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The man walked toward Christine, his face red.
Hannah leaned down and whispered in Christine's ear. "Now, Christine, don't you feel like a slut with your little whore ass hanging out there for everyone to see?"
Christine whimpered in her sleep.
"Well, you dirty girl, you've made this poor man all hot and bothered with your little display. That's just impolite. Be a good girl and raise up slightly so he can see your little wet crotch?"
Christine raised her butt off the chair.
The man breathed harder staring at the saturated silk covering her pussy.
Hannah ran her finger down the panty covered slit and Christine gasped and arched her back.
Hannah smiled pleasantly at the man, letting her pheromones carry through the short distance between them. "I know it can be intimidating in public, but we're all adults here, aren't we? Why don't you pull out that hard cock and stroke it - I think everyone would love to see it..."
He fumbled with his zipper, dropping his briefcase on the floor.
Hannah leaned forward and whispered in Christine's ear. "Silly girl. Don't you know panties just get in the way?" Hannah asked. She looked up at the bartender on the far end of the bar and motioned for him to come over.
The man locked eyes on her and lit up, passing three other patrons to reach her. "May I help you?"
Hannah smiled. "So prompt and courteous."
"White Witches always go to the head of the queue," the bartender announced.
Hannah smiled and nodded. "Professional caste?"
"Yes, mistress," the man answered.
Honestly, they need something to mark them, she thought. It was so hard to tell the professionals from the uninitiated masses.
The bartender looked down hungrily at Christine who was now moving her hips in circles above the barstool.
The middle aged man behind her had pulled out his six inch cock and was stroking himself openly, never taking his eyes off Christine's panty clad twat.
Nancy stared straight ahead like a statue, her hand still firmly held in Hannah's graceful right hand.
"I'm working on a new whore, and I seem to be short a hand," Hannah said with a sly smile.
The handsome bartender smiled. "I live to serve you, mistress."
"Oh!" Hannah said with a laugh. "I like that. You and I are going to get along fine - do you have a sharp knife handy?"
He reached under the bar and pulled out a paring knife. "Will this do?"
Hannah nodded and took the knife from him. "Thank you."
She slid the blade under the thin waist band of Christine's panties at the left leg opening.
Christine drew in a deep breath as the knife blade touched her bare skin.
"Relax, darling," Hannah whispered as she drew the knife blade up cutting into the fabric, stopping with only a few strands of silk wrapped elastic remaining.
She repeated the process on the other side.
Hannah handed the knife back to the bartender, and then she turned to the middle aged man whose breathing was becoming more and more rapid. "Shh," Hannah whispered. "Calm down now. We mustn't cum yet. You don't want to disappoint her, do you?"
The man smiled, his expression bliss. "Nooo..."
"Good. She's hot and she needs release. You do want to help her, don't you?"
The man nodded, his half lidded eyes never straying from Christine's bobbing crotch.
"That's very good. Now, darling, I know how hard it can be not to cum when you have such a beautiful and eager little slut just begging to be fucked, so I'm going to help you." She reached out with her left hand and caressed his temple. "There. I joined us together. You can't cum until I release you. Go ahead and try."
The man jacked himself faster and then gave a whimper.
Hannah laughed. "Why don't you rip the panties off this little slut and get a better look?"
The man didn't hesitate. He reached out and tore the panties off.
Christine's eyes fluttered open as she moaned.
"No, no, darling. Go back to sleep and have wicked dreams," Hannah whispered. She looked at her watch. Twenty-five minutes before she would need to board and prepare the first class cabin. Plenty of time.
Christine lapsed back into a troubled sleep.
The man stared at the crotch of the ruined panties he held in his right hand while he stroked himself with his left.
"Taste them. She's dripping with aphrodisiac thanks to all those Pink Panty Soakers she's been drinking," Hannah said.
The man ran his tongue along the stained wet silk.
He began to hyperventilate, and his cock grew larger in his hand. He dropped the panties and bent down to guide his cock into the moaning slut gyrating on the stool.
"No!" Hannah commanded.
The man froze.
"Jerk off. Use your other hand to finger fuck her, but don't you dare put your cock in her," Hannah said as she stroked Christine's short black hair. "This is a lady not a whore. A slut to be sure, but she isn't just a cum dump." Hannah looked into Nancy's glassy eyes. "Not like this one. This one is a back alley whore, or at least she will be if I have any say in it."
The man slid a thick middle finger into Christine's dripping snatch.
She cooed and moaned, rotating her hips to coax the digit deeper.
Hannah smiled and nodded. She wrapped both arms around Nancy's neck. "Now, that should take care of your little friend for a few minutes. Let's start fucking your mind, shall we?"
The bartender leaned on the bar. "I love to watch you perverters work."
Hannah gently cupped Nancy's breasts. "A healthy C cup, sometimes I wish there wasn't such a focus on the extreme with the higher powers." She cupped her own enormous rack. "I miss variety."
"What are you doing with my pet project?" a voice asked behind her.
Diana stood with her hands on her hips and a mock pout.
"Relax, bitch, I got bored," Hannah said playfully. "I'm not making any permanent changes... at least not in Nancy here."
Diana ran her finger along Christine's firm buttocks as they bounced. Christine had managed to maneuver the man's finger into a position so she could ride it like a tiny cock.
Her fluids dripped down the leather barstool.
"I thought she was off limits - potential Professional Caste or something?" Diana asked.
"Oh, this is charity work. This poor thing needs to loosen up whether they initiate her or not."
Diana giggled. "Well, she's definitely getting loose. But that doesn't explain what you're doing to my project - I've already had her exposing herself to half the passengers at the gate."
"Like I said, I got bored." Hannah took Nancy's hand and lifted it. "Nancy, dear, why don't you show me how you give a blowjob? Use your thumb as a dick."
Nancy slowly opened her lips and licked the end of her thumb. Then she engulfed it, sliding it in and out of her mouth.
"Good girl," Hannah whispered.
The bartender watched Nancy's thumb fellatio and licked his lips. "If you need her to try out something a little more realistic, just let me know..."
"Bad boy!" Hannah said. "Just enjoy the show and don't interrupt - the grownups are talking."
"Yes, mistress," he said with a laugh.
She kissed Diana on the cheek. "Now, don't be cross. I have every confidence in your powers of persuasion - you're a seductive little slut."
Diana put her hands on Hannah's waist. "You should." Diana kissed her and let her hands rise to caress Hannah's breasts.
The bartender stopped paying attention to the mock blowjob - two Amazons making out was much more interesting.
Diana broke the kiss. "You have ten minutes, so whatever you have planned for these two dosed sluts? You better get on with it. I'm not preparing First Class on my own. Also, we have our other special projects to tend to."
She turned and walked back toward the gate.
"Oh, God! I need to cum!" Christine whined. She still had her skirt hiked up, bent forward on the red leather bar stool. She had one hand stroking her bare clit while she rode the businessman's finger.
A puddle of girl juice leaked down the side of the stool.
The businessman was frantically stroking his cock one handed, the head pointed directly at her swollen pussy lips from behind.
Hannah checked her watch. Time for a climax.
"A brandy snifter, if you don't mind?" Hannah asked.
The bartender smiled and grabbed her one from the rack.
"Thank you." She leaned on the masturbating man's shoulder. "You really need to cum, don't you?"
"Yes!" the man cried.
"I know you'd like to cum all over Christine's pretty cunt and ass - and I must say under normal circumstances, I might let you."
The man whined.
"But, I have need of your spunk." She held the brandy snifter sideways with his cock head inside it. "Cum for me, now!"
The man groaned and stream after stream of white cum jetted out of his spasming dick.
Hannah smiled as she caught every drop in the glass.
His ejaculation slowed and he stopped stroking.
Hannah held up the glass and smiled. "At least three teaspoons! Well done!"
The man looked ready to fall over.
Hannah turned her head sideways and leaned close. "You can go now."
The man turned, unsteady.
"You might want to zip up first," Hannah reminded him.
"Oh... yeah. Thanks," he said as he zipped up his pants.
"Oh! And, don't forget your briefcase," Hannah said.
The man nodded and picked up his case. Then he stumbled away.
Hannah looked at the cum in the glass. "Hmm... I think we need a bit more." She held the glass out for the bartender. "Be a dear, would you?"
The bartender smiled and stroked a twelve inch erection over the rim of the glass. "I might need a little motivation..."
"How's this?" Hannah asked. She leaned down and pushed her tongue into Christine's mouth.
The thin brunette reciprocated and moaned harder into the kiss.
"Fuck yeah!" the bartender said, and then he was cumming, adding his jizz to the glass.
Hannah stood up and smiled. She held out her hand and took the glass. "Now, this is a good amount." She leaned down and whispered to Christine, "What a good slut you are, making two men cum like that."
Christine moaned.
"Would you like to cum now, darling?"
"Yesss! Oh, God, yes!"
"Fuck yourself hard with two fingers."
Christine thrust two fingers into herself and began to fuck them in and out.
"Very nice. Rub your G-spot." Hannah held the glass near Christine's overheated pussy. "Now... cum."
Christine shuddered and moaned.
She began to squirt.
The liquid poured into the glass.
"That's perfect, darling."
Christine collapsed, exhausted onto the stool.
Hannah held up the glass, it was half full of boy cum and girl cum. "Perfect!"
She handed the glass to the bartender. "Do you know how to make a Bukkake Bomb?"
"No, can't say as I do," the bartender said as he zipped up his pants and took the glass from Hannah.
"Just put in two ounces of vodka and give it a swizzle."
"Top shelf?" the bartender asked as he pointed to the alcohol bottles above the bar.
"Of course, dear. A drink like this requires the best vodka money can buy," Hannah said with a smile.
He poured vodka into the glass and added a swizzle stick.
Hannah took it from him. "Why thank you."
"Um, that'll be $15.00," the bartender said with a slight grin.
"Oh! It's not for me," Hannah said. She turned to Nancy. "Nancy, dear, stop sucking your thumb. I have a drink for you."
Nancy pulled her thumb out of her mouth and stared at Hannah with a vacant expression. "What is it?"
"A Bukkake Bomb, sweetheart. All the girls are drinking it in Cuba." She handed the glass to Nancy.
Nancy looked at the cocktail.
"Drink it down, dear. It's good for you."
Nancy tilted the glass back and drank it in one gulp.
Hannah laughed as Nancy licked some stray cum from her lips.
Holding their hands, Hannah led the duo back to their husbands. They walked with smiles and glassy stares.
"Oh, my darlings, this is going to be such a fun trip. Now, just a few more things - you're not going to remember anything about what happened over the last half hour. You had a drink with a beautiful stewardess and talked about naughty things. Do you understand, girls?"
"Yes, mistress," they said together.
"Very good. Christine, sweetheart, you're now devoutly bisexual. You're equally attracted to men and women. When you get on the plane, the first thing you are going to do is ask for a blanket, a pink panty soaker for yourself, and a blue pile driver for your husband. As soon as you're seated, give him a hand job. Do this for the entire flight until he passes out. Eat his cum whenever you can - just make sure you keep ordering drinks."
"Yes, mistress," Christine whispered.
"As for you, Nancy: you've never been so turned on. Keep drinking pink panty soakers and try to get your husband to order something. That's it - Diana will help with the rest," Hannah said.
She released their hands and smiled. "See you luvs on the plane!"
Christine and Nancy blinked and staggered.
"Um, yeah... yeah!" Nancy said as she sat down beside her husband.
"It was nice to meet you," Christine said. She watched Hannah's ass as the stewardess walked away.
Christine licked her lips.
Hannah ran on her stilettos to catch up with Diana at the entrance to the jetway. She wrapped her arm around her lover's waist as they followed the flight crew onboard.
"How did they work out?" Diana asked.
"Amazingly. First we have our little Tammi slut being loaded into the club level. Samantha and Lawrence, our newlyweds, are now assigned to our flight back in coach orgy class. Nasty Nancy and her little doctor sidekick are in First Class," Hannah said.
"I'm going the blackmail route with Nancy. It'll be fun to make her do my bidding without a brain fuck," Diana laughed.
"Mmm, I love that," Hannah said. "Oh, and then we have Monica and her friends also in First Class."
Diana winked. "I can't wait to get my hands on Terri - you know she's a state senator's daughter?"
"Really? Havana's going to love that leverage."
Diana nodded. "This flight is going to be epic."
Finishing edits on Chapter 2 and it will go in the queue today. We went a little crazy with the length - about 27,000 words. As with last time, the first 5000 words will go on that fetish site today…
Yes, I know this book chapter could stand on its own, but I needed (maybe wanted) to do a bit of rereading. Before I jumped in…
This chapter, as always, was brilliant. As I read each word on each page I was contstantly finding myself trying to read ahead into the paths all these new personas will travel in this book. So many possibilities with all these intital threads wove into this first chapter.
It is incredible what you two have created and even moreso that you continue to share it with us.
I can’t IMAGINE where this journey will take us, but I’m fully onboard. My seal belt is on and fully tightened low against my lap. My seat back and tray table are in their full, upright, and locked positions. I know exactly where the emergency exits are, even the ones behind me, but let’s be honest there is no fucking way I’m getting off this flight!
Thank you again for sharing this with us.
Another brilliant chapter. Have to admit, god knows how many chapters in, I'm with Hannah on the boob front. I know Morpheus has a thing for G cups but a nice set of C's or D's is infinitely sexier. Can't wait to see what you do with Christine & Monica. Nancy & Terri are toast, they're both already half way towards being street whores even before the mind fucks. Roll on part 2
We're working on Chapter 2 right now... lots of moving parts. We expect it to go into the queue this weekend. This will be another chapter coming in at near 22,000 words.
Another daughter of a politician. Mom is toast, er, transformed. 70 grand to babysit her wild child and follow her into insanity.
Man you just keep adding layers.
Any update?
Such good theories. A few of them might even be true ;)
I think Monica might be headed toward White Witch hood the way she is protective and of the qualifications of WW it seems .
I can't really see Adam messing with White Witches plans, he is more of watch and see what happens type(to me) unless something major happens. He is still learning about himself and his powers I think right now. Now if something happens to or about to happen to Angela( aka Sugar Tits) he might interfere. Love makes you do crazy things.....
Would love to see Adam mess with the White Witches plans and see a pair of new covens be born on the flight.
Coven 1 is Monica becomes a White Witch with Paul as her Whoremaster, David becomes Davina a futa and Terri becomes an Amazon Whore (tall, busty, muscled brainiac). Coven 2 is Nancy becomes a White Witch and takes Christine as her Professional Caste wife, their husbands become Street Studs, Tammi gets reprogrammed (again), Samantha beomes a better version of what Diana and Hannah envisioned for Sammi (Sammi and Tammi become twin Amazon Whores) and Lawrence becomes a Whoremaster.
Clue number one, The Book Of Adam is known to the church and is banned. But it is buried at last on the list, almost as an annoyance and less important.
My breath is bated. I wait....
It was a good story, lots going on but it was easy to follow, good job. I am waiting anxiously for the next chapter! Thanks
It's always an event when one of your stories drops. They never disappoint.
Thank you, you're back and hope all is well.
Another new story and a great one but who are going to be the main characters and how will it all fit in with the rest of this epic saga. Looks like another giant whiteboard is needed 😂😂😂⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤
: Many people are able to sit down and create an outline or even write down plot points. We’re not among them. Going all the way back to Witnesses, I had a rough idea of where the saga would lead. By the time we finished the short stories, I knew the entire story right down to the very last scenes in the last book. And, well, it’s all in our heads at this point. No outline. Each book is simply a matter of writing down the scenes in our heads. We add a lot of detail, of course, and we fix plot holes (most of them, we hope). Some books are more important to the story arc than others. Naughty vs. Nice is a side story, Book of Adam is more important to the arc. But all of them tell a different piece of the story.
Long winded answer, sorry :) But if anyone wants to talk more about it, look us up over on FL, that fetish site, and we talk your ears off ;).
Always thrilled to see a new posting of your wonderful work. It may take time but quality can’t be rushed. Thanks for the new content and the work you put into it is appreciated.
This was a great chapter and I can't wait to see how it connects to everything that came beforehand. This is the best series on Lit and perhaps the most ambitious series on here. Your stories never cease to surprise me.
I am curious, when you begin a new chapter do you start with an outline or have you already made a map and just hit plot points? The preparation for something on this level must be a long process.
Good to see you back with another new story. I wonder how this is going to play going forward.
Absolutely wonderful. Thank Morpheus you two are back. I certainly missed your stories! 5 stars as always.
I have missed your work so much! Five stars! I’m eagerly awaiting the next chapter!
I’m rooting for Monica to becoming a Dominatrix, Teri will be her bimbo brat. Nice start of the new book
This was a great start to a new chapter for this beautiful saga. I look forward to more and as always thank you❤️