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All Comments on 'Time is the Ultimate Revenge'

by StoneyWebb

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Diecast1Diecast1about 2 years ago

Great story, love it. AAAAAA++++++

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You have Mark marrying twice, to two different people,bayou might want to look at that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You tried to portray the MC as a holier than thou character ...and that’s where the story failed..

If I had put it in a romance section maybe it would have been a 5. But here it just ends up being sugary sweet and just 3!

MightyheartMightyheartabout 2 years ago

Good One.

Read like a classic.

A little more misfortune for Jenny was needed.


PowersworderPowersworderabout 2 years ago

It was good, up until the ending, where all that undeserved forgiveness was nauseating.


Jenny was a gold-digging whore, who inflicted a huge amount of emotional pain on her husband and kids. She wasn't just selfish, she was also cruel and vindictive, deliberately trying to destroy her ex-husband just to get her own way with the custody of their children. The terrible way she treated her own parents only emphasised what a nasty bitch she truly was.


So to finish the story with the protagonist feeling sorry for that monster made no sense at all. Jenny went through life shitting on good people. She was evil... and this should've ended with her becoming a bitter recluse, estranged from her kids and grandkids, until she died miserable and alone. The final scene should've been the ex-husband being the only person attending her funeral, then him taking a long, deeply satisfying piss on her grave.

KusunaKusunaabout 2 years ago

Good story. Very good.

SPARTAN047SPARTAN047about 2 years ago

Great story and probably represents reality well enough.

I agree that some reconciliations are possible and people make mistakes. I believe in making them face the consequences of them as well, and I've heard some RL stories which ended badly enough re marriage and love.

That's IMO, of course, and I'm glad to read someone else's. 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Truly great writing, thank you!!

des911des911about 2 years ago

Good story; thank you.

The good guy won; the baddies lost without the good guy dirtying his hands with revenge. The wheel of karma turned. Nicely done. Thank you

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 years ago

So wait, Mark's a bigamist? How do you write that he married a woman from Ohio and then a mere 2 paragraphs later write he married an American woman he met overseas? Did you bother to read your story before posting? That's just sloppy.

As for the rest, it was okay if not terribly inconsistent towards the end. People don't change, not as much as this story pretends. Death may have a way of changing things but it's far more likely Brad would try to find a way to win one more time. Jenny was such a loathsome individual that your attempts at rehabilitation is far too rapid to be taken seriously. Your story turned saccharine and eye rolling.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

congratulations ! you should submit your story to Walt Disney.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69about 2 years ago

Man, i love this story.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 2 years ago

I stopped reading on the first page.

Jenny could fuck the entire Green Bay Packers football team on live television while singing “The Star Spangled Banner” and she would still get custody.

All she would have to say is “Hubby abused me.” And the fact that you didnt have Jenny do that shows you only wanted to inflict as much pain on her as possible.

Also, a decent divorce attorney costs about 300/hr with a 10,000 retainer. You sure as hell wont get one giving you three hours because that’ll run you about 5,000 bucks.

As my dicorce lawyer said: “You have 3 options, surrender and lose. Fight and lose badly, fight and lose everything.”

I fought and lost badly. Might as well have saved myself the trouble.

Jenny absolutely would have claimed spousal abuse, sexual abuse and even rape. You didnt go there because you didn't want her to win. Thats a piss poor author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

He's nicer than I would've been🤭... I too grew up poor. I never once thought money is the root to happiness. There's a lot of rich lonely, bitter, sad folks in this world. Jenny is just a gold digging whore. She's not a slut. Sluts fucks for free. Jenny was selling the pussy to the highest bank account😂😂😂. I don't understand dude. She not only cheated on him, she humiliated him in front of co workers when she left with Brad, than she did her best to ruin him in the divorce.. I'm not understanding why he's being so nice to the bitch? I would've just wished her a Merry Christmas and kept it moving. No I'm not inviting her to my family house.. this is what she wanted. She wanted to be rich. She wanted money to buy things, travel. She shouldn't be lonely.. it's what she wanted. She accused him of molesting his children for fuck sakes!. GTFOH🙄.. I can overlook her trying to turn the kids on him.. I would NEVER forget or forgive the whore accusing me of touching my children.. how do you forgive/forget that? Jenny claimed she still loved him, umm, how? If that's love, I don't want it😭😭😭😭😭.. she loved him but loved brad (yeah right, she loved brads millions). This woman doesn't know what love is. She loves what you can do for HER. She loves what benefits HER. I just don't understand how he can be so forgiving with someone who tried to take his kids, have him put in jail for molesting his children,cheated on him.. I mean there was no redeeming this cum guzzling whore. The ending just don't match the story. I don't see anyone forgiving someone that told a judge he's molesting his kids. Do you know if the judge wa an idiot and believed her, he'd be in jail, labeled a pedophile, his life would've been RUINED. There's no amount of "I'm sorry for trying to have you arrested with my false allegations of molesting our kids". This is a dangerous person. A person I wouldn't trust in my home or around my grand kids. Fuck NO I wouldn't invited that whore anywhere. Not even to the water fountain. How can you trust this type of vile person after such bullshit? Did she even apologize? The ending just fell flat.. it was ehhhh and huh?

someoneothersomeoneotherabout 2 years ago

Generally a good story, although the switches in time got confusing sometimes. I wish authors did not write about things they know nothing about. The story says: "We have filed a lawsuit against Mr. Colson's parent company with the EEOC. We expect a very favorable settlement once the case is finished." That was 2nd reference to an EEOS action. But there could be no action for wrongful termination on any basis and certainly not with the EEOC, which has only limited jurisdiction.

numbnutz49numbnutz49about 2 years ago

Great story - I enjoyed it, especially the healing parts. Authors should reference this author's ability to use dialog and emotions to bring the full personality of the characters forward. Too many good stories by new authors are less than two pages. Look at what this author accomplishes by adding depth to the characters, emotions - including outright hate - without it being all consuming. Another example at what I want to be when I grow up. I better hurry - I'm pretty darn old!

GrandPaMGrandPaMabout 2 years ago


Heals wounds and it wounds heels.

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66about 2 years ago

Excellent story! 5 stars.

irinmikeirinmikeabout 2 years ago

A bit over the top on how far Jenny was willing to go to mentally abuse her husband over their two kids. I was also struck by the compassionate Christmas ending. Come on now, not even a saint would forgive all the antagonism Jenny threw at her husband over the custody battle. Good story but it went a little too far painting Jenny as a total bitch and her poor angelic husband as a complete good guy. But all in all worth a four on my scale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Jenny was your typical monkey brancher always looking to move up higher in the tree of life. Only problem is, once she's past her sexual market value peak and starts sliding down the other side a woman's options start to fade. If Brad and Tad were smart the would have forced Jemmy to sign a prenuptial agreement which would limit the amount of money she would walk away from in the case of a divorce. This story was a bit unrealistic in that that Jenny continued monkey branching around as long as she did. Once she reached the age of 30-35, her sexual market value is shot and her choices would start to be limited. She should have been forced to to settle for a "Nice Guy" if she had any hopes of having a any type of comfortable life.

Also, Brad leaving her 2 million dollars in his will was unrealistic. After Jenny burned Brad by cheating on him and marrying the billionaire there' no way he's leaving her a cent. Jenny should have been well past her prime by then and no way the Ted the billionaire is ever going to marry her. Fuck her, yeah maybe...but more than likely he'd be banging runway models and starlets not an over the hill mommy.

Having Jenny's first husband feel sorry for her after all these years was a load of horse pockey. No way after how bad she burned him would he give two shits about her being lonely. She chose her life she deserves what she gets.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The most wonderful thing about this story is that Jenny never properly apologized to Mike for what she did. But still our hero has to play the nice guy. How beautiful and how incredible!

secretsalsecretsalabout 2 years ago

Was a good story except for a couple of oddball parts (as others have commented, Mark marrying twice, Glenda's daughter and husband being mentioned first, and then news of her marriage much later like it was new info, Jenny generally having no redeeming qualities which made the lukewarm reconciliation a little awkward).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

1 star. You killed a child. Absolutely no reason for this. In these days of death a destruction who needs child deaths

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 2 years ago

As a retired HR guy, the EEOC part was all messed up. Unless it was for age/sex/race discrimination, a wrongful discharge lawsuit would be handled at the state Labor Commission level. And yeah, the forgiveness of Brad and Jenny was absolute bullshit. They HUMILIATED Mike - that’s unforgivable.

Even with all that, I’m giving this a 5 because writing is hard work, and Stoney put so much effort into it.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 2 years ago

That was a good one albeit quite long not so much drama in between.

Yet I did enjoy it.

Been a while since I've read stuff from StoneyWebb.

Nice work writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The story was well written, with only minor errors. It doesn’t break any new ground, but tells the story very competently. Unlike many stories in LW, the author doesn’t invoke a Martian Slut Ray, but provides at least some understanding for the wife’s behavior. In my opinion, the author continues to develop and improve, so I look forward to his next tale.

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyabout 2 years ago

"Time is the ultimate revenge, but I takes too damn long and leaves too many tears in it's wake" -me

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 2 years ago

kind of stupid. I mean its Not a bad story but there are some problems. The fight which almost occurs outside the courtroom by Jenny and by Brad should have been a major thing with regard to custody and the divorce hearings. In the real world Brad’ actions -- who clearly instigated a fight who scared his children in front of officers of the court Would be a huge thing. It would not be something glossed over lightly and for the husband's attorney to not even raise it is just legal competence


.I guess it was predictable that at the end the MC would invite Jenny back into his new life that she helped create. Quite frankly it would have been just as acceptable to say to Jenny at the mall fuck you and die you vile nasty cunt.

grogers7grogers7about 2 years ago


Except for the wealth, I have lived this and am Blessed with more than I could earn.

The_Winter_WitchThe_Winter_Witchabout 2 years ago

very good story well written

ScorpioJJScorpioJJabout 2 years ago

Very good. Probably your best. 5*s

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Amazing story!

pepepilotpepepilotabout 2 years ago

A very good story, regardless of what category it is in. I see this more as a real-life story as I have seen similar things happen to others. Great job, and 5-stars from me.

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 2 years ago

Nice story, and superb written. Only people like Brad don't change or apologize late in their lives. The list would be too long. Brad and Jenny believe in winning at any cost and were cruel and ruthless unnecessarily. Jenny would never be welcomed in my home for a Christmas Dinner unless she became poor and destitute and couldn't afford a decent meal for Christmas. She is the worst kind of narcissist there is, for her heart has only enough room to love herself. I would go to her funeral though and to the burial too, and I would take my dog to my regular visits to her grave. Thanks for the story and for the Christian, unselfish generosity exhibited by Mike.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

too long, did not like ending or outcome of tale

TajfaTajfaabout 2 years ago

So Jenny, who was a self centred bitch and who led the most privileged life was now sad in her old age and we should all feel sorry for her? I don't think so. In fact I was hoping that she ended up in the poor house cut off from her children and suffering from some terrible std after all her whoring around. Her father should have been the subject of a documentary that gave him national hero status and when the public found out how his daughter treated him she became a pariah. The writing was very good but she was let off too lightly.

eljjeljjabout 2 years ago

This is a very good story. If this doesn't touch you. Then you have no heart and soul. This was truly amazing. Thank you so much for this inspiring story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I started this story and as I read it, I became depressed and wondered how Mike was going to solider onward with the crushing pain and depression he was experiencing. (Wow, talk about shades of real life.) As the story progressed, the feeling of depression faded and gave way to peace and acceptance. This was an excellent story!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well it fits for most women, they only have dollar signs in front of their eyes.

ManoBlueManoBlueabout 2 years ago

Bruh this was six chapters too long.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyabout 2 years ago

Great story! So true. Thank-you

PornGoddess2PornGoddess2about 2 years ago

"The race is not always to the swift or the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet." - Damon Runyon

{I REALLY recommend Runyon's stories to anyone who hasn't read any. The musical "Guys and Dolls" [filmed with Sinatra and Brando] is based on parts of several of them...}

FireFox59FireFox59about 2 years ago

A little on the long winded side. Mike was one hell of a man to endure everything he went through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Real good until the end. An idiot could read regret on the bitches face as she sat in that mall watching happy families walk by and realized that she fucked off her own. Earlier he said he'd reached the point of indifference so why the fuck approach her? Would he invite some bum off the street into his home on Christmas day? She'd have to be considered on that level. The point was made that the kids were not connected so why bring her into the home? He recognized that Darla had some insecurities concerning the slut so why subject her to that?

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartabout 2 years ago

Painful reading this the first few pages, not because of a lack of skill by the author but because of their skill. You felt for the MC and how his life was turned upside, the hurt his wife knowingly inflicted on him. Any pain was more then made up with the happy ending. Not so sure about trying to give Jenny any sort of redemption but well can't complain about a story that tries to be kind to everyone, even the bastards. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Six pages of kumbaya, piled high and deep. Nothing new here; only an exploration of what has been written before, by better writers. Very sad....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

That was great, loved it. I am a huge fan of the idea that not only does time heal all wounds but that the best revenge is to live well. Another cliche is that time catches up with all of us, now Jenny is old and alone while Mike has a lovely wife, children, and grandchildren. 5*

koosewatcherkoosewatcherabout 2 years ago

Enjoyed this story. Well written, and much better then 98% of the stories recently.

OvercriticalOvercriticalabout 2 years ago

This story really wasn't too long and the people were a good mixture of the good and the bad. No one deserved more rewards or punishments. That's what life is all about. It's a roller coaster and the best bet is to keep your head down and your elbows in. You'll weather the tough parts that way and live to enjoy the good parts. As to the comments about Jenny deserving a tougher ending, I think her final years were tougher than any of the blood thirsty commenters could dream up. Just think, when her end approaches, who are they going to bury her next to? If you don't think that occurs to people as their lives wind down, I can tell you it does really matter. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

good story up to page 6 when he effectively says to the women who brought him back from the edge FUCK YOU I'm choosing the women who dump me over your feelings.

What a tosser!

lukeshortlukeshortabout 2 years ago

Great Story! Truly a 5*

historyandherstoryhistoryandherstoryabout 2 years ago

Great story, well told. We enjoyed every sentence. Thank you.

ImpossiblefutureImpossiblefutureabout 2 years ago

As always a great writer that takes their time to write a good story, never churning out 20 or so a month of useless trash, instead we get a class writer here. Keep it coming Stoney.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoabout 2 years ago

A very well written story; we don’t see many these days.

Good characterisation, love ‘em or hate ‘em, at least somewhat believable.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 2 years ago

One of the top-25 of all time on Literotica! I can't believe anyone can bitch about anything in this story. I read it with a lump in my guts, but that's a credit to your fine writing. Too many stories on this site read like an adult version of the, 'How I Spent My Summer Vacation' school essay. No, this is hellaciously fine writing. And yes, the BEST veterinarians on this spiral of the galaxy graduate from Texas A&M University! (All TU matriculates is lawyers and miscreants). Like all good fiction, the characters were a mixture of good and bad. John wasn't a Navy SEAL or MACV-SOG - just a regular old grunt. No Martian Slut Ray. Very good characters, all the way around.



Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 2 years ago

Brilliant! Lovely! I gave it 5***** because I could not give it 10. This is a big cut above the typical Loving Wives story. You should feel justly proud of it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Its really ironic Stoney, i was reading “Christmas at WJTW” only 2 days ago and when i looked at at the published date of 1/22,. I thought its been a while, it wouldn’t it be nice to see another Stoney Webb story. Outstanding job as usual. I can easily get past the mix up with kids name & son Mark being married to 2 different woman. Keep up the great work. You are an excellent story teller! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Another well thought out story. It certainly gives one thought to consider your daily decisions and how it might play out in the long run. 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I don’t think you understand that Bible verse AT ALL when you follow it up with “time was the ultimate revenge”.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 2 years ago

I always enjoy your stories, but this continued long after it was over. I get a lot of complaints about my lack of endings. I never wrap everything up. It seems that I prefer it that way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Not sure what revenge Mike thinks he got... I sure don't see any. Jenny melancholy during the holidays? She'll be back to her old self after New Years. Mike's life turned out OK, but Jenny was and will always be a witch. Very unsatisfactory to say the least!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Good story. Perhaps a tad too long, but well-played.

Cracker270Cracker270about 2 years ago

This is just one hell of a well written story. Every character is meticulously crafted. The story line is smooth yet enticing. All in all s great effort. Thank you StoneyWebb.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

Story is a little too real for me. I had tears in my eyes in parts and although he was vindicated in the end, I still feel the sadness of a life lesson that didn't have to be... 5*

afanoffanlitafanoffanlitabout 2 years ago

Really well written and very accurate

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherabout 2 years ago
Not a bad story

You touched on many different issues during divorces and child custody cases but you missed on one big one that really affects the rich and socially conscious...... The media. If their pics were in the paper so much than that was prime for the divorce gossip. He could have battered and bruised his ex and Brad into submission on the society pages as well as social media. Especially when they would learn his boss who fired him stole his wife. That would literally have been business and financial suicide.

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 2 years ago
quote I told them that their mother was making an effort and they should too unquote

Why would you put this line into your story?

I realise that it is a standard Literotica cliché but that does not mean that you were forced to include it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story!

management91399management91399about 2 years ago

Pretty epic with some interesting twists and turns, was worth sticking through although I kind of hate stories were the husband immediately gets laid like 15 minutes after his wife leaves him. This worked well.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 2 years ago

"She was a cheerful soul who had a pretty face but was ten or fifteen pounds overweight." - 10 or 15 pounds? That's nothing.


I wouldn't worry about getting fired, assuming that he even wants to keep working there. He said it himself - EEOC - Brad seduces his wife, breaks up their marriage, then tries to fire him? That's an unlawful termination suit waiting to happen, and it did!


"The basis of their appeal was that I had denied Jenny visitation." - Since SHE'S the one that set up the visitation schedule, with her picking the kids up at school, so he could hardly be denying her visitation.


There should be SOME sanction for her arbitrarily changing schools without notifying him and getting the courts approval. "Not going to jail" is hardly a victory since he never did anything!


"Deciding custody when both parents love their children is the hardest part of this job," - Except that Jenny doesn't love the children, she's just using them as a club against Mike.


When she repeatedly messed with his visitation, he should have taken her to court. I'm sure few, if any, were date critical that couldn't wait for her weeks.


Jeezus, it was okay to rake the kids away on Mike's weeks, but couldn't let him have the kids when she wasn't even there?


"during that time, I'd say that I had the Mark and Glenda seventy to eighty percent of the time." - As I said earlier, it was never about the kids, it was about hurting Mike.


The only thing I would add is, "We never saw or heard from Jenny again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

50 years ago I suffered through a poor man's version of this story, gaining custody of my two daughters only to lose them in a custody battle once my ex had remarried exactly one year after our divorce. With standard visiting rights I maintained constant contact enduring the same kind of undercutting sniping and conflicts in "visiting" occasions. Visits became few and far between for their teen years and early twenties, but when they became adults and parents themselves it amazed me how much better they understood the reasons why their mother and I split...and the why of why she sought to diss me with them.

They both live less than 100 miles from me now and we visit often. Their mother is 1000 miles away and rarely sees them. Isn't it funny how art imitates life sometimes....

Loved this story for obvious reasons.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Jenny figured out in her old age money isn’t everything. What a bitch. Mike did well. Lucky they had a good judge. Usually money talks shit walks.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 2 years ago

Other than some of the confusion with who married who, a good story. Mike showed that he was a compassionate man, and in the end Jenny and Brad both realized he was the better man.

As far as the description of the legal system goes it is a pretty fair assesment. The judge should have thrown the book at Jenny for the false sexual assault charge. One thing with Jenny is why was she so mean to Mike? Was she doing that to please Brad? At the end she admits she still loved Mike but went to Brad over money, so why? They could have had split custody. Why did she even want the kids when she seemed to dump them? It would have read better if at the end she explained why she was so nasty.

Joeyiluv69Joeyiluv69about 2 years ago

Dayum good story. Very realistic in the telling. It was nice to see it skip through the years to its conclusion.

SDN1955SDN1955about 2 years ago

Very well written and held together well, as well as holding my attention throughout. MC was quite a realistic and sympathetic character. Brad and Jenny were evil, to be sure, but at least they weren’t cartoonishly evil.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So wait, this dude writes a story about a wife who left her husband to trade up and actively participated in the psychological and emotional torture. This goes on for over a decade with attempts to force the ex-husband to give up his paternal rights, deprive him of employment, frame him for sexual abuse of a minor and incest.. the list goes on. And yet this author writes a redemption arc for all the people who harmed the husband (who is fucking perfect of course)

Seriously? This steaming pile gets 4.5 stars when its a bunch of unrealistic bullshit? Hell, Saddletramps gods and wizards are more realistic than this shit pile.

Let's see, a man who attempts to steal another man's kids, engages in retaliation whenever he is slighted, is known for abusing the system to achieve his ends. Well, he is sick and dying and all of a sudden he is a fucking Saint? And the wife gets redemption too even though she an obvious narcissist who would never change.

I can see it now, this author sitting there writing a stream of consciousness garbage tale while believing he has written some great work. He doesn't bother to proof read, run it through grammarly or any other tool because its clearly so inspired wonderful. How could such a gem among a sea of garbage possibly be bad? Outlines and character biographies? What's that?

"Who needs to spend time planning when I am so amazing an author to have come up with such a brilliant, definitely not ever done before, tale. And truly, what does consistency matter anyway. Readers should just accept that I spent weeks writing this in bits and couldn't possibly remember everything I wrote before. I need to be inspired after all. So what if my story is inconsistent. The ending makes you feel good. I gave them happiness. Isn't that what we should be all about???"

Pathetic clown.

iammweaseliammweaselabout 2 years ago

Once it got to the She needed to go with Brad for a week, I zoned out of this cliched been there done that by 1274 different writers and walked away.

Hope it got better, but the same tried and true wife always used here is getting beyond tedious.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This has to be one of your best. The trials and tribulations of a man close to losing everything he cherishes, pulls through and gradually flourishes in life is heart rendering. Well done!! 5 *****

vintageridervintageriderabout 2 years ago

Another Bible verse that is approprate with this story is, "vengence is mine, I will repay." True, we don't get the immediate gratification of extracting our vengence in the way we would like to see it done but leaving it to him keeps us out of jail and allows us sleep at night. The author did an excellent job in showing how difficult doing it the right way can be. *****

opheliusopheliusabout 2 years ago

Good story, but she got off too easy.

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 years ago

Jenny and Carl were unforgivable, by anyone. Story was way too long. I do like happy endings but, didn't see one for anyone in this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I don't understand. He married a selfish arrogant heartless bitch, so she treated him accordingly. Women like Jenny are about as hard to spot as a wart hog in a pony show. But you have to be looking with your eyes, thinking with your brain, and ignoring your dick. Most of these fucked over husband deserve what they married. Darla was the real thing, and even after almost two years he still didn't realize it until he fucked her? The MC is deaf dumb and blind. He married well the second time totally by accident. It was more of a report than a story. But thanks for the effort.

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1about 2 years ago

Joint custody is the rule now. No need to fight for it. Unless one of parents is on drugs and even then....

ChopinesqueChopinesqueabout 2 years ago

I liked what you did here. You humanized the cheating characters, created times for them to open up, to explain, to even apologize. And you gave your main character peace, and a big family in the end. That's very good.

stewartbstewartbabout 2 years ago

Sometimes life turns out to be a war ... sometimes there are no winners and no losers ... only those who have survived hopefully for the better. Mike's story was excellently crafted. Thanks.

Dunny69Dunny69about 2 years ago

I hate stories where the villain wins. Regardless of her emotional statements at the end she didn’t have a bad life and left so much hurt in her wake. No I like stories with justice and just consequences and this wasn’t one.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

A tad long but a wonderful mix of Loving Wives and Romance. I thoroughly enjoyed it

Scores 5/5 with me.

I look forward to your next tale.

BSreaderBSreaderabout 2 years ago
Very good

Story well written

CHUCK2468CHUCK2468about 2 years ago

Are you kidding me?

Even after all the shit she did, you gave her a happy ending?

She and Brad tried to get him jailed for child molestation and he doesn't care. Thats a death sentence in prisons. She was truly evil and in the end its all smiles and roses. Csnt rate this higher than a 1*. Again she tried to get him jailed for one of the worst crimes. What a bullshit story.

mattenwmattenwabout 2 years ago

This magnificent story, which is very well told, is almost too good for "LW". I think it's a really well done romance. All the ups and downs that life can bring with it, you have finely woven and presented believably. Money is not everything, but it is extremely reassuring! The fact that your protagonist Jenny got in her own way is all the sadder, since she really had every opportunity for a happy life! Thanks for the good entertainment!

mac1729mac1729about 2 years ago

I disagree with Dunny's comment this story is another example of how money isn't everything as Jenny spends her remaining years alone. She is well off financially but without a partner to share it with and her children are mostly indifferent to her.

Thanks for writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

So poor Tint Tim, er, Tiny Steve, still had to die? The last page was directly making Jenny to be Scrooge, in spirit of not 100% action.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 2 years ago

That worked very well indeed. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Fantastic. Very realistic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What is erotic about this story ? Did you miss the name of the site ? It's LitEROTICA.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 2 years ago

A truly realistic look at the devastation the divorce process can wreak of families.

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