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The Dark Room


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"Take me Daddy," Jo said and he was again forced to swallow hard. He reached out to where she was offering her hands to him and she pulled as he stood from the couch, his erect cock bumping into her belly due to the small space between them. He stepped closer, his cock sliding further up against her belly and he stared into his daughter's eyes as he lowered his head to her, his lips parting.

Jo met her father's kiss and accepted his tongue into her mouth, probing with her own, their lips melding together, the shape of their mouths adjusting to each other's movements as happens when two people truly kiss for the first time. It was a hard, hungry kiss, their lips applied roughly to each other in desperation as if it could well be the last thing that they ever did. The tongues dueled more than danced, at least until the kiss settled somewhat and both of them accepted that it was ok and realized that the other person wanted it just as much.

Dave's hands explored. They slid over the smooth skin of Jo's back, down to her perky butt, squeezing and stroking. He felt Jo's body fold in against his, her breasts crushed against his chest and then her hands were moving too, sliding under his shirt, caressing the skin of his back.

"Take me to the bedroom," Jo said, pushing herself back far enough to look her father in the eye as her hands released his pants and pushed them to the floor. Dave tugged his shirt off and held a hand out to his daughter, offering to lead her. Jo smiled and placed her small hand in his, a shiver running down her back at the contact. She squeezed her thighs together briefly before he stepped off, leading her through the house to the room that had been solely his for far too long.

As they entered the room Dave turned their positions about and had Jo lay herself upon his bed, then he crawled up over the top of her, pausing to place a delicate kiss upon her belly, his cock rubbing up the inside of her calf. He continued and paused again, taking her left nipple into his mouth, his tongue caressing and teasing it before repeating the movement on the other nipple, his cock resting against her thigh, just above her knee. Jo squeezed her legs together, trapping the solid meat between them briefly, causing him to groan until he moved up to kiss her.

He pressed his body against hers, covering her now, conscious that as she relaxed her legs, his cock began to rub against her pussy. He again kissed her, not wanting to enter her yet, but it took all the restraint that he could muster as he felt how wet she was, the head of his cock probing firmly at her entrance before sliding up and across her clit, drawing a gasp from her. He looked at her and she smiled.

"I need to taste you," Dave said, slithering his way back down his daughter's body. He knelt on the floor and hooking his hands under her knees, pulled her toward him. Jo spread her legs invitingly and Dave paused for a few moments to admire the perfection of her pussy, the swollen labia and the pink inner lips peeking from between them, the sheen of moisture glistening in the light. He could smell her, the distinctive odour of pussy and the smell drew him in as he lowered his face until he was able to caress her with his tongue.

He probed deep into her entrance, sliding his tongue around before withdrawing it and licking more tenderly. He explored every fold and crease of her young pussy, taking time to lick her extravagantly and study the beautiful sight of her. He used his lips to pull at her labia, her clit, to further her pleasure until Jo was writhing almost uncontrollably on the bed. He glanced up to see her fingers playing with his nipples and felt his cock twitch. Nothing turned him on like seeing a woman truly enjoy her nipples. He climbed back up onto the bed and watching him, Jo repositioned herself with her head on the pillow.

"Are you sure?" he said quietly.

"Fuck me Dad," Was her definite response.

Dave moved over her body, using his hand to guide his cock until his head was nestled against her. He thrust firmly, his cock working into her pussy. Pulling back, he thrust again and slid easily inside until he pushed up against her hymen. His desire was so strong that he didn't give it a moment's thought, just pulled back and thrust firmly inside her again, tearing through the barrier. Jo cried out as she was torn asunder.

Dave thrust over and over again, his cock as deep as he could get it in her pussy. He stared down at her breasts as they moved against her chest each time he thrust his cock into her. As with when he'd fucked Allison in the dark room, he felt like a virgin himself he was so aroused.

Part of him was berating himself for not being more gentle, for not lasting longer, for caring only about the fact that he needed to cum and not worrying about how she felt about the whole ordeal. But he couldn't contain himself and with a last series of desperate, hard thrusts he exploded inside her pussy, feeling his seed cum in waves from his cock.

Jo cried out as she felt her father cum in her pussy. She hurt, but she wanted it. Her pussy was full of her Dad's cum!

Dave collapsed to her side, panting, spent and exhausted. Jo lay beside him, her mind a whirl of activity as she began to consider what had just happened.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I Love this story so, much

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Did his daughter get pregnant after cum in her

That the question, did he continue to have sec with the other girls or just his daughter

TissaphernesTissaphernesalmost 2 years ago

Awesome story. I loved the build up, expectation and the risk! Very erotic

Mr_BradyMr_Bradyalmost 2 years ago

Good story, but I’m forced to agree with the previous commenter. As one who has taught darkroom techniques, I can tell that your knowledge seems to be somewhat lacking regarding what goes on in a darkroom, and how film is developed. As this plays a major role in how your story plays out, it would’ve been good for you to understand it better.

As a fellow writer here on Literotica, I know what it’s like to receive unfavorable comments. So I’m not trying to bust your bubble by any means. Everything else I really enjoyed.

I’m still going to give you five stars for the great erotic content!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Mr_Brady ☀️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The story and the scheming, devilish girls were a lot of fun. But you don't know a damn thing about darkroom work and photo classes. Try taking one before writing about it again.

Corrupter66Corrupter66about 2 years ago

So hot. What a lucky teacher

LordDeanLordDeanover 2 years ago

I just love this story. It is so perverted and sexy. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Really good story, great development and theme.

naughtyandy4unaughtyandy4ualmost 3 years ago

Should have made the experience much better for Jo after she gave herself to him. Otherwise a good erotic story. The drawn out teasing by the girls, their own exploration was excellent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Excellent erotica

The author should get a "break your dick award" never ending masturbation story. Thank You

Trekkie469Trekkie469over 3 years ago
Hard for the entire time


I love this story and can't wait to read the rest but alas I must take a break to finish with my hand what your words have gotten so hard. A beautiful and sexy story line that I wish would happen to me.



AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Damn, I loved this ... right up to the last few paragraphs. Dad turned into an asshole with his own daughter. Poor girl will always remember her first time with not only a one-pump-chump, but her dad being that chump. Fuck him.

blackknight314blackknight314over 3 years ago

Very hot story. What's going to happen now that the story is out? Is Jo going to let it be known that she is doing her dad?

Thanks for sharing this story. I'm on to the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Perfect story - you must read all three parts

Nikki2021 is amazing. This is a hot sexy set of stories, had me very "excited".

Loved it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Way to go

Thank you very much. No fat cows, no 38DD's,and no Anal. There may be some anal in the series,but very erotic, exactly what I want to read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Loved the story

Enjoyed the teasing and the build up most.. but that’s just me!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
OK a bit of a surprise

Father daughter ALWAYS get an automatic 1 star from me so I dumped and voted.

Highc70Highc70almost 5 years ago
I completely love this story!

As a high school teacher myself, in my mid 40’s, I understand how hard it is to resist the flirting and the attraction to the reckless young ladies! This is well written. I can’t wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I loved every word! Having been a teacher, it brought so many memories flooding back.

WhO2WhO2almost 5 years ago
As a former journalism teacher...

...I just had to read this very sexy story. As I read the anvenures of incredibly lucky Dave, it reminded me of some of my favorite teacher moments.

I only had a couple of female photographers ever, but I did have a hot student once write an erotic fiction story about catching her favorite teacher in the dark room after school. She gave me the story before class one day and I read it while they took a test. I could not get out of my desk the rest of the period or it would have been obvious how excited I was. Her very detailed descriptions were what got me started in erotic fiction.

A few years later we were working on a deadline after school and I heard some of the editors (all girls, none looking much like Sylvia, Lucy, Allison, etc...) giggling. One of the girls had some nude Polaroids she was thinking of giving her boyfriend. All of a sudden this very average girl became incredibly sexy in my mind. I asked to borrow them for the evening and she let me. I kept them for a few days and masturbated to them nightly.

My only sexual adventure in the dark room was when I had a student teacher (college senior) seduce me in there twice. Both times she let me finish in her mouth, so that is the only thing I got in my dark room that Dave didn't ;-)

Great story. And I plan on getting in to more of your topics over the next few days.

MarkutedMarkutedalmost 5 years ago
One of the best

Your story was a 5 of 5, it had me thrilled to the end, but there are some points that i can't fail to notice:

-You took a long time developing the settig for the dark room and was kinda wasted for the daughter, could have used it and still made it so personal and great.

-The inter action cuts, where he developed film and where girls explored eachother, felt a little too many and a bit out of focus, this was an Incest/Taboo storie after all: but in the end it had so much thrown in that it losed consistency.

-Bulding on the last idea, it was maybe 2 to 4 pages longer than necessary due to the cuts, that made me fall from arousal a few times.

On the end it's your story and you tell it how you like, just my two cents there, and then again i LOVED your story anyways.

ArcTalyxArcTalyxabout 5 years ago

Very hot. Loved the buildup.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Excellent story line

Excellent story line. Exciting all the way until the end!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Simply amazing

Thx for all the ebb and flow, build and retreat, euphoria and deflation. So multidimensional. Amazing work. Thank you.

NoRules69NoRules69almost 6 years ago
Great imagination

Terrific story Nikki, love the build up, not too long not to short, and very arousing. Love your mind. You are now one o my favorite authors. I wish I could write with your style and imagination. You inspire fantasy. I wish I could write!

AuntyNymAuntyNymabout 6 years ago

Beautiful story. I love the build-up, I love the subplots, I love the resolution. I come back to this one and it's sequel frequently.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

This was pretty amazing. Probably among the top 10 I've read on this site.

One thing though. While some girls have hymens pretty deep inside, most are pretty much at the entrance. With this much defloration... you should have at least googled that. lol

Other than that (and the pitch black of the dark room), this was well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
amazing but unrealistic

i was extremely turned on throughout reading this and you did a fantastic job, but the whole idea of it being pitch black in the dark room annoyingly enough bothers me because i am in a photography class and in the dark room, your eyes adjust and you can easily see every single thing in the room clearly. despite my pet peeve, this is amazing!

JSipesJSipesover 6 years ago
Very good

Beyond my wildest fantasies. The story flowed well. I love the way the teenage girls explored their sexuality together.

pg240pg240almost 7 years ago

I'm a bit of a realist, and it's a testament to your writing ability that I soon suspended my disbelief and thoroughly enjoyed every riveting word! You see, I'm a photographer with a long history of dark room work and know full well that the real "dark" work in the darkroom is fleeting while film is being developed. The rest of the time, the safe light gives you plenty of illumination to see what's going on. But I didn't care, because the imagery was so vivid and the narrative so exquisite. Bravo. Well done.

lowkeyonelowkeyonealmost 7 years ago

Great story, a bit long, maybe cut up into chapters would solve it ?? Thanks.

imurddyimurddyover 7 years ago

I loved the story right up until the end. I was expecting them to do it in the darkroom. I gave it a 4, the virginity issue could have been dealt with by a vibrator.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Oh damn!

Absolutely loved it!

yAmorous1964yAmorous1964almost 8 years ago

Love all your works...

Heathens_slaveHeathens_slavealmost 9 years ago
love this series

This is a must read, and again!

jdub5382jdub5382almost 9 years ago
without words

Nikki 20_21

I declare that you are my favorite writer. I particularly enjoy you attention to seemingly ordinary details, which make the story seem like reality. I find you expertly adept at erotic description and I will be devouring all of you stories here.

Thank You


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Great story

Thanks for the great writing and imagination.

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