment. If it's not your thing, fine. Yeah. It's a planet full of sexual sociopaths. That's kind of the point of the fantasy.

Realistically, even in the worst Queendoms, there's going to be some, probably most, in fact, who don't accept this kind of evil. But I just don't write about those people very much, because that's not what I want to focus on. So, I would say my stories unrealistically skew towards the evil, because that's my point of interest. But that doesn't mean the entire setting is exactly like "The Bench." If it helps, you can think of the Bench, and other such stories, as an anomalous freak-show location in a much greater and more complex world.

Butt, whatever, people are gunna think what they think, interpret how they interpret. Can't help that. Just saying. It ain't that serious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Yeah just enjoy -_-

People clearly like your stories. This one already has 12000 views. I don't think anyone is applying anything here to real life. We just like T&D and Salamando writes good stories... Keep it up! Pun intended?

ValensGirlValensGirlover 9 years ago

Oh my God. You are a genius. This is your hottest story yet. Instant bookmark. Wow.

ValensGirlValensGirlover 9 years ago

About whether the Sex Magic world is too dark--yeah, of course it's fucked up. But no more so than Game of Thrones. And this story hits my kinks dead-on, which is pretty damn rare. I've written stuff dark stuff, too, so I completely understand feeling like "Oh god am I evil for writing this?" But at the end of the day, there's murder mysteries and fantasy and action movies. Nobody thinks we want to kill people or tromp through orc shit because we read those. So how is this different?

In my experience, too, femdom stories get way way more flack on this site than maledom ones. There are real men in this world who enjoy tease and denial, and real women who like it too. A hot story like this is a gift and a treasure to them (us). It hurts no one, and brings a lot of joy.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 9 years agoAuthor

Thanks for the support, Anon and ValensGirl. Glad you enjoyed it! : )

SirenDeniedSirenDeniedover 9 years ago
You just write too good!

Not only have you written enough to create a fairly fleshed out kinky "future history" but you write well. Therein lies the problem.

It's easy enough to dismiss darker visions when the writing is extremely poor, the plot non-existent, and characters one dimensional. Who really takes, "He pounded her tight puss with his enormous hard meat until she screamed and cum shot from her ears" seriously? It is very obviously jack off material with no basis in reality and not meriting deep moral thought.

Your writing is of a different breed. Solid writing, realistic characters with believable motivation, and a well thought out alternative world. It's good enough that people start to think that it's supposed to engage them at a cerebral level. And once you start doing that kind of thinking with these sorts of fantasies it gets messy.

I agree with you wholeheartedly Salamando. This is jack off material. Good material with all sorts of strong literary qualities, but jack off material nonetheless. Let it be what it is. Enjoy it if you want, ignore it if you don't, and spend all that ethical thinking on actual real world problems versus smut stories on Literotica.

Salamando_FlamesSalamando_Flamesover 9 years agoAuthor

I appreciate the compliment. :)

Guess I hadn't thought of it that way. I do try to write... I don't know if "realistic" is entirely accurate, but I try not to write characters with the usual cheesy porn star character personalities and dialogue. Makes it more engaging for me as the writer. So I suppose I can see where it would get people to take it more seriously than they would other, much more "cartoony" toned stories.

boy2460boy2460over 9 years ago
getting this off my chest

I'm gonna preface this by saying I really love Salamando's stories. They're incredibly hot and I've got a lot of enjoyment out of them. These stories are clearly meant to be an over-the-top cruel wank fantasy, and not to be taken too seriously. And if you do end up taking it too seriously, it's unfair to blame the author.

That being said, for a while I was definitely in the category of people who were taking it too seriously for a while. I don't think I need to explain why the concept is pretty dark when you really think about it.(But believe me, I could write a whole essay on that) I knew it was just stories, but for a while, the stories really got to me. I really racked my brain thinking about it. I spent way too much time wondering what I'd do if I was in that world and similar questions. It even got to the point where I considered writing a revenge fic where sex powers transferred from women to the men of the world.

However, I did get over it. I basically just, reminded myself that it was just a sex-fantasy. So my advice to people who find themselves taking these stories too seriously, my advice would be two things.

1.Remind yourself it's just an over-the-top sexual story, and could never in a million billion years even come remotely close to coming true.

2. If #1, doesn't work, take a break from the stories for a while.

That's how I was able to stop freaking out about it and start enjoying these super hot stories again. And frankly, whatever distress was caused to me by these stories is far outweighed by the enjoyment I've gotten out of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Revenge Fiction

Curious you should mention that. I don't find this fiction arousing, but i do find it seductive and interesting. I get entirely too wrapped up in, and i get upset. So do ease my hear, i have written 'revenge fiction', or alternative endings to both salamondos and pfd's stories.

Entirely worth it as an intellectual endeavor.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Awesome story

By chance this is the last story of yours I have read and I clearly saved the best for last. Not that the others weren't amazing but this one was fantastic....Teezable

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