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The Star Trek Whore Pt. 01

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Star fleets newest member is to keep everyone happy.
3.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/11/2024
Created 09/21/2024
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I am a Star Trek fan and one of my biggest fantasies is that the federation trials a ships whore on the Enterprise and I am that person.

I start the story as a lowly enson, my name is Andria Pope, before I became the first ship whore of Star Fleet, a far cry from my chosen career plan. I planned to be the youngest captain in the Star Fleet however as I could not beat James T Kirk being only 32 when he took control of the original enterprise my life took a different path.

I worked hard at the academy, but it was my lustful ways that got me into quite a few scrapes with many of the agencies that ran Star Fleet Academy this was until I met Admiral Cole. this is what happened.

I was drunk in an off-campus bar looking for someone that I could introduce to my womanly charms when Admiral Cole bumped into me spilling my Altairian Brandy. I was not impressed and shouted a line of obscenity at him that was straight out of the 1970s gangster movie I had been watching.

He turned around and immediately I wished the floor had opened up and swallowed me, as his steel-eyed stare seemed to cut right through me. I immediately stood to attention and he said. "We are both off-duty cadet let me buy you another one, come and join us."

Everything I had heard and read about Admiral Cole was he was stern and not easy to talk to, but the man I was talking to seemed nothing like that, he introduced me to some delegates who were on a fact-finding mission, and I was impressed that he knew my name.

The night went on and he and I escorted the delegation back to their quarters then he asked me if I would kindly walk him to his quarters as the effects of the alcohol we had consumed had begun to take effect and he was not sure if he would make it on his own.

Once at his door, we stumbled into his quarters and in quick succession he ordered the computer to turn the lights, connect comms and make two strong sweet coffees. "The computer replied that each instruction had been carried out and its electronic voice reminded the Admiral that two Turkish coffees were on the pad." He picked them up placed them on a low table in front of the standard-issue sofa and told me to sit down.

This seemed more of an order than a request so I obliged him and sat next to him. "It was not a coincidence we met tonight?" He said. Surprising me.

"Oh no?" I questioned as he slid one of the coffees over to me.

"I am starting a new program within Star Fleet and your name was the first that all my advisers said I should talk to." He said.

The Admiral then went into a long diatribe about the heart, family life and Star Fleet traditions. This was moments before he told me to stand up and strip naked.

I was shocked by his instruction however in my state of intoxication I slowly stood up and started to remove my dress. Then my Bra and Knickers leaving just my boots. I stood there as he placed me in several poses looked at his communication pad between each pose then he said.

"That's good they all agree you are to be offered to new position, your rank will be lieutenant and you report to the Enterprise at 14:00 tomorrow. The ship's doctor and councillor will be there to familiarise you with your duties and the ship." The Admiral said, again this was no request.

His words and instructions filled my mind although they did confuse me. "What, A, who.?" I asked.

"Sorry Lieutenant, I forgot to tell you that others would be joining us for your interview. This room is a holo-programmed facility so the other factions of Star Fleet Academy can hold Congress without travelling.

I stood there naked, not caring who was watching. The Admiral then said. " I think it is now time for me to taste the spoils of your new position." I think a fee of 20 credits is a fair fee for your services.

Although currency is very rarely used within the federation many places having credits serve many purposes so charging a formal fee would be appropriate, given my title new title lieutenant Andria Pope Star Fleets first ships whore.

"20 credits would be ample," I said as I pushed him up against the wall in the darkened room. "Hey, what the?" The Admiral questioned.

"Shut up," I reply, pinning him with a forearm across his chest, feeling it rise and fall with his heavy breathing. He's been taken by surprise.

"Uh... okay, I'm just a sex object to you, aren't I?" I say as I roughly grab his cock through his pants, finding his bulge.

I begin to toy with his semi-hard cock with my palm. The Admiral gasps as I squeeze his balls saying." You're getting hard dear Admiral.

I start rubbing his swelling member, feeling it grow rapidly under my attention. "Wow big boy, how big does this thing get?" I asked not wanting an answer.

"Do you want to fuck me? Hmm?" The Admiral's dick throbbed and was now fully erect, and he winced, clearly responding to my administrations.

"Are you gonna rape me or are you my first customer? I whisper, in his ear with my spare hand unbuckling his belt, then the button of his pants, then the zipper. With a swift tug, his pants are down past his hips, becore gravity takes over and they fall to his ankles. I pull up his shirt, expecting to find his underwear bursting with his swollen meat, but I was not expecting to find his swollen, purple cock head poking out the top, his swollen cock head ready and wait for me.

The Admiral kicked his pants off then grabing the cheekes of my arse he picks me up and carries me into his bedroom. He tosses me down on top of his bed, i land half on and half off, and casually he holds me there with one hand placed in the middle of my back. His other hand probed my naked arse.

He removes his hand from my back allowing me to see what is coming before it happens. His hand comes down firmly on my arse with a mighty slap. "Stay still," he orders. As his hand comes down once again across the second cheeks of my naked arse.

I swallow nervously, wondering if he would stop if I asked him to. Am I in charge as the whore or is in charge as the Admiral or was he mu first customer as the first Star Fleet whore? I no longer cared.

His hands were on me again, rubbing lightly, and i can feel he is moving my pussy lips apart. His cock touched my womanly folds and then he pushed in a little. In the mirror, you can see your eyes open wide with the slight shock of it. Then he pushes, not too hard, but firmly, starting on his triumphant march. You swear that if that had been someone else's face in the mirror you'd have laughed at the expression on it. Seeing it is yours isn't quite so funny.

The Admiral keeps pushing. Not one grand thrust but a series of small nudges, each one taking him slightly deeper, each one causing another surprised look on your face. You stop looking in the mirror when he gives one last push and you can feel his groin slapping against me.

His hands move from my hips where he has been holding me steady and slaps each of my breasts. His palms spread over them squeezing them with my erect nipples poking out between his fingers. He brings his fingers together, squeezing your nipples hard and I let out a gasp of pleasure from his harsh touch

Seeming satisfied with his prizes he starts fucking me. I am already worked up, I feel a little climax coming on as his cock is busy smashing his cock deep into my young pussy before my orgasm takes hold of my body, his cock slides out along my pussy harder and harder as if it was a piston of an old-time steam train. My pussy is lubricated with a lustful oil that is flowing as the Admiral pumps his cum deep inside me while still sliding back and forth faster than ever, stoking my fires deep within me. But then I remembered this was my new place in Star Fleet but there was no rule saying that I couldn't enjoy it.

As I got dressed I said. "That will be 20 credits Admiral. Holding out my exchange pad for him to put his thumbprint on.

As he places his thumb on the small pad its electronic voice says. Transfer competed.

The following day I was on the Star Shuttle Danube that was taking me on my new adventure on board the Star Fleets flagship.

On The Enterprise's Counsellor Deanna Troi dragged her spoon across the scoop of the Deltan ice cream that she pushed around her bowl before she looked up at the red-haired woman who was just pulling her stockings up in front of her. 

"Beverly, I don't think we're going to get a vacation. The Enterprise is just too busy right now it's just a new crew member greeting." Deanna said as she looked down at her ice cream and unconsciously licked her lips, comparing the taste of Beverly's pussy and the taste of the ice cream before lifting the spoon to her mouth.

The touch of the cold metal on her lips caused Deanna to lick her lips again as she shivered from the unexpected coolness before the tiny cystic ice exploded in her mouth. "How do you think they make this?" Deanna said, with her eyes transfixed on her lover's long legs and the tuffet of red pubic hair that highlighted her pussy.

Beverly Crusher, Chief Medical Officer of the Enterprise looked up and watched her dark-haired lover close her eyes as she put her mouth around the spoon then shivered slightly, her mind bringing up exactly what her lips could do to a body.

Deanna held out a spoonful of the delicious ice cream and watched Beverly closely, her luminous eyes taking in the pleasure of the offering Deanna offered. Before Beverly said. "I believe the crystals are a form of natural Bio-mimetic gel that is only found on the third moon of Delta IV

"Oh, you spoilsport," Deanna said. Adding that they needed to meet the whore at the shuttle bay, she put the cool spoon on Beverly's pussy.

"Are you cold?" Deanna said as Beverly pushed her hand away but she was not fast enough and the tingling of the cystic cream made her pussy convulse.

"Ohhhhh. You bitch!" Beverly said as hundreds of tiny explosions had her grasping her naked pussy as an orgasm raced through her body. Beverly starts shaking and thrashing around while waves of orgasms rip through her half-dressed body. She somehow reached out finding a hypo spray quickly looking at the settings then pushed it into her neck.

Seconds later the effects of the ice cream on Beverly's pussy had been subdued by the sedition she had sell administered took effect. She cleaned her pussy with a clean wipe and stood up wrapping a dress skirt around her waist as Deana smiled at the thought of Beverly's naked pussy hidden by only a small piece of uniform cloth.

The two officers walked towards the turbo lift the doors opened as they stepped in only to see Will Riker who at the site of the two women smiled half knowing what they had been up to if they had been together.

"Shuttle bay," Deana said standing in front of Will.

"Going to meet the new ship office?" He questioned.

"Yes we are, We have been ordered from Admiral Cole!" Said Deana.

"Yes, I received a message from the admiral this morning telling me that I should take advantage of her services. I thought I would greet her personally." Said Riker.

"You stay away. She has not been cleared for duty she is under our care. Until we clear her she stays the ship's virgin not the whore." Doctor Crusher says. Remembering the last young Ensign that became his sex toy.

Riker, Troy and Crusher arrived on the deck of the shuttle bay just as the door opened and waited as the pilot disembarked but no new lieutenant. Riker and Troy looked at the doctor who said. "I don't know."

Then two newly promoted officers walked off the shuttle looking dishevelled adjusting their uniforms as they saw Riker walking off like a Ferengi that lost at Dabo. Shortly after an attractive young woman in the shortest and tightest of uniforms they had ever seen. The bulge in Riker's trousers got larger and harder at the thought of what the trio had been up to that kept him waiting.

She walked towards the welcoming party her eyes immediately seeing Riker's growing cock.

"Hello big boy, I see you are pleased to see me." Lieutenant Andria Pope reporting to please."

"Lieutenant this is Commander Riker." Said Deanna Troy. Looking at the young woman sternly.


Andria stood to attention trying to apologise for her rudeness.

"It's ok this is an informal greeting my name is Will this is our Ships Councillor Dianna Troy and The Ships Chief Medical Officer Beverly Crusher. You are to meet Captain Pickard at dinner in 10 forward this evening do not be late, the dress code is formal." Riker said turning and heading for the turbo lift.

(The dinner section is to be added here)

After two weeks onboard The Enterprise I was asked to take the lead on an away mission to an unknown planet where the federation was planning a set up a base in deep space. There are no intelligent life forms on the planet but good animal life and the atmosphere is suitable for humanity to live on.

While on the planet we came across a large dog-like creature that was not in any database was the size of a Shetland pony but acted more like a k9 than a horse they were friendly but we found out that we were only seeing the males of the species, the females living separately except for mating where they would come together and then part again after the mating had been completed I tagged one of the males and called him buster, I don't know why but later I realised it was a good name for him.

once tagged a remote drone followed him wherever he went and it soon became apparent that mating was not just for procreation and it seemed both male and female took pleasure from the joining.

There were six women on the away mission and four men all of whom had their tasks to perform as well as joint tasks around the habitat. Mine today was to go over the video logs to make sure we had not missed anything the day before.

I was well into my analysis when I started looking at Buster's drone log. I watched as this likeable animal went around his daily business forwarding through the mundane and only slowing it when something looked interesting.

During this study, I noticed Buster mating with three females and for the first time I could see the way procreation was performed as the drone seemed to be in exactly the right place and I found out that he had two cocks both a good 12 inches long a d stayed erect long after the female had slid off him.

I called the other women who were in the habitat to come and confirm what I was seeing. As I expected out of the four woke that were there all of them were mesmerised by the site of this beautiful sight.

We joked about Buster taking us all on and hoped he had friends of all of us but then the conversation got serious.

Ensign Parker said. "It's our last day tomorrow it would be a shame not to greet the dominant species."

" What are you saying?" Ensign Hadley asked.

"Are you stupid?": I asked. Adding I think Ensign Parker is suggesting we fuck one of them.

At that, the conversation stopped and we all returned to our duties. But the idea did not leave me, as I knew where Buster was I thought this might be my only chance to have an inter-species encounter of the sexual kind.

"Computer please locate all crew members. I asked. Seconds later the computer responded that all crew were in the habitat then went on to, list who was asleep and who else where exactly where.

"Computer log me off duty as of 21:00," I said and I walked to the restroom.

"That's me done guys," I said to the two crew members in the mess room.

"Everything is locked down and the habitat is on automatic standby for the night," I said to the night duty officer.

"I am off for a walk, once I get out of this work uniform," I said heading for my bunk. I quickly stripped off my overalls and slipped on a uniform skirt and top some knickers went with this outfit but I thought for what I had in mind I wouldn't need them

I walked back out to the entrance hatch taking my obligatory emergency back pack then set out into the warm evening sun. Knowing the planet's second sun would rise in about three hours so now was the best time to complete my mission. I set my tricorder to locate Buster's drone. it was about 600 yards away so not far for me to walk without getting lost.

I found the location of Buster and carefully moved towards him. I got about 20 feet away from him and I saw his ears prick up, his head turned towards me and he watched me as I approached slowly with my pussy already wet in anticipation of Buster and I mating, not knowing if he had the same feelings as human beings did, or was this spices devoid of lustful thoughts and sex for him was just a physical experience, i took a few more measured steps then he began moving towards me looking at me as if he knew something was going to happen.

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james1801james18015 months ago

I imagine both his organs will be used on her at the same time, for a unique DP? Can't wait to read it. 👏

ShortyMacShortyMac6 months ago

Very interesting story, I love Star Trek so this caught my eye. It’s an interesting premise having a ships whore on board. I think it’s a great idea. Can’t wait to find out if Buster will take Lt. Whore for a ride. 🤤 got to rate this with 15 hard stars….


KindredFlameKindredFlame6 months ago

I think Will Riker should have had a hard-on in the turbo lift and is pressing it up against Deana’s arse through her knickers under her short uniform skirt. I hope she fucks Buster and his 2 12 inch cocks.

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