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Vampire Lineage Ch. 04

Story Info
Gabriel flaunts his cruelty while testing Emma's power.
5.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/30/2020
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Notes and Content Warning: The vampires in this story are not the classic dead human kind. I've re-imagined them as another race similar to humans while maintaining their typical powers. So, the story has a lot of dominating, supernatural sexiness without the dead parts. Also, the head vampire is royally arrogant and abusive to everyone around him. If you don't like that kind of thing, you don't have to read it. For those that do, I hope you enjoy it.


Emma was anxious as she wandered around Gabriel's mansion, looking for something to distract herself. Gabriel and Zaid were meeting with clients in the pasture for a horse viewing and a potential champion breeding contract. Ivan and Luther were running errands in town for other aspects of Gabriel's estate. The ancient vampire kept his brothers busy one way or another. Luther had mumbled something about "boring antiques" as Ivan kissed Emma goodbye that morning.

She was thinking about Ivan's soft lips and delicious smell as she passed Gabriel's study. Her body felt tingly as she glanced into the room at the ottoman in front of Gabriel's chair. Remembering what he did to her made her heart pound and her skin hot. She couldn't stop the arousal after tasting his blood. What she feared the most was falling in love with him against her will. Gabriel had forced her to taste his blood after seducing her, creating a subjugate bond. Ivan said the bond would take a few days to fully emerge. She hoped it never did. Emma loved Ivan. She bonded with him by accident five years earlier and didn't know it until they met and fell in love for real. Ivan wasn't a murderer and never experimented on humans like Gabriel did in the Middle Ages. Ivan was kind and innocent despite being a living vampire. She considered him worthy of her love, but she feared Gabriel would kill everyone if he didn't get his way, and he wanted Emma for himself. She would have to use her inner light to help her stepmother's coven destroy Gabriel if she wanted a future with Ivan, but she feared she would mess up and get everyone killed. Her hands were trembling as she stood in the study doorway, thinking of all the terrible things that could happen if she failed.

"Emma? Are you alright?" came Sarah's soft voice from up the hall.

Emma flinched and looked to the right to see the beautiful maid approaching her. Sarah was Luther's favorite subjugate.

"Uh, I'm okay... I guess," she shrugged.

"I'm not convinced," Sarah sighed as she searched Emma's big blue eyes. "I need to dust the study. Come in with me and talk for a bit. I've lived here for a few years. Maybe I can offer some friendly advice."

Emma smiled and followed Sarah into the study. The olive-skinned maid got to work with her feather duster as Emma admired the ancient collection of books.

"Sarah, are you afraid of Gabriel?"

"Sometimes, but I don't worry about him if that's what you're asking. He is civil. He has never tried to hurt me or anything," she shrugged.

"What if he did hurt you and then compelled you to forget?"

"Why would he do that?"

"I don't know. To keep you complacent."

"It seems like a waste of time on his part. I have no power over him. Vampires are monsters in a lot of ways, but they know how to exist in society and keep themselves safe. They also know how to love humans even if they pretend they don't," she smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"Younger vampires like Luther and Ivan have a lot of humanity. I know Luther cares for me. His actions speak louder than words. The modern age has enlightened him and his brother. Gabriel tries to keep them brainwashed with ancient vampire dogma, but they're too smart for it. Zaid is old, but he is more like Luther and Ivan. They just want to coexist with humans and live their long lives in peace, but Gabriel won't let them. He wants them to kill and be powerful even when there is no point in it. He wants them to father more vampires to bolster their population, but the boys could care less. Being around Gabriel for so long has taught them to hate him, but they dare not cross him. They are protected from other vampires in Gabriel's home, but he could easily kill them or do something worse to ruin their lives if he wanted. Older vampires are incredibly strong and intolerant. The boys have to humor Gabriel to keep him agreeable. It makes me feel sorry for them."

"Me too," Emma sighed.

She walked behind Gabriel's desk to examine the most tattered books in the library. They looked ancient and probably were.

"Sarah, can I look at these, or will they fall apart?"

"They shouldn't fall apart. Gabriel repairs them often, but he may not want you looking at them. Give me a minute."

Emma watched as Sarah pulled a smartphone from her pocket and pulled up a video feed.

"Gabriel, Zaid, and the new clients are still in the stables. You should have plenty of time to snoop before they come in," she grinned and put her phone away.

"Wow, thanks. Is that a security camera app?"

"It is. Luther helped me install it. It helps me do chores without getting in everyone's way since no one tells me when important clients are coming over."

"What areas does it watch?" Emma gulped, remembering her mother had used magic to sneak onto Ivan's balcony the previous evening.

"Outside doors, the driveway, and the stables. Other than that, it's not very comprehensive."

"Oh, I see," she nodded in relief.

Emma relaxed and pulled one of the ancient books off the shelf and carefully opened it. It was written in a language she had never seen before. She turned a few pages until she discovered sketches of naked women. They were all beautiful and wonderfully detailed. She turned a few more pages and discovered closeup sketches of the women's body parts. Faces, breasts, nipples, hands, ears, eyes, and even genitals were drawn in detail and labeled. Emma blushed as she looked through the variety of vaginas shown in the book. They were even drawn in different stages of arousal. At least, that's what she assumed it was showing. There were diagrams of the moon at the corner of each drawing. Sarah noticed a rather surprised look on Emma's face and walked over to look at the book.

"Oh my, Gabriel loves pussy," she chuckled.

"Seriously. What do all these moon markings mean?"

"Hmm... I would think cycle tracking. You know, for fertility."

"Shit. Is this from his human breeding research?" Emma gulped.

"Probably. You might want to put that back."


Emma quickly put the book away and walked to the modern side of the library. Most of those books were about horses and the history of horse racing. She didn't care to read any of them. Suddenly, Sarah's phone chimed, alerting her that someone had entered the backdoor.

"They're back in the house. I'm heading upstairs to avoid them. You should too," she advised before leaving the study.

After supper that evening...

"Fear can encourage a field flower's light. Have you experienced it when you're afraid?" Gabriel asked as he paced around Emma in the pasture.

He had called a family meeting to test Emma's power. Zaid was the only one absent. He was driving north to deliver a racehorse to its new home. The fall day was cloudy and cool enough for a sweater over Emma's blouse and pleated skirt. Gabriel had been questioning her all afternoon about her light, and she couldn't give him a satisfying answer. She barely understood her power. Ivan and Luther were leaning on the fence by the stables, watching and listening.

"I only experience it when I'm aroused. It's really hard to control."

"I know. You may have conjured it when you were afraid but didn't realize it. One doesn't often think straight when they're scared. Your light kept Ivan from killing you on Halloween night. That's nothing to scoff at. That's the one night of the year a young vampire's desire to kill is strongest. Yet you survived."

Emma glanced at Ivan with her heart thumping faster. He looked down in shame, confirming what Gabriel said was true. She had come closer to death than she realized.

"I didn't know that," she gulped.

"I'm sure you sensed the danger. You ran away from him, and he instinctively chased you. Vampires are the worst kind of predator. We are vicious and intelligent. Our emotions run hot most of the time, but we learn to calm ourselves with age, but it doesn't make us less dangerous. Are you aware of our compulsion?"

"I am. Ivan told me about it."

"Did he tell you that older vampires can compel younger vampires?"

Emma looked at Gabriel in surprise. His large blue eyes had turned misty with the cloudy day, making them brooding in his handsome face. The wind stirred and tousled his golden locks, making him even more alluring. She looked down to keep her thoughts clear.

"I didn't know."

"Perhaps it's time for a test. Let's see if we can scare you into revealing your light. Luther, pull that metal stake from the ground and drive it an inch into your brother's neck. Don't kill him yet, but prepare yourself to do it if I wish it."

Emma gasped and looked at the twins. They were already a blur of motion. When the struggle settled, Luther had pinned Ivan to the ground with a knee to the chest. He had a two-foot-long metal spike in his hands, with the tip stabbed into Ivan's throat just under his chin. Ivan's pale eyes were wide with terror, and so were Luther's. They knew what was happening, but they couldn't resist Gabriel's compulsion.

"No! Don't!" Emma shrieked as she looked at Gabriel.

He was smiling like a handsome devil as he gazed at his adopted brothers.

"Very good, Luther. Now, slowly drive the spike deeper into Ivan's throat. Not too fast. Slow enough to kill him in about twenty minutes. If Emma can compel me to make you stop. The game is over, and Ivan lives. If she can't, well, we'll have to find a new brother. Also, to raise the stakes, I'm going to chase Emma into the woods and try to kill her. Just like Ivan did on Halloween night. I'll give you a minute head start, my tasty flower."

Emma was trembling with fear as she watched blood dripping from Ivan's neck. He was gritting his teeth and panting as he held the spike with both hands, straining to hold it back, but Luther was slowly driving it deeper. Emma knew Luther had an unfair advantage when it came to strength, and the twins were both helpless against Gabriel's ancient power.

"Don't let him kill you, Ivan!" she screamed before running for the woods on the pasture's edge.

She heard Gabriel laughing as she sprinted into the trees with her heart in her throat.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" she yelled as she jumped over logs and crashed through branches and shrubs.

She didn't know why she was running. She couldn't outrun an ancient vampire, but it was less terrifying than waiting for him to attack. The second that thought crossed her mind, something shoved her right shoulder and sent her spinning. She cried out and crashed to the ground, rolling across pine needles and dead leaves before she finally stopped. She scrambled to her feet and looked around the woods. It was dead silent. She was shaking with terror as her eyes jumped from tree to tree, expecting a monster to spring out from behind one.

"Fuck," she grumbled as she tried to summon her light.

It never worked when she needed it. Suddenly, she was knocked to the ground on her back. A strong hand clamped over her nose and mouth, cutting off her air and her ability to scream. Gabriel's handsome face was smiling down at her as he climbed on top of her, pinning her against the cold ground with his weight. He used his knees to open her legs so he could get his hips between her thighs. He relaxed on top of her and chuckled in her ear as he pressed the hard bulge in his pants against her crotch.

"I can smell your fear, Emma. It's incredibly arousing. At the count of three, I'm going to take a bite out of your ear if you don't tease me with that delicious light," he warned with hot breath against her cheek, making her squirm.

"One..." he whispered before he sucked on her earlobe.

She tensed, but the pleasant sensation sent a rush of tingles up the center of her body. Gabriel's scent, breath, and touch were pure pheromone.

"Two..." he hissed as he slid his hand between them and found her clit.

He quickly swirled it through her panties and pressed his bulge against her crotch, making her ache with arousal as she trembled under him. Her lack of air was making her see spots. She was out of time. Her reality blurred as a flicker of light grew in her mind. She focused on it, and it brightened, chasing the fog away.

"Thr... fuck!" Gabriel gasped and tensed.

He released Emma's mouth and braced his hand against the ground. His knuckles were white as he dug his nails into the dirt. He was trembling like he was in pain. Emma sucked in a breath and relaxed under him, panting in relief. The pine needles pricked the back of her head, helping revive her a little. She kept her focus on her light, knowing Ivan's life depended on it. A half second later, Gabriel's arousal hit her like a potent drug, stealing her strength. She groaned as it washed over her like hot water. He wasn't shaking with pain. He was shaking with ecstasy, and her power caused the euphoric arousal.

Emma's light flickered as his stifling desire threatened to overwhelm her. It flooded into her where their bodies touched despite the protection of their clothes. The arousal was stronger than the time he seduced her in the study. She bit her lip and focused on her light, determined not to lose it as her body ached with horny need. The unreal arousal swirled between them like a vicious loop, constantly feeding their desire. She couldn't keep herself from indulging in the erotic madness. She moaned and turned her head, letting her blushing cheek rest against the cold pine needles. She was hypnotized by the throbbing arousal, and she had never wanted a man inside her that badly before.

"That's entrancing, Emma. I need you," Gabriel panted as he quickly yanked her skirt up off her thighs.

She gasped as he tore the crotch of her underwear open. He was shaking as he unbuttoned his pants and shoved them off his hips. He grasped his hard cock and guided it against her swollen warmth. She groaned when he trailed his silky tip through her soaked opening. It sent a rush of erotic tingles up her body, making her inner muscles twitch.

"I love how you drip for me. Do you want me inside you, Emma?" Gabriel whispered.

"I... need it. Please fuck me," she begged.

"I will, my beautiful flower. I'll give you everything. Do you love me, Emma?"

That question pulsed in her mind like a command, clearing her thoughts. She gasped and focused on her light, feeling a strange resistance tugging at her heart.

"No. Stop. I don't love you."

Gabriel let out a frustrated breath as he massaged her dripping pussy harder, threatening to penetrate her and making her squirm.

"You can't mean that, Emma. Don't you want my love?"

"No. It's not right."

"How can you say that when your pussy swells and your nectar flows for me? I deserve your love, Emma. Tell me you love me, and I'll massage inside you and give you my potent seed. It will make you feel satisfied and complete."

He was pushing inside her as he spoke. His hard meat felt mind-numbing as it parted her tight inner muscles, invading her body a second time. She squirmed against the ground, fighting the euphoric ecstasy, desperately wanting it and hating it at the same time. Why did she hate something that felt so good? What was she forgetting?

"Ivan!" She gasped. "You're killing Ivan!"

"No, Emma. It takes more than a spike through the neck to kill a vampire. I was scaring you so you would show me your beautiful light. Take me inside you and stop fighting my love," he ordered and thrust deeper.

She gasped as his hard meat impaled her, filling her with hot pleasure. It scattered her thoughts and almost extinguished her light. Gabriel groaned as he held himself deep inside her. Her light, combined with the tight, slippery heat on his shaft, was turning his mind to mush, making him want to explode inside her like it was his first time. He loved it.

"Gabriel, stop! I don't love you, and you're hurting Ivan!" she whimpered and pushed at his chest.

It was like trying to move a delicious-smelling boulder.

"He's fine, Emma. I ordered Luther to release him before I chased after you. It was just a trick," he breathed and started pumping inside her.

She tensed and gasped from the mind-numbing stimulation. His thick meat felt massive as he massaged her swollen slit, drawing her juices out with heavenly strokes.

"Oh God, I can't take it," she panted and clutched at his arms, losing her breath.

"You are perfect, Emma. A sinful indulgence. A Byzantium goddess if I ever created one," he purred as he ran his fingers into her golden curls.

She sank her fingernails into his arms as he pushed deeper and deeper.

"Oh fuck," she groaned with her eyes rolling back.

She had never felt anything move so deep inside her before. She spread her legs wider and arched her body into his thrusts. His cock pushed against her cervix, hurting deep in her abdomen. She gasped and tensed from the shock of it. Then she wanted more. She was buzzing with ecstasy as she shared her light with the ancient vampire, and she suddenly wanted everything he could give her. She relaxed and took him deeper, then her light burned brighter. Gabriel felt her submitting and almost ejaculated from the euphoria of it. The subjugate bond strengthened as she opened herself to him. Her pussy received him with desperate need as her light burned into his mind. He belonged to her at that moment. He wouldn't be able to stop until he satisfied her.

"Holy fuck. I love you, Emma," he panted as he reached under her and lifted her body into his thrusts.

She gasped as he ground their genitals together with desperate need. He kissed her deeply as he moved inside her, jarring her with his passion. She squirmed and twitched against the ground, quickly losing control. She groaned with orgasm a second later. She gasped and shook as Gabriel fucked her through the spasms. Every thrust was a shock of ecstasy. Gabriel was intoxicated by the same sensation as her pussy squeezed his meat and her light pierced his mind. He thrust deep and ejaculated with a powerful shudder. Her pleasure was commanding him, and he had never felt anything like it. His cum flooded her tight inlet in thick bursts before it came dripping out of her. The hot flood made her eyes roll back. She loved the slippery heat as Gabriel fucked it deeper. As the intense pleasure began to subside, a warm glow radiated throughout their bodies. It was almost as addictive as an orgasm.

"Oh my God... that's heavenly," Emma whispered as she indulged in the new power.

"You are heavenly," Gabriel whispered as he relaxed against her soft body.

Their hearts pounded against each other as they enjoyed the strange magic. Gabriel continued massaging his cock inside her perfect warmth, fueling the euphoria.

"Mmm, do it more. I can cum again so easily now," she smiled.

He thrust a little faster, and she tensed with pleasure. The orgasm was soft compared to the first one, but it was still just as satisfying. She gasped and tensed as he massaged her through the pleasure. Gabriel gasped a second later and thrust deep as another orgasm rolled through his cock. It was gentle and deeply satisfying as his cum spilled inside her again. He groaned and squeezed Emma tight as the pleasure subsided. She drifted off to sleep a few seconds later, and her light quickly faded.

Gabriel gasped as his clarity returned. He stared at her beautiful face in shock for a moment. When Emma stopped resisting, her power surged and put him at her mercy. She could have commanded him to do anything, and he would have done it. It scared and aroused him. He had never felt powerless before. The ancient field flowers weren't nearly as strong as Emma, and he was suddenly in love with her. He hadn't even tasted her blood yet. She shouldn't have that much power over him. He wondered what kind of connection they would share once her blood was in his system. He wanted to do it that instant, but he was smart enough to wait. He needed to think long and hard about what happened before he gave Emma more power over him.


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